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Realistic or Modern Dawn of Justice (1955) - NOT DCEU



No, NOT a fandom. This has nothing to do with the DCEU. I just like the title as it describes very well what I have in mind. This will be a LOW power superhero RP. I am going to borrow some villains from a friend that work well as NPCs in something like this.

Limited powers. IE don’t expect any character with half the powers below to get approved. I may have a group of characters that will have lots of powers, but very weak versions. And they will have serious weaknesses.


Set in 1955, at the end of the Golden Age of comics. (Comics were banned in the 50s as the Comic Code Authority took over.) This is the time of the Red Scare, UFOs everywhere invading Earth and stealing human females, rise of the biker gangs, the beginning of the end of the mafia.

Sample Powers
Flight - maybe 60 to 120 mph.

Running - maybe 60 to 250 mph

Shrinking - maybe down to 6 inches

Invulnerability - skin equivalent to modern bulletproof vest. Not going to stop a 50 cal. And military hardware will hurt like hell.

Energy Blasts - equal to military weapons, but tiring and with limitations of energy types.

Telekinesis - up to mass one could move if intelligence was strength. Weakened seriously by distance beyond immediate vicinity.

Invisibility - limited spectrum, not total.

Strength - as a main ability, maybe enough to pick up a car, punch through a brick wall, etc.

Disallowed Powers
Anything likely to break RPs
Anything used to break the RP

Weaknesses, Limitations, etc.
Characters should make sense.
Characters should have lives when not wearing the mask. Their secret identities should mean something to them.
Have an origin story.

3rd Person, Past Tense
Decent literacy, spelling and grammar.
I typically manage about a page per post. (I expect at least half that from others in a group RP.)
Please do not just regurgitate others’ posts. (I don’t like big quotes. This should read almost like a book.)
Please allow a little time for others to post.
Please don’t hold up the RP by not posting.

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How many rpers are you looking to recruit for this rp, and will you be posting a character sheet/template for oc submission?
I am looking for at least 4. I have a friend who I may try to get to run some of the villains - despite the fact he is more at comfortable running goody two shoes, holier than thou paladins …. Yes, I’m teasing him a little as I know he’ll read this. He created a number of them, just more as NPCs. I’m going to try to get him to flesh them out some, add motivations. He’s started that process, but just barely.

I do have a blank CS, but am on mobile right now and linking it doesn’t seem to work right. I’ll take care of that t this afternoon. However, I really don’t care about format much, just so long as it reads well and puts a face to a name.

Most of the villains are just gangs with some powers. Circus, led by Ringmaster; Rodeo, led by Pale Rider, the Grim Reapers, led by the Grim Reaper. There are also a few more subtle groups: the Council of Crime and LGM.
At least four including, or not including yourself? Additionally, what is the maximum amount of rpers you are looking for (since from the way you worded it, it seems that 4 is a minimum)?
Four besides myself and the friend I mentioned running villains. I figure that if DCEU’s Justice League has its big four, that would be a minimum. I’d like to do a little better than that. Five heroes is a start. I’d say that seven members is a good maximum. That’s a lot of people to wait on to post. I know that I can count on my friend. He and I have decent writing energy (and no life beyond work and sleep).

Oh, yes, it is also possible to run a non powered hero. Detective and Engineer are possible. However, I prefer not to have half a dozen of these.

My friend may run a character of his that crosses into many of these areas, but he makes a better sidekick. That guy was a medevac chopper pilot in the Korean War who spent his first year as a mechanic. Gotta wake him up.
I’m awake, but it’s almost time for work here. Yes, I can do the villains. Really only two major powered ones: Ringmaster and Pale Rider. One concern is that Ringmaster’s power is mind control. I do NOT like controlling other peoples’ characters, so I have couple good suggestions for that.

First, plot armor. Unless the hero has a weakness that would make him easy to control, the best Ringmaster could achieve would be to neutralize one hero if he can maintain concentration. Ringmaster has NEVER shown his face anyway. I’d also have to remember where the clown masks come from. They have a purpose. The Circus is sort of like the Joker and his clowns. “Some people just want to watch the world burn.”

I also have thoughts about weaknesses for Pale Rider. Yes, he needs his kryptonite. Also, I have thoughts regarding the horses of the cowboys. (These guys are like a bank / train robbing gang from the Wild West.)
sharlene79 sharlene79 Council of Crime - They are really meant for the 21st century. Unless we want to violate the temporal thing and have them thrown back to 1955 they don't really fit in. If we DID allow them - something I would rather hear from everyone about, a very careful eye should be placed on them to avoid tech contamination.

Grim Reapers - Probably not the best gang to use. I just don't think they will interest anyone. At best you might have a plot where someone is kidnapped and about to be turned into a new Grim Reaper. That would get old quick.

I think we should limit the gangs to maybe two or three groups. Circus, Rodeo and LGMs. FYI folks, LGM does mean Little Green Men. It's the 1950s. Staple villains. Revenge for Roswell anyone? Anyways, those are plenty to keep us busy.
Agreed. I forget that with a tabletop rpg you can go through scenes in an afternoon. But writing one can take weeks. I know you love the LGM, but they are a plot that could wait for decades. The 1950s aren't the invasion anyways. However, used as a plot, the invasion might be prevented. Circus and Rodeo have villains with actual powers. Maybe we save the others for when we have the rest locked up?
I might be interested, provided I can think of a superpower I want to use and a character to build around it.
Got my "hero" up ... The Saint. Still need to write up his Origin Story.

Will work on Ringmaster and Pale Rider next.

I may also work on Reptilians. Reptilians will act as a rival to the LGM and might even leak some information about them. Nothing like the bad guys working against one another - so long as civilians don't get in the crossfire. Incidentally, the Circus and Rodeo and not allies either. So far they haven't gotten in each other's way. Clowns cause chaos; Cowboys rob banks and such. If they ever show up to rob the same bank ....
Ringmaster up (still need a background). Will get Harlequin and Demon up as soon as I can (main clowns used).

Personally I find Pale Rider more interesting as a character. Deadly accurate with that hand cannon of his. "Never" misses. (One has to realize what he is actually shooting at. Smart criminals don't try to kill.)
Pale Rider up. Kinda describes the cowboys at the same time. He has rules.
Elektra is up.

Wanted to give people some idea what I mean about powers. Elektra has one major offensive power, and a couple minor ones that fit her origins.
I have been dusting off Olympus. Strength character. Originally created for an even weaker powered vigilante setting. But I will wait and see what others come up with.

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