[DB/Fae Recruitment Closed] In the service of the senate...

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Ze Hamster of Lurkdom

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Once upon a time, all stories start that way, yes?

Once upon a time, it is said that things were different. But than that was long ago. Two millenia ago.

It is said that Creation was vastly different. That there existed a ghostly realm where the dead would linger on. That the gates to the heavenly Realm of Yu-Shan were not sealed.

Nor is the Realm not beset by enemies all around. From the barbaric hordes led by anathema warlords in the threshold. Back then, the anathema were an issue contained by the Wyld Hunt, but those days are long gone. To the Fallen Empress dwells amongst the Lintha, birthing unholy abominations from couplings with demons and other assorted beings best not mentioned to create once more an army to conquer the Realm.

Nearly two thousand years ago, things changed. When the Fallen Empress returned at the head of a demonic army. The collective might of the Dragonblooded Realm faltered that day, and even Heaven itself sealed its gates to protect itself.

In the darkest hour, a number of the Houses of the Old Realm forged secret alliances with assorted Fae courts. Assurances were made, and the demonic hordes of the Fallen Empress were destroyed and scattered to the five poles.

Since then, the raksha who fought with the dragonblooded were made welcome in the Blessed Isle. The Realm was born anew that day, one where no single being held power like the old empress. Now, the power of rulership lies amongst the bureaucrats and the senate, where checks and balances keep things in balance.

There is still an empress, one of direct lineage from the Fallen, she is however a symbolic figurehead who spends her days praying to the Elemental Dragons, the assorted gods, as well as leading daily prayers for the faith of the Ten Thousand Lords.

It is the year 199x PC (post change), you are a select and very elite coterie of raksha nobles and/or dragonblooded nobles commissioned to the service of the Realm. You answer only to the chancellor of the senate, or the senate in the event of his dismissal, or worse, incapacitation.

And on this day, you and your coterie have been summoned for a mission...


So I must surely be crazy as the gods to even do this... but what the malfeas.

I will run ze crazy game idea... "In the service of the senate" that so many people have voted cake and tea for.

I am accepting 2-3 applications. This is mainly due to 2 people who've already got invites to the game. You should also still post in this thread.

What I require is a post with a concept idea/imagery/theme/etc for your character before you start doing up stats and posting them. This is key.

Characters must be able to interact with each other and non-player characters. You can be sociopathic or psychotic all you want, but you still need to be able to interact or give the appearance of doing so.

You have 2 choices for character types. Raksha noble from the realm, or Dragonblooded noble, also from the realm.

Characters do not need to know each other beyond being assembled in the coterie, you may have been in different rings or brotherhoods or coteries before. Or you finally got picked to become one of the heroes of the Senate.

Please do not go superheavy on the allies background as they will not be in the coterie nor be able to help much with various missions directly. ie do not expect a cloud of NPCs to travel about with the group. YOU are the elite selected, not them. Followers/minions/henchmen/retinue are allowed, just don't abuse those backgrounds.



non-fluff bits

- it's been almost two thousand years since the Empress returned and got booted off the Blessed Isle.

- the raksha allied with the dragonblooded in the realm are called "mountain folk".

- there are no true mountain folk in the underdark, there are however ALOT of statues down there

- Along with horrible monstrosities, who'll cheerfully eat your faces off.

- the underworld has vanished some time ago, the Neverborn are truly dead.

- this has repercussions in the form of the surviving Deathlords being truly weakened

- shadowlands do not exist

- Allegedly, nearly eighteen hundred years ago, the Infernals did BAD things to the Yozi Princes and then left...

- No one knows WHERE they are. But boy are some of those UnShaped in the Wyld pissed off.....

- there are various cities/states and such in the threshold ruled by anathema, spirits and so on

- over 50% of the manses in the realm have been converted to demanses/freeholds

- dragonblooded "groups" are brotherhoods, raksha "groups" are rings, mixed "groups" are coteries.

- Also, this is house rule country, as the above and below bits demonstrate. If you're not sure about something's status as canonality, please ASK.

- I should also note for various effects that matter, the Realm Defense Grid is quite down.

mechanical bits for fey nobles

- you get 200 xp, and a heart grace of 4, other graces equal your virtues

- birth background starts at 4.

- you automatically get 1 dot of freehold or 1 dot of manse/hearthstone

- you also can get cult background above 2 dots

- the artifact background gives triple its level in artifacts, with a maximum artifact level equal to its level. ie artifact 2 gets you 6 dots of artifacts that you can get in a combination of level 2s and 1s.

- essence pool calculation is equal to (Essence + Heart grace) x 10.

- Motes used for assumption charms are NOT committed, but are spent.

- birth 0 provides 1 free assumption charm, also raksha start with 8 charms + 1 assumption charm, as noted in the book, which means that yes... all raksha by default gets 2 assumption charms for free to start.

mechanical bits for DB nobles

- you get 200 xp, and 4 graces equal to your virtues, you do not have a heart grace but get a simulation of one at rating 2

- you start with essence 3

- you start with 10 charms, 5 of which must be aspect or favored

- if you go with celestial martial arts, you get 5 CMA charms and 2 initiation charms

- each dot of breeding gets you 2 "breeding" mutation points that can be used for positive mutations in any combination. ie breeding 3 gets you 6 mutation points that you can get an abomination mutation with. Any negative side effects of the mutations are ignored.

- the artifact background gives triple its level in artifacts, with a maximum artifact level equal to its level. ie artifact 2 gets you 6 dots of artifacts that you can get in a combination of level 2s and 1s.

- you may purchase gossamer (normal, good, exceptional, or perfect quality) items as 1 dot artifacts each

- gossamer background is available as a resource background replacement, as are adjuration oaths and oneirmancy spells for artifacts

- you also can get cult background above 2 dots

- manse backgrounds have taken a hit and are as per core book rating of 1 for 1

- freehold backgrounds are available, but do not provide pennants or cysts.

- it should be noted that "Thousand Correct Actions for the Upright Soldier" is essential for DB characters.

- magitech artifacts are also available if desired.

On martial arts and the IO

- fey nobles can learn martial art styles like a dragonblooded after getting a certain root of the lotus mutation. This includes celestial styles just like a dragonblooded.

- the Immaculate Order no longer exists, revelations that it was controlled by anathema has caused this order to fall.

- The Faith of the Ten Thousand Lords has replaced it, venerating the dragonblooded of the realm and the "mountain folk" as a whole.

- the five immaculate dragon styles are now known as the five elemental dragon styles and are accessible to those who wish to learn in various dojos, along with various celestial martial art styles (virtually any style that you can justify learning and isn't broken).

On perfect effects in fae charms

- charms like imposition of law, curse of definition, abiding gift and so forth that provide perfect effects, work with static values if applicable.

- they also provide 2 successes or +2 DV if countered with a charm or stunt instead of working perfectly.

On tainted creature command

- The last line "Furthermore, all Exalted are completely immune to this Charm, as are all Creation-born Essence-wielders of any sort." is no longer applicable. Do note that this charm works exactly otherwise as written.

On custom charms

- I have no problems with people coming up with custom charms. See below. :lol:

Invincible Fortress of (Shaping Trait)

Cost : 1g

Mins : Heart 4, Essence 2

Type : Simple

Keywords : Glamour, Mutation

Duration : Assumption or Story

Prerequisite Charms : Unassailable Tower of (Shaping Trait)

The great unshaped know that there are beings from the great machine abomination called Creation who can resist their charms and fictions. This charm permits a Raksha (shaped and unshaped) to bolster the intergrity of their charms and fictions by adding their (essence trait) to their (shaping trait) to determine if glamour resistence works.

This charm may be purchased multiple times. Each time, it applies to a different shaping trait, typically an attribute or ability. If the raksha uses this charm to boost a particular shaping trait, then the increase applies to all works of glamour for which that trait determines Glamour Resistance for the duration of the story.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

As I said before, OH GOD YES!

I have thought up a couple concepts already. One would basically amount to Fae-Desus, but it would be so much more that is just the base terms.

Then there was a knight of the Senate, wholly devoted to keeping the piece "In the name of the Senate my Lance shall pierce your heart and send you back to whence you came!" I see him at the end with wings spanning a ridiculous amount as he unnecessarily rides a giant whale with a ridiculously long lance, charging to dispatch some mighty behemoth/anethama in shining armor.

and more are coming. I am currently trying to think of a way I like to fit in the classic trickster fae into realm society.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Oh yay, oh yay! (Edited Jun 4, 2010)

Basic Concept:

She who slashes with sword and song defeating her foes and inspiring her allies, Xystrisae, Azure River of Sword and Song.

The Azure River of Sword and Song has long since desired to be accepted by Creation, to sing of its wonder and beauty, to protect the short yet wonderful lives of its mortal populace, whose lives can be forged in wonderful song. Her emanations were quite distraught, how could one want to live upon the stable and unmutable shores of Creation, but the more the Church of Balor hounded the great Unshaped to add her strength to theirs the more the Azure River of Sword and Song desired to go against it. And then the discarded and defeated Primoridals played a dirty trick against their former Creation. The Azure River of Sword and Song had long disliked the Primordial, it was bad enough that Lovely Creation replaced the interest of millions of Raksha, but now they sought to regain their power and make miserble all Raksha and Creation. So it was without much effort that the desperate Dragonblooded pleas to the Wyld reached the Azure River of Sword and Song. Like others she entered Creation taking shape and bringing Wyld power and her panoply of wyld artifacts to bear against the Fallen Empress and the other minions of the Primoridals. It was sad, a tragedy, Xytrisae, Azure River of Sword and Song, declared when she learned of the Fallen Empress, a woman of Creation whose story and song would have been great. Many close calls have sought to end the Melodies of Xytrisae, many songs have been born and now after the defeat of the hated Primordial and their minions she resides at the behest of the Senate, now accepted and protecting her sources of inspiration. After all Creation like the Wyld are full of beings looking to take what the strong have and she is sure the Church of Balor is not at all pleased with this agreement.

Character Name: Xytrisae, The Azure River of Sword and Song

Concept: Self Proclaimed Heroine of Creation

Caste: Ornamental (Entertainer/Worker)

Motivation: To protect the Stable lands and its creativity from the Balorian Church and Castdown hateful Primordials

Intimacies: The Creation Born (Motherly Protection), Fast Music (Powerful Enjoyment), Postive Emotions (Tastier)

XP 1/200


Xytrisae is a shapely half human looking creature about five feet three in height, her serpentine half runs from her shapely waist and goes nearly another three feet on its own. Her scales are a shimmering black with dark rainbow of colors. Her complexion is a light mocha, a dark red tattoo runs from her left arm to curl around her abnormally large breasts. She has bright green eyes, and long shimmering black hair that falls in waves behind her, some strands sometimes curl around her slender arms. Her upper body is covered lightly in hardly much that could be seen as adding to her defense, but the light red metallic armor cups her breasts looking like a pair of clawed hands, and going down to her midriff allowing her navel to glitter with a ruby gem inset there. Dangling from her neck is a locket in the shape of a heart, inlaid with gold. So far its closed... for a reason. A red metalic sword hangs on her waist, attached only to a slender and fragile looking golden chain. Against her back lying horizontal is a gracefully made red spear, while a tiara sits upon her head, and a red curved cuplike object dangles from the chain, opposite her sword. These items are her Graces in physical form, and she will defend them as best as she can.



Strength: •••••

Dexterity: ••••• ••

Stamina: ••••


Charisma: •••••

Manipulation: ••••• ••

Appearance: ••••• ••


Perception: ••••

Intelligence: •••••

Wits: ••••



Linguistics •••

-Old Realm

--Low Realm, High Realm, Firetongue

Occult •

Ride •

Socialize •






•Performance ••••• • ©

•Stealth ••• ©


Archery •••

Martial Arts

•Melee ••••• (F)

Presence •••••

•War •• (F)



•Craft ••• © -Glamour, Fire, Air

•Integrity ••• ©

•Lore •• ©




Awareness ••

•Dodge ••••• • (F)

Sail ••



Birth ••••• -The former passionate Unshaped Azure River reduced herself to a singular Shaped to defeat those that were the first to slight her.

Freehold ••• - Magnificent Crystal Palace of Fire and Air. (Description in the works)

Artifact ••••• -Xytrisae's Panoply of fancy and wondrous items (See equipment section)

Style ••• -Xytrisae's extra special 'style' grants her a foot hold in shaping Creation's Reality.

Gossamer ••••• -Xytrisae's Stash of the 'Good stuff'

Retinue ••• -Those that maintain her artifacts and behemoths. They usually laze off upon the Artifact Waypoint Complex: Shining Melody Visage of Swords or the Freehold: Magnificent Crystal Palace of Fire and Air



2nd Sword Excellency

Unassailable Tower of Performance

1st Heart Excellency



Assumption of Bestial Visage | 10m 1g | pg 157 (Free)

(Anaconda, 4 points of Mutations)

Assumption of Dreams and Passion | 10m 1g | pg 157 (Free)



Bastion of the Self (Sword) | 10m 1wp 4g Reflexive | GWM pg 168


Heart-Cutting Style | 1m 1g Supplemental/Instant or Assumption | GWM pg 173

Heart Stealing Kiss | 3m 1wp 1g, Reflexive/Instant | GWM pg 178


Beguilement | 5m, 3g, Supplemental/Instant or Assumption | GWM pg 206


Ox body Technique | Permanent -2x1 | GWM pg 191

Ordinary Object Conjuration | 1g Simple/Permanent | GWM pg 191

Essence Forging Art | 3m 0g Simple/Permanent | GWM pg 193

Gossamer-Forging Art | 5m 1+g Simple/Permanent | GWM pg 193


Host-Summoning Glory of Command | 1m Reflexive/Instant | GWM 211

Transient Work of Flesh and Bone | 6m 1g, Simple | GWM pg 212

Radiance of the Invincible Warrior | 2m Reflexive/Instant | GWM 212

Waypoint-Sealing Technique | 3m 1wp 0g Reflexive/Instant | GWM 213

All-Inclusive Nightmare Defense | 3m 0g Simple/Instant | GWM 213 (3m)


Abomination: Serpent's Body | 15m 6g, 1 Day/Assumption | GWM pg 215


Hiding the Wyld's Touch | 10m 1wp 4g Reflexive/Assumption | GWM 216 (Set as a Permanent)


Ravishing the Created Form | 1wp Simple/Instant | GWM pg 176

Banquet of Crumbs | 0g Simple, Instant | GWM pg 178

Essence-Forging Art | 3m, Simple/Permanent | GWM pg 193

Awakened Dream Manufacture | 3m Simple/Permanent | GWM pg 199

Forging the Cup | 10m 1g Simple/Instant | GWM pg 201 (Created Graces for others start at •)

Forging the Ring | 10m 1g Simple/Instant | GWM pg 201

Forging the Staff | 10m 1g Simple/Instant | GWM pg 201

Forging the Sword | 10m 1g Simple/Instant | GWM pg 201

Forging the Heart | 15m, 1g Simple/Instant | GWM pg 201 (Cannot forge for Creation Born)

Gaping Virtue Mouth | 20m 1g Simple/Instant | GWM pg 202

Ecstatic Reproduction Style | 20m 1g Simple/Instant | GWM pg 203

Assumption/Shape (Total 16g)

Assumption of Bestial Visage 1g

Assumption of Dreams and Passion 1g

Serpent's Body 6g

Heart-Cutting Style 1g (5m) (Wits + Essence Resistance vs Appearance)

Beguilement 3g (10m 1wp) (Wits + Essence OR Willpower vs Charisma)

Ox Body Tech 0g

Way-Point Sealing Tech 0g (3m 1wp) (Valor + Essence vs Dexterity)

All-Inclusive Nightmare Def 0g (3m)

Hiding the Wyld’s Touch 4g (Permanent Mutationed for 4mps)


Heart: ••••

Compassion: ••• (Feeding)

Cup: •••

Conviction: •••

Staff: •••

Temperance: •••

Ring: ••• (Feeding)

Valor: •••

Sword: •••

Willpower and Essence:

Willpower: ••••• •

Essence: ••••

Personal: 80

Peripheral: 80

Lure: Refusing a Properly Phrased Request for Aid


••••• Artifact Waypoint Complex: Shining Melody Visage of Swords (This flying fortress is shaped in a strange crystalline sword, four other smaller crystalline sword shaped items orbit around the heart of the complex which is crystalline globe. The tips usually, sometimes, point forward.

•••• Behemoth: Aegis Stinger (Also the most resplendent wonderful Riding mount ever! ^^)

-Armor (22L/22B)

-Weapons (Claws- S:5 A:+3 D:+15/4 DV:+0 R:2)

-Mutations Spider Legs, Giant (+3 Str/Sta 0,1,2 HLx1), Scorpion Tail, Thick Skin 2L/2B soak, Glorious Hero Form +1Str/Sta)

-Sword Shaping Stats S:5 A:+2 D:+16 DV:-1 R:1 (Piercing)

••• Shaping Armor (Soak 8 -1/1 M/F- So:10L/9B H:8L/B -1/1 M/F) Attune 4m

•• Hundred Colored Shaping Lens (Ring Shaping: S:6 A:+2 D:+3 Dv-6 R:2 Range:10)-(S:6 A:+2 (per+awa) D:10B Piercing Range:100) Attune 6m

• Resonate Chorus Bow (Ring Shaping: S:6 A:+2 D:+15 Dv-6 R:1 Range:6)-(S:6 A:+2 D:+2 R:2 Range:250) Attune 3m

Aegis Arc (Gossamer Crescent-Shaped Great Sword) -(S:6 A:+3 D:+9L/2 D:1 R:2)-

Shimmering Strand (Gossamer Whip) -(S:5 A:+2 D:+3B D:2 R:2)-

Gossamer Perfect Harp (its so pretty and sounds nice too)

Shaping Combat

Cup (Compassion)

Soak: 21

Health: 6


Cup Entanglement -(S:6 A:13 D:0 DV:- R:1)-

Miliue -(S:5 A:14 D:0 DV:8 R:3)-

Staff (Conviction)

Soak: 21

Health: 6


Staff Entanglement -(S:6 A:7 D:0 DV:- R:1)-

Society -(S:5 A:9 D:0 DV:5 R:3)-

Ring (Temperance)

Soak: 18

Health: 6


Raw Will -(S:5 A:8 D:0 DV:1 R:2)-

Hundred Colored Shaping Lens -(S:6 A:10 D:7 DV:1 R:2 Range:10)-

Resonate Chorus Bow -(S:6 A:10 D:19 DV:1 R:1 Range:6)

Sword (Valor)

Soak: 18

Health: 6


Sword Entanglement -(S:6 A:11 D:0 DV:- R:1)-

Personal Prowess -(S:5 A:13 D:7 DV:6 R:3)-

Aegis Stinger -(S:5 A:14 D:21 DV:6 R:1)-

Heart DV 6

Join Shaping Combat: 6


Aegis Arc (Gossamer Crescent-Shaped Great Sword) -(S:6 A:15 D:+14L/2 D:7 R:2)- 2,O,R

Shimmering Strand (Gossamer Whip) -(S:5 A:14 D:8B D:7 R:2)- D,R

Resonate Chorus Bow -(S:6 A:12 D:7L R:2 Range:250)-

Clinch (S:6 A:7 D:5B R:1) C,N,P

Kick (S:5 A:7 D:8B PDV:3 R:2) N

Punch (S:5 A:8 D:5B PDV:5 R:3) N

Join Battle 6


Social Attacks/Defenses

Investigation -(S:5 A:5/7 MPDV:3/4 R:2)-

Performance -(S:6 A:11/13 MPDV:6/7 R:1)-

Presence -(S:4 A:10/12 MPDV:5/6 R:2)-

Join Debate 6


Natural Soak

Bash: 4 Lethal: 2


Bash: 14 Lethal: 11 Aggravated: 9


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ] [ ]

-2 [ ] [ ] [ ]

-4 [ ]

I [ ]

D [ ] [ ]

Bonus Points

04 Artifact ••• > •••••

04 Gossamer ••• > •••••

03 Valor •• > •••

02 Performance •••• > ••••• •

02 Presence •• > •••

Experience Points199 spent

09 Retinue 0 > •••

40 Essence •• > ••••

06 Linguistics •• > ••• (Firetongue)

08 Melee •••• > •••••

12 Archery 0 > •••

10 Dodge ••••• > ••••• •

21 Presence ••• > •••••

06 Conviction •• > •••

03 Ride 0 > •

06 Charm:Oneiromantic Conjuration

06 Charm:Gladdening Visage

06 Charm:Heaven Rains Wisdom

06 Charm:Waypoint-Sealing Technique

06 Charm:All-Inclusive Nightmare Defense

06 Charm:Hiding the Wyld's Touch

06 Charm:Unassailable Heart Excellency

06 Charm:1st Heart Excellency

06 Charm:Beguilment

06 Charm:Bastion of Self (Heart)

06 Charm:Host-Summoning Glory of Command

06 Charm:Transient Work of Flesh and Bone

06 Charm:Radiance of the Invincible Warrior

06 Freehold • > •••

Background (A rather more fleshed out set of ideas that I've had for this particular Raksha... its ...uh quite long xD )

The Deepest Wyld, Pure Chaos has birthed things of nightmare and madness, for only the Pure Chaos could have brought forth beings willing to bring immutable stability upon the wyld, only pure chaos would bring beings forth to force time and banish Time-Not, and only Pure Chaos would bring forth the Azure River of Sword and Song, while at the same time swarming the wyld with Chaos and nightmare. A tale is told (usually after a sharp and melodic defeat of a particular Ring of Raksha by the Azure River) of the Azure River of Sword and Song and her tryst with the Primordials during Time Not. For lo, the Azure River came upon the cunning and cruel Primordials, they who defeat even the great Chaos Lords, and to they she inquired of their reason for their gathering. It has been long said to the Chaos Lords and various Raksha that none approach the Primordials unless they seek to destroy them, for they are an abomination to all of the Wyld, but the Azure River of Sword and Song was not concerned and curiosity drives the Azure River. The Shadow of All Things whispered to her, as he did in those days, and informed her that they were to create something so wonderful that all of the Wyld would forever speak off, all they needed was someone to keep the other Chaos Lords and Raksha away. For her troubles the Shadow promised her a place in this creation. And so the Azure River distracted those who sought to steal from the Primordials, encircling the place with her River, and protecting it with her countless Swords, sadly her song would have to be silenced so not to distract the powerful and busy Primordials.

It was her Staff Emanation who brought the others together to discuss these state of affairs. This was suspicious, for all Chaos Lords and Raksha were cast away from the Primordials’ sight, some being erased from the Wyld permanently. The Emanations of the Azure River debated and talked but little did the Heart Listen for curiosity drove the Azure River, what songs will the Primoridals’ work bring to the Wyld. The timelessness of Time-Not moved if it could have been perceived as such and then suddenly Time Not was dispelled and a wave of Time’s touch rippled through the Wyld. The Azure River almost perished as Creation began to form around her, like others trapped in the expanding stability she was drawn in. But her Sword Emanation powerful and valorous and the Ring Emanation quick and creative opened a waypoint breakthrough and they quickly escaped leaving a Wyld storm in their wake. Still it was short lived the power of Stability squelching and eliminating the Chaos a Chaos Lord leaves in her wake.

Feeling quite betrayed as well the powerful sting from their Creation the Azure River of Sword and Song sulked and hated. The Primordials designed their Creation to destroy the Raksha and deny the Chaos Lords. She lashed at many Raksha and punished many who spoke of the hated Primordials and their cursed Creation. Hurt as she was over the betrayals that she would keep others away, sadly that mattered little, Creation was a new contention point for the Raksha who spare little time to toy with new and challenging things. And so the Azure River remained sullen and angry. This was not to last. No, the Primordials’ creations were not happy with their hated creators and rose up. It is said that the first rumble brought the Azure River to Creation’s Edge to watch the destruction of her hated enemies. In glee she watched the fascinating humans as they tore asunder things seemingly greater than they. She watched and shivered with joy as one of the surprised Primordials fell his very being unraveling as the golden shining human tore it asunder. And the Azure River rejoiced. That was until the ripple of Oblivion formed and washed over her. The Azure River has felt fear before, and it’s a bitter sensation, she had not thought that she would feel it again, but here it was and she knew something bad had occurred. She knew not at the time what it was, but she fled Creation’s rim swearing never to near the tainted thing. But like all Raksha, Creation draws them to it, a challenge waiting to be unraveled, but to the Azure River, it was a taunt. What if that ripple of cold lack of potential was released in the Wyld, would all of Potential disappear, would the Raksha and their way of existence fade, forgotten, lost?

She did then go to Creation, to learn, and learn she did, but not as others had. The Azure River of Sword and Song is a strange being to the Creation-Born, something to fear and seek to destroy, but there was one human who turned this idea on its head. A young woman came to wash her clothes in the waters of the Azure River for the water of the River is pure, and the melodies that she sings soothes and inspire the lives of humans. The Azure River’s Sword Emanation sought to end the woman as it is the purview of the Sword to end threats to the Azure River, but the Heart held them back watching and waiting. The woman thanked the Azure River and the sensations the woman felt, strength and peace were good and wonderful to feel from the human. The Azure River retreated for a time to consider the meaning of what she had learned. Time though in the time after Time-Not doesn’t wait for any one being and the rumblings in the Wyld told the great unshaped that war was about to happen.

The Azure River learned that the golden humans had been disposed and Creation was less for it, but that meant that the Raksha could now enter Creation safely. The Azure River listened and watched as being so like them and yet not like them approached and the Azure River felt the taint of Oblivion upon it and she shrank away. The being offered the Rakasha Creation to do with as they pleased for nothing and then returned to Creation. Suspicious of its intent the Azure River turned her gaze once more upon Creation. At this time, the stories say that Balor himself turned to the Azure River of Sword and Song and desired her sharpest of swords and harshest of songs to wash Creation from the Wyld. The fiery passion in that great personage would have turned any to his cause, were it not for others, but even so he had turned it to Azure River whose actions against Creation were light at best. The Azure River refused and refuted, with no Creation the Wyld would be destroyed she believed. This did not deter Balor and his minions. For every time he pushed, threatened and sought to bind by oath, the more the Azure River’s Emanation turned from his cause. The Heart already was torn between the wound Creation had dealt the Azure River, the Staff Remembered the Primordial’s cold use of her abilities, the Ring recalled all they had witnessed of Creation, the beings there that created and built with a fevor unknown to many Raksha who created things effortlessly, the Sword would be the last to turn, angry and desiring revenge against all that have slighted the Azure River, Creation and the Primoridals were at fault. But the more Balor pushed the more the Sword turned her anger against him. And so the Azure River went to Creation collapsing herself into a single form, reducing her might and power, becoming shaped, become like they who sought to destroy Creation, and she named herself, Xytrisae, hovering over was her Sword, the Shining Melody Visage of Swords, a beautiful crafted object that her Sword Emanation before commanded against threats, and to her side was the behemoth Aegis Stinger, a Scorpion-like creature that dwarfed small villages, a creature that her Ring had vexed away from another Chaos Lord.

Her coming to Creation was met with horror. There was no potential here, there was no life. The dreams and emotions of all of Creation was… gone and then she knew, the being that had approached the Raksha had merely wanted Oblivion to swallow all of the Raksha and destroy their potential too. She turned then as Balor and Ishiiki stormed into Creation the flood of Raksha swallowing sections of Creation. She then noticed not all was lost, there were humans, their weakened potential struggling to be brighter than that of the powerful Balor. With the battle lines drawn and heroics and villainy working in the scenes, a heroine needed to come to the aid of Creation, and so she with her Sword she attacked the armies of Prince Balor who even in his determination and cruelty was beautiful to behold.

Xytrisae, the former Azure River weaved through the battle, her form stunning both mortal and Raksha alike. She cut down minions and battled fellow Raksha Noble’s, but her beauty and style was much to behold and they fell before her. But when she gracefully struck at the powerful Balor she was cast aside, his countenance wonderful and horrible to behold. He laughed at her taunted her and placed Isiiki against her skin. For the third time in her existence she had felt terror, how she felt so unreal against the Prince’s powerful and determined gaze. The heroine of this story was doomed to being rendered unmade, but then something happened and the Prince turned his attention to the Twin Sisters who turned his attention away. Xytrisae escaped, taking herself to the Shining Melody Visage of Swords and retreating towards the Wyld. And assuredly her timing could not have been better, destruction swept through Creation, its nasty sting of calcification once again hunting her down. It chased her like a wolf does its prey and then it struck her.

Xytrisae, the former Azure River of Swords and Song, found herself saved. An island of Wyld infused Essence of Creation protected her. She found that the Raksha of the Balorian Crusade were defeated, the Prince destroyed, and the others of his Ring missing, destroyed or scattered to the Wyld. With some help she created her Freehold here, among the Southern sands hiding it with a mirage that would keep mortals away, though she found it to be perfectly placed what with the extremely hot Pole of Fire so close.

But the story doesn’t end. No. It is said that the Primordials brought Xytrisae back into the spotlight, after centuries of being silent, entertaining her fellow Nobles in the Magnificent Crystal Palace of Fire and Air that floats above sand dunes. It is there the Song of former Azure River reverberates, bringing emotion to those she has decided to let lead. She was pleased that she had a purpose now that she was shaped, she was pleased more as she pleased others. Her Song was meant to. Sometimes she travels, she learns new songs that the mortals bring, she watches their creativity. And she knows however this is not to last. She disliked that day when the mortals were too weakened to enjoy, she disliked what was dealt to Creation that dark time, and she knows that it has something to do with her enemies, long since disposed. The Primordials.

Time passes as it desires in Creation, Xytrisae has had many adventures, conflicts, and such. She has heard of and sang about the Scarlet Empress, she admires the woman that would form and empire, but even so the Empress brings less creativity. And then the Golden Ones return, the Scarlet Empress vanishes and the agents of Oblivion return to wreak havoc upon the weakening peace. And then… without warning, Creation was shook. The Blessed Isle was assaulted, any who would stand against the Demonic might of the Fallen Empress were destroyed. The West succumbed first, the waters stained in green and red. The Blessed Isle would be next. The Raksha cheered, well most did, when the lands of Yu-Shan sealed itself behind mystical gates, and the Dragonblooded were threatened to be destroyed. Creation would fall, and Xytrisae debated to go out as she had before, she wanted badly to protect the songs that were yet unsung, she desired to protect those song creators, the Mortals were to be saved. The Dragonblooded came, supplicant and desperate, their emotions a bitter taste to Xytrisae and the Raksha, they came to the Courts and Freeholds, messengers moved, quickly as wildfire. Xytrisae heard their pleas, the cries of Creation’s Population could not be ignored. She brought the Shining Melodic Visage of Swords forth and road it towards the armies with other Raksha, for the first time the Raksha came to the aide of Creation. They descended upon the demons with glee, they assaulted the armies of the Fallen Empress. And Chagrin was Xytrisea’s to hear that the Fallen Empress was once the admiration of an age. The heroine of the Balorian assault, she who turned the deadly weapon upon the Prince and the Raksha, now a villain!? The Empress was not as impressive as the Prince, she was not as beautiful as the Princess Melusine or the Twins. But she had the Thief of Word’s way and she didn’t like his way.

Xytrisae and other Raksha though were victorious, a glorious win to be beheld by Creation and the Mortals, the Fallen Empress was pushed back, her slaves to the Primordials scattered. And Creation was once again saved. Standing proudly upon the tip of the Shining Melody Visage of Swords she watched creation proud and beautiful. Creation would accept them now. And accept them it has. The Church of Balor has denounced the Raksha that have joined Creation, no longer does their lies that Creation would never accept the Raksha hold merit. And Xytrisae is pleased. Her purpose is greater now, and centuries have passed, she guards the mortals and inspires their creativity. Their songs are desired, their creativity a blessing. Xytrisae swears that she will do anything to protect the Mortals, after all the Anathema are out there and one day Raksha may fight Raksha upon Creation’s shores. And that day will bring pleasure to Xytrisae. For the Senate that brought her a greater purpose, for Creation whose population brings her joy, she exists to be what the Golden Ones failed to be and when she isn't needed, well she is pleased to let her Song show over her Sword.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

added some more lines that should be considered if you're playing a raksha or dragonblooded.

- I should also note for various effects that matter, the Realm Defense Grid is quite down.

- magitech artifacts are also available if desired.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Oh god yes, Raksha. I joined just in time for this!

Concept: A Fae maiden who seeks to know what hues exist in the spectrum of Creation's color- and more importantly, the color present in those who inhabit it.


To Essai, Transcendent Prism, color takes on a mysterious, almost religious fascination. It can be associated to every life, every emotion, every scene of every moment: it is the lens through which her story runs; it is her driving purpose. Even before her time, she only existed as Unshaped Ephemeral Chiaroscuro of Chromatic Beauty's Heart Emination. Ephemeral Chiaroscuro was a Wyld Storm that sought to claim all the color from Infinity- both the Wyld and Creation's concrete hues. Time passed, though, and it grew angry from not being able to understand what it so desperately collected: They were beautiful baubles all, but the substance to them eluded it. Ultimately, it resigned itself to crossing the Gateway of Sundraprisha- as much as it might have wished otherwise, if it wanted to enter into Creation, it would have to be in something more tolerable to the Medusa-gaze of Creation's static configuration.

And so Essai was born.

After spending countless time in the Wyld, sampling the ephemeral hues that run through its changing scenery, her interest turned inward, seeing some of her kin living at the Blessed Isle.While other Raksha were infuriated to the day at their so-called 'betrayal', citing Balor and demanding a successor, she took a fascination. These creatures had such possibility! Even in the infinite Wyld, she had never seen such vibrant shades of color through their emotion! So, she headed into Creation, eventually making it to the Isle- working her way into the Senate; her interests to seek to understand them. The violent red of hatred, melancholy's somber amethyst...Through the Creation-born's emotions, their very souls, she sought to completely comprehend the Color she so venerated.

And so, she worked her way into the Senate. The raksha she was used to; their poetic methodology was nothing new. As for their new allies, the Dragon-Blooded, they made for something...different. Such curious shades of emotion; fickler than one of the Unshaped, and yet so willing to alter or change what they would stand for...To her, such things were immensely fascinating. So she stayed, part of the Senate, earning a place of respect (at least in politics- her behavior struck some of the Terrestrials as too peculiar in a social scene). She took a small magistrate, mostly so she could satisfy her diet of dreams with the mortals there now and then...And, of course, so she could have a chance to study their emotions- their Color- as well.

Years passed, and she grew a little testy at how slow her research would go. The Senate would stage their discourses often enough, and someone almost always would get upset or flustered- those were quite satisfying evocations of color. But when their concept of 'honor' was thrown out on the line, and they would have to fight- oho, that was when the most vivid hues of color would eke ouf of their spirits! Such passionate, vivid reds!

Determined to evoke those emotions further, she herself broke into a phase where she would challenge anyone for anything, almost at a drop at a hat. Her 'duels of honor' were quite the skew on one: Never would she actually fight an opponent to death, or even to blood's spilling- a few blows would be traded, and she would simply turn and leave, contented with what 'data' she had collected.

Now, she is considered a bit eccentric, yes, but her loyalty to the Senate's prosperity is unquestionable- if anything, for her desire to continue her 'research'. That, and the other raksha out in the Wyld were just so dull.

Name: Essai, Transcendent Prism

Concept: The Seeker of Color

Caste: Eshu (Cup/Sword)

Motivation: To experience the hues of color that exist in the Creation-born's emotions.

Intimacies: Emotions, Color, Art



[ ] Strength-------[X][X][X][X][X][X][X][(X)]

[ ] Dexterity-------[X][X][X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Stamina -------[X][X][X][X][X][(X)][ ][ ]

[ ] Charisma-------[X][X][X][X][X][(X)][ ]

[ ] Manipulation----[X][X][X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Appearance-----[X][X][X][X][X][X][(X)]

[ ] Perception------[X][X][X][X][(X)][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Intelligence-----[X][X][X][X][(X)][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Wits------------[X][X][X][X][X][ ][ ]




[ ] Linguistics-----[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Occult--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Ride-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Socialize------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Thrown--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] Bureaucracy---[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[F] Craft----------[X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Integrity------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Lore----------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Resistance----[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[C] Investigation--[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[C] Larceny-------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Medicine------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[C] Performance---[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[C] Stealth--------[X][X][X][ ][ ]


[ ] Archery--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[F] Martial Arts----[X][X][X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Melee----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[C] Presence------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] War-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] Athletics------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Awareness----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[F] Dodge--------[X][X][X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Sail-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Survival-------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Languages Known: High Realm

Crafts Known: Air, Fire, Glamour, Magitech, Genesis


Birth 4

Gossamer 5: 20 gossamer through story, 20 g of assumpt/mutation charms

(Usable as Res 5)

Style 5

Freehold 1

Artifact 4

Backing 3 (Senate)



---Birth Charms---

Ravishing the Created Form: 1wp, 0g; glamour, basic, shape-only. Roll feeding grace, each sux reduces C-born's wp or relevant virtue by 1; regain 10m/sux.

Banquet of Crumbs: 0g, shape-only. IP: feed on ambient emotion once per scene; roll dice= feeding grace, regain 1m/sux.

Essence-Forging Art: 3m,0g; combo-basic, glamour, shaping. Create mundane item w/ (Intelligence+Craft[glamour]). 1 sux=ordinary, 2=fine, 3=superior, 4=perfect, +1=permanent.

Awakened Dream Manufacture: 3m, c-basic,glamour,shaping, permanent. Create a minion, (int+socialize) roll. Same table as Essence-Forging.

Forging the (All) Grace: 10m (15 if heart), 1g; simple, shaping. Create a <type> Grace.

---Assumption Charms:---(2 assumptions free)

Assumption of Water Shape 10m, 1g

Assumption of Air Shape 10m, 1g

Element-Weaving Style: IP: 5m, speed 6: can sculpt element w/a wits+craft roll, GR: Integ+Ess vs Wits (or craft, if attempting to affect an ele)

Elemental Evocation: 10m, 1g, simpl (sp 3), Instant. Evocates a possession.


Heart-Cutting Style: 1m (1g), supplemental. If success on a Cup or Staff-shaping attack, count extra successes twice.

IP: 5m. Ignore MDV cap in social combat (against one person)for having

higher App than others.

GR: Wits+Ess vs App

Dissonance Of Principles: 1m/die, supplemental. spend up to 2xVal motes, make C or St Shaping Attack: if hit, opponent's soak= Temperance, roll dice = to motes; . Opponent takes int. penalty to all shaping rolls equal to sux's.

IP: (up to 2xVal motes) For one day, inflict Int. penalty to all rolls made against raksha via social combat. UMI, must spend 1 WP/scene to resist

GR:(Inv+Ess) vs. Manip

Untouchable Performer Technique: 1m, reflexive. Negate all penalties to cup-shaping DV against single attack; add cup value to DV. (doesn't function if DV is already reduced to 0.)

Swift Wings Of Song: 3m, reflexive, instant/one story. Add cup rating in automatic successes.

IP: 3m, add cup rating in automatic sux's to JB roll.


*2nd Sword Excellency: 2m/per.

*Fearsome Mien:
5m, 1wp, Reflexive. Make sword-shaping attack, if successs, target takes internal penalty on Sword/Staff-shaping for scene= to Sword rating.

IP: (5m,1wp) Any CB who interacts w/raksha takes Int.Penalty= sword on all dice pools due to fear (GR: Valor+Ess<Highest Sword Abil.)

*All-Inclusive Nightmare Defense: 3m, 0g, Simple, Instant. When defense against a Sw-shap. attack is made with Sword DV. If (Attacker's sux's+Ess) is less than Sw-Shap. DV, the attacker's sword-or staff- shaping weapon is removed from readiness.

IP: 3m. When he successfully parries, he can attempt to disarm at full dicepool.

===Permanent Mutations===

Total MP:7

Root of the Perfected Lotus: 4mp. Acquire Ability to learn TMA.

Adjuration MP: 6 (counts as 3)

Glorious Hero Form X3: 1 dot to Str, Sta, Cha, App, Int, Per.


Pasiap's Humility

Moment of Danaa'd

----White Reaper---

Falling Scythe Flash

Revolving Crescent Defense

White Reaper Form

Bleeding Crescent Strike



Compassion: **** (Channel: [ ][ ][ ][ ])

Conviction: **** (Channel: [ ][ ][ ][ ])

Temperance: ** (Channel: [ ][ ])

Valor: ***** (Channel: [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ])

Lure: Valor (The Curse of Meekness)

Heart Grace ****

Cup Grace: ****

Staff Grace:****

Ring Grace: **

Sword Grace:*****

XP spent:

12 valor 4-5

9 comp 3-4

3 temp 1-2

6+9 conv 2-3-4

Willpower: **** **** *

Temporary WP: [ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ]

Permanent Essence ****

Essence Pool: 62/62 (80)



Anugratha Oath (Staff, 4 dot artifact): On a bracelet made of intertwining threads of amethyst, Prism swore- "Never shall I kill a Creation-Born incapable of defending themselves." This allows her to always be able to defend herself, even without a weapon, granting her three incantations of Glorious Hero Form.

As a Staff Weapon: Speed 5, Acc +2, Damage +16, Defense 0, Rate 2.

Perfect Heart Thorn (Cup), Speed 6, Acc +1, Dmg +7, Def +2, Rt 2

Chromatic Twine (Sword, 4 dot artifact): Prism's favored tool seems as simple as a wire-thin spool of thread, but in truth it serves to be frighteningly lethal. Either in Creation, or as a Sword-Shaping weapon, it functions as a dire lance, crafted of gossamer:

Speed 4, Accuracy +3, Damage +9L, Defense +2, Rate 2

To the beings of Creation, though, its sting makes the color of their wounds all more vivid to them. By paying 3m, Prism can make a un-enhanced attack. Roll damage accordingly. Inflict half of the damage dealt, rounded up, as an additional wound penalty.

Attune 5, as is a normal Dire Lance.

Hundred Color Shaping Lens: (Ring, 2-dot artifact) Speed 6, Acc 2, -6 defense, Rt. 2, Range 10, 6m attune.

If Evocated: 3m per shot, Target: Per+Aware; Speed 6, Acc +2, Damage 10B (Pierce), Range 100

Shaping Armor (2-dot): +6 soak, -1 mobility, 3 attune.

If Evocated: +8L/9B soak, 5L/5B hardness, -1 mobility.

Assorted fancy clothes and such, I mean come on Gossamer 5 :V

Pennant (Prevents calcification essence loss)





Evocated Armor: +8L/9b, 5L/5B hardness, -1 mobility

Soak: 3L/6B, armored: 12L/15B

Pierced Soak: 7L/10B


Dodge DV:9 (8 w/armor)

Parry DV:8

Mental DDV: 6

Mental PDV: 4

Attack (Dire Lance, White Reaper Style)

Speed 4, Accuracy 17, Damage 17L, Defense +2, Rate 2



Shape: 10

Attack: 8+acc

Damage: 5+W

DV: 4



Shape: 7

Attack: Int diplomat

Damage: 6+W

DV: 3

Soak:16 (22 w/armor)



Shape: 12

Attack: 10

Damage: 5+W

DV: 5

Soak: 14 (20 w/armor)


Shape: 15

Attack: 14

Damage: 8+W

DV: 7

Soak:Sta+WP 15 (21 w/armor)


DV:7 [6 w/armor]

Health Levels:

Cup: [][][][] [][][][]

Staff: [][][][] [][]

Ring: [][][][]

Sword: [][][][] [][][][] [][]


-0 []

-1 [][]

-2 [][]

-4 []



4BP: Gossamer 4-5

4BP:Style 4-5

2BP:Artifact 4

2BP:Backing 2-3

1BP:MA 6

2BP: WP 9

XP: 1/200

16=Ess 3

24=Ess 4


12 valor 4-5

9 comp 3-4

3 temp 1-2

6+9 conv 2-3-4


MA Charms

dodge 6-7 10+12=22

MA 7

Aware 3

Swift Wings of Song

Furious Maelstrom Craft
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Yo. Reporting in.

The Concept: A Raksha Noble, valiant in form and speech, on a grand quest across Creation to right wrongs, fight monsters, and-

*trips over a tree root, careens into a bush, tries to climb out but his cloak gets stuck in the foliage choking him as he tries to stand up. He finally manages to pull away, with a couple leaves and brambles stuck in his hair and clothes.

It should be noted that he seems to have lost a dagger, which is now lodged in the throat of a would-be assassin that was hiding in the bushes*

Right... Where was I?

Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..


The concept:

An Imperial Raksha who works tirelessly to bring Creation into the folds of the Realm. One government. One religion. One law. One glorious civilization.

High Lord Advocate of Truth and Justice


Name: High Lord Advocate of Truth and Justice

Concept: One who works tirelessly to bring Creation into the folds of the Realm. One government. One religion. One law. One glorious civilization.

Motivation: To bring all of Creation into the Realm's Fold)

Caste: Imperial Raksha (Diplomat / Shadowed Warrior)

Court: 'Mountain Folk'

Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Charisma 8*, Manipulation 8*, Appearance 6*, Perception 5, Intelligence 6, Wits 5 (*includes Glorious Hero Form)

Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 4, Temperance 2, Valor 3

Abilities: Linguistics 2, Occult 3, Socialize 7, Investigation 2, Performance 6 (Oration +1), Martial Arts 4, Presence 6, War 3, Bureaucracy 5, Integrity 2, Lore 2, Athletics 1, Awareness 1, Dodge 2

Backgrounds: Birth 5, Gossamer 5, Cult 4, Artifact 3, Connections (The Deliberative) 2, Freehold 1, Retinue 1


Excellencies: First Staff Excellency (p154), Third Sword Excellency (p155), Unassailable Tower of Manipulation (p155), Unassailable Tower of Charisma (p155), Invincible Fortress of Manipulation (custom), Invincible Fortress of Charisma (custom)

Assumption Charms: Assumption of Bestial Visage (Lion) (p157), Assumption of Dreams and Passion (p.158) (Authority), Assumption of Dreams and Passion (Awe) (p158)

Bestial Visage Charms: King of Beasts Method (p164)

Emotional Influence Charms: Elegant Muse Attitude (p166), Emotion-Weaving Style (p167), Emotional Evocation (p167)

Name Charms: Bastion of the Self (Staff) (p168)

Feeding Charms: Ravishing the Created Form (p176), Banquet of Crumbs (p178), Oneiromantic Conjuration (p179)

Addiction Charms: Shiftless Untamed Beauty (p180), Compelling Presence (p180)

Wyld-Based Crafting Charms: Essence Forging Art (p193)

Staff Combat Charms: Peerless Ways of the Staff (p199), Rejection of Society (p199)

Wyldlife Birthing Charms: Awakened Dream Manufacture (p199)

Grace Forging Charms: Forging the Heart Grace (p201), Forging the Cup Grace (p201), Forging the Ring Grace (p201), Forging the Staff Grace (p201), Forging the Sword Grace (p201), Gaping Virtue Mouth (p202), Ecstatic Reproduction Style (p203)

Society Forging Charms: Oath Gossamer (p206), Eight-Corner Binding (p206)

Domination Charms: Beguilement (p206), Spite-Summoning Malediction (p207), Tainted Creature Command (p207)

Sword Combat Charms: Pincer of Transcendent Time and Fate (p210)

Willpower 7 Essence 4

Personal Essence x (80)

Physical Combat:

Join Battle: 6

Perfect Tiger Claws: Speed 5, Accuracy 13, Damage 8L, Defense 10, Rate 3

Dodge DV: 5 (6 without Shaping Armor)

Soak: 10L/15B (+7L/10B Reinforced Buff Jacket, Mobility -1)

Hardness: 5L/5B

Shaping Combat:

Cup Attacks: (Manipulation + Entertainer + Accuracy)

Ring Attacks: (Intelligence + Worker + Accuracy)

Staff Attacks: (Intelligence + Diplomat + Accuracy)

Sword Attacks: (Dexterity + Warrior + Accuracy)

Cup DV: (Manipulation + Entertainer + Defense)

Ring DV: (Intelligence + Worker + Defense)

Staff DV: (Intelligence + Diplomat + Defense)

Sword DV: (Dexterity + Warrior + Defense)

Heart DV: 7 (8 without Shaping Armor)

Cup Damage: Manipulation + Weapon

Ring Damage: Perception + Weapon

Staff Damage Charisma + Weapon

Sword Damage Strength + Weapon

Staff Weapon (Artifact 3)

Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +16, Defense +0, Rate 2

Lumbering Beast of Law (Sword Weapon (Artifact 3))

Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +12, Defense +0, Rate 2, Piercing

Cup Soak 19 (13 against piercing, +6 from Shaping Armor)

Ring Soak 18 (12 against piercing, +6 from Shaping Armor)

Staff Soak 19 (13 against piercing, +6 from Shaping Armor)

Sword Soak 17 (11 against piercing, +6 from Shaping Armor)

Cup Health: 4

Ring Health: 4

Staff Health: 8

Sword Health: 6

Other Notes:

Assumption of the Bestial Visage provides the High Lord Advocate with the features of a lion. A tail, claws and fangs, and it gives him a lion's fur and mane.

Lumbering Beast of Law (Artifact 3)


It's claws are like tiger-claws of exceptional quality with improved Damage, Accuracy and Rate. It has the Wyld Blight Huge (4mp) providing 3 additional strength and stamina as well as an addition 2x-0 and 2x-1 and 2x-2 health levels over that of it's handler. It uses the Bastion of Self (Heart) to be immune to normal damage (4mp). It uses Imposition of Law (2mp) to strike fear in the hearts of all that hear it's roar (Charisma + Presence (Strike Fear)).

Shaping Armor (see book) (Artifact 2)

Anugraha Oath (Artifact 3)

"My words shall always be true."

Glorious Hero Form x 2 (+1 to Charisma, Manipulation and Appearance)

Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light (Artifact 1)


Birth 4->5 2fb

Conviction 3->4 3fb

Gossamer 3->5 4fb

Cult 2->4 3fb

Connections (Deliberative) 0->2 2fb

Retinue 0->1 1fb

Essence 2->3 16 experience

Essence 3->4 24 experience

15 charms 84 experience

Athletics 0->1 3 experience

Integrity 1->2 3 experience

Lore 1->2 3 experience

Socialize 5->7 22 experience

Performance 5->6 10 experience

Investigation 1->2 3 experience

Dodge 1->2 3 experience

Presence 4->6 18 experience

Specialty: Oration 5 experience
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Well, I may as well try to apply. And now I find myself re-editing this because of several more in depth and impressive concepts put in. :lol:

Concept: Pro-Mortal Magistrate, Silvanus Zeitgeist, the Noble Mountebank


Silvanus Zeitgeist was for his part a trickster and manipulator, delighting in the subtle torments he could inflict upon the tales of mortals. He had been known as the Lord of False Truths, a fitting title for his methods. It was only over time that he began to grow bored with this part of his being, feeling that it was lackluster. He could not glory in his achievements for few save his own people would praise him. It was during this lamenting that he noticed something he had been ignoring for so long. Those mortals he treated well, often servants, gave him more so the desired attention. This tipping point was like an avalanche, spilling over his entire being, altering his tale.

He began to experiment, helping instead of harming and found the reciprocation astounding. Mortals wanted him to be around, they enjoyed his company even when they realized what he was. The taste of such collective welcome was too much to be ignored. His very self was altered more so by this new sensation. He wanted to embrace this. In doing so he found mortals building shrines to him and praying to him. His tale felt more defined, more real as more mortals took up his name and existence into their minds. Where other Raksha might risk calcification, he could go on for his body was reinforced by the belief of mortals.

Silvanus began to take up the cases of mortals, even against his own people. He discarded his ties to any freehold, not desiring to be bound to such agreements. He instead lived amongst the mortals whom believed in him, becoming a god to them. He could see why the gods of Creation desired prayer and belief when he felt so much more empowered by it. What had not been expected was the changes this belief had caused to him. No more did he cause pain for fun, save for against those who would harm his believers. He lied on behalf of villages to upstart gods, tricked selfish Exalts into leaving them be, helped them to avoid paying unwanted tributes to roving Fair Folk bands. He was no longer the Lord of False Truths, now he styled himself the Noble Mountebank; a salesman in lies for the beneift of others.

It was the coming of the Fallen Empress that dragged Silvanus Zeitgeist from revelry and efforts. He realized very quickly that if something was not done, his people, his believers would be extinguished and he could not have that. He set out to the many courts of the Raksha, prostrating himself before them even as he used his word games to convince many it was in their own self-interest to help the Realm. For his silver tongue, Silvanus was chosen as one of the representatives to approach the Realm and offer the aid of the Fair Folk. His pleasant demeanor and skill with words combined with others and the sheer military might being offered was too much to pass up.

Following the defeat of the Fallen Empress, Silvanus positioned himself as a mediator between Dragon-blooded and Raksha. He aided in facilitating the changes that allowed the Raksha to take up residence in the Realm, taking seats on the Senate. He also played a major part in the shaping of the faith of the Ten Thousand Lords. Silvanus himself became a rather prominent player in Senate politics for some time before he began to miss the worship of mortals. It was admittedly an addiction on some level, the feeling it gave it, the sensation of being so much more anchored to Creation. He began to advocate for mortals on the Senate, taking up their causes as his own.

This was not missed by those who were his rivals in the Senate, uncaring or unsympathetic to mortal plights. Silvanus held the advantage of holding secrets and oaths for a number of Senators, something that gave him a great deal of power in the Senate. Even that could not protect him though as his rivals conspired to get him off of active Senate duty. The only means they could find was to appeal to his noble nature, giving him the position of Magistrate to act as a Senate troubleshooter. Silvanus embraced this, secretly wanting some release from the tiresome selfishness of Senate politics. He would make even more enemies with this new position, advocating justice over privilege. The only thing that keeps him alive are his strong ties to the Senate, whom dare not kill such a vital player in maintaining the Realm's stability.

This does not stop everyone, but it discourages more than enough of them. Silvanus admittedly desires only the best for mortals, seeing their potential where he used to ignore it. Their belief has molded him into a seeming avatar of their desires and he has made that his tale as the Noble Mountebank. The sly Magistrate whom many can rely upon to uphold justice. He also holds a deep desire to become one of the most worshiped of the Ten Thousand Lords, a selfish desire intermingled with his selfless actions at times.

Most Current Character Sheet Follows:

Updated Version

Name: Silvanus

Concept: Pro-Mortal Magistrate

Player: Orzhov

Motivation: Gather believers to himself

Caste: Courtier(Diplomat/Entertainer)





[ ] Strength-------[X][X][X][X][X][X][ ] (w/ Bestial Visage & Oath)

[ ] Dexterity-------[X][X][X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Stamina -------[X][X][X][X][X][X][ ] (w/ Bestial Visage & Oath)

[ ] Charisma-------[X][X][X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Manipulation----[X][X][X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Appearance-----[X][X][X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Perception------[X][X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Intelligence-----[X][X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Wits------------[X][X][X][X][X][ ]





[ ] Linguistics-----[X][X][ ][ ][ ] (Languages: Old Realm, Low Realm, High Realm)

[C] Occult--------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Ride-----------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[C] Socialize------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Thrown--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[F] Bureaucracy---[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Craft----------[X][X][X][ ][ ] (Glamour, Water, Wood)

[ ] Integrity------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[F] Lore----------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Resistance----[X][X][ ][ ][ ]


[C] Investigation--[X][X][X][X][ ]

[C] Larceny-------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Medicine------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[C] Performance---[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Stealth--------[X][X][X][ ][ ]


[ ] Archery--------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Martial Arts----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Melee----------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[F] Presence------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] War-----------[X][X][X][ ][ ]


[ ] Athletics------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Awareness----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Dodge--------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Sail-----------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Survival-------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] Fighting Unarmed [X][X][ ]

[ ] _______________ [ ][ ][ ]

[ ] _______________ [ ][ ][ ]






Birth [X][X][X][X][ ]

Gossamer [X][X][X][X][X]

Backing(Senate) [X][X][X][ ][ ]

Influence(Senate) [X][X][X][ ][ ]

Cult [X][X][X][ ][ ]

Style[X][X][X][X][ ]

Freehold [X][X][X][ ][ ]

Artifcat[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-------------------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]




Name Cost Page


1. Assumption of Wood Shape (10m, 1g) p. 156

2. Assumption of Bestial Visage(Tiger) (10m, 1g) p. 157 (Claws, Large, Fur, Tail)

3. Ravishing the Created Form (1wp, 0g) p. 176

4. Banquet of Crumbs (0g) p. 178

5. Essence Forging Art (3m) p. 193

6. Awakened Dream Manufacture (3m, 0g) p. 199

7. Forging the Cup Grace (10m, 1g) p. 201

8. Forging the Ring Grace (10m, 1g) p. 201

9. Forging the Staff Grace (10m, 1g) p. 201

10. Forging the Sword Grace (10m, 1g) p. 201

11. Forging the Heart Grace (15m, 1g) p. 201

12. Beguilement (5m, 3g) (10m, 1wp) p. 206

13. Onieromantic Conjuration (0g) (10m) p. 179

14. Prince and Pauper Approach (1g) (5m) p. 208

15. Sovereign Element Shape (1g) (1m) p. 161

16. Element Weaving Style (1g) (5m) p. 162

17. Ox Body Technique (1g) p. 191

18. Gladdening Visage (1g) p. 181

19. Soul Carving Artifice (3m, 1wp) p. 177

20. Elemental Evocation (1g, 10m) p. 162




Perfect Staff (Cost:XX)

Speed: 6 Accuracy:+3 Damage: +9B Defense: +3 Rate 2 Tags: 2, R




[X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }




Compassion Conviction

[X][X][X][ ][ ] [X][X][X][ ][ ]

{ }{ }{ }{ }{ } { }{ }{ }{ }{ }

Temperance Valor

[X][X][ ][ ][ ] [X][X][ ][ ][ ]

{ }{ }{ }{ }{ } { }{ }{ }{ }{ }





Cup Staff (Feeding Grace)

[X][X][X][ ][ ] [X][X][X][ ][ ]

{ }{ }{ }{ }{ } { }{ }{ }{ }{ }

Ring Sword

[X][X][ ][ ][ ] [X][X][ ][ ][ ]

{ }{ }{ }{ }{ } { }{ }{ }{ }{ }


Dodge DV : 6


Dodge MDV : 7


Parry MDV : 6




B: 7 L: 4 A: 0




~0 [ ] [ ] [X] [X] [X]

~1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [X]

~2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [X]

[X] [X] [X] [X] [X]

~4 [ ]

Incapacitated [ ]




[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ]

Personal: 70|80

Committed: 10



Curse of Alienation(Conviction)

Lure: Fighting against difficult odds.

Limit Break


[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ]



*His Worshipers(positive)*





Perfect Staff

Mask (Artifact 2) (5 motes)

Samhara Oath (Artifcat 1)

"I am the wandering minister of my own faith and the vagabond prophet of my own word and the travelling saint of my own glory and as such I need hold no tool from earth or sky, for there is great awe and joy in love and so I swear that I shall never abandon one of the faithful should they call for my help." This oath grants the mutation Surpassing Excellence twice. Once for Martial Arts with the specialty (Fighting Unarmed +2) and once for Presence with the specialty (Inspiring Awe +2)(Credited to Danakir) (1)

Samhara Oath (Artifcact 1)

"I shall stand like a great oak against those who would harm my faithful, dealing harm unto them as they intended unto my flock. This I swear by the sword." This Oath grants the mutation Glorious Hero Form (+1 to Strength and Stamina.) (1)

Shaping Armor (Artifact 2) (3 motes)

Sky Barb


BP (15)

Gossamer 3-5 (4)

Cult 1-3 (2)

Style 4 (5)

Freehold 1-3 (2)

Artifact 2 (2)

Experience (200)

Essence 3 (16) = 16

Essence 4 (24) = 24

Medicine 1(3), 2(3), 3(6) = 12

Stealth 1(3), 2(3), 3(6) = 12

Integrity 1(3), 2(3), 3(6) = 12

Awareness 2(3), 3(6) = 9

Athletics 2(3), 3(6) = 9

Resistance 1(3), 2(3) = 6

Ride 1(3), 2(3) = 6

Melee 1(3), 2(3), 3(6) = 12

Archery 1(3) = 3

Sail 1(3) = 3

Socialize 4(6) = 6

Bureaucracy 4(6) = 6

Lore 4(6) = 6

Presence 4(6) = 6

War 1(3), 2(3), 3(6) = 12

Investigation 4(6) = 6

Larceny 4(6) = 6

Performance 4(6) = 6

Specialty: Martial Arts(Fighting Unarmed) x2 (10) = 10

Elemental Evocation (12) = 12
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Just as a fyi... looks like EVERYONE wants to be a raksha. xD

Think of the senate as a raksha court fused with the First Age solar deliberate with the raksha as the equivalents of the solars. Which should give an idea of how things go in terms of politics.

Bearing in mind that the coterie of heroes are literally that, you're elites who've been selected to act in the interests of the realm, or at least the senate's interests. Which sort of, kind of, okay... really, is run by the raksha.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Yeah, that's why I put former Senate ties in my concept. Figure if its like politics of other types rivalry goes so far as giving your rival a job to get him out of active power. So a magistrate made sense considering what they used to do in the old Dynasty, sounds like a perfect position to give Senators to make them no longer that or even to have a capable one off dealing with the serious problems that need solving at that moment.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Also bear in mind that most, if not all, raksha can and do have a territory of their own if they want one. Feeding or ruling or something...
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Haku said:
Just as a fyi... looks like EVERYONE wants to be a raksha. xD
You say that like it's a bad thing! The truth is that there's, like, no fae games. Ever. Quite sad. D:

Also, I might have to adjust concept accordingly. At least, like..history.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..


I felt it was... better if concepts/stories/themes/whatever and such get brought up first as working on the stats for a raksha can be tricksy and time consuming. Don't hesitate to stat up, if you do get done, post it hidden behind a spoiler tag... but you can see with 200 xp, house-rules that this can take work.

Also feel free to post in the other thread if you want to customize/rebuild charms.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Am actually entertaining the idea of posting an Earth Aspect Dynast to the game. More of the straightforward get-right-to-the-point kinda Dynast.

Aside from the changes to some Backgrounds, is there any change to building a Dynast? are the Great Houses still the same, or have they changed?
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

There are no more "Great Houses", a number of the original Houses are still around... but they're not major... think of them as having become part of the Patricians or Gentes.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Any you want. Ie. make family names, history and such up.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

As I was trying to make a Raksha for this game, I realized it was lacking an experience cost table. Found one here.

And I have a question which came up during basic character creation.

If you increase your with background points, does this automatically increase your Graces with it ?
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Assuming you mean Bonus Points...

Under normal circumstances, that would only be true for your Major Graces.

However, our ST has houseruled that every Grace is equal to its linked Virtue.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

d1ng0d0g said:
As I was trying to make a Raksha for this game, I realized it was lacking an experience cost table. Found one here.
And I have a question which came up during basic character creation.

If you increase your with background points, does this automatically increase your Graces with it ?
The Forum has Experience Tables (including Raksha)

And yes... virtues are linked directly to graces. Raise the virtues and graces go up. You can also raise the graces up directly, but not cost-effecient.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Oo Oh ALL Graces tied to virtues, raise? Neat, and yes raising Virtue to raise a Grace much more economical ^^
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Economical, yes, but it also means that you're then bound by moral constraints of the new Virtue rating. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but it means that it's more that "getting for cheaper!"

And not sure, but I think that it's only the Feeding Graces that are equal to the associated Virtues, at least at chargen... I know we're a bit past that what with the extra xp, but whatever. I thought it might be worth mentioning.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

This isn't false per se, but you have to keep in mind that the virtues aren't used exactly in the same way when it comes to the Raksha. High Compassion doesn't necessarily mean you're 'nice', on the contrary it can make you quite terrifying and monstrous. ^^

They represent an idea of their virtue, not the objective virtue. You have to read them through the lens of their story.

So for instance, a Cataphract who'd have a relatively high Compassion could merely represent that they understand their prey to a higher degree than usual, that their passion is strong and that they seek emotional fulfillment through the art of war.

Virtues aren't shackles per se, least of all with what we're going to play. :)
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Okay, tried piecing my character sheet together from my concept to get some input. Its still a work in progress as I need to list items and artifacts aside from other things. Figure I'd see if I was doing this right since I very much want to play a raksha ever since I'd read over the book for them.

Sheet removed in favor of sheet on Page 1 with Concept.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

You're going for a manse and not freehold? You would deprive some poor dragonblooded a hearthstone? :lol:

I assume you're going for the "Justice Bao" concept? (Wiki knows of him). Or at least the "story" of such a character?

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