DB Cover - Orichalcum?


Two Thousand Club
In looking at the cover of the Dragon-blooded book, a point brought up by my ST which I thought I'd share here is that Peleps Deled (and the Fire Aspect character whose name I can't recall) has a weapon with a gold blade. That would imply it's orichalcum. Does anyone have a particular problem with this, as orichalcum is a tool of the Anathema and we all know Peleps Deled's view on Anathema?

Any thoughts?
It's not so much a question of whether he can use it but, rather, a question of whether he would use it.
The spear Peleps Deled is carrying issupposed to be Blue Jade, with gold flashes.  The Fire Aspected's blades can be of either white (empowered so that it is creating a yellow glow) or more likely is the orangeish cast of Red Jade but the Red background of the book makes it look gold.

Yes, Deled's spear haft is clearly blue jade. But the blade has more than flashes of gold. The entire thing is gold.....
It is easy to color metal, I would not be surprised if it is merely painted gold for stylist purposes. Shockingly there are simple answers that sometimes make the better answers. :)

I don't doubt your answers. What I do doubt is Peleps Deled doing anything like that. Were it most any other DB, I wouldn't have a problem with it. But with this guy? I have a bit of a problem believing it.

I realize, at the end of the day, that this issue is a minor one, but it is a bit confusing. That or another example of WW's stellar editting......
Yes but it goes with his armor, likely these are inherited family heirlooms, I doubt he considers it as orichalcium.  

Yes he is crazy fucker, but every crazy fucker has trophys. After all his style weapons are razor claws right so why use the spear I would guess that he took if off a solar or maybe evan a Lunar that kep thier mats weapon, anyway lets say this peticular Exalt caused some Major Damage and Crazy Boy killed them. SO he picks up their weapon and carys it around where ever he goes. "look what I got" At some point he decides that hey I can use the weapon of the monsters against them.

That fits him.
Does gold have the same properties as it does in "real life" or is it harder? Because gold as a weapon metal seems to be far too soft.....
It would make sense to hit your target with Jade tho, right?  If the point is gold, do the properties of the rest of the weapon carry over to it?  Like being unbreakable, extra stabby, really shiny, ect.

For instance:  A finely crafted steel shortsword with intricate Oricalchum runes along the blade.  Is that a short Daiklave or a really shiny shortsword?
Bit of a difference there. Can you attune to the steel shortsword? If so, I'd say it's a daiklaive. If not, a really shiny sword.

I do see your point about the jade weapon, though. Not sure I necessarily agree with it, but I can definitely see your point.

Like I said, this is a quibbling minor point, and all my arguments are just a result of me playing devil's advocate. But it is interesting.....
Ex 2E Core pg 385

Daiklaves are forged from steel alloyed with one of the five magical materials...
Emphasis is mine.

I propose that Deled's spear tip is made of Red Jade and gold!

I love minor points!

In all seriousness, I think it was just an aesthetic choice from the artists.  100 Ultramarines agree, yellow and blue just go together.  :wink:
Flyck said:
For double commitment cost, he can use it.
... As far as I remember, he can use it either way. For double the commitment cost he gets the benefits of the bonuses of Orichalcum specifically.
Vanman said:
Like I said, this is a quibbling minor point, and all my arguments are just a result of me playing devil's advocate. But it is interesting.....
Read. My. Post.
It could be gold-plated. Though I don't know why anyone would do that since, in Creation, Jade is a much better indicator of wealth.
Jukashi said:
It could be gold-plated. Though I don't know why anyone would do that since, in Creation, Jade is a much better indicator of wealth.
Maybe he's displaying monastic humility by covering his ostentatious weapon in a less flashy metal? :P
I assume that most "barbarian" cultures in Creation use that or iron for their own metalworking.

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