• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Dawn of a New Age

Dusk from an Old Time


Dawn of a New Age

Hmm..... I'm just kidding. Anyways, waiting for the mechanics!



We are still looking for more and if you have a suggestion for a race Pm me the details! Here are the ones we agreed. Will work on the description of every race after the Update in which we will also create the thread. 

Playable Races



Humans are usually the most numerous and politically dominant sentient species in Luxum.. As the most common sentient species, they are often considered to be a standard or average to which the biology, psychology, and culture of other species and races are compared. They are a rather potent race



Morta Balten

Every once in a while, a traveler comes across a human looking figure while exploring the many cave systems in Luxum. Often times, the traveler would approach the figure, but as they draw closer the figure is revealed to be a hideous, deformed human being. This creature is known as the Morta Balten. These creatures were once human, but were taken and enslaved by a cave dwelling species long gone. Now with their masters gone, they are free to roam the cave systems of Luxum


















Certillia-Lizard People



Ka'adri-Dinosaur People









Felis-Cat People



Non-Playable Races








1. Nation mechanics will mostly just be The GM posting a regular update on your actions and responses to player actions as needed, as well as world events and such @Fishman Lord


2. Combat will be overseen by mods, or a knight if a mod isn't available, The GM will do most seeing , The mods will oversee most of the battles that he cant


3. Everybody will start with a small group, this group would consist of a few elite warriors and a couple normal ones.


More will be added soon



We are looking for a new map, so may or may not use the one I posted




I believe the GM(not me) lost interest in starting the roleplay, I apologize, I will try to contact him and maybe his lazy mind will change
JRPG JRPG E.Vasper E.Vasper Kazami42 Kazami42 Kent Kent BluDaBaDee BluDaBaDee Zaltusinel Zaltusinel Red_Rob Red_Rob Pat Pat Zyelon Zyelon Grammatic Grammatic Master of the House Master of the House Albion Albion SilverSkyWolf SilverSkyWolf Skryx Skryx Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Lordvader59 Lordvader59 Broncos Broncos Alteras Alteras Raparth Raparth H HeckingHeck Space_Kaiser Space_Kaiser Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon EMP EMP Gregor Gregor Darkeva Darkeva

So... I had thought this long dead, but re-reading this check and the traction it's gained recently has made me realize I was an idiot. if any of y'all are still down for this, here's the CS page I just made: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-lands-of-luxum-cs.337632/ and here is the main RP page I made waaay back: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-lands-of-luxum.315921/ . To make sure that schedule issues and stuff don't stop me from running this like they did last time, Kazami42 Kazami42 is going to be Co-GM with me, although we're still working out the exact details.
JRPG JRPG E.Vasper E.Vasper Kazami42 Kazami42 Kent Kent BluDaBaDee BluDaBaDee Zaltusinel Zaltusinel Red_Rob Red_Rob Pat Pat Zyelon Zyelon Grammatic Grammatic Master of the House Master of the House Albion Albion SilverSkyWolf SilverSkyWolf Skryx Skryx Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Lordvader59 Lordvader59 Broncos Broncos Alteras Alteras Raparth Raparth H HeckingHeck Space_Kaiser Space_Kaiser Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon EMP EMP Gregor Gregor Darkeva Darkeva

So... I had thought this long dead, but re-reading this check and the traction it's gained recently has made me realize I was an idiot. if any of y'all are still down for this, here's the CS page I just made: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-lands-of-luxum-cs.337632/ and here is the main RP page I made waaay back: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-lands-of-luxum.315921/ . To make sure that schedule issues and stuff don't stop me from running this like they did last time, Kazami42 Kazami42 is going to be Co-GM with me, although we're still working out the exact details.
*screams internally AND externally*
Fish and I will check and approve CSs once everything is done, enough people have posted, or both.

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