Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advance. [Lost in the Wyldlands]

Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

With a grin, Elian replies, "Sounds like a plan. Mind if I join you?"
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

"No, all are welcome of course, saves on the retelling."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


"I would like to speak with this druid, but that can wait until all are rested. I will come with you." Actually, the catfolk had been planning to sleep outdoors with her companion Arris. She wants to get to know her new comrades a bit better, though, and Tai's notion of picking up rumors sounds like a good one.

"A hot meal would be welcome as well. Druid I may be, but a cook I am not." Miasathra grins, the pointed tips of slightly elongated canines showing for a moment. "Even I get tired of campfire cooking eventually."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

"Food after our travels would probably do us all good...." The hooded figure says... "I'm Atrius By the way..." He inclines his head in a nod which if anything seemed to further enshroud his face with shadows....
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


"Well, speaking to a witness seems busted. I think I'll join your meal. I'm hungry and I can always get to know the people I'm going to be working with."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Just outside the door, the quiet but unmistakable noise of a coin being flipped in the air, caught, and flipped again repeatedly draws attention to the wall just outside the town hall, where a man dressed unmistakably as a vagabond stares at the exiting heroes with a wide grin on his face.

"So, how did the meeting go? Learn anything helpful?"
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


"And who might you be?" Miasathra's black-tipped ears go back, like those of a wary cat. Yellow eyes look the traveler up and down. He doesn't seem like much, but any druid knows that appearances are deceiving.
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Elian doesn't say anything more, but grins disarmingly at the newcomer- a vivid contrast to the druid's demeanour.
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

For her part Tai just stands around looking suspicious.
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Atrius looks to the others, assuming one of them knew the stranger....
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


The druid looks at Atrius, shrugs, then back at the vagabond. "I do not know you, stranger. We are hungry; if you wish to speak with us, we are going to get a meal at the inn." She taps the butt of her spear on the ground and turns to her new comrades. "Shall we go?"
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

With a smile, Elian replies, "Why not?"

He looks to the newcomer and adds, "Coming?"
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Tai resumes walking towards the nearest inn either not caring about the stranger's response or just eager to get some information.
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Sorry for the delay, fever and was generally out of it. Still kinda out of it.

It is a short trip from the town's hall to one of the inns, with the group passing by a few side alleys with peddlers or the poor within them.

Inside of the inn, the party will find themselves in a stereotypical commons room with old wooden tables and booths set up everywhere that there is room. On the walls there are a few mounted heads of elk and deer as well as hung bows.

The few midday patrons pay no heed to the group as they walk in, continuing their conversions at the bar. Talking loud enough about the local weather and sometimes mentioning a betting pool on which farm will be abandoned next to cover conversations held nearly everywhere else.

A well dressed man sits alone at one of the booths, idly drinking while reading a scroll.
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Entering and giving a nod to the inn's other occupants (a gesture which amounted to his oddly hood head tilting slitly forward to further cast him in shadows), Atrius glances about a moment before moving toward one of the larger tables. "This one seems about right..." He says as he Lean his staff against the wall behind him and pulls out a seat. He pauses looking to the others, "Unless you all would prefer to disperse and speak with the locals....?"
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Elian gives the rest of the bar's patrons a friendly smile, but says, "No need, as far as I can see. Don't want to antagonise them, but they seem happy enough."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


"Since part of the point of us all coming here is to figure out some plan, I say we all go to the same table."

He sits on one chair:

"First round of drinks are on me."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Tai sat at the table with the others, but was the whole time subtly assessing the other patrons of the inn.
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


Miasathra smiles at Almaz, pointed canines showing for a split second. "That is most generous of you, Almaz." She leans her spear against the wall next to the table, making sure to set it so the point will fall away from the group if someone jostles the weapon. The catfolk takes the seat next to her spear, feline ears twitching. Noisy places are always disconcerting to one raised on the plains, although she has become more accustomed to the sound of cities and towns over the course of her pilgrimage.

"I have found that bartenders are usually a good source of knowledge. Many people enjoy talking while they drink." She shrugs. "What they hear is not always accurate, of course, but sometimes worth investigating. I wish to eat first, though." Miasathra flags down a plump barmaid, brown hair braided and pinned up around her head in a sort of crown. "Excuse me, miss. I would like a mug of dark ale. What have you to eat?"
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

I'm suitably impressed with this group, you're the first one that doesn't ask me to write up a description for every NPC you encounter thus far and you even give out descriptions for me to use.

The woman comes over and smiles at the group, giving the group a small list of what's available. "We have smoked elk, steaks, our famous venison chicken stew, fresh breads, crackers, cheeses, carrots, and young potatoes. I would recommend the stew with a side of steamed potatoes on a chuck of fresh bread. And would anyone else like to order something to drink or eat?"
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

With a smile, Elian replies, "Stew would be just the thing..."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan


Hmm. On the one hand, Miasathra is fond of elk. On the other, though, she's found that tavern staff generally know what they're talking about when it comes to the food selection. And humans almost always cook their steaks too much. "I shall follow your suggestion and have the stew and bread along with my drink. However, I would like sharp cheese instead of potatoes." Mmm, cheese.
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

Almaz smilled:

"I think I'll treat myself to some smoked elk with the veggies. As a drink I'll have an ale to come with it."
Re: Day 1, Scene 1: The Quest Starts as the Wyldlands Advan

The barmaid smiles at Tai and Atrius then, having written quick notes of the orders so far. "And what would you two care for?"

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