DB game: Glorious Bastards

That'd probably work for a flaw, but I'm not sure if it'd count being caught by my circle. The bond would force them to not give me away, I think...

The Lightning box is in Oadenol's Codex, but I can't recall the page.

Basically, it's a essence charged box. Lightning strikes it once and charges it. Then the Exalt, at a time of their choosing, feeds the box 1 mote of essence and regains 31 motes. If you're not an air aspect, you also take 15B dice of damage, no armor soak.

Once it's discharged, it attracts lightning from any storm in the area. Which means if I use it, I'd better damn be sure to make sure we're not on a ship when I do because the next storm will recharge it and likely sink the ship.

Since I still have one artifact dot to assign, I'll grab it this evening when I have my books again.
Uhm... Dark Secret would actually do, but what are the other four guys going to think when they see him doing Necromancy?

Not that many of them would have the Occult rating required to distinguish Necromancy from Sorcery (the Realm's suspicion towards Sorcery plays in his favor...)

Anyway, for me it's ok, but remember that you'll be in the hands of the others.

If exposed, according to how solid are the informations against you, you risk losing your Manses, disowned by your House, or even attracting the Hunt, at least on the Blessed Isle.
Yes, you can.

Posting again to make sure you know what will happen if voices should reach the Realm that you are involved in Necromancy;

If exposed, according to how solid are the informations against you, you risk losing your Manses, disowned by your House, or even attracting the Hunt, at least on the Blessed Isle.
If I've got the manse stones, it's going to take them some serious efforts to get them back. Breaking the manse, fixing it, and then waiting a month for the stones to rebuild back at the hearthstone chamber.

I can stand being disowned by the House, although the Wyld Hunt would be an issue. If I wasn't going to be in the West at least.


The lightning box is a bought and paid for 2 dot artifact. I also got a 1 dot breastplate, which is why I need another 1 dot artifact, to make up for the 1 dot I'm missing.
Edit: Misread because I didn't read Lochar's original post, deleted for idiocy :P

I forgot dragon blooded get essentially double artifacts with their background dots.
I don't think anyone here gives a flying fuck about being disowned... :mrgreen:
No, and the idea of losing the manses, while bad, requires the DB back on the Isle to do something they really wouldn't. At least not without bigger push.

Hmm, wonder if I'd lose my connections...
Altering the Heartroom already breaks all the attunements, and may fuck up the Stone.

Do not underestimate the available options.

Your best bet is to pollute the waters, hide truths, misinform, so that no strong case can be built against you.
xarvh said:
About Specialties, Box Pag 274, core manual: "Max three per Ability, but you can purchase the same specialty multiple times".
This means you can only have 3 specialties per ability, but you can purchase the same specialty multiple times. Right? I only have two Sail specialties, and I bought them twice in total through the entirety of character creation.

I guess my wording was ambiguous; even if you pick no artifacts, you get a free one-dot artifact: Pag 103, MEP:DB
Will you accept a Black Jade Compass? From the Exalted Wiki

The Jade Compasses are relatively common items in the Realm, easily reproduced and relatively inexpensive. The Jade Compass is a disc, usually made from gold or platinum, with a small jade needle attached at its center. This needle can be made from any of the elemental jades, or be made from slivers of all five. While the jade used in the creation of a compass must be purer than jade which is used as currency, it does not need to be as pure as jade which is used in the creation of Artifacts.
The needle of a Jade Compass is sensitive to even the smallest flows of elementally-aspected Essence. In the case of a needle made from a single type of jade, the needle will always point towards that type of jade’s Elemental Pole. For instance, a Black Jade Compass will always point towards the Pole of Water, and a Red Jade Compass will always point towards to Pole of Fire.

In the case of a Jade Compass made with a needle of all five types of jade, which is called a Five Coiled Dragons Compass, the needle will point in the direction of the nearest Elemental Pole.

The two most popular types of Jade Compasses are the White Jade Compass, as it always points towards the Realm, and the Five Coiled Dragons Compass. Although they are not needed, it is common practice for a Dragon-Blooded to carry a Jade Compass of her Aspect as a status symbol.

The fact that the Jade Compass does not require Essence makes them popular among mortals that can afford them. Well-to-do patricians carry them as representations of their standing in society. Explorers and ship captains lucky enough to have one are very grateful for the surety they provide.

The Jade Compasses aren’t completely infallible; however. If there is an elementally-aspected manse of the Compass’s type within five miles, it will point towards that, rather than the Pole. In the case of the Five Coiled Dragons Compass, it will point towards any elemental manse within three miles.

Further, if, for some reason, an Exalt does commit a single mote of Essence to the Compass, it will point towards the Exalt, rather than any Pole. This strange side-effect does have rather obvious used. Due to the imperfect nature of the jade used in these items, if any more than one mote is committed, the jade needle will shatter.

Compasses made from a single type of jade have a cost of Resources 3, while the Five Coiled Dragons Compass costs Resources 4. Only Dragon-Blooded and patricians are legally allowed to purchase them, but they are easy enough to find on the black market.
No, you can only have three points of specialties per ability. You can split it between any three types, or three points into one.
Amethyst said:
xarvh said:
About Specialties, Box Pag 274, core manual: "Max three per Ability, but you can purchase the same specialty multiple times".
This means you can only have 3 specialties per ability, but you can purchase the same specialty multiple times. Right? I only have two Sail specialties, and I bought them twice in total through the entirety of character creation.
That would make 4 specializations.

You have to discard one dot.

Ok for Jade Compass.

I like the chars so far, let's see if we get an Earth Aspect and I will request the forum.
*I* liked his concept :P

Anyways, my obvious interest was in the wood aspect or water aspect, but I'll try to drum up a story for a earth aspect and happily bow out if JackSpade returns.

Will being a complete newbie be a large issue?

Because I don't know the dynasts much. And Im still not sure if you have to pay extra for charms outside your elemental aspect for non martial arts charms and so on. (Basically I'm reading the book since this game started)
Aurellian, you are very welcome to join.

DBs pay a 1 mote surcharge whenever they activate a charm that is outside their Aspect abilities.

DBs that know the two specific charms designed to enlighten them can learn Celestial martial arts, but they purchase them at 12PX rather than 10PX.
Name: Memnon Chu

Age: 22

Aspect: Earth

Basic Story

House Memnon has always been a house of dilligent group work. Working together, they've built up slowly but ineroxibly toward being one of the strongest houses on the Blessed Isle and it's a fact they keep mentioning to their exalted children....

And normally, that's it. The children take over the roles they're good at, perform their services in order to make the house grow in power and show a united front against any who oppose.

One crack in the wall was called Chu. It's not that he hated war, it's just that it was so very BORING to have to learn all the history involved with it to get taught what he wanted, how to win. It was also that he wanted to win, whatever the cost.

Matters like his houses urges toward crafting fine pottery or calligraphy in an attempt at art when the whole house was so...dead inside, grated at Chu till he could stand it no longer. Finally one day, Chu just had to do something. Another boring lesson in wartime history (where it was determined his specialty was), and he had to talk back to the Patrician speaking down to him. Tactics? He was exalted, what did this...this...unexalted, non dynast trash know about brute force?

Things ended badly. Even Chu doesn't quite remember what happened.

He had to leave the next day. It was hushed up, and Chu was sent to the Immaculate order, with his family pulling some strings. The Immacute Master of the Earth Style of the Five Dragon martial arts...was not kind. Though finally, someone got through to Chu, and for once, he respected someone other than his father. The training was harsh, and Chu seemed to be doing well enough, but back on the Isle, someone needed some dirt on House Memnon, before their power grew too great to stop them getting back onto the throne. Chu's history was exposed.

His master offered him protection if he gave up his name, but Chu had another idea. He ran back home under pretence of joining with his house for it's traiditional stand together to get through tough times ideal...and then under cover of night found the man who dug up his history and murdered him in a "duel" that was anything but. The Cthak Dragon Blooded was capable but against a Earth Aspect Immaculate who'se only driving passion was brute force winning against all, the more civilized and socially capable Fire Aspect...fell.

If his past was causing him trouble, his present was causing him devastation. His family withdrew their suppourt and worse yet, a message arrived stating that his master would no longer teach him. While he knew enough to learn the rest of the style himself, Chu knew it would take significantly longer...and his rage was great.

Then his master wrote to him once more, a chance for redemption, or at the least, a vaguely honorable death.

Even his family were suppourting of the idea...

A trip to the West.
OK, I'm going to change my second Open Oceans specialty in Sail to a Naval Battles specialty in War.

Does this work?
Amethyst said:
OK, I'm going to change my second Open Oceans specialty in Sail to a Naval Battles specialty in War.
Does this work?


Wait, I'm not sure I follow the story... Is this terrible crime of his just to speak out loud against a boring instructor? oO
xarvh said:
Amethyst said:
OK, I'm going to change my second Open Oceans specialty in Sail to a Naval Battles specialty in War.
Does this work?


Wait, I'm not sure I follow the story... Is this terrible crime of his just to speak out loud against a boring instructor? oO
I was going to fill in a bit more with time (still roughing out story) but I'm thinking more he asked the instructor if he "wanted to take it outside?". The patriarch wouldn't normally agree but its not the kind of thing that would stop the semi self righteous bastard that I'm making this guy (or so he seems in my head). Essentially, he murdered the instructor and maybe some students (non exalted, the exalted take more than being in the vicinity of a murdering freak to die). I'm thinking he followed the instructor and just had a blind rage moment (that his young mind blocked out). I'm thinking most likely he waited a bit, "crafted" some boulders (requested boulders for say statue making and got them moved to where he knew his patrician walked when he went home), and dropped them on said partician yelling about "how are tactics gunna help you now? SHOW ME!".

By the by, I am aging him up from that stage, he was almost normal again from his murderous ways, but he's keeping the compassion 1, brute force if it works approach. I'm semi thinking of adding why his master is willing to be helpful too as he's been given a "gift" that the master kept from a slain anathema and since he's being investigated in conjunction with Chu...he has to get rid of it. (Starmetal Perfected Kata Bracers or something)
Rather than a single episode, you should first define a general attitude.

What is the problem with your PC?

Having a low boredom threshold is not a big deal.

Being stubborn, arrogant and narcissistic is almost part of the Realm upbringing.

A single murder episode towards a mortal is not so bad either, at least for Dynast standards.

While the episode alone may be the last drop, it does not define enough what is the bad attitude of your guy.
BTW, Aurellian, I don't give a shit, if you think you can play him suitably bad, feel free to steal JackSpade's concept word by word and build your sheet from there.
Forum's up.

Karregan, Lochar, Amethyst and Aurethius have been added and can start posting their charsheets and backgrounds.

The two starting scenes will come as soon as we have the fifth.

Missing an Earth aspect then?

Would an overzealous Immaculate Monk be acceptable? Thinking that he was pursuing an Anathema, wanting the glory and fame of slaying one himelf so bad that he utlized less than honorable methods. Laying waste to villages and the lands of some Dyansts when they did not help him as much as he thought they should, rumored to have employed demon summoners for his cause and even bargaining with enemies of the Realm to seek out this Anathema.

I can make the list more harsh and demented as needed, but that should be the general gist there. Obsession over his query to the extent of ignoring consequences for his goal. Actions bad enough to bring shame, but since he was engagd in a hunt he could not just be thrown out of the Order.

Dunno if that works.

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