Days of the Dragons

MWAHAHAHAHa- *breaks off coughing*

gasp- and so it beeegiiiinns! ... well sorta. Would you say the whole Dragon adoption grounds... or whatever *looks back on overview* is near the village? Unless hes not there as of the moment and in the woods?

Cause I has need to know on how to start
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Ajay will be in the woods somewhat near the village. When eggs and young are found they are either personally brought to Craith, kept, or given to someone to will bring them to Craith for you. Hope that helps you start.
Name: Elementra

Gender: Female

Age: Egg

Preference: M

Race: Dragon

Crush: none

Spouse: none

Children: none


Powers: control over the elements, Shapeshifting

Personality: will rp out

Appearance: will add as soon as I finish drawing

Height: unknown

Overall size: unknown

Bio: She was taken as an egg by humans who killed her parents bur become concise of the out side world before she hatched she is being forced to take on a human or they will kill her


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Name: Unknown/none

Gender: Male

Age: 12

Preference: F

Race: Human

Crush: none

Spouse: none

Children: none

Weapons: none yet


Personality: brazen smart talented



Height: 4ft

Overall size:

Bio: he grew up as the child of the village witch and everyone treated him badly he doesn't even have a name because his parents died when he was so young and most hate him with the exception of the witch and old man Zelder and the town blacksmith who's dog he helped train but he wants to do great things and one day he was being chased by the town bully and ended up running in on the ceremony where they give away eggs he ran into a egg as black as ebony with multiple colors like a black Opal and it hatched he named the Dragon Elementra

Other: Elementra unlucky rider
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Name: Eagle

Gender: Female

Age: 100 years

Preference: Male

Race: Ice Dragon

Crush: None (yet ;) )

Spouse: none

Children: none

Powers: Freezing powers, stimulated by aggressive feelings

Personality: Eagle is an easy going ice type dragon. Born of the ice caps in the north, she has always been a bit frosty towards humans but her general interaction with other dragons is friendly and outgoing. She likes baby dragons, but has not yet found the right mate to have any of her own. She does not like to use her powers on other dragons and rarely feels agitated enough to ever use them.

Appearance: Eagle is covered in long white scales, constructed from ice and other form of precipitation. Her nose is long and pointed, useful when breaking ice and hunting for food in icy water. Her wings are feathered like that of a birds, adding a protective layer of warmth to prevent frost bite in the wing area. Her claws are long and pointed in both hind and front legs, to help when walking on slippy surfaces.

Height: 9 ft tall and 15 ft long, nose to tip of tail

Bio: Eagle was born in the ice of the northern tundras. She has moved from land to land, searching for other ice type dragons but has not yet been successful in her search as humans have been destroying her race for decades. She seeks only friendship and the possibility of a family, though she has not yet found a mate acceptable for breeding purposes because she is the last of a dying breed.

Name: Starlord


Age: Hasn't Hatched

Preference: (M/F/Both) Females, but too young


Crush: None Yet

Spouse: Nope


Powers: Starfire- Blue super heated fire that can reach tempratures of 50,000 Kelvin, Thunder- Using his vocal chord he can create a mini rumble of thunder at 120 dB, Lightning Strike- Using his body's natural electric he can create a currant of lightning.

Personality:Silent, loyal, and Adventurious, its very hard not to see him walking around.

Appearance: A pure white dragon with icy blue eyes

Height:5 feet

Overall size: 10 feet

Bio: During "Egg-snatching Day" Starlord's parents were outside the nest when some hunters stumbling on his egg. They stole the egg and are going to sell it at Craith

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Get the personality and bio up and you're accepted @The Reaper Of Souls
Name: Aisu Dios

Gender: Male

Age: 201

Preference: Female

Race: Dragon

Crush: None

Spouse: None

Children: None

Powers: Ice. Spews a breath so cold that it can freeze water instantly and chill humans to the bone. Aisu can slam his claws into the ground and cause pillars, or even spikes of ice to shoot out of the ground. He may also cover his body in ice, acting as possible extra protection.

Personality: Aisu has a big ego, and is very prideful. "No human shall ever slay me!" Aisu considers himself the strongest of the dragons, and doesn't like other dragons much at all. He himself is not aggressive to humans, but he will attack if he is in a 'bad' mood.


Height: 30 ft. (Around 60 ft. on his hind legs.)

Overall Size: Huge (Is he too big?)

Bio: Aisu's parents are deep in hibernation, likely not to wake for another hundred years. Aisu has killed many humans, yet lately, he himself is hunted less. Aisu has made himself an enemy to a few other dragons, and he is feared by common hunters. Aisu finds joy in the cold. His developed ice powers grant him immunity to freezing temperatures. His arrogance and stubbornness may be his downfall one day.

Other: Aisu's home is a deep cave. It is not hidden at all, and is notable for the ice one would see once they go deep enough into the cave. Aisu loves to freeze his victims.

So, am I good? I think I liked the right post.




"Night Horro"


Presume to be male but no one is sure




no one is sure of its sure gender aim is but some say its atracted to females










Cama is abble to detect heat,use his smell like eyesight and feel tremor of any moving thing,in short Cama is abble to detect anything with most of his senses with no eyes,Aside from that he is Inmune to electricity,his Flaby hide and aswell electric filld Organs make him Use electricity,abble to charge himself with electricity and make electricity Crackle Around him and shock anybody that gets to close,aswell abble to hurl Balls of Pure electricity towards foes,and last his saliva is full of electric Molecules hat he uses to paralize his Prey. But his most notable ability is his sticky body,abble to crawl on surfaces like the cealing and attack from above.


Cama is silent...and Unforgiving,he is hostiel and would hurt anybody that dares disturb him or try to hurt him,he is territorial and defensife with his own,somtimes he would only watch from a distance and only observe,he dosent attack with no reson but he dose ONLY attack with reson like self defense or if some one enters hi territory...But with the hunt and mre Human activity,Cama has become agresive and would attack and kill anybody....nomater what to defend himself from the Hunters.

To dragons he dosent seem to be all that hostiel but he has attack them and even EAT yes EAT dragons,but over the years as humans have progress he has become less hostiel to his own race and cosentrate on killing Humans to defend his Kin.he has shown to be silent near Dragons but awell Very rarely he speaks to them...but he dosent show hostility to them like he dose to humans.

But as feard he is,he actually lives with others of his On kinde in peace and like a family.


Cama is Horro itself,Having a Flaby Hide and very Rubery aswell,abble to strech out at long way,Cama has no eyes and its blinde but some say he uses heat to detect ,smell to chace and even feel the ground and feel were are his prey or anybody near,Cama aswell has a elastic jaw abble to Open MUCH biger than it looks,aswell he is slightly Transparent abble to even see his Red vains appear,wen angry or in "Frenzy" Cama Turns Blood Red all Over and his vains are Black and start to beat sofly his Blood can be seen Flowing through his Body


wen he gose "Frenzy"



12 FT tall (Not strech out)

16 FT tall (wen strech out)

{Overall size}

30 feet (wen not strech)

37 feet (wen strech)


Cama actually Lives with a Community with others like him,its unknown were they live as most of the time those who go near just get ambush by them,but at night is wen packs of them venture out to Hunt,the night is not safe theas days,Cama dose hunt in Grupes and even live with his parents with the rest of the community and at night he ventures out with a few others to do this Role but somtimes he gose in raw daylight to relax a Little,but in day light is wen he Mostly sleeps,But recently as the Humans have been taking slightly over Cama and the Community of Khezu,s have Been More active and Hunting more people down but seem to sleep more and be more defensive...But some say if there home is found better run.


Lots of Humans had try hunting it down...But..have faild and never returne.

-3- dont worry its just a Community of them that hunt in is dangerus...soooo imagen a pack
@Bliffity copy and paste the skeleton into your own post and put your character's information into it. Welcome to the site! ^-^
I just checked to see if I approved it, and I did. Jump on in the roleplay.
Name: Gerald Absolon

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Preference: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Crush: His Wife

Spouse: An unimportant Lady named Melly

Children: Andrew (2 yrs old)

Weapons: Bow, poison tipped arrows. spears.

Personality: Gerald is one of the many men who participate in the Dragon Hunting Activities. He is exceptional with a bow, and has an assortment of poisons, each with various effects. He sees Dragon Hunting as a sport, yet does not want to adopt a dragon hatchling. Gerald is intelligent, and is an excellent tracker and trapper. Gerald has developed special traps for dragons. |

Appearance: \|/


Height: 5'11

Bio: Gerald grew up in a hunting family. He learned to use a bow at a young age, and learned to hunt soon after. On Gerald's first Dragon hunt, the group he participated with managed to bag two dragons! That moment was the biggest thrill of his life. Gerald wants to relive that thrill again and again by hunting dragons as a living. Gerald married a nice woman, who had no care for dragon hunting. They had a son, who Gerald planned to pass his knowledge down upon. Now, Gerald waits for the next big hunt to show off his skills.

Other: Gerald takes care to scout out a dragon before he hunts them. May that be gathering knowledge on them by word of mouth, or by going out into the woods himself.
Name: Gaia

Gender: Female

Age: many centenary

Preference: none

Race: nominative draco(huge Dragon)

Powers: I can grow trees ,grass, Flowers, I breath green fire

Personality: I'm kind and motherly, protective

Appearance:Picture bellow

Height:250 ft 2 in length

Overall size: 224 ft 7 in wingspan 250 ft 2 in length

Bio: I have been here sense the begin of time. I have seen things live and die, Grow, and evolve. People come and go, Create and destroy and im still here still living. My life is what crate this home for me and the air i breath

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/40a14aae4c3854d05889d1477db87624-d6hg3ml.jpg.9836cdb1262dc16d37cc0ef140ca32bb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91589" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/40a14aae4c3854d05889d1477db87624-d6hg3ml.jpg.9836cdb1262dc16d37cc0ef140ca32bb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Sadly I think this thread is long dead my fellow rper. The person who created it Lizzy, is still around so I suggest if you like this rp to look for some more of her work as I can say she is a quality rper if she may vanish for a few months on end. *grins* I jest
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]Sadly I think this thread is long dead my fellow rper. The person who created it Lizzy, is still around so I suggest if you like this rp to look for some more of her work as I can say she is a quality rper if she may vanish for a few months on end. *grins* I jest

ty for telling me

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