DB game: Glorious Bastards


Malevolent Entertainer
The huge courtyard of the Palace of Five Fires shines around the five Dynasts at its very centre.

The whole military and everyone that counts is here today.

Mnemon herself organized the event, eager to show how the internal squabbles of the Dynasty can be gracefully handled.


Loud and clear.

Lined up at the Fireward side of the court, the entire Fourth Legion, successfully back from the Yane campaign.

As Mnemon regally walks Airwards towards the centre, ten Warstriders, at the sides, bow before her one after the other.

"Chosen of the Dragons!

Today, five of our finest depart for the very Pole of Water, to reopen the commercial paths with the barbarian nations.

To better testify the glory of the Five Immaculate Dragons and the unity of the Realm in those barbarian lands, they have requested to be bound in spirit and in blood.

I, Mnemon, humble servant of the Scarlet Realm, am honoured to perform the sacred ritual of the Blood Bond, for them to carry their duty in the name of the Empress!"

Mnemon, Empress.

Mnemon, Empress.

Mnemon, Empress.

Repeat enough times, and the Dynasts will start to like the idea.

But a trip wouldn't be that bad after all.

Especially not after what you did.

Too bad that the price for absolution is to be bound to.. Meh. You know the other four.

Shameful bastards.

Cruel, treacherous, unreliable scoundrels.

The worst of the best.

How can you possibly be with them?

Oh, wait...



Your PC is a bad guy: callous, selfish, vicious, ruthless, you decide.

Do your worst, really.

Related to this or not, you have done something to piss off or embarrass your House.

To get rid of you at least for a while, the Realm is sending you, along with other four Dynasts, to reopen the commercial routes with the West.

First scene opens with the Blood Pact Ceremony.

Yes, you are Blood Bonded with the others and expected to resent it.


*) Realm DB or Immaculate build + 50 XP.

*) I want a Perfect Circle.

*) I need a very good reason to allow a build with Compassion higher than 1.

*) You can't buy Backgrounds with XPs.

*) Powerplay and minmax at will, including Merits and Flaws.

*) Can't have much experience of the West.


Game is open, your PCs may grow up (you -can- buy Compassion with XP) or down (going from bad to outright evil).


Bare fist is Speed 3, bare kick is Speed 4

The rest, we play vanilla, any Errata does apply.

Every scene, you can freely reward up to (number of players -2) PX to your

fellow players.

The assignment must be always anonymous (ie, done through the ST) and you

can't assign the PX to yourself.

So, yes, even if you give the PX evenly, you will have to leave out

one of your beloved comrades.

We play dirty and rough.

Post your concepts.

Game will start as soon as I get five characters that I like of five different castes, you are welcome to indicate alternative castes for your character.

Surprise me.
I have to write down the background, but i had some ideas.

Concept: Dragon Warlord

Motivation: Climb the Hierarcgy of the Army

Aspect: Fire

I was thinking about an ex wild hunt general, who tries to reach high grades in the army, without hiding his willing to use it for his personal interests.

Utterly, completely ruthless, he'll do ANYTHING to raise in the military.

For his ambition he has done a wrong move: give support to Mnemon instead of Cathak's leader in order to being noticed by her.

Useless to say Cathak house did not like such a behaviour.
I can send you a character sheet soon. I just need to know if this concept is to your liking.

I assume you want characters from every Aspect since Dragon-Blooded don't have castes.

Name: Peleps Najalin Leiji

Concept: Cruel Naval Commander

Background: Born into the prestigious Najalin household within Great House Peleps, Leiji was groomed from an early age for a career in the Imperial Navy. Once she Exalted in the midst of her teenage years, however, she was subsequently groomed to be a commander in the Imperial Navy. From her family elders and her teachers at the House of Bells, Leiji learned the importance of discipline and competition. Most of all, she developed an obsession with law and order, personified by her hero, the Scarlet Empress. She learned every rule, followed every procedure and never deviated from any assignment handed down to her. When she was assigned command of her own ship shortly after her graduation from the House of Bells, a trireme called the Scourge, she ran it as strictly as possible, making her crew go through countless drills.

Leiji and the Scourge were assigned to the Fire Fleet, based in Noble and responsible for patrolling the southern Inner Sea. While the sailors under her were hoping for warm waters and exotic ports, Leiji was consumed with tackling the drug trafficking problem in the area. With qat, opium and hashish so widespread in the South, it was only natural the even more potent (and more dangerous) drugs would be smuggled between satrapies and even to the Blessed Isle. Leiji spent the next several years doggedly chasing down and then brutally dealing with smugglers – massacring entire crews, dumping whole shipments overboard. Eventually, out of fear, the smugglers became less prevalent – which upset their financiers, including the Guild and House Cynis. Before long, House Peleps – eager to protect its good relations with its important friends – was putting heavy distance between itself and Leiji. Publically, they said she was fanatical and overly single-minded and had failed to learn lessons about restraint. Privately, they said she took her job too seriously, and worried that she might undermine the House’s less savory operations – like piracy.

Hoping to put her ruthless methodology and naval skills to good use, Leiji has been assigned to the special unit appointed to pacify the West and reopen commercial relations with the barbarian nations there. Leiji is less interested in the commercial aspect of it all and is more keen on asserting the Realm’s authority in the West and bringing under control areas where historically the Dragon-Blooded Host has been weak (notably, where the Lintha and the Neverborn hold sway).
Let's see how this turns out.


Ledaal Surmin

Concept: Necromancer Dynast

Background: A son of Catala's household, Surmin shares their nearly overwhelming curiosity towards magic and at one point was a part of the Rings of Ledaal Catala. Of course, that was only until Surmin found out that his aspect was wholly unsuited towards manipulating the mudras of Creation. Instead, his ghost pale aspect pointed Surmin towards the Iron Necromancy.

Surmin left the Rings in search of a tutor, and found one in an Abyssal Exalt. He only learned a few spells of Necromancy before a Wyld Hunt came after his master, and caught Surmin. Realizing the possibilities of turning the Underworld against itself, Surmin was given a choice. Death or join the band of brothers being created to go West. Use the power of Death for life.

Meh. It would be better than dying at the moment. He had a feeling being a ghost wouldn't be nearly as exciting. Mishra had given him a glimpse of the true underworld, and he had no great wish to become soulsteel anytime soon.

When do you want a sheet?
Mnemon Dagav

Concept - A guy that is downright eager to get his hands dirty

Aspect - Earth

Theme - Scissor Sisters - I Can't Decide

Concept - Dagav was a problem child, and (much to his house's shame) he was drummed out of no less than seven individual secondary schools. He ended up being sent to The Palace of the Tamed Storm. His house did not expect him to survive, but he did. He excelled there. Most students do their very best to get the fuck out of the Palace, but Dagav managed to juggle things so that he had a six year stay.

People barely investigated deaths there.

After he got out, he was a model dynast. Polite. Cultured. He married at his house's request. He fathered a pair of brats on her, and pretty much ignored her except for when he couldn't manage that. He had a business to run. People to blackmail. Drugs to sample. Orgies to attend. People to choke to death while screwing them in private. Sorceries to learn and master. Then he made a teeny mistake. His wedding contract required regular... spawn (he dislikes children), and during the act of making them, he kinda accidentally choked his wife to death a little bit. It quite literally took all of his bribes and blackmail and connections to keep from getting killed for that one little indiscretion. So instead, his house has all but cast him to the wolves. Those bastards.
There is not much need to keep your stats secret in this game, so post the sheets here as soon as you have them.

I don't have a set time, we'll just start as soon as I see five (almost) complete sheets that I like.
Name: Cathak Nyusul

Concept: Dragon Warlord

Motivation: Climb the Hierarcgy of the Army

Aspect: Fire

Anima: A wind of burned orange petals obviously surrounded by flames


Some steps echo in the huge palace's room.

A tired but masterful voice starts talking

"And so? Who's the third?"

"Nyusul Cathak"

"Uff, tell me what is known about him"

Young promise of Cathak, his house ever entrust him.

Since he was really young he showed skill and discipline.

Ambition, in those years made him particularly stubborn, he couldn't listen to anyone who tried to make him reason.

Then, his first wrong move.

He addressed directly to Cainan Cathak, demanding to be initiated to celestial martial arts. Everyone who knows him expected such a thing, but not so early.

Plus, his demand was really odd, was his insistence in learning First Age Methods. Nyusul refused to learn weaker styles when he could master rare and more powerful ones.

Cainan Cathak, maybe 'cause he saw the youngster's ambition like something the house can gain benefit from, maybe he wanted only to try out the boy. What is known about, is that he accepted.

The boy was put into the hands of a wise and old Sifu who trained Nysul from dawn to midnight, every day for years. Training consisted in physical training as well, but not only. Most of it was based on history lessons and days spent in meditation.

Nyusul shown his low patient, but then, once the training was completed, Nyusul was really satisfied of it. Nothing was hidden to his eyes, and he could perceive essence flux which was surrounding him. And naturally, he finally gained access to Celestial Styles.

Once he accomplished his studies, he was rapidly sent into the Wild Hunt. He climbed the ranks and became general.

On the other side, probably 'cause many years spent in the academy, with no one else than is Sifu, his socializing skills ever been very insufficient.

Even in wars, while he was an esteemed and appreciated general, did not success, do not even try, to make some friends.

His only friend was his own ambition, and maybe for this, he have done his wrong moves.

"Yes...i remember the assembly quite well. So, we shall send him with the others one."

Appereance: Not very tall, rough-edged, short and brown hair.

When not in ceremonial attire he usually stays bare torso, showing off bulging muscles and brownish skin

Nyusul wear a pair of heavy reddish boots, brown pants and a leather waist, with hanged a strange seven-section staff (reddish, too)


[ ] Strenght-------[X][X][X][X][ ]
[ ] Dexterity------[X][X][X][X][X]
[ ] Stamina -------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]	(4 PX)

[ ] Perception-----[X][X][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] Intelligence---[X][X][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] Wits-----------[X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Charisma-------[X][X][X][X][ ]
[ ] Manipulation---[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] Appearance-----[X][X][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] Linguistics----[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] Occult---------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] Stealth--------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] Thrown---------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] Lore-----------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Awareness-----[X][X][X][ ][ ]
[ ] Craft---------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] Integrity-----[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] Resistance----[X][X][X][ ][ ]
[X] War-----------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[X] Athletics----[X][X][X][ ][ ]
[X] Dodge--------[X][X][X][ ][ ]
[X] Melee--------[X][X][X][ ][ ]
[X] Presence-----[X][X][X][ ][ ]
[X] Socialize----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Bureaucracy---[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] Investigation-[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] Larceny-------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[X] Martial Arts--[X][X][X][X][X] (2BP)
[ ] Sail----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Archery-------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] Medicine------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] Performance---[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] Ride----------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] Survival------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Specialties: (1 BP)
Awareness: Join Battle [X][X][ ]

Background: (6BP)

Manse		[X][X][ ][ ][ ]		Stone Of Resilient Bamboo, jewel of youthful suppleness 
Artifact	[X][X][X][X][ ]		Jade Serpent-Sting Staff, Jade Perfect Kata Bracers 
Artifact	[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]		Jade God Kicking Boot
Breeding	[X][X][X][ ][ ]
Sifu		 [X][X][X][X][ ]
Reputation  [X][X][ ][ ][ ]

Virtues & Essence:

Compassion------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Convinction-----[X][X][X][X][X] (3PB)
Temperance------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Valor-----------[X][X][X][X][ ] (3PB)

WillPower: 9
Essence: 3
Personal:    17/17
Periphearl:  14/33
Commited: 19

PX: 4

Charms: (22 PX)

Tiger-And-Bear Awareness
Tiger-And-Bear Unity
Leaping Mantis Technique
Iron-Arm Block	
Mantis Form
Flying Mantis kick
Grasping Mantis Defense
Crushing Claw Technique	



Soak: 4L/5B
Name			Speed	Accuracy  Damage  Defense   Rate   Range
Boots			  4	  +1	   +9B	    -1	     4	     /
Flames' tongue	  4	  +0	  +11B	    +4       5       /

-0 { }
-1 { }{ }
-2 { }{ }{ }
-4 { }
In { }
Dy { }

I want to call my serpent-sting staff "flames' tongue". weapon's bg coming.
Hey xarvh, I'm working out the kinks on my Air Aspect and I'll have him posted tonight when I get back from work. Expect him in about 10 hours.

I can easily twist my concept over to Wood aspect, since Lochar applied for Air first. Being an Air Caste is in no way binding to my ideas. My character is more Social Combat, Ranged Combat oriented, and though this works best with Air, I can simply modify it.
Name: Ledaal Surmin

Exalt Type and Caste: Air Aspect Dragonblood

Motivation: To learn every spell of the Iron Circle of Necromancy




Strength: â—â—

Dexterity: â—â—

Stamina: â—â—â—

Social :

Charisma: â—â—â—

Manipulation: â—â—â—â—

Appearance: â—â—


Perception: â—â—â—

Intelligence: â—â—â—â—

Wits: â—â—â—


Archery: â—

Martial Arts: â—

Melee: â—â—â—


War: â—


Performance: â—

Presence: â—

[F]Resistance: â—â—



Investigate: â—

[A]Lore: â—â—â—â—â— [2BP]

[F]Medicine: â—â—â—

[A]Occult: â—â—â—â—â— [2BP]

Athletics: â—

Awareness: â—â—

[F]Dodge: â—â—â—â—â— [2BP]


[A]Stealth: â—â—


[A]Linguistics: â—â—â—â—

-Spoken Languages: High Realm (Native), Old Realm, Rivertongue, Flametongue, Low Realm


Sail: â—

Socialize: â—â—


Breeding â—â—â—â—â— [4BP]

Artifact â—â— [Wavecleaver, Jade Bracers]

Artifact â—â— [Lightning Box (Charged)]

Artifact â— [soulsteel Breastplate]

Manse â—â—â— [Jewel of the Flying Heart, Stone of Resilent Bamboo, Crystal of the Frozen North]

Artifacts and Equipment:

Jade Wavecleaver [5 motes] [Jewel and Crystal set]

Speed 4/Acc 9/Dam 11/3 /Def 3/Rate 4

The Wavecleaver that Surmin carries is the last item given to him by his family, their only token effort to allow him to survive his newest calling. Striking splash is a fairly recent creation, made from blue jade for the Ledaal family members who need weapons, the blade has only seen combat a few times before. Therefore the family is not completely worried about possibly losing the blade along with it's current bearer.

Soulsteel Breastplate [4 motes]

Soak +8L/6B Hardness 3L/3B

The breastplate that Surmin wears is nameless, crafted by his prior Mistress of Necromancy, the Abyssal Exalt known to him as Mishal of Black Hearts. Mishal was killed by the Wyld Hunt, the same one that found Surmin at her feet, learning the magics of the Underworld.

Jade Hearthstone Bracers [4 motes] [stone of Bamboo set]

Made by artificers of the Blessed Isle, this pair of Hearthstone Bracers made of white jade have very little about them that make them stand out from others, made in a fashion that tells of patterned creation.


Shadowlands Circle Necromancy

-Bone Puppet Dance

-Shattering Void Mirror

-Raise the Skeletal Horde

-Hungry Creeping Shadow

First Dodge Excellency

Safety among enemies

First Linguistics Excellency

Poisoned Tongue Technique

First Melee Excellency

Join Combat: 5d10


Dodge DV: 6

Parry DV: 3

Soak: 9B/9L


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ] [ ]

-2 [ ] [ ]

-4 [ ]

Incapacitated [ ]

Mental Defenses:

Dodge MDV:

Parry MDV:


Compassion: â—

Conviction: â—â—â—

Temperance: â—â—â—

Valor: â—â—

Virtue Flaw:


+Necromantic spells

Willpower: 6


Permanent: â—â—â— [10BP]

Personal: 0

Peripheral: 31/44

Committed: 13 [5 Wavecleaver/4 Jade Bracers/4 Soulsteel Breastplate]


Beacon of Power [4 points]

Bonus Points:

4 Breeding Background

2 ility

2 Lore Ability

1 Linguistics Ability

10 Essence 3


12 Dodge â—â—â—â— and Dodge â—â—â—â—â—

30 3 Necromancy Spells

8 XP saved
And here's my man! He's in progress, bear with me. :wink:

Cynis Aurethius

Motivation: Dismantle Social / Political / Economic Structures

Concept: Embittered Social Saboteur

Aspect: Wood


Strength - 00
Dexterity - 0000
Stamina - 0

Charisma - 000
Manipulation - 0000
Appearance - 00000

Wits - 00000
Intelligence - 000
Perception – 00


Linguistics - 0000 (High Realm Native, Low Realm, Old Realm, Riverspeak, Skytongue)
Lore - 000
Occult - 00
Stealth – 0
Thrown – 

Awareness – 0000
Craft – 
F Integrity – 00000 (000 Deception)
Resistance – 
War – 000

Athletics – 000
F Dodge – 0000
Melee – 0
F Presence – 0000
Socialize – 000

Bureaucracy – 000
Investigation – 0000 
Larceny – 
Martial Arts – 0
Sail – 

Archery – 00000 (000 Powerbow)
Medicine – 
Performance – 00000 (0 Speeches / Monologues)
Ride – 0
Survival –


Breeding: 00000
Artifact: 000
Manse: 000

Virtues & Essence:

Compassion – 0
Conviction – 000
Temperance – 0000
Valor – 0

Willpower: [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] 

Essence: 000
Personal: 14/14
Peripheral: 33/33


First Linguistics Excellency
Poisoned Tongue Technique
Voice of Mastery
Dragon-Graced Arrow 
First Archery Excellency
Auspicious First Meeting Attitude
Second Integrity Excellency
Second Dodge Excellency


Join Battle: 7
Dodge Value: 6

Soak: 10B/11L    Green Jade Reinforced Breastplate

Green Jade Long Powerbow
Spd 5, Acc 15, Dmg +6L, Rate 3, Range 350

000 Hearthstone Gladestalker's Amulet (on Powerbow)
0 Jewel of the Clever Merchant (+000 Negotiating)
0 Stone of Humble Glory (+0000 Truth)
0 Stone of Quick Thought (+0 Wits)

-0  [ ]
-1  [ ][ ]
-2  [ ][ ][ ]
-4  [ ]
In  [ ]
Dy [ ]

Social Combat

Join Debate: 7
Dodge MDV: 10
I-Parry: 4
Per-Parry: 5
Pre-Parry: 4

Social Sneak Attack: 7

Read Motivation: 6

[u]Investigation Attack[/u]
Spd 5  Dice 7  Rate 2
[u]Presence Attack[/u]
Spd 6  Dice 7  Rate 1
[u]Performance Attack[/u]
Spd 4  Dice 7  Rate 2

+0000 When telling the truth
+000 When negotiating, bargaining, making a deal

[b][u]Intimacies: [/u][/b]
- Intelligent, powerful women

BP/XP Expenditures

spent 4 BP to raise Archery to 5
Spent 4 BP to raise Willpower to 9
Spent 3 BP to raise Performance to 5
Spent 4 BP to raise Manipulation to 4
Spent 1 XP to raise Integrity to 2
Spent 3 XP to raise Integrity to 3
Spent 5 XP to raise Integrity to 4
Spent 7 XP to raise Integrity to 5
Spent 6 XP to raise Linguistics to 4
Spent 2 XP for Integrity (00 Persuasion)
Spent 2 XP for Integrity (00 Deception)
Spent 3 XP for Archery (000 Powerbow)
Spent 1 XP to raise Presence to 2
Spent 3 XP to raise Presence to 3
Spent 5 XP to raise Presence to 4
Spent 6 XP to raise Investigation to 4
Spent 6 XP to raise Awareness to 4

Little Story:

Aaaand here I am. Stuck on some dirt-raking mission with four other misfits who I’ve never met. Feh. Guess they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar as well.

Of course, my hand wasn’t just in the cookie jar… The jar was broken, the cookies scattered around the kitchen, and the baker was dead. Metaphorically.

I had a reason to do it, of course. The true reason wasn’t the one I gave, but I HAD a reason! Just listen to what I said, to the bullshit I came up with:

"Life is not an enemy of chaos or destruction… It is the wet, mewling CHILD of destruction! With the death of an entity, others grow. From the corpse of the reindeer, the pack of wolves feeds. From the fallen tree, the molds and fungi of the forest clusters in a celebration of mulch. Within death, a lovely ballet ensues, so full of form and color, and so many refuse to see it. Within chaos, men lose their occupations and organization crumbles into complete disorder, but from this, the survivors grow strong! The children are raised hungry, yes, but they remember that for the rest of their life, and they are tougher for it. They are stronger.

Now Gentlemen, with this in mind… Can’t you see? I didn’t ruin livelihoods… I encouraged life!

Do you believe that? Beautful. This is how I justify it. Really. The truth is, I just get a sick thrill out of making established norms fall apart. I like the looks of things when everything that SHOULD happens doesn’t. I get a happy little twinge in my lower back every time a friendship is obliterated, a company failed, an entire convoy of slaves lost…

Don’t get me wrong, I genuinely believe what I said that day, but that’s all secondary. Just a side-effect of my own hedonism.

Unsurprisingly, there’s quite a demand for Social Saboteurs like me. Ever since the first two mortals crawled out of the dirt, a conspiracy was hatched to make one stronger than the other. One company wants another to fail… One trade organization wants the customers of the other… One wife wants her husband to die on the front lines… There’s always work, and never do what you’re good at for free.

Except when you’re doing it for fun.

So here I stand, paying for my fun. Next time, I won’t get caught.
Sorry about that, I just had the idea and ran with it. :)

Oh, and xarvh? I used the Artifact rules for DB for the Wavecleaver/bracers, but went with standard rules for the Breastplate and lightning box because I wasn't sure those fell under DB rules. Well, I know the Breastplate wouldn't. It wasn't Jade.
Name: Peleps Najalin Leiji

Concept: Cruel Naval Commander

Player: Amethyst

Motivation: To pacify the West and bring it under Realm dominion.

Aspect: Water

Anima: May breathe and move freely underwater. Suffers no penalties to any action for being underwater and may move full movement rate in all directions. May walk or run across the surface of water as easily as if it were dry land.




[ ] Strength-------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Dexterity-------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Stamina -------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Charisma-------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Manipulation----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Appearance-----[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Perception------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Intelligence-----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Wits------------[X][X][X][X][ ]





[ ] Linguistics--------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ] (LOW REALM)

[ ] Lore----------------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Occult-------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Stealth------------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Thrown-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[X] Awareness------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Craft-------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Integrity--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Resistance-----[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] War-------------[X][X][X][X][ ]


[ ] Athletics----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Dodge-------------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Melee-------------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[X] Presence---------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Socialize----------[X][X][X][ ][ ]


[ ] Bureaucracy------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Investigation-----[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Larceny------------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Martial Arts-------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Sail-----------------[X][X][X][X][ ]


[ ] Archery---------------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Medicine--------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Performance---------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Ride-------------------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Survival--------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] _Sail (Open Oceans)_________ [X][ ][ ]

[ ] _Sail (Pursuit)______________ [X][X][ ]

[ ] _Martial Arts (Fighting Unarmed)_ [X][ ][ ]

[ ] _War (Naval Battles)_ [X][ ][ ]




Flaws and Merits




Command---------------------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

Connections (Military)------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

Manse-------------------------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Resources-----------------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

Retainers----------------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]




Name Cost Page


1. First Awareness Excellency

2. Second Martial Arts Excellency

3. Dragon-Graced Weapon (Melee)

4. Glowing Coal Radiance (Presence)

5. Ox Body Technique (I) (Resistance)

6. Deck-Striding Technique (Sail)

7. Hurricane-Predicting Glance (Sail)

8. Storm-Outrunning Technique (Sail)

9. Second War Excellency







[X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ]




Compassion Conviction

[X][ ][ ][ ][ ] [X][X][X][ ][ ]

Temperance Valor

[X][X][ ][ ][ ] [X][X][X][ ][ ]

{ }{ }{ }{ }{ } { }{ }{ }{ }{ }




~0 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

~1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

~2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

~4 [ ]

Incapacitated [ ]




[X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Personal __9__|__9__

Peripheral __21__|_21___

Committed _________







*Skilled slave (healthy, smart, Craft 3)--------------------------*

*Straight Sword (page 366, Exalted)------------------------------------*

*Reinforced Buff Jacket (page 375, Exalted)----------------------*

*Dripping Stone (Lvl 1 Hearthstone; This drop-shaped, smooth Hearthstone seems to be filled with clear, sparkling water. It’s always wet to the touch. Concentrating upon it, the bearer can make it produce clear, cool water. It takes a few turns to produce enough to sate a full-grown man’s thirst.)----------------------*
















As much as I like the idea of a necromancer DB, in the game I want to run worshipping an Anathema and learning Necromancy is ground for immediate, merciless termination from the Wyld Hunt, likely with a member of House Ledaal in the Hunt to ensure that the body disappears, no connection can be made and no word will ever get out of there to stain the House name.

Bear in mind that Sorcery in the Realm is already barely tolerated and looked upon with extreme suspicion by the Immaculate Order.

A character versed in social graces can probably sell one or two Necromancy spells as especially gruesome forms of Sorcery, but there is no way a Dynast will be spared by the Hunt after being associate to an Anathema of the particularly freaky type.

The artefact rule applies to ALL artefacts, but a Soulsteel item just adds to the above mentioned problem.


Good so far, but the Integrity Specialty is too broadly defined.

I hope your artefact 5 powerbow does NOT have +15 accuracy alone...


You put 4 Specialty dots for Sail, maximum is 3.

Melee does not allow you to fight unarmed.

By manual, you have right to a single 1 dot jade artefact, choose it yourself.

I would suggest you to use the BPs to raise the abilities and the XPs to purchase charms, it's more efficient.
Oh no, the listed powerbow accuracy is all of my dice combined, not the base for the powerbow. That does look bad at first glance, doesn't it? Sorry.

The integrity specialty is rather broad, I narrowed it down to Persuasion and Deception. Mental Influence pretty much defends against anything other than Unnatural mental influence and Fae powers. Persuasion only applies to genuine Persuading social attacks, IE social attacks using Charisma. Deception will apply to social attacks using Manipulation, where the attacker is trying to manipulate and deceive the target.

Neither applies to Unnatural Mental Influence. That would be a different Specialty entirely.

Please let me know if these are still too general. I removed my Performance specialty in Monologues / Speeches to turn a 3 dot specialty into two equal 2-dot specialties.
Bah, you didn't say anything when I posted the concept. Now I've got to rethink the whole thing.

Back to the drawing board. Some sort of sorcerer still though.


And you did say bad. :) So I went bad to the bone.

--Edit again

Question: If I change the backstory out a bit, drop the soulsteel, and say he's never used any necromancy spell but bone puppet and Hungry Creeping, can I keep the necromancer?
@Aurethius: Specialization approved.

Remove the + in front of the 15 if it's the full attack stat.

You have right to two artifact 5.

Do you know already the complete powers of the bow?

@Lochar: yes, you can keep him.

You can also keep the Soulsteel (it can be para-legally purchased within the Realm) as long as you give me a pretty good damn reason that your character managed:

1. to learn all those spells.

2. to avoid the attentions of the Immaculate Order.

Bear in mind that, while not strictly illegal per se, exposing yourself as a necromancer will give considerable leverage on you to your buddies.

Cover your ass consequently.
xarvh said:
You put 4 Specialty dots for Sail, maximum is 3.

Melee does not allow you to fight unarmed.

By manual, you have right to a single 1 dot jade artefact, choose it yourself.

I would suggest you to use the BPs to raise the abilities and the XPs to purchase charms, it's more efficient.
1. No, I bought 2 specialties for the price of 1 by using 1 BP. So that gave me one dot each in Open Oceans and Pursuit. I then used XP to raise both of those specialties by one, leaving me with two in each. :)

I changed the Fighting Unarmed Specialty to Martial Arts, like in the XP purchases. :)

By "manual" do you mean the Dragon-Blooded book? If so, where in character creation does it say that? I was sure to include all the necessary dots in Abilities for a Dynast, as well as for a graduate of the House of Bells.

Thanks for the advice, but otherwise I am pretty happy with how my character is. :)

About Specialties, Box Pag 274, core manual: "Max three per Ability, but you can purchase the same specialty multiple times".

I guess my wording was ambiguous; even if you pick no artifacts, you get a free one-dot artifact: Pag 103, MEP:DB
I'm away from my books at the moment. How many bonus points does it cost to get 2 points in background? 1 to 1, if I remember right? Get Connections (Immaculate Order) of 2 to use them to deflect questions about my abilities.

New backstory idea: Surmin is a failed attempt at breeding by the Ledaal family a powerful Dragonblood. He's a failed attempt because of the Beacon of Power, they were looking for a Dragonblood with basically the opposite ability.

Surmin found his way into Necromancy basically on his own, while using the family connections with the Immaculate Order to look through artifacts taken from the Anathema they'd killed. The Soulsteel breastplate called out to him, and he thought he could almost hear the souls of the dead that were melded into the metal.

As for how he learned the spells, he went through the five ordeals for Sorcery, and instead managed to walk himself through the steps for Necromancy instead since he couldn't find a resonance with the energy of Creation. During that time, he used the time of the station of journey to track down stories of powerful necromancers, and he listened to stories of their powers. Slowly over time he's built the spells himself, or forced a necromancer to teach him before he killed them.

As for his reason to be sent away, he tested Hungry Creeping on the wrong person. How was he supposed to remember who was the third son of the second in line of the Catala house? He hadn't been back there for almost three years.

Backgrounds up to 3 dots cost 1 BP.

The Fourth and Fifth dot cost 2 BPs.

I see that you have already Lore 5, so with Connections:Immaculate Order at 4 dots you can do the trick.

JackSpade, are you still with us?
Connections Immaculate 4? Hmm, that's 5 BP I need to come up with. I can swap out getting Linguistics 4 to using XP, and then find 4 points in flaws.

Need access to books.

You assigned so far only 10 background dots out of 12, and have still one artifact dot to assign, so you need only 3BPs.

Can you give me manual and page for the lightning box?

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