Daydawn Battle Academy (Character Sheets/OOC/Info)


had a Nostalgia Trip
[i've seen similar ideas to this in this forum... Just a small note, I didn't steal this or anything, this was actually a past roleplay I had made...]

"Finally! My last quarter of school! I'm going to be graduating next year... " A girl stared in awe standing before a series of large-scale buildings that towered over the land. She held her bag tightly, trying to keep in all the excitement she had bundled up inside of her. "This is going to be good! I'll be able to participate in the platinum cup after this... Let's go!"



Daydawn Battle Academy, or DBA for short. An academy for the most talented children-- in fighting, of course. In DBA you'll find that the faculty and staff at DBA are top-notch, our hallways are always cleaned, and our battlefield is the best on earth. This school prepares the students to become grade-A fighters in order to fight for a worldwide competition called the platinum cup which contains one of the most beautiful and powerful jewels in the universe; the Riridium. Thing is, this jewel is more than wanted on earth, and throughout the galaxy, others desire this to rule over everything. Since the tournament starts this year, the graduates so far will enter during the summer in order to test their skills and claim their prize, though that won't be so easy when others desire the platinum cup. And worse then that, a group of mischief makers have gathered around the campus also to claim this powerful prize. With power out in the open like this, it will be a mystery to find out what might happen.



Students at DBA are particularly chosen because, at birth, they were born with a special element called a D.Trait. D.Traits usually decide how someone may fight and what types of magic they can perform. D.Traits can also interact with other D.Traits in order to create even more powerful attacks and magic.


Battle System

The battle system in both DBA and the Platinum Cup are quite simple. In a singles/solo match, one person will fight against the other to knock-out the other. In order to win, one must make the other unconscious and unable to continue fighting. In a team battle, this also applies, but the winner is decided when all people on one team are knocked out. There are also separate cups and tournaments with their respective rules.


School System

The levels of skill are divided among the school as follows;

Green (1st quarter), Yellow (2nd quarter), Red (3rd and 4th quarter), Silver (5th quarter), Gold (6th quarter), and Platinum (7th and 8th quarter). Each quarter is a series of classes you take for a time of 20 weeks, and at the end of each quarter you will take an exam on what you've learned to see if you passed on to the next rank or not. Once you pass the platinum rank, if you have enough P.C.(Explanation below), you can participate in the Platinum Cup.


The Platinum Cup

The Platinum Cup, as said previously, is a tournament you can enter once you graduate from the DBA. In order to pass qualifications you must have a total of 50 Platinum Credits, or P.C. These are accumulated when you defeat another student in the battlefield or in other cups rather than this one. For each battle you earn .5 Platinum credits, and the average platinum credits you can get from achieving 1st place in another tournament is 1.5. The Platinum cup doesn't only allow people from the DBA to enter.

The platinum cup will be accessible later on in the roleplay.




•Don't control anyone else's characters.

•Respect your fellow RP-ers!

•The sites rules still apply.

•PG-13 thank-you!... Except gore. I will accept gore.

•I WILL look at your skellies, and if something is wrong I will tell you :"3

•No godmodding (Avoiding dramatic irony, breaking the 4th wall, powerplaying, teleporting, bunnying, autohit...)

•No multiple characters unless I allow you to do so.

•I can't really think of anything else at the moment, so please don't give me a reason to place any more rules than I really have to.






(Description or link is fine)

Small Background: (This might as well count for both Personality and Biography)(You don't have to really make it small, either.)

Preferred Weapons: (Maximum two)

D. Trait: (Only one. I'm usually picky with this. Keep the rules in mind, and, make sure to explain the said trait. It's sometimes easier to confirm with me first before you make the skeleton and get rejected... Not to discourage any of you.)


Sample/My character

Name: Kenta Mammon

Age: Sixteen

Gender: Male


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Small Background: Kenta was an average young kid... Averaged a B- in school, has some friends, played games (both inside and out)... He lived with a younger sister, age 7, a mother, and a father. They both loved him in a somewhat typical way, equal to his sister mind you. The only thing slightly off was his occasional timidness and fear of large animals.

Thing was that both of his parents had D.Traits, and went to Daydawn Battle Academy just as he was going to do now. They didn't tell him about it until he began showing signs of having one; he could hear odd things and see odd things (at first he passed it off for schizophrenia). He was recommended and accepted to the school afterwards.

Preferred Weapons: He would prefer long reaching weapons that have pole bases, such as tridents and harpoons. This doesn't mean he is experienced with them, in fact, it's the exact opposite. It just happens to be the only weapon type that appeals to him.

D.Trait: Necromancy. He can call to the lost and transmit messages of 'ghosts' and things pertaining to the subject. He can also summon dead fantasy-themed beasts, such as skeleton knights and mages, but for higher level summons it takes much more of an energy toll for him.
(Let me know if there are any adjustments I need to make. :) Hopefully this is acceptable.)

Madigan Roha

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: Fluffy blonde hair, green eyes and long athletic legs. Her expression is usually pretty timid, but her hair and eyes give her a bit of a mysteriously wild look.

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Small Background: While her mother remains a regular human, her father comes from a long line of D.Trait-positive ancestry. Since puberty she was trained by her preferred weapon, even though she showed no signs of carrying the D.Trait. She was always very good at athletics and her father assumed that she’d develop some kind of physical enhancement trait, which was common in their family. After years of practice with her blades and no signs of the D.Trait, she was only pushed harder to hone her skill. It wasn’t until around the ripe age of 17 that she showed the first signs of the D.Trait.

It was anger that triggered the transformation, a spat between her and her father. She was rebelling at the time, saying she’d never have the trait during a heated spar between the two of them. He refused the idea and the sparring intensified as the two argued, each in denial. Madigan ended up pushing her father back, winning for the first time against him, but in outrage he used his D.trait against her, the ability grow in size. He justified himself by saying that she would eventually have to fight against D.traits at DBA. The mere ferocity of her spite triggered her transformation into a bear, in which she instantly landed a claw on her surprised fathers cheek--leaving a permanent scar down to his color bone.

The shock between the two of them neutralized the argument and her father now refers to his scar as the moment of pride when Madigan finally developed her D.trait.

The fact that she ended up transforming, despite her argument to her father, gives Madigan an uneasy feeling about the entirety of DBA and its battle system. Although she can’t really dislike her D.Trait, since it's inevitably a natural extension of herself.

Preferred Weapons: dual blades attached at the hilts by a pretty lengthy chain.

D. Trait: Shape-shifting, mostly into other mammals. Her ace is turning into a dragon, but she can only hold that form for about 7 minutes before passing out completely. She might be able to eventually utilize other mythical forms, but since she didn’t develop her trait until a year ago—she’s relatively inexperienced in using it. When she’s frightened, she shifts on instinct--no telling into what.


Name: Esana Bridges

Age: ​


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Esana is short/medium. She is built halfway between a slender and stock build and has quite a bit of muscle, especially along her legs. Her hair is black and looks as if it was once layered but has at this point almost outgrown the layers, though there are some strands that are still oddly shorter than the rest. Her eyes are a very dark brown, with almost invisible pupils and are slanted slightly downwards at the inner tips, giving her a bit of a cat-like glare. She has very small, but sturdy hands (terms that could be used to describe her entire body). Between winter and summer, she alternates between rather pale to extremely tan. Typically, she wears a t-shirt and jeans with sneakers, almost regardless of the weather (though she will throw on a coat if it's chilly)

Small Background: From childhood, her parents wanted the best for her and so gave her everything that she wanted, but were also quite controlling and demanding of her, given that she was their only child. She was forced to start all sorts of activities that she didn't care for (such as ballet, piano, violin and drawing). Esana was a talented child and was told so by her parents, so she grew up with somewhat of a big head. This has led her to be unwilling to do anything that she wasn't automatically a natural at, and she has a very deep fear of being inadequate. She never tries, because if she doesn't and fails, she can always say that if she tried, she would have been amazing.

Around her final year of middle school, Esana discovered the Academy. She had known about D. Traits before, but neither of her parents had pursued theirs, so, she didn't get much exposure. Her first experience with D. Traits was a week after she found out about DBA. She levitated a notebook into her hands and almost fainted.

In general, Esana is neutral about what's going on about her, rather sarcastic (to a degree of being mean) and very dry. She is more cheerful around her friends, though still with a deep sarcastic streak, and surprisingly, is quite optimistic (though this revolves more around her trust in her own luck than her belief in the universe). She enjoys entertainment above all else, no matter who or what it comes from, and such is the first trait she looks for in prospective friends.

Preferred Weapons: ​None or a gun if there's nothing else.

D. Trait: Esana has a special form of telekinesis. She can control small items and occasionally even float herself around, but the greatest (and most practiced) use for her telekinesis, is her ability to pick up and control the 'insubstantial', such as lightning, fire, or even wind. However, her power is incredibly weak in most areas, the item must already exist for her to control it, she must use her power daily to keep from losing it and to improve substantially in an area, she must devote such time and energy to it that she would probably be hospitalized after several days of training. Esana can manage small things without much effort, but the energy needed increases exponentially as the things increase in size.Esana's strongest skills are her ability to control small objects (smaller than a half a meter and less than seven kilograms) and her ability to control electricity (a skill she has honed through the years). She can draw enough power from an outlet to knock a normal person out with quite a bit of effort and also enough to kill someone, though with that much strain, she would wind up in the hospital for at least a week.
Ah before I read the details of the trait I was thinking, Oh dang Telepathy girl is gonna smash mine--I need to think of some tactics! Hahaha but now I can see it's got disadvantages of it's own, but still a formidable opponent! xD Now I don't have to think as hard, lol I can just wing it.

Though I'm still not sure how to deal with the undead army!
Name: Raven Strife

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearence: View attachment 10371

Small Background: Raven was an average kid, that lived in an average home and had average parents. One day her father rushed home with only his phone and wallet. He ran into the house and locked all the doors and turned off the lights. He grabbed raven's hand and the mothers leading them to the basement. The fathe sat them in the middle as he ran over to an abbandon desk and started to pull the drawrs out. He found a thick pile about 500 pages in it. He ran over to them opening the folder and spreading them acroos the floor. The mother picked on up and read something that said the D.trait. Raven was still young about 6 years old so she didn't understand what was happening. The mother panicked and looked up at the father in disbelief. The father rumeged around as the wife droped the paper. The father panicked as banging could be heard from the upstairs. The father hugged Raven then the wife. "..Im not sure why but it's all clear you almost died giving birth to she was kicked out of school on the third da, why cops were questioing us..I figured it out's not possible..thats what i thought.but then i did more research and Raven.. she has the D. trait..she has to. " The door was knocke down as the father burned the papers he had spread around the floor.

He looked into Raven's eye then ran over to a small passage way. He wrote a small note then place it in her hands. The mother covered her mouth as she began to cry. The father stared at Raven and gave her a faint smile. "You are special and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise" The men in white suits came running down the stairs. Other men in black suits jumped down grabbing the parents. The mother screamed as Raven looked around the room frantically. One of the people in white tazed her with a long range tazer gun. She fell to the floor instantly loseing sight and her hearing. Inside her body pulsed and began to get hot. One of the doctors ran over to her but was burned in the right shoulder knocking him against the wall. The uncounsious Raven stood to her feet with her her hands by her side. Fire began to fly out crrating circles around her. Some whipping out like a whip. Her D,Trait was triggered by anger seeing her parents harmed. One of the doctors tired to calm her down but was knocked away by the fire moving around her. Before the fire could spread out anymore one of the black gaurds struck her in the back of the neck knocking her out.The parents were taken away in a different truck along with Raven in a white van.

Perferred weapon: Brute strength

D.Trait: Fire. She is able to use fire and consume it as well. The heat of her fire can increase in temperature caused by her emotions. She can minipulate the fire to propel her into the air, or to cling onto surfaces.
Sorry for my somewhat short absence!

Esana, you're accepted.

Tea, don't worry. xD Kenta won't really be able to fight physically.

Goddess, I'm a bit skeptical of that D.Trait. As it is so powerful it must have an equal or greater flaw that would keep everyone basically on par with eachother. If you could either think up a limit for the D.Trait or think of a new one entirely, everything will be okay c:

Mitaku, alright! Looking forward to your skeleton!
Chat! I was wondering when i'd see something from you.

I'll get started on my skeleton now, but I might not be able to finish it until tomorrow due to school and such.
Pfft. I only barely make RP's. This site is no exception. Besides, I only saved this and used it again. Recycled. c:

I can't really think of anything, anyway~
Alright, it's a bit better, and I'd accept it, but that would be a bit detrimental. Is your character aware that each time she transforms, her life span is shortened? It's a bit complicated, my reasoning, and it's hard to explain why I'm a bit skeptical of it. But for now, it's okay...

When I get one or two more skellies, I'll make the roleplay thread.
Name: Flower full Moon

Age: 18

Gender: female


Small Background: Flower may look cute and may act shy but when she fights she let's out her fierce side. She can really kick butt and won't hesitate to do so. Flower can be quiet and nice but make her made and she will lash out. Flower's parents disappeared years ago around when Flower was six. She grew up in a friend's home who's parents happened to happen to teach at the school. Once Flower showed signs of being a great swordfighter they also took care to watch her for d traits. She was sent to this school as soon as they were sure.

Preferred Weapons: The sword

D. Trait: Flower has light magic. She controls light that is around her or light absorbed into her skin. She may be able to bend light around her to make her 'disappear' however this isn't perfect and sometimes her basic form can be seen, also this only lasts for a few seconds and quickly tires her out. She can grab other people but this doesn't last long because light can't naturally pick things up. Basically it can create a shield or blind people for a few seconds, also she can blast light out to make her opponents go flying. She doesn't rely on this to fight but it does help. Also it does have a weakness. If someone can get her out of the light or trap her with shadow she can not use this power.

(I hope you can accept this...since light is basically everywhere I tried to balance it out. and adding an obvious weakness lol. Also I want to create some guys three to be exact. Nick, Deathwish, and James would be there names.)
Goddess, not really. It's your skeleton, therefore it's you that decides if you want to change it or not. Again, I think it will be difficult as a D.Trait, but it all depends...

Fire, you're accepted. If you can manage all of those characters without abandoning one, go ahead, but make sure to avoid godmodding, as that might happen if your characters are grouped up.
ill change it you think haveing the four elements will be ok


ok i got a few you might like
Name:Seth Winters



Appearance: View attachment 10383

Small Background: Seth was born in a small town. His mother was an angry drunk while his father was very supportive of him. His family never had a lot of money and the neighborhood he lived in wasn't a great one. He excelled in school and was well liked among the students. He was described as a person who had perfectly separated his good from his evil. This means on the outside he seemed very mean, sarcastic, and angry on the outside. Anyone who really got to know him knew that even though he acted like a jerk sometimes he would always be there to support them even if he didn't agree with what they were doing.

His best friend was his older brother who was always very supportive of him. He was the opposite of Seth he seemed kind on the outside but was very angry on the inside, and very protective of his brother.

The night Seth found out about his powers was the worst night of his life. It was a normal night, pitch black around 3 in the morning. He awoke to the sounds of the door being kicked open. He was just waking up about to get out of bed to see what was happening, when he heard his mother and father screaming. He also heard two people he didn't recognize also yelling. He then heard two gunshots and suddenly his brother burst into his room. "Seth grab something there are some people coming to kill us and we need to do something." Seth quickly looked around his room to find something to use he had his brothers old replica shield that was made out of metal. He grabbed that and gave it to his brother he then looked finding the only other option of a weapon to be a cornace (The thing that holds the curtain above a window). The then grabbed that with two hands and as soon as he turned around the door burst open and the first man ran in only to be charged and tackled by Seth's brother. The second man who had come in behind the first pointed his gun at Seth's recently grounded brother and shot once. Seth became extremely upset, and scared at the same day his adrenaline was spiking when his hand started to glow and then created a small ball of light, which the then threw at the robber who was still standing. Once the ball hit the robber he went flying backwards through the wall of his home. Seth then dropped to his knees as the 1st robber got up from under his brothers motionless body. The sight of the man just throwing his brothers body like it was a sack caused Seth to be even more upset and instantly pick up his arm to shoot a large beam at the second man sending him through multiple walls of the home. Seth then collapsed from exhaustion.

Once awoken from his sleep he was in a hospital. He soon found out that his parents had been killed, and that his brother had been shot in the spine and was unable to move from the waist down. He was happy to hear that at least his brother had made it through that terrible night. When they found his fathers will it had a note left for Seth. When Seth opened it a small slip of paper fell out with an address written on it.

"Son, if I'm dead then something terrible has happened possibly terrifying you enough to unlock your D. Trait. If nothing strange happened the night of my death then throw this away now. I know that is odd wording but I don't exactly know what your D. Trait is as I never got to see it. But now that you have unlocked this power with practice you will be able to control it. Go to the address that came with this slip of paper and tell them I sent you and what happened. These people will help you learn to use your powers, you must go there immediately If your brother is still alive say goodbye to him, he already knows about all of this he'll understand. You must go now, and remember Seth I love you."

Seth then pulled his I.V. out and went to see his brother, as he entered the room his brother looked at him with proud eyes.

"It's time for you to go isn't it? Don't worry dad already told me if you were to ever unlock your power that you would have to leave. I didn't pass out immediately I got to see your little ball of light thing. So you go, I'll be fine just keep your phone with you I'll find a way to keep that bill payed, just don't stay on my account I'll get through this." His brother said lovingly.

"Alright I know what I have to do just know I love you." Seth said at a loss of words for how supportive his brother was being. So he left to his home that currently had two gaping holes in it and gathered a backpack full of his belongings and got in his car to drive to the address left for him by his father.

Preferred Weapons: An extending staff (Like Robins staff from teen titans) and a shield

D. Trait: Seth can convert his internal energy into a physical form (This would usually be in the form of short burst or blasts) The flaw in this ability is that it does use his internal energy meaning every time he uses it for anything he begins to tire himself out. If he uses his power to much he passes out.
Name: Nick and Deathwish

Age: 18

Gender: Both male


Small Background: Nick was named by his mother but Deathwish was named by their unknown father. Being twins Nick and Deathwish look exactly alike, they are entirely different. Nick is fun loving and also a huge flirt while Deathwish is quiet and mysterious. No one really understands the two boys. Nick and Deathwish are not as simple as they seem. Once Deathwish and Nick showed signs of having D traits they both were sent to the school. Deathwish seems to have an evil ora around him however he isn't as scary as he might seem to be.

Preferred Weapons: If they had to have a weapon Deathwish likes the bow and nick likes the sword

D. Trait: Nick's D-trait is very simple. He doubles his strength for a short period of time. This gives him the ability to run faster and jump a bit higher. Deathwish's trait is that he can call on one creature. A type of reaper. This creature has to be kept on chains and is very hard to control. Deathwish rather hates this and only uses it when it's really needed. He would never call it out in a simple spar.
Name: Astraeus Orion Tiberius II

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Small Background: Astraeus was born into a wealthy family, containing a large amount of members that had the specific D-Trait and did whatever they could to keep it running in the family, usually forcing arranged marriages of those containing such trait or simply marrying a distant cousin. Bit odd, yes, but Astraeus comes from a long line of strong, wealthy men with their trophy wives at their sides, running businesses and poking their sticky fingers into any loophole they could find. Not the best kind of family to grow up into, but it's what Astraeus had to deal with. If he did not follow specific rules or guidelines given to him, he would often be shunned by other members and humiliated to high extent. This is how the male grew to be so cold and arrogant, not giving a single care about the world around him. His father pushed him, training him everyday so Astreaus can live up to his legacy, doing whatever he could to surface his son's well awaited for trait. He often used anger, humiliation and abuse to strengthen him more, allowing him to learn his flaws - eliminating all weaknesses as possible. The Tiberius Family did not want any weaklings, anyone who was willing to give up and lose - it just wasn't allowed. God knows what happened to those who did.

It wasn't until the age of fifteen he managed to bloom, acquiring such abilities even today he is having difficulty controlling. His father was proud, but yet, that didn't stop the torment. He still pushed his son, having him practice different techniques from dusk until dawn and and if he didn't do what was required for that day, he wasn't fed and he certainly earned a new bruise. Astreaus is a walking, ticking time bomb ready to explode onto anything that pushes him just enough. He had never lashed out against his abusive family, never talked back or tried to get away, he simply bit his lip and lived through it, even having silver scars across his pale body to prove it. It's no surprise to the world around him that because of this abuse, it has mentally and emotionally structured him into a monster that he, even dislikes.

Preferred Weapons: Typically, Astraeus doesn't need any weapon besides his hands, but if really necessary he often uses chakrams.

D.Trait: Cosmic manipulation on a lower degree. In some cases, he can create meteors, asteroids, stars, stellar winds, and solar flares in the palm of his hand, almost like an "elemental bender". He can change gravity for himself as well. But, due to the abuse he has suffered, his abilities can "stutter" or refuse to work in some cases, often causing backfire and even hurting himself in the process. It drains his energy greatly and lowers his body temperature, often causing him to pass out for large periods of time. Although, on the battlefield, it's almost like you are up there in space, it's surprising how surreal it can appear to be, twinkling stars and star dust forming nebulae. It's all beautiful at first, but Astraeus knows how to work his magic and refuses to lose.
Name: Jericho Christianson

Age: 16

Gender: Male

View attachment 10387

Appearance 6,2 235lbs long brown hair, brown eyes, strong cut body

Background: Jericho was born to be a fighter. His father was super world wrestling champion was Tyre Christianson and his mother was blood sport cage fighter Roma Indra. Jericho's parents met and married for one purpose the hopes of their combined abilities and genes would make a child that had a d. trait. Jericho grew up and was trained in wrestling by his father and cutthroat weapon fighting by his mother. Jericho was raised beliveing that he was going to be the greatest fighter in history. At age 12 his D. trait finally revealed itself while being trained to endure a fight the only way his parents knew how. Taking turns useing their wrestling moves and martial arts to beat him and beat him over and over Jericho's body suddenly turn to granite. His parents that day did something they never did to Jericho they hugged him. Jericho wanted to feel that love from his parents again and he knew just how to do it, win the platinum cup the next day Jericho was enrolled in the DBA and Jericho knows the best way to win the platinum cup is to crush his opponents.

Preffered weapons: Jericho was given gifts from his parents before heading to the DBA his father gave him ring gear boots gloves and pant's and his mother gave him claw weapons. His right claw is a three bladed tiger claw and his left is the slightly longer two bladed dragon claw.

D. Trait: Rock. Jericho can turn his body into the strength of solid granite however this increase of strength and armor severly reduces his speed. However so far there has been no record of a single opponent to get up after being knocked out when he is in this form but now Jericho must face off against other's with D.Traits nobody knows whether this trend will continue now he is in the DBA

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