DayBreakers [Inactive]

RadioActive submitted a new role play:

DayBreakers - What happens when there's no more blood, in a world filled with vampires?

There's a New Era. One filled with vampires. An Era where humans are becoming extinct.
In the year 2026, there was a way out of life. A way to have a better life. To be immortal, to be strong, and to be a vampire.

But some didn't choose that path, and still remain human.

Vampires now ruling the world, and humans need to be captured, and farmed for blood. Times are bad now, with the need for blood growing stronger each day.

Some vampires are trying to find a substitute for blood, other a cure to...
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Mason licked his lips, as blood tried to escape his mouth. He couldn't hunt, since blood was running out and they had to farm humans, so he drank coffee, except it was blood. Yes, disgusting it seems, but times are desperate now. Mason let out a sigh, for he hadn't had blood in days. And his hair was beginning to fall out.

He felt the absent hair growing back in. The sensation was amazing. Mason stood up from his leather chair, and cracked his old back. Mason was seventeen, but he'd been seventeen for forty years now. The outbreak of vampires happened in 2000, an it was now 2o26. Mason was suppose to be 43. But he wasn't. Mason was immortal.

He grinned at the thought. It was 12:00, noon, and it was still light out. Mason could go out, but unprotected he would burn. Mason grabbed his jacket and hat. He opened his umbrella, opening it as he headed it out.

Alice Woodland knew how to handle a gun. She learned years ago. She was sixteen years old, being born sort of into this mess. The mess of vampires. Yes, vampires. Monster who drank human blood. Horrible, she knew. Alice slipped down the hallways, of the underground hideout. She gasped. Her heart stopped
. "Oh my god, you scared me." She laughed, as another human turned the corner. He grinned at her, and then began walking again.

Alice blushed, as she cautiously crept forward.
Another day in hell, she thought.
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- Elisa

“How are you feeling now?” Mary asked. Worriedly she tucked a short brown curl behind her ear. A gang of vampires who lived under a bridge were always a welcome home to Elisa, Mary was one of them. After Elisa’s father had died she had taken care of her, like a sister. She was a new born, Mary could have left her for dead. During these days you actually saw vampires turning against each other. Suppose they figured the demand should equal the supply. Elisa nodded. “Alright, I suppose,” she breathed. She looked down at the cup in her hands, which Mary had offered her. The red liquid now safely resided in her tummy. “Thank you.” She was much better. She thought she’d never have that feeling as a vampire but she had actually felt like dying.

Mary grinned. “You know being on a diet is really the worst thing you can do as a vampire.”

They both laughed as if they weren’t in big trouble. But they were, they all were. Elisa stood up and hugged her. “Oh, no you shouldn’t have given that blood to me,” she suddenly sobbed. Mary hugged her back and grinned. “Don’t worry, I’m as strong as a bear, I think I can manage.” Elisa wasn't so sure if that was true.

Elisa whipped her tears and nodded. She put on the hoodie of her oversized yellow raincoat.

“I’m think I’m going home,” she said with a weak smile. Mary’s eyes widened. Elisa hadn’t been home after the accident, she hadn’t been home for almost thirty years. “Well…good luck,” Mary zipped up the zipper of Elisa’s raincoat until it completely covered her neck. “Don’t let the sun come in.”

“I’ll be careful,” The blonde promised before walking off, following the trail of the shadow as she neared the town.
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The fainted breeze grazed Evalyn's smooth skin as she sat in the grass; her arms wrapped around her knees that she was hugging tightly against her chest. She was doing the same thing she did every Monday and at the same time. She was waiting. Waiting for her brother. Each Monday she would go to the last place she saw her brother and leave food,water, a knife, and leave a note saying 'Matthew stay here. I'll find you. ~ Love Evalyn.' Everyone knew where she was around six on Mondays, some have tried her to talk to her about giving up but it's always a mistake. She always uses her ration of food so and soketimes she goes days without eating just to make sure she can leave food in the same place. The last place she saw her brother was at her house which was nine months ago.

Evalyn pulled a folded piece of paper out of her pocket and began unfolded it and smoothing out the creases. She stood up and walked up to the old building she used to call home. She held the piece of paper up to the wall as she pulled out a Pin from her pocket. Pushing the needle through the paper and the wood, Evalyn stepped back and gazed at all the notes she pinned up before but of course some where carried away by the wind. She turned around and walked away heading back to the hideout.

The note:

Dear Matthew,

I had a dream about you last night again but this time Jamie was in it as well. We were all laughing and playing soccer out back of the old house like we used too. I wish I never woke up from that. I miss you and I will sill keep visiting even if everyone thinks it's a waste of time. If they knew you then they would think dfferently.

Love, Evalyn Scotch.

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Mason felt vulnerable in the sun. Why? Because if he didn't have the coat, hat, and umbrella, he would burn within seconds. His body would catch fire. Everything would hurt like hell. His throat was dry. He knew he just had a cup of blood, but his body has lacked so much of what it needs, Mason's body is draining itself. Mason needed more.

It was a Thursday, which meant today, work was off.
"Thank God." Mason said to himself. For the past month, he'd been working from 3:00 in the morning, to 9:00 at night. He'd gotten very little sleep.

So instead of sleeping all day, Mason had got up at 12:00 and went outside to enjoy a little shade.

Mason walked around for about half an hour, and was ready to go inside, when he saw someone. Mason shrugged, thinking he needed to socialize a bit since he'd been locked up in the lab for a bit. Mason squinted his eyes to see who the person was, and realized he didn't know them. It was a blonde girl, wearing a yellow raincoat. Mason cleared his throat, as he walked in the girl's direction.

Alice breathing quietly, a gun tightly held in her hand. She was going out to get some food. Yes, the hideout did have food, but Alice always loved the thrill of hunting. The concentration, the peacefulness, and sometimes even a sight of a vampire. Alice hated vampires, but she loved to observe them. To see how they're different from her. Maybe even to convince herself to stay human.

Alice walked to the ladder that lead the way out of the hideout, slung the gun over her shoulder, and began to climb. The clinging of the old ladder echoed in the hideout, so most everyone knew someone was heading out.

Alice quietly opened the hatch, and climbed out. She sucked in the air like a vacuum, and closed the hatch, covering it in a leaves and mud. She grabbed her gun again, and began to move into the woods. She heard a faint chirp, and knew the birds were awake. She guessed she was having bird for lunch.

Elisa had, without noticing, moved her hands in front of her stomach. Somehow she was too nervous to return to her old home again. She never paid the rent, other people could have moved in or worse… Her attention was called back when she heard someone gouch. When she noticed she was already standing a little close to the person in front of her. He was…another vampire. But different, not like the vampires under the bridge. The guy looked like he actually had a life, a job…maybe even a family. She laughed nervously. “I’m so sorry,” she apologized for blocking his way, and for staring to long. She looked sideways and suddenly felt very sad. Her old home, it looked awful. The paint had dryed up and the windows and doors were closed, someone had set a wooden frame in front of it. "Oh, no..." She walked towards it and stared to pull on the wooden frame.

Blue - David

Pink - Angela

Purple - V (Leann)


"Oh come on, Mama," Angela sighed, brushing a piece of oily, blonde hair out of her face. She couldn't remember the last time she actually took a shower. Her mama had a bunch of children she watched over, she being her only actual daughter, so the water was always rationed. Most of hers went for cooking food in order to help her ma, though. "I just wanna go out for a little sun." She watched as her old ma thought it over. She knew it wasn't her place to call her mom old, but she was - old that is. She was close to being eighty after all, and that was old in their time. Most of them died of by the time they were thirty, maybe even younger. Angela wasn't sure; she's rarely ever been out of their hideout. Her ma didn't like them going out, saying it was too dangerous, and she knew it was. Vampires roamed the towns, looking for blood. They were lucky they haven't been herded in to one of the concentration camps like people she knew.

Her old friend Fay was an example of that. Mama used to watch her, and she went out against her wishes. Angela should of saw it coming. She remembered her friend going on about some boy she said she was in love with, said somethin' about wanting to marrying him. Angela didn't believe her at the time, kept saying she was some kind of loony for believing she could find love in the world they were living in. But then Fay disappeared, and it was all Angela's fault. Days later she found her at one of the camps, all thin and dying. Even then, Fay told Angela, "He's coming for me. I know he is." Angela still believes Fay might of been a little crazy.

Angela shook her head, trying to get the thought of her old friend Fay out of her mind.
"Please, Mama?" Angela asked, pouting. Her mother sighed before nodding her head.

"Be back in an hour, though, okay?" her mother finally said, and Angela squealed. She jumped up from her seat on her mother's bed. She gave her mom a quick kiss before saying thank you. She literally skipped down the small hallway to living room. There she grabbed her jacket before climbing out of their hideout. Tall grass greeted her as she threw her arms out, smiling up at the shinning sky above her.

V looked at herself in the mirror, noting a small wrinkle that appeared on her forehead. She gasped when she saw it, edging closer to the mirror until that was all she could see. "V," she told herself, "you need to do something about this." She needed blood; that's what she needed. Blood would make her better. The blood would stop her from losing hair and having wrinkles.

She looked over at her window and saw a dim beam of sunlight streaming in. She cursed under hear breath. "You have got to be f*cking kidding me," she said, going over and tightening the blinds. She really wanted to make a trip to the bank, hopefully convince them to give her some blood, but she rarely ever went out in this kind of weather. But, hey, she wanted blood and needed to suck it up.

She grabbed her black jacket, sunglasses, and black umbrella. She looked at herself in the mirror one more time. Today, she was wearing tight-fitted, dark colored jeans and a blood red mid-drift. To complete the outfit, she put on her black high heels and red beanie. She did not want everyone to see her hair falling out. She smiled at herself before exiting her place.

She looked up at the burning sun and winced, trying to make it more bearable by placing her hand in the air while she opened her umbrella. Once that was done, she smiled. Underneath her shade, she was perfectly okay.

For a moment, she just stared at the people around her, noticing how all of them are changing. They all were becoming uglier and uglier every time she saw them, and it was disgusting, to put it simply.
Jason was praying, although he was never that religious his wife had been and he was now willing to try anything to end the plague that had claimed so many. Although he was in a hideout with several other humans he always made time to be alone and during that time he prayed sometimes.

"Amen." He muttered as he finished the prayer. He proceeded to stand and leave the room before climbing the ladder. It wasn't long before he too was outside.

He mainly just wanted to see the sun and stretch his legs. Another reason why he was grateful for his humanity was that he got to appreciate the sunrise. He smiled at it and wondered just how many more sunrises he would get to see. He continued walking, making sure however that the entrance to the hideout was in sight.

He began to circle the hideout as well as stretch his limbs before punching the air. He needed to keep fit and he found that exercising outside was a lot more relaxing. After some quick exercises he sat down on the grass.


"Yes, Beth."

"How many more sunrises do you think I'll get to see?"

"Lets just enjoy this one, okay."

She died a week later.

He sighed and walked back to the hideout before climbing inside. The others would be back soon.
Evalyn was drawing closer to the hideout and as she walked she began to think about her brother. The memory of his smile was never blurred in her mind; she could explain every last detail of her brother to anyone and she would enjoy doing that. A smile crossed her lips as she kicked a rock in the dry dirt. She glanced up and saw Jason heading back into the hideout, she would be doing the same. A single tear streaked down her cheek and she quickly rubbed her arm against her face wiping it away.

Opening the hatch to the underground hideout, Evalyn quickly climbed in and closed the hatch once she was fully inside. She climbed down the ladder and rubbed her hands on her camouflage pants. She turned around to see Jason and walked over to the couch and plopped herself down on it, relaxing. "Hey Jason. I haven't seen you up and about lately, where you been?" Obviously, Evalyn was just trying to make chatter. She knew he was probably in his room doing whatever he does. She herself didn't like talking to too many people but Jason was a good guy so he was one of the exceptions.
He smiled in response and sat down.

"Praying for a goddamned miracle I guess." He spoke with some humor "I was never that religious a guy, but I'm willing to try anything to end this plague, even praying to a deity I barely believe in."

He paused for several moments, getting lost in his own thoughts before he snapped himself back into focus and cleared his throat

"What about you, Evalyn? Do you believe in anything?
Evalyn pulled her feet up to the couch and crossed her leg as she listened to Jason. She thought of a response to his question but paused for a long period of time then finally spoke. "I believe gods an a**hole." She couldn't help but laugh at what she just said. "I guess you could call me a hypocrite cause I'll swear up and down I'm an atheist but the moment I know I'm gonna die I'll be praying like theirs no tomorrow for forgiveness." She leaned her body back into the couch before speaking again. "Though I take religion much lighter than most people. Hell I used to tell my little brothers if I went in a church I'd burn then the next day we would walk past a church and I'd tease them and try to enter the church." Evalyn covered her mouth as she laughed. "They would cry and cling to me so hard it was funny, though when they got older it wasn't funny anymore cause they got too smart and wouldn't believe me anymore." It was always so surprising that Evalyn could talk about her brothers with ease when one was dead and the other had been missing for nine months.
Angela laid back on the grass, completely covered by its itchy texture. She closed her eyes, letting her skin soak up the sun. She was only a few feet from her now home, but that was how she liked it. She was close enough to escape if need be, and that was all that mattered. While her eyes were closed, she heard the footsteps of people. For some reason, she didn't open her eyes right away. Instead, she just listened to them. When they opened up the door next to her though was surprising. There only a few people that dared to defy her mother, and they were only Evalyn and Jason. Jason was an adult and didn't need to listen to her ma. Evalyn, on the other hand, always just went off to leave food for her brother. In her mind, Evalyn was a little crazy like Fay was, if you asked her.

She stayed there for a bit longer before deciding to go back inside. She reached the living room in time to hear Jason ask Evalyn about religion. She winced when she heard that Evalyn was an atheist. Angela wasn't a big fan of atheists, seeing that she was a Christian girl. She started to wonder why her ma let her stay there, seeing that she didn't believe in God. But then again, her ma never turned anyone away.

He should of been dead. It was as simple as that. He. Should. Of. Been. Dead. There was only a twenty percent chance of someone surviving a bite, and he just had to be that lucky. Being a vampire is not living. It was far from that, actually. It was like you were existing, refusing to leave this forsaken planet, even though all David wanted was to leave. Death would be a nice thing for him. Then, at least, he wouldn't have to deal with the constant want for blood. He hated blood. Hated it with all his heart, all his being. But he just had to need it. He was actually glad they were almost out. At least then he wouldn't have thoughts anymore. Then he wouldn't have to look in the mirror and see the monster he became....
Only after a second Elisa screamed and pulled back. In terror she looked at her own hands. “What the…”She had burned herself, the flesh was now a dark deep red. It wasn’t healing as fast as it should, she had that problem for a while now. Someone had protected the house, against people like herself. But how? and why? She started to tear up. “Those stupid humans.” she yelled. Humans, They always seemed to forget that the vampires were once human too.
David whipped his head at the sound of a screech. He pulled his hood over his head tighter as he made his way out of the shadows. He shoved his hands in his pockets. He let himself follow the noise, not really noticing the people around him. He just kept his head down, and that was that. He tried to keep quiet, hating attention. He could feel his hands shaking, probably from his blood deprivation, but he ignored it - at least, he tried to ignore it.

He made his way to the noise only to see a girl screaming her head off. She was shouting as well. He wasn't sure why or why she hated humans so much. Slowly, he made his way over to her, his face completely covered by his head. He asked,
"Are you okay?"
Jason took Evalyn's words in. She was kinda true when she said that god was an a**hole. After all he had taken Beth from him and had done nothing to end this plague.

"Well. Before Beth, my wife met me I was a devout Atheist." He chuckled "But in order to get her off my back about religion I became an Agnostic, it satisfied her I guess. I used to joke that I'd burst into flames if I walked into a church or I'd get struck by lighting too. Sometimes she'd laugh, even if she was trying hard not to. I've only really been to church for special occasions. Christenings, weddings...Funerals.

He paused again and his tone became more serious

I have no idea where I stand on religion, now but I pray just in case someone upstairs might be listening to us. Maybe they might lend us a hand or light the way and if we're really lucky they might just cure this plague for us."

He turned around as he noticed Angela walk into the room.

"You're back. Did you catch anything?" He asked in a friendly tone
At first, all Angela did was stare. She stared at the man, even though it was inappropriate to do so, but she just couldn't help it. Jason was a guy that was always praying - at least that's what her ma told her. But hearing that he used to be an atheist as well surprised her. She blinked a couple times before entering the room completely. She removed her jacket, revealing an old, white blouse that used to belong to her ma. To match it, she was wearing jean shorts and her favorite cowgirl boots. Her ma used to tell her she looked a little slutty in shorts, but that was one thing she didn't listen to about. She liked wearing shorts even it they were against being a good church girl.

"Um," she finally said, looking back at the duo sitting on the couch. She was surprised it was so quiet. Usually there were people running around. She shook her head, stopping herself from getting off track again. "I heard you guys talkin' 'bout religion," she admitted.
"Yes, you did." Jason replied, stating the obvious with a half-smile. This was something he didn't do very often without faking it, but this smile was completely real.

"Do you have anything to add to this topic?" He asked

That was something he'd normally say to students back when he was a teacher. Sometimes students would get really into a topic raised by the class or by himself and religion was a topic a lot of students seemed extremely passionate about. He didn't shout down the beliefs of others, no matter how strongly he disagreed with them. He'd probably have been fired from his job if he did.
"Well," she said, twirling with the edge of her hair - she did that when she was nervous. "To me, religion is a big thing. When there's no hope, where else are you supposed to turn to?" She paused, thinking her words over. "I'm a Christian girl through and through, and nothin' is gonna change that. God put me on this forsaken planet for a reason." She shrugged. "I guess I just have to figure out what that reason is." She twirled with her hair, her eyes glancing over at Evalyn. She's been awfully quiet since she came into the room. Was she mad at her? She didn't like it if people were mad at her. It made her believe she did something wrong... She didn't like doing things wrong. Her ma wouldn't be happy if she did.
Elisa groaned, it most likely didn’t look pretty. “No….yes, I’m fine,” she replied before looking at the person who had spoken to her. Her eyes widened. It was someone else…but the other guy… She suddenly looked behind her. The guy she had walked in on a moment ago stood still behind her. .“Are you…still standing there?” She asked him. She suddenly felt quit anxious being surrounded by two unknown vampires. Elisa had seen how they both looked, thirsty. “I-I don’t have any blood,” she stammered backing up.
Mason glared and the other vampire who had just jumped in. Mason didn't know why, but he felt that the 'new' vampire was... dangerous. Ah, it sounds stupid, but Mason kept his guard up just in-case. After this moment of thought, Mason quickly turned his head to the other girl. The vampire girl. He nodded, and turned his eyes to the ground, not wanting any attention drawn to him. But of course, Mason never got what he wanted. The girl quickly spun around and was asking him if he was still standing there. Am I really the invisible? Mason asked himself. He raised an eyebrow, and nodded. "Well does it look like I'm sitting?" He asked, with a sly grin slapped upon his face.

He crossed his arm,s and quickly went back to silence. The girl asked another question, that almost made him laugh. Of course she didn't have blood. She would have been killed by now. Other vampires who were turning, would have smelt it from miles away, and would've attacked her to get it. Mason shook his head, and waited for the other vampire to reply.

Alice kept her breathing steady, and she entered the woods. She had left the hatch that lead the hideout outside, covered in leaves and mud. Alice gently held her gun is her tender hands and she journeyed into the woods.

((sorry for the short post))
David didn't trust him. Whoever he was he did not trust him. He was cocky, arrogant even as he responded to the vampire girl. Didn't he even realize she told them she did not have blood. Wasn't that strange to the other vampire as it was strange to him. A vampire afraid of her own kind. "I don't want your blood," David said quietly. "I was just wondering you were alright since you obviously don't sound like it."
Elisa held up her hand. It still wasn’t healing, she was beginning to get worried. “I’m fine…I already told you so,” she said maybe a bit to snobby. She glanced over at the other guy, who had been awfully quiet except for that one arrogant line. However he hadn’t made any attempt to attack her. “My name is Elisa and I think…I should apologize.” She did mean it. She realized that except for the bridge vampires, she didn’t know anyone in town. She thought the guys were strangers to her, but maybe she was a stranger to them. “You aren’t familiar to me and…it scared me a bit I suppose.”
David just shrugged his shoulders as a response. What would she have to apologize for? So she thought they were going to steal the blood she didn't have. There was nothing she should apologize about.
"That seems to be what we spend a lot of our lives doing. Trying to figure out the reason why we're here." Jason replied "I'm in my thirties and I still haven't figured out that reason yet, but hopefully I might figure it out soon."

He stood to his feet

"Now who's hungry?" He asked, smiling and trying to change the topic
The whole topic about religion got to quizzical for Evalyn so she muted from the topic. She always took religion lightly and some could even say she took it as a joke but that was Evalyn for you. Evalyn Smiled widely once she heard something revolving around food. She jumped up from the couch and raised her hand like a preschooler. "Oh! I know this" She laughed at her lame inside joke as she started heading towards the kitchen area. Her stomach was growling ferociously; she has been denying herself food for days now just so she could take some food to the same place she has always been going to on Monday mornings. It felt like her insides were devouring themselves but that problem would be solved soon once she put something in her tummy. She couldn't wait to eat something.
Angela was glad for the topic change. Religion was a touchy subject for her, and she was glad Jason changed it. She followed the two into the kitchen. She listened to Evalyn and her corny joke, not finding it funny at all. They were food, she knew, but at least they had it better than some. "Not very funny," she told her. "Gotta remember the ones that are being fed on right this moment like food." She opened up the fridge, trying to find something they were able to have. "They have it lot worse."

Blood dripped from the corner of her lips as she dropped the bag. It wasn't as good as fresh blood would be, but it would be okay for V for now. She wiped her mouth with her jacket sleeve, immediately wishing she didn't right after. Now, she was going to have the smell of blood on her for who knew how long? It was going to annoy and torment her. "D*mmit," she said to herself, wanting to toss the jacket. But she couldn't, not yet at least. She needed to get home and in the dark again before she could. She did not want to have burnt skin. That would just look really bad. She exited the building and started walking, her umbrella propped on her one shoulder. The first place she passed was one of the farms where they kept the humans. There weren't many of them left but enough to make V's mouth water. She might just of had some blood, but it wasn't as fresh as the blood pumping through the veins of them, her food.

She shook her head, trying to ignore them. She could do this. It took all her will power not to leap over the fence and devour each and every one of them, despite the consequences.
Stop thinking about it, she thought, annoyed with herself. Stop being such a wimp and suck it up.

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