Dawn of the Arcana (Story and Info)


Black Market Witch

Everyone is born with a "god" watching over them. These gods come in all kinds of forms, from beasts to objects to even humans. These gods become our first friends, showing themselves in front of us as children and passing off as imaginary friends. They are the ones who become our guardian angels. And they are the ones who listen to and grant our prayers should they have the power to. But sadly, nearly none of us ever realize how loved and cared for we are by these gods.

In the late 22nd century, specialists were able to discover the existence of these gods and that humans sometimes borrow their power in order to perform miracles. Decades of research later, they were able to find a way to allow humans to regularly borrow the power of their gods, by forming a contractual connection via a vessel. This knowledge was immediately studied further to determine its military value. From this research, it was discovered that there are powerful gods as well as weak ones, measured and determined by mana level. Only a small percentage of people possessed powerful gods, who possessed mana levels higher than 600 units per kilogram. Those with powerful gods could form the contracts while those with weak gods could not. The ones who could, dubbed witches, were recruited to the military of their own countries.

A few decades after the creation of witch units, a world war broke out, between America, Russia and North Korea. Each sent their witches out to fight alongside their standard soldiers. The entire war was a stalemate and each country depended heavily on their witches to win. Slowly, other countries began taking sides and joining in, sending their own witches to battle.

In an attempt to turn the tide in their favor, America sent a witch soldier, Ulysses Foster, who possessed the god, Wheel of Fortune, on an invasion mission into Russia. The invasion started out as a success as Foster proved to be an unstoppable force. But one day, Ulysses accidentally hit a nuclear reactor while the troops attacked the base. A nuclear explosion wiped out half of Russia and a sizable chunk of Europe and Asia, survived only by Ulysses Foster, thanks to the power of his god.

The accident created an international scandal. Many countries blamed America for sending Ulysses. Others believed that witches and their god powers were to blame. In order to save themselves, the American government had Ulysses publicly executed on international television.

After that, countries worked together to build Daten City, a large, walled up, isolated city located in the middle of the wasteland created by the incident with Ulysses. Anyone whose mana level exceeded the minimum required to become a witch was sent to Daten City to live in exile. Even those who've yet to form their contracts are sent to live here.

Terms and Things to Know

  • Gods - A god is a physical manifestation of a person's magical ability. Gods can take many forms and sometimes reflect the person they belong to, whether it says something about their personality or reflects something important to them. Gods have two names: a common name which comes from a tarot card (In this case, we'll only be using major arcana), and their real name which should only be known by the owner. Real names should represent who your god is and can be a mytholological name, literary figure, or whatever. Common names should also have a little to do with the god itself (ex. The "Lovers" god can't be a cyclops.) No repeats with common names.
  • Contracts - A contract is the act of placing your god into a vessel so that you can call upon their power at will.
  • Vessels - A vessel is any inanimate object that you use to place your god into. Vessels tend to be objects that hold a great deal of emotional value to the witch and should be kept with them at all times. Losing your vessel means losing your connection to your god and makes you powerless.
  • Mana Level - A mana level is the numerical equivalent to how powerful your god is. It measures the special energy that manifests a god and compares the total amount to your body mass. It will probably never come up in the actual roleplay.
  • Arcana's Egg - A legendary god said to be the most powerful in existence. Second being the Wheel of Fortune. It's also known as the philosopher's stone. The story of it is below.
  • There are two ways of using a god in combat. The first is to borrow its power by having it semi-possess you. The borrowed power either shows up as supernatural abilities or a magical weapon. The second way to use a god in battle is to summon it as a familiar. Few are strong enough to do this as it drains the witch's energy pretty fast. To summon a familiar, your character must know their god's real name as some gods don't wish to tell.
  • Characters can only have one god each, but there is no real set amount of abilities you can have as long as they relate back to your god.
  • The roleplay takes place 40 or so years after the execution of Ulysses.

The Arcana Egg

(This is a well known legend/fairy tale in Daten City.)

After Ulysses was executed, many people cheered at the death of a dangerous individual. However, his family mourned the death of their son/husband/brother/father. Perhaps the one who cried the most was his 7 year old daughter, Melly, who loved her father very much.

Melly cried and cried, refusing to leave her father's execution ground. After 13 days of crying, her god took pity on her and showed itself to the little girl in the form of a rabbit. The god asked Melly if the girl had a wish to make her happy again as the rabbit didn't like seeing her so sad. Melly asked for her father to come back.

Now the rabbit explained to Melly that no god had the power to bring the dead back to life as that was the way of the world. The girl proceed to cry again as the only thing to make her happy was her father. She then looked up at the night sky and remembered a story her father told her about how stars could sometimes grant wishes.

Holding the rabbit close to her, Melly closed her eyes tightly and wished as hard as she could on the stars in the sky. And she wished and she wished. Now many of us believe that wishes are often foolish things but sometimes when a pure heart wishes hard enough, a miracle occurs. And indeed, that's what happened as the rabbit turned into a small white egg-shaped stone and before Melly stood Ulysses.

Melly leapt with joy and hugged her father as tight as she could. Ulysses was confused as to what happened but was also happy to see his little girl. However, he knew that he could not stay there in fear of bringing trouble to his daughter. So that night, the two disappeared. The next day, Melly's mother no longer found her sitting before the scaffold and officials found Ulysses' remains gone.

It is said that they fled to Russia and are hiding in the wastelands outside Daten City. But if you can find them and ask nicely, Melly will grant you whatever wish you have with her Arcana Egg.


Daten City is split up between 3 factions, each controlling a part of the city, with the center and west belonging to no one.

Black Hunters: Black Hunters control the northern part of the city. They are like the police enforcers of the city. Working for the human government, they are often seen as traitors to witches. By oppressing riots and dangerous witches, they are given more perks than other witches, such as technology or better quality food.

Red Fangs: Red Fangs control the southern part of the city. The Red Fangs are a group of radicals that preach about witch rights in human society. Something of a religion, they have many followers and say that the witches should break down the walls of Daten City and demand rights as fellow human beings.

Green Dragons: Green Dragons control the eastern part of the city. The "alchemists" of the city, Green Dragons research witch powers and gods to try to get a better understanding on how they work and ways to improve them.

I . . . I think that's it for now. If I forget anything, I'll try to put it in as soon as possible. Questions welcomed.
. . . Yeah . . . We have plenty of female gods. Gods can also be animals, genderless or even inanimate objects that talk.
okay thanks... sorry for the idiotic question. I just didn't want to make a character profile with a female goddess, and then have it turn out that I can't do that.
No problem. I'm always asking obvious questions so I can get everything perfect before I finish a character. Unless I forget, then I have to ask after and it gets odd because I have to change someone I've already gotten used to and . . . Uh . . . I'm babbling.
Hey trust me, that has happened to me before. I hate that. And your not babbling, babbling would be going on and on and it ends up with like 5 paragraphs and me knowing your whole life story. THAT is babbling.
Pfft, thanks. Just remember to consult the common name list. It should be up to date. I wouldn't want to have to deny your hard work simply because you happen to choose a taken god.

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