Daydawn Battle Academy (Character Sheets/OOC/Info)

Name: Melody (Mel) Lemke


Gender: Female

She has pale skin, dark green eyes and hip-length, braided light brown hair. She is roughly 5"6' with a slender build and often wears plain clothing (i.e. plain colors and simple patters or designs).

Small Background: Melody had been living with her older brother ever since she could remember. Never knowing her parents, who were said to have died in some kind of accident, it was only the two in a cramped apartment. Her brother always worked long hours and was rarely home, slaving away night and day to pay the bills, but they made the most of it together. Despite this, it was he who noticed she showed signs of having a D Trait. Once he knew for sure, he sent her away to the school, where he thought it would be better for her.

Preferred Weapons: She prefers to use brass-knuckled gloves.

D. Trait:
Anti-body manipulation. Mel can manipulate antibodies to detect and destroy viruses and bacteria in themselves and others, allowing them to speed up by enhancing them or slow down their recovery from a sickness. She can also produce more or less antibodies as she wants in a target, but only for a short amount of time. In short, Melody can enhance her speed and strength to the point where it is definitely unusual for a human, but not supernatural, as well as healing faster than normal people. This power can be used on others upon physical contact. For example, if someone was cut on the hand she could use her abilities to heal the wound faster if she simply touched it for a few moments. It won't heal instantly, however.

(( I'm sorry for such a delay. If you need me to change anything just say the word. ))
Imagine my face when I woke up to like 5 skellies, 4 are boys. ||D

Opti, Fire, Liz, Maker, Nappy, All accepted.

I'll make the thread during my third period >> <<
Name: Nicotis Chanter (Nico)

Age: 17

Gender: male

Appearance: Has 3 very exotic tattoos, 1 on his chest and 1 on each arm.

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Small Background: Nico lived a very adventurous young life in his small village. He pranced around tree-lines and climbed everyone of them. His parents weren't so free as he was though. They tried everything they could do to protect him. One night Nico asked them why they did this to him. Their only response was "Well little nic, it's that thing on your chest, that tattoo." He didn't know what they were talking about he didn't have time to think about it. a bunch of men, soldiers by the looks of it, killed everyone in sight. Nico sat there as the bloodshed just continued and continued. They were done with everyone then targeted the child. He knew he wouldn't stand a chance so he ran, he ran far out of the village until he hit the tree-line. Then he remembered what his parents had told him, he had finally figured it out, he was wanted. His parents told him about a big town just a couple miles away. He didn't start running until he hit the cities edge. There he found the police, the magical 'protectors' of the cities. He told them of everything that happened and they nodded at the kid. "We knew your parents, follow us to our car ok little guy." He pathetically walked to the car, and got in. They drove him to a school, he had never seen this place before and he was scared. "You're ok here now kid, now get some sleep. Someone will be there when you wake up to get your stuff together alright?" He had been living on campus ever since.

Preferred Weapons: (Maximum two) He has duel daggers which are covered in strange runes. They were found in his old room at his parents house.

D. Trait: Darkness, Nico does not know much about this trait but what it essentially is, is he can manipulate shadows to an extent and learn their secrets. He can simply bend them to make 'solid' things such as a long arm and fist which he uses his mind to control, use them to empower his own fighting, making clone a single clone which takes extreme concentration and only one can move at a time. He has no mastery over his trait yet and he believes it could be extended further.
With this sudden rush of male characters lol, may I create another character that is a female? I can easily manage two.
I believe we're basically even with boys and girls, guys.

Sure, Ix.

The roleplay thread will be made in a moment, though.

Brax, despite your character having no mastery of his D.Trait, I'd like for you to power it down. Imagine having all the powers listed there and /more/. If he can travel in the shadows, he can basically hide and attack as he pleases, and with clones... It's just way too much.
Name: Cross Leceel

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Small background: Cross grew up in a frozen wasteland, a place no one in their right mind would live within willingly. His memories of his parents are nonexistent, as they were gone before he had any memories he can recall. He spent several years in that frozen hell, surviving on what seemed to be only sheer willpower. His uncle found him at the age of 10, shirtless and in a blizzard. He was brought into the realm of man once more, where his uncle passed on fighting techniques to him. As it turned out, Cross had a talent for reading opponents, and found the most ease in waiting for his opponent to act and then counter. Within three years though, his uncle could no longer ignore the signs of his D.trait. Things were constantly being frozen around the house, and children who tried to play with Cross complained of a numbing pain that felt like a "bad winter". With a heavy heart, his uncle prepared him to visit the DBA, where he might be able to find a place in normal society.

Preferred weapons: Cross almost always uses his bare hands in combat, but has training with tonfa. He will occasionally fashion a pair out of ice when needed

D. Trait: Cross can lower his body temperature far below what is required for a normal human to survive. This allows him to endure freezing temperatures that would kill a normal person, as well as what kept him alive for the first 10 years of his life. He has learned to pass this power mainly to his arms, which he then uses to strike key points on the body. With some effort, he can also crystallize water vapor in the air to form ice in various forms. He can't form anything too complicated, but simple shapes are quite possible. The maximum he can take this to is a technique he calls "Absolute Zero", where he drops his entire body temperature to negative degrees. While in this state, anything he touches will likely be frozen solid, and his heart rate is so low most people would think him dead. However, while lowering his body temperature in any form, especially in "Absolute Zero", he must conserve his energy. With the lowering of temperature comes the slowing of his heartbeat, which means less blood flow, and therefore less energy.
Um, just my two cents regarding that: Right now your character is sort of a "Jack of all trades", his power allows him to do something well suited for just about every situation. If you could narrow down its purpose, then it would be less powerful. For instance, when I think of shadow I think of deception and illusion, he may be able to create images of himself for example, as opposed to true clones.
WOW This thread has just exploded! I was browsing around and then I was like, "Huh I wonder if that battle academy roleplay has started yet?"

Then BOOM, I'm reading like 6 new skellies. Awesome. ;D


D'awww! Nico is my friend's dog's name. :D He's such a cute little border-collie/ Husky mix.
Ix, accepted.

Brax, I totally agree with what Ix said.

Tea, I had the same reaction. ô vô

The thread is up! Sorry for being so late.
Alright I tried to power him down a bit but I'm not sure if you'll like, anyways shall I create a girl since everyone said this was a little male heavy?
No need. Plus I think Liz would have preferred a female character if she knew the a lot of males would be joining. So if anyone makes one, I'd say her but there's nothing wrong with an rp being male heavy. There are tons of female heavy roleplays, ssoo yeah.

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