DB Cover - Orichalcum?

I wonder is brass considered nasty because of its demonic associations? As in, would those cultures who know that Ligier's made of brass and the demon city's mostly made of brass dislike the metal and discourage its use?

On an unrelated note, Safim seems to be an angry man lately. Oh well.
It is nothing personal. I can wholeheartedly say that I respect nearly every of the regular posters here and mean none of them harm. I am just to the point.
I have no problems with Safim or his sometimes harsh manner. As long as he can take it as well as dish it out. Which, it seems to me, he can. It's his way so, as Jakk would say, no hoo hoo.

Safim said:
It is nothing personal. I can wholeheartedly say that I respect nearly every of the regular posters here and mean none of them harm. I am just to the point.
So let me 'get to the point' too.  Why did you feel it was necessary to post, but add absolutely nothing to the discussion?  Vanman, and myself, are simply curious about the cover.  It's fun to debate Exalted lore, however minor it might be.  So... move along.
For my part, I'm assuming the Gold is just Gold. He's pretty fundamentalist. I don't really like Deled, but I suppose I'm not supposed to.
Dayspire said:
Safim said:
It is nothing personal. I can wholeheartedly say that I respect nearly every of the regular posters here and mean none of them harm. I am just to the point.
So let me 'get to the point' too.  Why did you feel it was necessary to post, but add absolutely nothing to the discussion?  Vanman, and myself, are simply curious about the cover.  It's fun to debate Exalted lore, however minor it might be.  So... move along.
I just contributed something you can't understand.

The point is, it is just a picture, subject to artistic freedom, slips of the painter, a lack of information about the setting etc.

A two page of discussion about a few specks of gold (which might not even be real gold, just some reflection etc.) is a huge issue of overinterpretation in my book. And I think most people but you got the idea from my post.

If not then I of course apology.
Safim said:
Dayspire said:
Safim said:
It is nothing personal. I can wholeheartedly say that I respect nearly every of the regular posters here and mean none of them harm. I am just to the point.
So let me 'get to the point' too.  Why did you feel it was necessary to post, but add absolutely nothing to the discussion?  Vanman, and myself, are simply curious about the cover.  It's fun to debate Exalted lore, however minor it might be.  So... move along.
I just contributed something you can't understand.

The point is, it is just a picture, subject to artistic freedom, slips of the painter, a lack of information about the setting etc.

A two page of discussion about a few specks of gold (which might not even be real gold, just some reflection etc.) is a huge issue of overinterpretation in my book. And I think most people but you got the idea from my post.

If not then I of course apology.
You do realize that you've invalidated any type of Art Appreciation class in a few sentences, right?  Where they critique an artists' work, and try to determine what exactly he/she meant by the use of various colors, subjects, shading, etc?
And the reason for my interest is simple - I'm Vanman's ST.  Peleps Deled is an NPC presence in the game, and has a very in depth relationship with one of the PC's.  His view towards anathema (and his actions due to his view) are a very important facet to the game.  So in the middle of the game, I noticed the gold/orichalc/whatever in his weapon, and thought it curious.  That's all.  So, please don't overanalyze my analyzation.  It's curiosity that created this thread, and a healthy respect for folks on this board, who normally seem willing to give their opinions on the most obscure of subjects.
So usually you like the opinions around here and yet you attack me for mine? Pretty half assed you are in your liking of opinions. ^^
Maybe it was made that way to look pretty.

Maybe he thought the gold plating would offend the Anathema, making it more fun.

Maybe it was a war trophy and is Orichalcum.

I don't know the answer.

Ask the editors and the artist.
Or speculate wildly, because therein lies creativity.

I suspect upon looking at the picture that it's just Gold, because it's not grandiose enough to be Orichalchum. It's too.. yellow, and not reflective enough. I suspect he went with good old Gold for colour scheming as suggested, rather than having Orichalchum.

As to war trophies, I don't see the Dragons using Orichalchum just because it's a trophy. It's been suggested (appropriately, I think) several times through the books that the DBs tend to lock away Orichalchum and frown on its use, and for a fundamentalist witch hunter like Deled, I think carrying Orichalchum is a bit of a no-no.

Is it weak because it's gold? No, clearly it's some kind of bitchin alloy, or just enchanted all lovely and sharp. After all, enchanting's what the artifact idea's all about.


What did that nasty anti-anathema spear look like again? The one in Aspect Book Fire?
He is in fact a witch hunter the anathama are really Exalts. He is hunting people for being something, something that it isn't wrong to be, making his hunt a witch hunt making him a witch hunter

Semantics. You'd best be careful boys, we have Semanticist-Hunters hereabouts.. And they don't have gold on their knives, if you get my meaning.

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