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Fandom Days of STRQ (Rwby RP, Long-term, 1x1, FxM or FxFu)


The Blazing Emperor
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Dice
  4. Quests
  5. Nation Building
  6. Off-site
The name says it, I'm looking to do an RP in the world of Rwby that is set during the generation of Team STRQ. Specifically I'd be playing as either Summer Rose or Raven Branwen during their time as students at Beacon.

You'd have the freedom to play a canon character or use an OC of your own making, regardless of choice it will be set for a long term roleplay! There will be a decent bit of romantic build up.

Image included for fun.

Still looking, so bump

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