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Fantasy Dawn of the Packs.

Which would you rather?

  • Spirit Valley Pack & Night Shade pack ONLY.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All four packs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Boink Bean

It all began with one major pack, they were the most fierce and noble wolves throughout the land. They had numbers close to the sixties. So many wolves, call for a lot of land to thrive upon. Their old land was dying due to humans, and the closer the humans got the more wolves that began to die. Finally, the noble pack alpha decided to lead his pack elsewhere. Many agreed and saw this choice the safest, others saw it as cowardice. Yet the entire pack followed behind him. The journey last many months, and many wolves died along the way due to hunger, accidents, and other deadly scenarios.

Finally, the pack came to a land high within the mountains that was relatively untouched by man, and man was only a threat in certain seasons. Despite the alpha's glorious find, some wolves were still rebellious against his lead. He was the first born of a four pup noble-blood litter, and his two brothers, and one sister rebelled against him. They attacked him, along with their followers. Yet the true alpha and those who were loyal to him were able to fight off the rebel wolves and banished them from the territory. Thus began the story of the Four Packs.

The first pack, also known as the noble pack from before. This is
Spirit Valley Pack. This name was gifted to them from The Pack Among the Stars due to their fierce loyalty, and strength. This pack is known as be a more neutral pack, and the territory is thought to be sacred and rich in many resources.

The second pack,
Silver Creek Pack. This name was gifted to them from The Pack Among the Stars, as they are quite dependent on the Silver Creek just outside their camp. They are also strong swimmers, and are known to be a more gentle and forgiving pack.

The third pack,
Silent Forest Pack. This name was bestowed to the pack due to their close affiliation with the darkest pack among the four. The land is known to be almost totally silent, and be weak with resources. Many wolves see this as a punishment from their ancestors for being such cruel and sly wolves.

The fourth, and final pack. The
Night Shade Pack. This name was cursed to the pack given their bloodlust and cruel acts. Their land is one of the darkest, and is almost all light is hidden by the thick trees-tops. They are known for this distaste with The Pack Among the Stars, and their hate toward the other three packs. They are thieves, murderers, and liars. They are not to be trusted in the slightest.

These four packs have been living among one and other for many seasons, many alphas have died, and new alphas have surfaced to replace them. Yet darkness is beginning to move into the land, and war is brewing. Can the four put aside their differences, or will they destroy one and other before the darkness even has a chance? Only time may tell.

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