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Fantasy Dawson's Boarding School for Future Monster Hunters


One Thousand Club

Never give in, Never give up because its not over yet.
2 years earlier

Demons, Shapeshifters, Werebeasts and Vampires were slaying humans at night.The military try to kill as many as they can. The general, Sal and Dawson look at the bloodbath from a distance. "Another monster attack, shocking, isn't it Sal?" Dawson as he inhaled and exhaled a cigarette. "You should consider my school idea, Sal. If you want everyone to fucking LIVE."

Sal: Superhumans cant be trusted! They caused many horrible events around the world. Remember Tokyo?

Mobius 1: *on walkietalkie* Sal. We are about to enter the city.

Sal: Go straight for it. Dawson, my military is stronger than your dumb team.


Mobius 1: Mobius 2, do you copy?

Mobius 2: Mobius 1, I copy.

Mobius 1: Ready to fire.

*The airplanes fire missiles at the monsters. An explosion is caused. A giant smoke cloud appears. Then, out of the smoke cloud, comes a demon, jumping onto Mobius 2. He rips it apart. The plane begins to lose control, causing it to crash into a building, setting it ablaze, killing everyone inside the area.

Sal: Uh...
"You are hard to work with, you know that? Listen, I can do this, I can teach these teenagers to slay these monsters. Hell, maybe some monsters can join this school! So please! I can make this world better. I can save humanity, just trust me." Dawson begged Sal
First Lieutenant Cordelia Maine was standing attention between the two generals, gaze locked straight ahead."If I may interrupt," the soldier interjects as respectfully as possible."The funding would be hard to come by at first, however with trained soldiers at the ready we could easily take a portion of each student's earnings per inhuman elimination to fund the academy. The prospect of trained soldiers would possibly garner respect with the military."

Cordelia was a mother herself, and feared for her infant son's safety with so many monsters.
*Sal ignored Dawson.*

Mobius 1: I need back up!

*Mobius 6 and 13 appear.*

Mobius 6: Mobius 1, we're here. Over.

*Mobius 6 and 13 fire missiles at monster hoards. The monsters some how made the missile crash into the buildings inside.*

Mobius 1: How?

Sal: Is everything alright?

Mobius 1: We cant kill them! Our missiles are two slow! *distant explosion* They killed 13! They-AHHHHH-*cuts to nothing*.

Sal: 1? Fhiler? FHILER!? *turns around and sees Cordelia* Why should I listen you? Youre just a mother!
"Oh, I see. You just don't.....get it. That what's wrong you humans.[He refer people as humans since he was born in a test tube] Some of you can't get shit through your brain. Some of you don't know what is right when the correct answer is right in front of you." "Some of you just. don't. get it." "And it's depressing to see you are one of those humans, Sal."
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*Helicopters flew over the area. They begin to fire bullets at the monsters. Shapeshifters only got hurt.*

Guardian 4: This isnt working!

*The demons jump onto the helicopters. They flew the pilots out. They fell to their deaths.*

Sal: Ive been a general for 35 years! I know what Im doing! Take your dumb school idea and throw it in the trash!

Mobius 9: *walkietalkie* Sir. We may only have one chance. Dropping the bomb.

Sal: Are you crazy?! There are civilians still in the city.

Mobius 9: No sir. Theyre all dead.

Sal: DEAD?!
"Permission to speak freely, Generals," she says with a carefully measured tone. She doesn't wait for approval before she begins to speak again."General Sal, with all due respect you are a self-absorbed and inconsiderate pig." She angles her head slightly to the side to face Sal, still not making eye contact."You would like to disagree with my suggestions simply due to the fact that I am a mother? I may not have G-E-N before my name, but I sure as hell have M-O-M there. As both a mother and First Lieutenant I support this idea for the military gain along with the new safety for children. That is all, sir," Cordelia had to take a moment to compose herself, face having gone red from her pent-up anger. She, however, didn't once raise her voice.
*Foot soilders surrounded the area. They were armed. The shapesifters transformed into soilders. They attacked the soilders. All the other monsters helped too. The soilder tried to fire but nothing happened. Necks were slapped, soilders were stabbed and thrown, hearts stop beating.*

Sal: *groans* You....you...

Mobius 9: All the foot soilders are dead.


*Sal falls to the ground.*

Sal: Maybe youre right. My men cant fight these creatures. *turns anger* But how would teenagers, oh Im sorry, CRIMINALS do any better?

Mobius 9: Sal? Permission to drop the bomb?
"Criminals? You know i'm one of those criminals. If a criminal can teach other criminals how to fight. Can YOU, a normal human, imagine how it will go?" "You can either call off that bomb and make a deal or hold your peace for now."
Cordelia nods at Gen. Dawson."There is no harm in giving a potential soldier years of training before sending them into the fray." She says no more, waiting to see Sal's reaction to Dawson's weighty threat.
*There was a superhuman in town. Fuzzie. He was going to visit his friend Fann who lives in Northern Petersburgs but while driving on I 275, he saw a battle take place. He rushed in there.*

F: So...monsters attacking a city? How original. The military cant stop it? How original.


F: Roleplays? What are you talking about?


F: Whatever. Lets get busy, shall we?

*Fuzzie ran up to the demons. He kicked the first one, punched the second one, threw the and third at the forth.*

F: I know these are just basic moves. Im just warning up.

Sal: *groan* There is no other way! You...

Mobius 9: Sir. That Fuzzie guy is here. He's hurting the monsters.

Sal: Fuzzie?! Hurting?!

M 9: Yes sir. The others are right. Only superhumans can do this.

S: But...fine. Ill let you build your dumb school. However, if things go out of control, youre DONE.
F: Ill now show you some of my favorite moves.

*Fuzzie jumped and put his legs between a monsters neck. He did a backflip, dropping the monster on the ground. He took another monster, took his head, and slamed it againist the wall. He then grabbed onto one monster and kicked another, then slamming the monster he was grabbing onto.*

F: Anyone else?

*The monsters yelled at him.*

F: Here we go.



*Fuzzie was walking to the new school that was built. After his battle 2 years ago, he met Dawson. He gave him an invite to a new school that will be built. He was at the address the invite said. The school. Dawson's school.*

F: Boy. I cant wait to kick more monster ass.


F: As if I care about you.

*Fuzzie walked into the courtyard.*
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She prepared herself for school rather quickly, throwing on an outfit, tying up her shoes, and putting her pink hair into loose pig tails.

She rode a bike to the school, the wind slightly messing up her hair. She parked it outside, excited. She tied it up to a pole and she let out a soft sigh of relief. Today would be the first day of what she promised to dedicate her life to. The first o f f i c i a l day anyways.


She walks through the doors of the school, examining the room.

Shelby tugged on her long sleeve shirt as she started to enter the school. Mainly, her eyes gazed for nice dorms or rooms she could build. But she wasn't smiling. Of course they forced her here, she wasn't sure what the military would do if she declined so early on. She'll be dead like her father most likely. She happened to be good at fighting, but she was afarid of the cost could be fighting these monsters. They could easily save everyone or die along the way.
*Fuzzie looked around the courtyard. Werewolfs, Half Demons, Nekos, etc. They were everywhere.*.

F: Lets hope we can meet some new friends.

*Fuzzie walked inside.*

F: Maybe even a girl...gir...gir...

*Fuzzie spotted Shelby.*


F: *blushes* (Shut up, Matter. Oh man. If she falls in love with me, 1. That will be love at first sight and those relationships are shit 2. I would be happy and then forgot about Poppy. Dang it. I remembered him. *groan* Maybe I should introduce myself to her. Yeah lets do that.)

*Fuzzie walked up to Shelby.*

F: *fake cough*

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Shelby pauses and turns around after hearing a fake cough. "Uh, may I help you?" She asked. She wasn't expecting someone to talk to her off the bat. Honestly, the only person she wanted to talk to was Dawson. Though she might as well know the people in the school since they will have to work together sooner or later.
Hero of Tokyo? That happened two years ago. "I'm just Shelby. And I'm trying to find a good techology room honestly. Also, Mr. Dawson if he's somewhere. Plus, Hero of Tokyo? Is that how you talk to girls?" She teased lightly.
F: *blushes* Talk to girls? Pfff. Im...into guys. Im gay. Anyway, more about me. I have metal arms. *pulls down sleeves* Hah? Cool right? Do you like my hair? *points to hair* Also cool. Basically, Im super cool.

Eleanor DuMonte was apprehensive about this new school. The promise of a new start gave the girl a curious flutter in her gut. She was used to an academy life, therefore all of her belongings fit into a single suitcase. The government had been interested in Eleanor's potential for a long while, but what truly surprised her was the fact that when they finally came for her it was for a Monster Hunting School, of all places!

The cabbie was nice enough, didn't question her obscure directions and general aversion to conversation. She sat in the back seat, rereading the Unabridged Stephen Hawking's A Brief History Of Time for what would probably be the third time.

As the vehicle, which smells strongly of fried bologna, pulled up to the massive structure, Eleanor simply handed the old driver a check with the exact sum written on it in her neat script. The teenager had figured out the travel expenses within the first few minutes of the ride, calculating everything mentally as a fun way to pass the time.

"Thank you, sir, have a good day," she says curtly, yet still politely. Turning away from the cab, Eleanor finally sets her sights upon the impressive boarding school. The academy she had previously attended was much fancier, however, not that the girl really cared.

She allows the cabbie to fetch her suitcase and hand it to her before she was walking to the school, features cool and gaze analytical as she takes in her surroundings. She would like to speak with Dawson about a potentially modified program to allow her more freedom and flexibility for her... Gift...

A soft breeze accompanied Eleanor's first steps into the building, blowing her dirty blonde hair slightly. She made the mental note to tie it back soon. She was never quite sure why she didn't chop all of her hair off, it was such a hassle at it's length. She had always reasoned to herself that her locks reminded her of her parents. The colouring mirroring that of her father, and the length reminiscent of her mother.

Brushing those thoughts away, the teenage prodigy walks further into the main hall with light steps. She doesn't hold back her grin, anxious with apprehension of what her future here will bring.

Welcome to your new home, Leo.
Anki burst into the main doors in the school a bored look on his face and his bow tie sitting undone on his collar. As he steps in the air seems to shift, almost like a warm draft on a cold day.

Looking at the two in the doorway he asks "is this the right place?"

Hope so most schools aren't to happy with people bringing guns...maybe I should have asked befor I came in...

He seems to zone out as he though to himself,until the intercom snapped him back.

@Moonshadow @Fuzziestudios

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