Daydreamer Barn V. II


One Thousand Club

Daydreamer Barn is a top-of-the-line, first class barn for your horses. This pristine, clean facility offers a 20-stall barn to house horses, 5 lush, green pastures, a nursery barn and the best feed you can give your horses. The barn's walls are lined with a tempermental lining; keeping it cool when it's hot out and warm when it's cold. This barn offers boarding, and lessons.


~ Three horse maximum, please. if you are you using a barn horse, please use one from the list provided.

~ No perfect players. They will not be tolerated.

~ I can deny or accept your forms

~Winning every competition your character will not be tolerated. No exeptions. No one wins all the time

~ Grammar and spelling is appreciated. No "text talk", please use proper English and grammar

~ Age range - 14-18. Anything over or below will have to be fixed

~ Don't date / mate with your own characters

~I do not appreciate "Will be RPed out"

Allowed Breeds




~Dutch Warm Blood


~Arab Crosses (i.e. Anglo-Arabian, Friesian / Arabian cross etc...)


~Swedish Warm Blood

~Troop horses

~Cleveland Bays

Character Forms




Appearance (Photo or description, please. No anime):

Number of Horses:

Horses (names, please):





Horse Form

Barn Name:

Show Name:







Barn Horses

Cricket "Midnight Song" - A chestnut Oldenburg mare. This arrogant, stubborn horse blossoms in show jumping and does basic dressage. She is a horse for experianced riders, being extremly stubborn and self-absorbed

Flower "Forget Me Not" - This blue roan Dutch warm blood is a sweetheart. She is a total push-button, and depicts and prefers show jumping, but is brilliant with many other equine sports. Anyone can ride this horse;experianced and new, young and old.

Rossi "Repeating History" - This Arabian stallion is a bit of a brat. He dabbles in dressage, and is amazing at it. He knows his dapple grey coat is stunning. He requires a gentle touch, one to tell him that he is not all that.

More coming soon

(My Forms)

Name: Margret, but she goes by Meg

Age: 16

Personality: Meg is filled with sarcasam and attitude. She tends to blurt out what she thinks and has a big temper. Before you get to know her she may be a bit rude or mean, but if you get to know her and she cares for you she will do almost anything for you. Being very protective of her family, friends and horse she may take some time before letting you in.

History: Meg grew up in a family with little money, all of the extra money went into her riding. She was homeschooled by her mother, but at age 13 her mother got a job as a nurse and her father being an enginere they got somemoney to send her to school and keep her riding.

Appearance (Photo or description, please. No anime):

Number of Horses: 1

Horses (names, please): Ultra Violet

Discipline: Dressage

Crush: none yet


Barn Name: Violet

Show Name: Ultra Violet

Age: 10


Breed: Freisian

History: (Coming soon)

Owner: Meg


Name: Marella Faire

Personality:Quiet she kind of keeps to herself

Appearance (Photo or description, please. No anime):She has short mousy brown hair and hazel eyes. She has a few freckles scattered across her nose. She is tall but she isn't lanky or all that clumsy.

Number of Horses: She just bought her first one

Horses (names please):Thorned Rose

Discipline:Eventing but her main focus will be dressage

History: She used to work at a horse rescue and that is how she met Rose. She rescued Rose from an abusive and nelgected life and sine than Rose only really trusts her.

Crush: None

Other: SHe is going to be busy training and reconditioning Rose

Horse Form

Barn Name: Rose

Show Name: Thorned ROse

Age: 5 years old

Appearance: She is on the thinner side because she hasn't gained all of her weight back. She is mostly black except for a white star and her four white socks. In places you can still see scars that were given to her by her past owner.

Breed: Hanovarian

History: She was neglected and abused by her first owner

Owner: Gwyn

Other:She doesn't trust easily

Is this still open to join? Name: Maggi SwoonsonAge: 16Personality: Maggi has always been misunderstood. She often times appears cold or a liar but it's just a wall she's built to not let herself get hurt. She can be hard to get to know and hard to get along with, and though she acts as if she couldn't care less, she really is just a lost, lonely teen who can't seem to find who she is. She is very smart but hardly ever allows herself to shine anywhere, preferring to hide in the background. She may seem like she has some confidence but she has no clue of her abilities. She has a hard time letting herself be open and let anyone ine, but if she does, then she is very loyal. She loves her horse more than life itself and would give anything for horse to be happy. But this doesn't mean she isn't a fighter. Maggi isn't one to give up and she certainly isn't one to wish for more that she has. She is a hard worker who just hasn't found a place to belong yet. Appearance: Maggi is small in structure, around 5'2 and thin. She has long, dark brown hair that falls in waves down her back. Her eyes are round and blue and changes in the light. Her face is pale and oval in shape. She has a small, porcelene nose and her lips, which are average in appearance, are usually being chewed. Her usual attire consists of old, worn jeans, a stained T-shirt, and leather boots that seem to have seen a lot. Number of horses: OneHorses: DiscoDiscipline: Mostly English, she has self taught herself to jump but mostly rides bareback. History: Growing up in a poor neighborhood, Maggi never had the luxuries of most children. Her father died of starvation when Maggi was 6. Maggi got her first job as a waitress when she was 10 and kept her depressed mother and 4 brothers and sister alive. Maggi had no real childhood and never asked for one. She did what she had to and never wished or dreamed for anything. She dropped out of school when she was 11 and her last hope of a new life dissolved. She was 12 when she first set eyes on a horse. A sorry excuse of a horse pulling a cart for tourists outside the cafe she worked at. She watched the horse standing in the smothering sun every chance she got. She made a point of bringing the horse carrots and pieces of cake she stole from the cafe and stroked his this neck and droopy head. The buggy driver seemed oblivious to the horses condition and Maggi grew more and more angry. Maybe it was because she was so much like the horse but something about him made her make a choice that would change her life. Maggi's Aunt had finally tracked them down and accepted her sister in law and her five kids into her home. But Maggi objected. She wasn't going anywhere without the horse, Grouchy. She was almost left behind but finally, her Aunt bought the horse from the driver and Maggi went off to live in New York with her horse. It took a while to get to know the horse she renamed Disco, and learning to ride in the city was difficult, but for once in her life, Maggi allowed herself to be happy, and Disco changed her life. On Maggi's 16tg birthday, her Aunt announced that she was sending her to a ranch with Disci where there would be more opportunity to ride since they were struggling to make ends meet to keep Disco, this would be the only way for the two to stay together. Crush: NoneOther: is there any chance that Maggi could work off a stall to live in? Maybe she could clean stalls and if there's an empty stall, she could sleep in there? ThanksIs that ok? Do I need to change anything? Thanks :) --- Merged Double Post ---Oops, forgot the horse form! Sorry for the really long post, I tend to get carried away! So sorry bout that!Barn Name: DiscoShow Name: Doesn't have oneAge: around 14Appearance: Disco is smaller in size, around 14.3 hands, but is strong and sturdy. He is a dark bay with no white markings and is very average in looks. He has a thick neck, and although he is a little thin, he has sturdy legs and a lot of strength. His mane and tail are on the shorter side and his fur is a little patchy. His eyes are a dark brown and are large and expressive. His head is plain and straight but easy to look at. Breed: Cleveland Bay x ArabianHistory: Disco, formerly Grouch, was bred by accident when a stallion broke into the mare field at a small breeding stable. He was neither pure Cleveland Bay nor Arabian which is what they bred. He was sold off at auction for cheap to a gentle trainer who saw great potential in him as a jumper or dressage horse. He called him Casey and trained him slow and right and rode him for the first time when he was four. Casey was willing and a powerful jumper despite his smaller size. He was sold as green broke to a lesson barn where he lasted only only one month before being sold off as "too much horse". That's when he was bought by a buggy company and was taught to pull around a cart full of tourists. And was deemed "Grouch" due to his souring personality. He was shipped from one major tourist stop to another for almost six years before he met Maggi. You know the rest. Owner: Maggi SwoonsonOther: is that ok? Is there anything else I need? Thank you! :)
(Chihahua, could you please change your history, because it is almost just like my own character's. Also, it is imposible to teach yourself to jump and still do it well and not kill yourself, sorry. I think it is going a bit overbord if she were to live in a stall, but she may still work there to pay off her lessons and boarding, but she will still have to pay at least half. Another one of my concerns is that she got her first jobs when she was 10, most 10 year olds would not be allowed to work in a reasturant, but if you want to still have her get a job at that age, she could have worked at the barn instead. Also, in most every state in America it is agginst the law to drop out of school before you are 16, so she can not have dropped out of school at the age of 11. I am really sorry that I have so many concerns and problems, but all of that is just a bit to crazy and very unreal, you are a very good writer, just change all of that and you are accepted.)
(Sorry it took so long, sis)

Character Forms

Name: Emilia "Em" Watson

Age: 17

Personality: Incrediblay comeptitive. She loves winning, but will never cheat. It's when it's fair that feels the best, and gives her the most pleasure and satisfaction. She is sweet and nice, but only to the people she cares about the most, which are very rare. Em is a bit of a jerk. She doesn't think of herself as mean and scary, she just is. She is competitive, and will stamp on anyone who threatens her spotlight, no matter who it is, best friend or enemy. Her horse is her pride and joy, She loves her horses more then people, so don't be surprised if you have to compete with her horses. Em looks like a sweet heart, but the level-headed gem can turn as cold as stone


Number of Horses:
1, but wants to breed him

Horses: Ashes And Wine

Discipline: Dressage and showjumping, used to do flat saddle

History: Em has a wide background in the equestrian arts. Her mother bred Oldenburgers and Hanoverians; and her father was a groom, not being able to ride himself. Her father left when she was very young, and she finds it hard to miss him. When she was seven, her mother gave her a small, lame old horse; a gelding named Blazer. Blazer and Em learned togethor, and after Blazer passed, little Em was devastated. Her mother gave her some time to heal, and then passed the reins of a retired Dressage horse to her daughter. A mare named Summer. Summer and Em got along, but there was no attatchment. So, her mother told her that if Em could get Summer to run a 1.24 mile jumping course, then Em would be rewarded with a weanling that she could train, name and raise herself. So, she worked hard, trying to teach an old horse a new trick. It wasn't easy, and Summer was stubborn, but they ran the course near-perfectly. Em picked a dark bay, 2-year-old colt, and they have been inseperable since. Training, riding, grooming, Em grew to prefer her colt over people.

Crush: Psh, good luck boys

Other: Has known Connor since they were 9 - they went to school togethor. Afer he moved away, they kept in touch through e-mail, cell phones and video chat. They caught up at the barn.

Horse Form

Barn Name: Ash

Show Name: Ashes And Wine

Age: 8



History: See owner's history

Owner: Em Watson

Other: Ash is a difficult horse to handle. He is a well-built stallion with beautiful movement and pure bloodlines, so he does everything beautifully. Being a stallion, he is a big ball of fire that won't listen to any body unless their name is Em, or if they show him that they are confident and experianced. His frame is muscled and wiry, but lean and flexible. Moves like a dream, handles like a nightmare.

(You guys may go ahead and start, anyone may start wants to. I will post soon, but first I need to post my male character whom I am working on right now.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Connor

Age: 16

Connor is just a crazy outgoing teenage boy. He gets along with mostly everyone, but has a big mouth and can make rude of mean jokes about people he cares about, it is his way of showing love and how much he cares. He tends to be a big flirt and hit on girls he barley know, which is his way of getting attention.

Appearance (Photo or description, please. No anime):

Number of Horses: 1

Horses (names, please): Jealous Yet?

Discipline: Connor is a jockey

History: His parents divorced when he was 13. He lives with his dad, and does not get along with his mom. He started riding soon after his parents seperated, and fell in love with Thoroughbreds and the thrill of a well-collected gallop. His dad is supportive of this sport, and tries to go to all of his son's races.

Crush: None

Other: Knows Em from the 4th grade, but when he moved they only emailed, so they are good friends.

Name: Marcus Bracks

Age: 20

Personality: Hardworking and kind, his aunt owns the barn (if that is okay). He works here and has a night job on the computer with ebay/

Appearance (Photo or description, please. No anime):

Number of Horses: 1

Horses (names, please): Thunderous Heart (Thunder)

Discipline: Dressage

History: He worked at the stables every summer since he was 13 but after getting his degree in Equine Science he started working here full time.

Crush: Not Yet, his aunt encourages him to find a girlfriend it but it would be very unprofessional (Once again if that is okay)

Other: nope

Barn Name: Thunder

Show Name: Thunderous Heart

Age: 9


Breed: Warmblood

History: He was born and raised on this farm

Owner: Marcus

He is accepted =) I am going to make a male character soon, he shoukld be come up soon today =) If you wish to start, 14, you may
Oh ok. Can I just post one of my different characters then? I have a few charries so I don't really feel like rewriting Maggi's. If that's alright. And not to be rude, but it is possible to teach yourself to jump. Not well of course. I've taught myself basic jumping skills. I can't go and show or jump more than like 10 inches but I can a little. Just saying. :)
Name: Matt LibingsAge: 18Personality: Matt appears to be cool and calm and confidence. He is a bit all over the place, though, since he isn't used to doing things on his own. He loves his horses and is outgoing. Sometimes he make big deals into less than they are and has a hard time dealing with conflicts or problems. He isn't used to trying very hard, but he can step up when he needs to. He has a strange calm and gentle side to him when he's around horses.*Discipline: Mostly engligh and cross country though he's tries gaming a little.*Appearance: Matt is around 5'10 and is thin but stocky. He has a lock of black hair that is always messy and falling into his eyes. His eyes are dark brown and he is usually a little tan. He usually wears jeans and a t shirt and expensive leather boots.*Number of horses: OneHorse: Champion SkiesHistory: Matts family was always very rich and Matt grew up with his life being handed to him on a silver platter. Although he was always the least stuck up of his brother and sister, he still knew little responsibility. He started riding when he was 10 and kept with. Maybe because it was the first time ever in his life that he had to work to achieve (a horse would throw him just as soon as he would throw a groom), but Matt refused to ride just any horse. He didn't buy and sell horses to his level of riding like his parents encouraged him to. Instead, he worked to form a bond with his horses and take them as far as his riding level could. His father died when he was 17 and after that he started trying harder in everything, not just riding. And shortly after turning 18 he made the decision to take his favorite horse from the stable and learn to live on his own. So he took the horse he had been riding for almost a year ( he had outgrown his previous mounts and had sold them to caring children), and headed off in search of the perfect barn.*Crush: Not yet!Other:Barn Name: ChampShow Name: Champion SkiesAge: 6Appearance: Champ is a light chestnut with a feathery, flaxen mane and tail that are long and thin. He is tall, around 16.3 hands and has strong, hard legs and a powerful neck. He has a white dot on his forehead and a white stocking on his back left leg that reaches up to his hock. He has almond eyes, both in color and shape, and an impressive slightly roman nosed head.*Breed: Dutch Warm BloodHistory: Champ was born in a fancy breeding stable from amazing dressage bloodlines. He was started gently but early and had been broken in by three years old. He was a head strong, energetic, and powerful horse that, despite his dressage blood, could jump just about anything at any speed. He was easy to get going but hard to stop and was sold as a "powerful horse only for advanced riders". Although Matt was not the most experienced rider, he was drawn to him and purchased him just to give it a chance. It was quickly seen that Champ was too much horse for Matt, but he never gave up and Champ started to come around. Champ could jump anything and Matt had little choice than to be along for the ride. But after a year together, it was clear the two had clicked and, since Matt wouldn't outgrow Champ anytime soon, they would be together for the rest of his life.*Other: is that ok?Sorry it's all cramped together. I'm on my iPod and it won't let me post it any differently. I'll try to fix it when I get access to a computer :)
Marella pullws up to Daydreamer Barn her white and silver trailer rattling and pinging as pieces of gravel bounced off the metal. Her trailer was one of those newer models but she had gotten it for dirt cheap because it was small and used. The shape reminded her of an escaped pod on a spaceship or something. She fund a parking space and slowed the truck to a stop. As she stepped out of the truck she peaked into the trailer trying to catch a glimpse of her mare. She sighs and whispers soothingly to Rose before turning around and looking for the barns office. Rosa hated being trailered but she only looked mildly stressed.
(Your character is approved, Chihuahua.)

Meg pulled up into Daydreamer Barn. Turning off the engine, she unpuckled her seatbelt and opened the door to her rundown old trunk. She closed the door behind her and locked it. She was releived she didn't have to worry about unlouding Violet, since she had the day before, it was the only time her family could rent the trailer and still get a good price. Turning to face the barn, she sighed and tightened her ponytail. As she slowly approched the barn, she addmired the beauty and quality of the stalls, she had never been to a barn so nice, unless she was just passing it on her way to her old worndown barn. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a girl unlouding her horse, she shot her a quick smile and did a lazy wave, she walked over to the girl. Meg way determined to make friends and not be the silent girl like she was when she was smaller. "Hi, I'm Meg." she called over, she didn't want to bother the girl to much, because she new how much focus it took to get a horse to get out of a trailer calmlly.

Connor gave a sigh, as he closed the door to his trailer. Pulling off his sunglasses, he walked to the back of the trailer, so her could unloud Jelous Yet?.

(Sorry for Connor's post, not my best.)
Em got out of her black Corolla and looked at the barn, admiring the woodwork. She smoothed the creases in her tan jodhpurs and walked in to the barn, determined to see Ash before she looked at any of the people she would have to deal with. When she walked inside, Ash whinnied loudly, followed by a nicker. She smiled and walked up to the stall, putting a hand on his nose. Finally - a barn that took stallions. Her handsome horse pawed the bedding in his stall, revealing the concrete floors. Em shook her head and released a breath, but she was smiling. "That's my boy. Now, who wants to go for a ride?"

(*curses* Awful first post, my muse should return shortly...)
Marella gave a slight wave and nodded to the girl named Meg before disappearing into the trailer. She grasped Rosa's lead line and pressed gently on the frisky black mare's chest until she backed up. The steps were precise but outrageously exaggerated due to the packing boots. When she was safely down the ramp Marella faced the mare and rubbed her head before her the command to stand, a slight tap on the nose followed by, "stand." The mare obliged and Marella removed the navy boots revealing four perfect white socks. Marella tossed the boots into the trailer and led the mare into the correct stable. The wood and metal gleamed and the scent of hay and leather soap filled her nostrils. Rosa's head was high in the air and her nostrils flared as she took everything in. Marella led the mare into a stall right next to a large bay stallion. The mare finally dropped her head and began to examine her new surroundings.

Name: Farren's full name is Farren Ann Williams.

Farren is seventeen years of age.

Although Catarina does not leave anything untouched, she jumps at opportunities. As she believes in forgiveness only to a certain point, she holds grudges. Being put into a list, she acts ambitiously, arrogantly, coldly, competitively, confidently, courageously, creatively, determinedly, heartlessly, humorlessly, independently, intelligently, meanly, persistently, persuasively, rebelliously, sarcastically, and temperamentally. If she was a character in a book, she would act as the book's antagonist.

She acts calmly when she is pressured. She despises loosing. She despises being proven wrong. She does not allow people to boss her. She does not back down from an argument when she is aware that she is correct. She has a mind of her own. She has an I do not give a crap attitude. She is a perfectionist.

She is intelligent. She is mentally strong. She is not afraid to speak, and stand for her believes. She is not afraid to speak, and stand for herself. She is not afraid to speak, and stand for her opinions. She is physically strong. She is picky. She runs her competition into the ground.

She speaks English, French, Sign Language, and Swedish. She speaks four languages. She strives to reach the top. She treats many things as if they are a competition.
Think of her as candy that is sour on it's inside, and outside. Sour milk curdles at the sound of her name. With a sharp tongue, your confidence is brought down quickly, or, if you become lucky, boosting your morale, she shows you an ounce of kindness.

Number of Horses: Farren owns one horse.

Horses (names, please): Farren owns Etched in the Stars.

Discipline: Farren competes in cross-country, dressage, eventing, and show jumping competitions. She also used to exercise racehorses, and still does sometimes. She also knows some trick riding, and enjoys that alot.

History: Farren was an only child, and grew up with everything she wanted. Her father owned a large business, and her mother was an accomplished equestrian. She had been around horses since she was born, and always wanted to ride. Her father flinched just at the thought of it, wanted to keep his only child safe and sound. Farren's father was finally convinced one day, and she went to ride at one of the top stables in the country. There she learned from the best, and was pushed to the limit. There she was taught to be competitive, and she finally was given Etched in the Stars when she was fourteen years of age, She also went to a boarding school from 6th grade all the way up to high school.

Crush: Farren does not have a crush.


{ More muscle, neck is more curved and arched. bigger lung capacity, bit bigger}

Barn Name: Etched in the Star's barn name is Etch.

Show Name:
Etch's show name is Etched in the Stars.

Etch is eight years of age.

Etch is a Dutch Warmblood.

Etch's owner is Farren.

Other: Etch is very difficult to handle on the ground, but is a dream while being ridden, if you are Farren.

Barn Name: Magic

Show Name: White Magic

Age: 10

Appearance: (Look at link)

Breed: Lipizzaner

History: Magic was born on a cold winter day, and as soon as he was old enough to leave his mother, he was sold to Cavalia. He learned to do all sorts of tricks, and amazing things, and was in their shows-Until he fractured part of his leg. He was then sold to Farren, and Farren really didn't know about his tricks until she did something with her hand.

Owner: Farren

Other: Gentle and sweet compared to other stallions




Farren shifted the keys to the side, shutting the truck's engine off. The engine's sputtering slowly faded as she practically ripped the keys out of the keyhole that they fitted into snugly. She leapt out of the truck, landing on two feet onto the gravel pathway. She took in her surroundings, immediately looking at the barn. Farren had been to many of the top stables in the country, but this stable was
marvelous. The wood was strong too. That was the first thing Farren looked at when she examined a barn.

She smoothed out the creases in her chocolaty brown jodhpurs, and walked to the back of her mother's Bighorn Double Slide Lakota trailer. She murmured, "Mother's going to be picking up her trailer soon." She clenched her teeth, and slid the heavy door to the side, which revealed a black silver dapple, and pure white coat glimmering in the sunlight. As Etch and Magic simultaneously nickered, Farren grinned. She walked into the trailer, and seized Etch's and Magic's halters and lead ropes from a hook. Two brass nameplates reading
Etched In the Stars and White Magic were bolted on the sides of the halters.

Farren slowly slipped the first halter around Etch's muzzle, and reassuringly cooed to him. She then buckled the halter not too loosely, nor not too tightly, and clipped the lead rope onto a ring on the bottom of the halter. She did the same with Magic, and then clucked to her horses softly. Both began walking forward, moving their heads slightly to the rythym of their hooves echoing throughout the trailer. As Farren lead them out of the trailer, and into the glorious sea of sunlight, Etch paused for a moment, adjusting his eyes to the "blinding" light of the sun, which
was blinding compared to the dark trailer. Magic looked at him as if he was saying, "What are you waiting for? Get a move on already." He began moving again, and as the three got closer to the barn, Etch spotted stalls and stalls filled with horses.

He threw his head into the air, then lurched forward, half-cantering, half-prancing into the barn. Farren clenched her teeth, and slid her hand up the lead rope, restraining the horse from rushing into the barn. She calmly, but sternly murmured to the stallion, "I am leading Magic too, behave yourself. Always behave yourself. Not just when Magic is around." She glared along the rows of stall, finally spotting a large stall, with a coppery nameplate on the stall door which read,
Etched In the Stars. Farren peered over the stall door, and found a thick bedding of fresh flax. Farren sighed a breath of relief. Etch's rippling muscle's were stiffing from the trip, unlike Magic's, and she wanted to get him into a stall as soon as possible.

She unlatched a small, but noticeable latch on the stall door, and slid the door open, leading Etch inside. She turned the horse around, and began unbuckling his halter. She walked out of the stall, sliding the door closed behind her, and locked it cautiously. She placed the halter and lead rope onto a hook on the side of the stall, and then went off to find Magic's stall. She did the same with her surprisingly calm, and gentle Magic, and inhaled a deep breath of air. Now all she had to do was unload her trunk of supplies.


Em shot a glance at the girl who parked her horse right next to Ash. It was a handsome mare...She just wanted nothing to do with it. Her gaze then traveled to another girl, leading two stallions.

She paused. Who would lead two stallions at the same time? Em could barely handle Ash alone, and she raised him from a weanling. She sighed and grabbed Ash's halter, slipping it over his face before opening the stall door and leading him out. He half-walked, half-trotted, clearly excited and itching to get out. "Some one's energetic," Em cooed in a low voice. She hooked him up to the cross ties, a few feet away from the two other girls, and walked in to the tack room. Em had had all of Ash's tack, equipment, mash, vitamins and pads pre-shipped with him. The girl swung the saddle pad on to his sturdy back and lined it up, just as excited as he was to go running.



As Farren shuffled back to her truck, her black, tall boots made a large echoing sound throughout the barn. She could just hear her mother in her head.

Pick up your feet!
She sighed, happy to be away from her father, and her mother. Her father complained about her not wanting to take a job in the business when she was older, and her mother pushed her to the limit. She heaved the trunk out of the back of her gray truck, and just managed to plop it onto the tack room floor. She brushed her hands on her long sleeved riding shirt-that repelled all dirt and liquid luckily-and sighed. She had finished all of her tasks, and decided that she would tack up Etch for a ride. She unlocked her trunk, and picked out her gloves, helmet, protective riding vest-and Etch's bridle, girth, saddle, and saddle pad.

She slipped her gloves onto her hands, and fit her helmet snugly onto her head- before she put on her protective riding vest. She then carried the tack to an available grooming stall, and went back to Etch's stall. She slipped on the stallion's halter, and led him to the grooming stall. She cross-tied her handsome horse, and grabbed the chocolaty brown saddle pad. She slipped it over Etch's back, positioning it correctly, and laid the black saddle over the saddle pad. She then fixed the girth, and adjusted it, before she moved on to the bridle. Farren slipped the bit into Etch's mouth, and adjusted all the straps.

She was satisfied with her work, but as always, checked the girth one more time before she led her stallion to the arena. She chose the outdoor arena instead of the indoor arena. Why not? It was a nice day out. She closed the arena gate behind her, and set up all the jumps to the correct height before she mounted. She gently swung herself into the saddle, and decided to warm up Etch with a couple of laps around the arena, and then some simple trotting poles. Farren warmed him up, walking the stallion around the arena a few times, relaxing his muscles.

She then squeezed her legs against the horse's barrel, clucking to him to urge him into a trot. The stallion began trotting at a perfect pace, and then Farren and him went over a couple trotting poles, before she finally decided to go over some jumps with her stallion. She sat for a few beats, then slid her outside leg behind the girth, putting pressure on Etch's barrel with both of her legs. Etch began at a steady canter, and continued with that from that point on. Farren kept her eye on the jump, remembering her mother chiding,
Keep your eye on the prize. The jump was just a simple cross pole, and Farren didn't see it as much, but it was still something. She made sure Etch and her were in rythym, and then went into two-point, just before her horse glided over the jump.

The stallion nickered, as if it was a piece of cake, and cantered toward the next jump. Farren reviewed the course she had set up in her head.
I should really take it easy today. Farren concentrated on the next jump, and ending up doing very well on the course, only knocking down two poles on the six foot jump. Of course, Etch was not expected to do his best that day for obvious reasons. By the time the course had been finished, beads of sweats were running down Etch's neck, and Farren decided to cool him down. She led her stallion back into the barn where she un-tacked him, and bathed, and groomed him until his glorious coat shone in the sunlight.

Farren cleaned her tack until it was reasonable, and then sat on her trunk in the tack room, gulping down a bottle of water quickly. She didn't intend to meet anyone soon, nor did she intend to speak to anyone soon. She had gone to an equestrian boarding school from when she was twelve up to high school, and she wasn't social. Nor was anyone from her school. At her school, it was all about hard work. Her whole life it seemed was about hard work. She got up, and stretched, deciding she would train with her Magic a bit.

She still worried about his fracture, but that was two years ago. Her gentle horse could not do the same things he could do before, but the fracture didn't give him any pain. She sat down, and began rummaging through her trunk. She found her lounge line, small bag of peppermints, and whip, and as soon as she saw the whip, she laughed. She remembered despite how many times her mother said no, she would always think it was used to harm a horse when she was little. Turned out that is was used to take place of the rider's legs. She popped one of the soft mints into her mouth, and went to go prepare Magic for his training session.


Marella unpacked her belongings making sure everything was in its proper place. She wanted Rosa to relax before she began their training ride which tended to excite the mare again. Her trunk was a stained a deep mahogany brown and the brass clasps gleamed in contrast The inside was a collage of old newspaper prints of horses. They were all ancient, all gifts from her grandmother who had bought her the trunk and given her the collection of ancient newspapers to flip through.

About the time the other girl switched from untacking her bay stallion and tacking her white stallion Marella led Rosa into the cross ties beside her. Rosa's coated had dried off and deep red cooler, once pulled off, revealed a glorious dappled black coat with a thin layer of dried sweat. Marella set to work with her soft curry comb that she had just purchased. It was made to be used on sensitive horses so the bristles were made of floppy rubber that amazingly removed the dirt but didn't annoy the horse. Rosa's refined head dropped and a soft whicker escaped her lips. Marella ran the hard brush followed by the soft brush over the mare then stepped back admiring her handiwork. Last came the hooves which was easy, she simply tapped the horse's leg and she lifted for the cleaning.

Next came the white polo wraps with a single embroidered red rose on the front. Next came the deep red dressage pad with black piping and quilting, anybody noticed a pattern yet. Next came the dressage saddle which gleamed due to hours of polishing and cleanings, it was fit specifically for both Rosa and Marella. The bridle fit snugly and the crystal browband twinkled, nothing obstructed it because as always Rosa's mane and forelock was braided in a running braid down the neck and simple not on her forward.

Marella led the mare out of the crossties and into the outdoor dressage arena. The footing was perfect and thankfully the sun wasn't too brutal as they warmed up.




Farren unclipped Magic's lead rope from his halter, releasing the gentle stallion into the arena. She hung her lounge line, and whip on a hook, deciding she would use them later, and placed the soft mints in her pocket. Magic nickered, as if to say, "Hurry up!" Farren picked up her pace just a tad, and finally reached her horse in the middle of the arena. The horse walked a bit closer to his girl, and lowered his head. Farren placed a quiet hand to his velvety nose for some time, then gently shoved his muzzle away. Magic took off, galloping around the arena, only inches from the boundary that separated him from the tempting sea of grass.

Farren allowed him to gallop a couple times around the arena, then raced toward him, getting only a couple feet away from him when he responded to her invisible orders. Magic slowed just a bit, and then turned around all the way on a dime. Farren smiled. Magic continued on galloping until Farren kneeled down on one of her knees. The stallion slowed to a trot, and approached Farren, slowing down to a walk as he came only a few feet away from her. The stallion lowered his head, and transitioned carefully into a bow. Farren, with her head still lowered, flicked her hand to the left, and her stallion toppled over, and snorted.

Farren pulled out the bag of peppermints from her pocket, and chose the two most worthy out of the bag. She popped one into her mouth, then offered one to Magic. He lipped it up, and devoured it quickly. Farren then stood, and walked towards the edge of the fence. Magic followed her, kicking up dust from the arena's floor. Farren stood on the first bar on the arena's fence, and mounted Magic, making sure she did not accidentally prod him with her boot's heel. After she walked him around a bit, she squeezed her legs against Magic's barrel, and clucked him into a trot.

Magic started out a bit too slow, almost slowing down into a walk. Farren clucked to her stallion again, and he began picking up the pace to what was still a very slow trot-but is was just what Farren needed. Farren trotted him around the arena, and did a couple figure eights with her horse. Just when it seemed liked the right time, Farren urged her stallion into a quick canter. Magic threw his head, and Farren gripped her hands even tighter around Magic's white mane. She hadn't ridden bridleless and bareback for a while now, and it felt a bit remote to her.


(This is a pic of the barn , this is the outside , and these are the two tack rooms , , and the feed room Room.jpg . Also the arenas LIndoor arena) , (outdoor) (Dressage Arena) , and the paddocks, I am sorry I am giving you so much at one time. Thank Odd for finding them. Tell me what you think of them.)

Meg was stunned when she entered the barn, it was gorgeous. Recovering from the amazing detail of her surroundings, she approached her horses stall. Her eyes softened as she brushed her hand down her horse’s neck. “Good girl, good girl.” she said softly and in a steady voice. She grabbed the halter from the hook next to the stall door. Opening the heavy door, she talked sweetly as she puts on the halter.
Em aligned the saddle with the black saddle pad underneath, arranging so that they both sat on top of Ash's withers. He danced in place as she outfitted him, but calmed down a bit as she fastened the girth. Em buckled the girth on Ash's right side, but unrolled the stirrup on the left. She sighed and re-rolled it, sliding it back in to place, nice and tight, before fixing the girth. This was a fetish of Em's - tight stirrups while she put on the saddle and girth. It was odd, she knew. She considered it was because she didn't like the stirrup or the leather strap that bound it to the saddle beating her fingers or wrist while she held up the flap to fasten the girth. Whatever the reason, it was wierd.

With one hand in Ash's mane, Em held the bit up to his lips. He whickered and flicked his ear, but didn't take it. The girl clucked to the horse, raising the piece of metal slightly. Ash whinnied with his mouth closed, a trick that he figured out, and stamped. The whinny was an interesting sound; Em knew what he was thinking. She sighed and took her hand out of his mane and fished in her sweatshirt pocket, producing a lump of sugar with chipped corners. After it was placed on top of the bit's center, she held it back up to Ash's mouth, making sure that he saw exactly what she was doing. Giving in to the sugar's temptation, the stallion nickered and took the sugar - the bit following in less than a second, it seemed. Ash chewed on the metal with his back teeth, holding the sugar in his mouth to dissolve. He didn't like the bit. He didn't like the taste, the feel, the sound it made when he chewed on it. He didn't like the restraint, that Em never let him eat while he wore it, or the the power it gave her. Going bitless was better for so many reasonn. Then again, he didn't like how hackamores squeezed the corners of his mouth and put pressure on the sides. Bits were almost better.

But, Ash loved his job. Ash loved jumping, and the energy of a tigh-turn course. He loved making the perfect jump in the perfect position and making the perfect landing. And, what about the perfect discipline? Dressage was great, too. Ash loved being a dressage horse. Unless being a dressage horse meant he had to do a half-pass....Bits and half-passes, he decided, were the only bad things about being Ashes And Wine. That, and farriers. Oh, and de-worming. Em's up-hill training wasn't fun, either. Neither was -

"Come on, good boy," Em cooed as she buckled the throat latch and took the reins in two hands. "Let's go jumpin'." She led him out of the barn, his hooves making a click-clack, click-clack sound on the checkered tile floor.
I am going to fall in love with that sound, she thought, grabbing her helmet as she walked out. This barn was over-the-top, and far too pristine...That's what she loved about it. That's why she picked it. It exceeded her sky-high expectations. I haven't been riding in way too long...she thought with a roll of her eyes. When she got out of the barn, Ash on her right shoulder, she saw a blonde boy leading his horse up the barn. He looked...familiar.



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