Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advance. [Lost in the Wyldlands]

Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Tai turns to the barmaid and takes a moment to recollect the proper answers, "Stew with bread please."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

"Bread, Cheese," The being pauses and then adds "And since the last one I spoke to was a bit of a jerk, I'll have a double portion of the elk." He let's out bit of a chuckle and sits back tilting his head to further hide his face in shadow beneath his hood.....
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

The barmaid disappears, saying that she'll be back within a dozen minutes or so with your drinks. Leaving you all to yourselves as the din of conversion from the bar provides background noise.
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


At Atrius' comment about elk, the druid's ears prick up and swivel toward him in interest. "Do you have the gift of speaking with animals, then, Atrius? Or was that a joke?" A catfolk would never joke about such matters for fear of offending the animal spirits, but Miasathra has learned that humans joke about the oddest things.

Although... this man has taken great pains to conceal his face. Is he human at all? Or just badly scarred or deformed? She wishes that her cougar companion Arris was here, or better yet that she was able to take the shape of an animal herself. Few people think to disguise their scent.
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Atrius Night

The shrouded shoulders lift briefly in a shrug, "Perhaps, a bit of both." There is a quiet chuckle to the amused voice...before it elaborates further "I often find myself listening to them speak after traveling in the woods for a while.... Though Mom use to say that was a sign I should probably get back to civilization... " He laughs again...
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


"Speaking with animals is nothing unusual. Anyone can do it. It's only whe they speak back that you need to start asking questions." Added Almaz with a trace of hunour.
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


Oh, so it was a joke. Miasathra grins at Almaz, pointed canines showing for a moment. "Ah, but animals often talk back to me." She pauses. "Well, they do when I use the correct spell. Otherwise it is more of a body language sort of thing."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


"Ah yes, magic helps I guess. Booze is second best. I once had a rather animate argument with a mop.... The really sad thing was I was losing."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

The barmaid will return shortly, a tray in hand with all of your ordered drinks and serves them all with an experienced flourish and leaving after mentioning word that their food is being cooked as you all speak.
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

"Thank you very much."

Almaz left his glass:

"A toast. To our impending doom."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

With a grin and a chuckle, Elian raises his glass. "To impending doom!"
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


The green-clad catfolk shakes her head and sighs, the beads and charms woven into the braids around her face clacking together. "Humans have such a strange sense of humor sometimes." Still, a hint of a smile plays on her feline face as she raises her glass. "To impending doom, then."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

The barmaid returns soon after, setting out all your ordered foods and extra drinks. She'll wait a few moments, seeing if you need anything else, before disappearing to preform her other duties.

The man reading a scroll idly looks at the party for a few moments, before going back to his reading. Though he does mutter something that catches at just the edge of your ears.

Okay... trying to revive this game, don't know if anyone still wants to play...

OoC: Listen Check if you want to hear his muttering.
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Listen: 1d20+12 → [13,12] = (25)

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