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Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

Hey all. Apologies. I've not forgotten about this; merely my week being absolute bollocks has meant I can only pop in and check things. I'll update tomorrow, though.

Also, I've been thinking, and @Thief of Words , if AC-3 eats a Lagosian, will he get bunny ears? The things that keep me up at night...
Now the not-king must make 5 DN 1 acrobatics tests or be knocked down and reduced to a standard OR a move action per turn. He must pass 5 DN 1 Toughness tests peor start taking freezing damage. He also must also pass 5 DN 4 Perception tests or be stunned for 1d5 rounds (no damage amplification so no fatigue). I assume for balance's sake, stun durations don't stack, and for simplicity's sake I'd suggest the duration just be rolled the once for all the failures to avoid the possible issue of if being best of up to 5.

Although technically I guess it could all be rolled at once as 5 batches of 3 rolls at a time. Has anyone else been able to figure out how Stunning works? I assume it means you can't take actions or pass tests, but I couldn't find any actual confirmation for this.
Sorry about the late replies. I've been having a bit of writing block once again, and @Thief of Words ' gigantic Solar EFF YOU flare attack. i wasn't expecting how brutally overpowering that move was. Oh well. More to come!
Sorry....i built it on the 40k theory of how to hurt enemies: Make them save enough times and eventually they'll fail one of them. <.<
I know I haven't used Maiden's Rebuke, but I built it as a linger lock. There are three riders on it people have to break out of, which should open up the chance for a flurry of blows.
Ah, my apologies. Work has been killing me. Add in my computer acting up, and I had one hectic week. My apologies all round. However, I have a gift of sorts.

A new version of the game is out! You can find it here.
I think it would be prudent, especially considering the skills system was adjusted, so you probably will have more exp to work with.
Ah, well then. Let me take a look, yes?

So I think for the purpose of the Demonic Trait, due to my Z Souls.

I hit Wrath, Greed, and Pride. That seem about right?
SephirothSage said:
.... Well, thats not near as useful for a demon fighting heroes.
Wanna bet? Take each of the Z-Fighters:

Goku: Pride, Gluttony

Vegeta: Pride, Wrath, Envy

Gohan: Pre Cell Saga--Wrath, Post Cell Saga--Sloth

Krillin: Lust (arguable post-marriage), probably Envy

PIccolo: Wrath and/or Envy?

Gotenks: Sloth, Pride

Goten: Sloth, Gluttony

Kid Trunks: Pride, Sloth, Greed?

Future Trunks: Wrath (maybe?), Pride?

Tien: Wrath?

Roshi: SO MUCH LUST, also Sloth and Greed

Yamcha: Lust, Envy, Greed?

Yajirobe: Gluttony
If my two cents are any help, I still think that Merrick would benefit both mechanically, as Thief and Vinom helpfully pointed out, and because Merrick seemed to be empowered by the sins of those around him, so it works thematically, too.

Truth be told, I saw that in my initial look-over and got a big grin, thinking, "Man, this is PERFECT for Merrick."

Actually, you all got some neat new tricks, what with Bioroid upgrades being a thing now, as are Saiyan Hybrids.


Also: weird to think AC3 is now on the same tier as Form 2 Frieza...albeit with waaaay worse stats and abilities.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]Also: weird to think AC3 is now on the same tier as Form 2 Frieza...albeit with waaaay worse stats and abilities.

I don't think you are mate.

Bioandroids are able to use an appendage to either stab an enemy and absorb their essence or envelope them and absorb the target into themselves. In order to do this, the target must be grappled or otherwise incapacitated. As a standard combat action, a bioandroid may spend a fatepoint to attempt to absorb the incapacitated target. If the bioandroid chooses to stab the target and absorb their essence they completely heal their fatigue and increase their health points by the target’s toughness value. They also gain a bonus die in the target’s highest attribute for the remainder of the combat or session. If they absorb a non-android character of significant strength through envelopment, their tier permenantly increases by 1 and they gain a permenant bonus die in the target’s highest attribute. When enveloping a target, the target may contest the absorbtion a number of turns equal to their toughness value as a grapple. If the target successfully escapes, they take 1 fatigue.
I don't know if this one dude qualifies as "a non-android character of significant strength". The fact that you kinda chumped him would sort of display evidence otherwise.
I mean, it's not like Cell was Tier bajillion when he interrupted the Piccolo-Kami-Nale vs. 17 fight. He just had a bunch of bonus dice he leveraged to win against his naturally stronger foes.

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