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Fantasy Dawson's Boarding School for Future Monster Hunters

Mine said:
...Was she forcing herself to make small talk? He resisted the urge to roll his eyes at what he deemed a pitiful attempt at socializing. Maybe she was just being...nice? In any case, it was unnecessary. She would soon realize it was a waste of time. But Oz played along, if not for avoiding trouble on his first day. She was no savage creature so there was no need for hostility, right? She was only going to get disappointed at how little he cared for social conventions. "...Oswald. Or Oz, if you prefer. I don't care either way." Too brusque? Well, whatever. He handed her the map after studying the contents briefly. He had to go meet a professor first if he recalled... "Thank you, Roxie." Now where would the professor in charge be...
"No prob, Bob! Hehe!"

Had she come on too strong? She hoped not. She couldn't quite tell if she'd annoyed the boy or if he just had a sullen demeanour. She supposed if she had ticked him off, she'd just have to socialise elsewhere- there was plenty of time to make friends.
"huh..." Ricven said scratching his head and walking to one side of the sparring circle, "I've never thought about it before. I guess I heal faster in darker places but beyond that I'm not sure." Once he reached his destination, he reached down a pulled his two daggers from his jacket and held them at the ready. "'Till one of us hits the floor. Ready when you are." he announced.
[QUOTE="Quinn Sheon]"huh..." Ricven said scratching his head and walking to one side of the sparring circle, "I've never thought about it before. I guess I heal faster in darker places but beyond that I'm not sure." Once he reached his destination, he reached down a pulled his two daggers from his jacket and held them at the ready. "'Till one of us hits the floor. Ready when you are." he announced.

Clair walked to the other side of the ring and dropped her metal case to the ground , she knelled down beside it and removed a silver Deagle and five magazines from it. After loading the pistol she re sealed the case and locked it before getting back to her feet."All right , 'till one of us hits the floor.". Clair raised the pistol and aimed it directly at the boys center of mass firing off a bullet immediately after. Her blue eyes were like darts not one moving from the boy afterwards.
Ricven took note of Clair's weapon of choice and was busy doing so when she pulled the trigger. Hearing the gunshot, he dashed to the left with a good amount of speed (for him), the bullet grazing his shoulder. He took a patch out of the pocket of his jacket and slapped it over where the bullet cut it. He ran around the field, advancing on Clair, noticing how her eyes followed him without looking away. Time to use some suggestion! He thought. Staring straight back into her eyes, his began to glow. "You will now fire at my right leg, then my left shoulder, and reload." Ricven proclaimed and really hoped it would work.
Clair did as she was told , holding her ground she fired two shots : one at his leg and the other his shoulder. However when it came to reloading she didn't , her training had been beaten into her from a young age , reloading now was pointless she still had eight rounds in the mag and one in the chamber. Clair fired off another round , purposely missing in order to redirect the vampires movements to the right. Immediately after she fired a fourth shot towards his right , leading it so that he would move into its path.
Ricven, seeing that it worked when the shots were fired, spun himself so that he was parallel with the two bullets he suggested. A third came and he swiftly rolled away. Realizing that it wouldn't have hit anyways, he looked back just in time to see Clair fire again. He attempted to dodge again but got hit in the shoulder. He reeled from it for less than a second, lowered himself to the ground, and sprinted at near his top speed in a zigzag towards Clair. Once nearby, he stabbed the knife of the arm that was not shot into the ground and used it to spin himself in an attempt to sweep Clair's legs out from under her to knock her to the floor.
Clair Having been tripped forward , used her left hand to flip herself back upright before connecting with the ground. As she did so her necklace fell out of place and now rested on the front of her school jumper , Ricven probably having witnessed the events that took place to cause such a thing due to the fact he had slid under her as she flipped. The necklace itself was made of silver and there was a silver cross attached to the front , Clair having completely forgotten about it had no idea how this would affect the vampire that lay on the ground in front of her. However she wasn't sure it would do anything so she brought the barrel of the gun right to the vampires head and said , quite loudly "Bang !".
Ricven, after succeeding in the leg sweep, watched as Clair flipped herself back up. He noticed a silver glint as she flipped herself. Of course while he was noticing this and trying to figure out what he would do next, he had totally forgotten to get out of his spin, and he flopped to the floor. He rolled on his back and sighed. Clair walked over and put her gun to his head and he chuckled after she said "Bang." "Well, good game!" he said getting up and dusting himself off. "I really need to work on that leg sweep a bit more though."

This Rp

Here lays Dawson's School for Future Monster Hunters...

It died because no body replied...

May it be remembered forever...

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