DB Exaltation roll


It's mentioned in both the DB book and Oadenol's Codex, but I can't find it anywhere. How do roll whether or not a child of a DB exalts or not?
It's in the 1st Ed book.  I'd post the rules for it I'm just not sure if it 'legal' under WW offical website rules.

I'd prefer not to get Stillborn in any trouble, I kinda like this place.
It's simple. First, you roll a d10.

Then you look at the parentage.

One parent a patrician of good breeding, the other a normal mortal, a result of 1 leads to a DB.

Both patricians of good breeding, a result of 1or 2 leads to a DB.

A Dragonblood of average or poor breeding and a normal mortal a 1, 2 or 3 leads to a DB.

A Dragonblood of average or poor breeding and a patrician of good breeding a 1,2,3 or 4 leads to a DB.

Two Dragonblooded of average or poor breeding a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 leads to a DB.

If either parent is a DB of Breeding 4 subtract 1 from the roll, if either parent has Breeding 5 subtract 2 from the roll, if either parent has Breeding 6 subtract 3 from the roll. These stack, so two well bred Dragonblooded are quite likely to have exalted children. A 10 always fails no matter what. Certain other methods, such as the use of Neomah can modify this roll further.
Or you can just stop pretending that Exalted is Rolemaster, and decide for yourself whether an NPC exalts or not.
Pretending that Exalted is Rolemaster? I don't see how posting or using published mechanics for the game is following a different system. I included the additional information from the GoD and Player's Guide, as those are pertinent to the question asked. Whether one wishes to use that mechanic is up to the ST...but it is available as an option.
I'm not criticizing you LK, I'm criticizing WW for feeling the need to boil down exaltation to something analogous to rolling on a chart.
Well.. that's cause that IS how it works for DB's.. imagine you're playing a long term generational DB game.. where you might be wanting to set up your own house and such.. you might need to -know- roughly what chances you have of getting good strong DB kids, and how pairing up good breeding DB's with each other is to your advantage (if you can pull it off)

I don't think them providing set mechanics for things which may indeed be useful to know is a bad thing.. it came up in our game about how often children should be born half caste.. and there's NO answer.. and while we can attempt to make up our own rules, it's kinda nice if there are ones already set.. that's what game designers are paid for ^^
Guidelines are one thing. Randomization charts (which is what this rule boils down to) are weak.
So you'd prefer it was written more like:

The child of a mortal and a patrician of good breeding has roughly a 10% chance of Exaltation into the Dragonblooded Host, while the child of two patricians has twice the chance of such exaltation. Among couplings involving the chosen of the dragons Dragonblooded exaltation rises significantly, as even a coupling between the weakest of dragonblooded with a mere mortal has a 30% chance...while one between a weakblooded Chosen and a patrician increases the odds to about 40%, and breeding between two dragonblooded of average or worse breeding has roughly a 60% chance of producing exalted offspring. Those of greater breeding among the Dragonblooded host add 10% to these chances for each point of breeding in excess of 3. However even the greatest breeding does not guarantee all children will exalt in the Age of Sorrows. No combination of heritage seems to reduce the likelyhood of a mortal or halfcaste child below 10%...though it is said that in the earliest days of the Dragonblooded Host all children of two Dragonblooded exalted...but the blood has thinned greatly over the millenia.
Personally, I'd prefer it as:  "As an ST, you decide.  If you think 'x' NPC would be freaking cooler if he exalts as a DB with crappy parentage...  more power to you.  Just don't give him a stellar breeding background!."
While for a given specific NPC of importance to the story the GM (story ST) can decide based on the needs of the story frequently it doesn’t matter a great deal, having the ratios listed gives useful guidelines for working out how many children exalt in a family, I personally wish it went further and tell me the breeding background those children inherit, and the effect of crossing between elements. Then I could hope to create a successful breeding strategy, work out family trees for dynasts and lookshy from them that are themselves consistent. And of cause there was the plan to have death lords breed terrestrials for access to necromancy, I could get that of the ground if I better under stood the breeding paterns.

If as a GM I need a individual child to exalt or not then it dose, but for all the other children that are part of the story but peripheral enough that I don’t care I like having the numbers available.

note the rules are guidelines...

If your plot demands the childrnen be mortal, or demand they be Dragon blooded, then such they are...
Safim said:
I am with flagg on this one. I need no chart to tell me if someone exalts or not.
I feel like it's a good guideline for general Exaltation prospects for DB as a whole. However, PCs, and those in contact with them tend to deviate from the statistical curve.

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