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Fandom πƒπ€π–𝐍 β€” an until dawn roleplay

cherry lips

𝐟𝐚𝐒𝐫𝐲 π₯𝐒𝐠𝐑𝐭𝐬
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
coded by cherry !! πŸ’
"because the longest winter is not the one whispering shivers in valleys and the mountain pass. the longest winter is the one that has settled in your eyes, staining your lips with grey words, stealing your voice of sweetest chants."
β€” character sheets
β€” out of character
β€” in-character
The winter air burns your lungs, threatening to choke you if you aren’t careful. Branches rip through your flesh as you run, no longer caring about the pain. The crimson flecks of blood leave a tattered trail, alongside the holes in the snow where you have deviated from the path, unsure if that’s even safe to continue down. Panic and fear consume you, the darkness surrounding you, ready to devour. You just need to make it down the mountain, get to safety, get to someone else. Then it’ll be over. The nightmare will end. But it never does. Around and around you run until your body cannot help but succumb to the wilderness, becoming a victim to a ravenous animal that will never get its fill…

The Wintercourt Ski Lodge has been closed for over twenty years but is regularly used by the family that owns it. Or at least it was regularly used by them. Every winter they would open it back up, send cleaning staff up there to tidy things, and they would throw a birthday party for their youngest children and all of their friends. It was a tradition, one that everyone seemed to relish. Few children got to say their parents gave them an entire ski lodge to host their birthday party so it was an honor to get invited.

There were a select few who got to attend these parties from middle school until high school graduation. These were the close friends of Lauren and Kirk Winters, the youngest children of the Winters family. They were the most popular kids in school because of their money and influence. They could make anything a trend and everyone wanted to be them. In high school they dominated, reigning over the school with smug smiles and the adoration of their friends. It was the perfect life and they knew it.

Until it wasn’t. Senior year, the twin's 18th birthday party, everyone was excited for it. Bags were packed, video cameras were purchased, and every person attending was carefully bringing the best presents they could. Up the mountain they went, chatting on the ski lifts, enjoying the freshly cleared runs, warming up in front of the fire, playing in the pool, snowmobiling through the forest, it was the best party. But something happened. An accident. Drinking was involved and the intoxicated teens began to get into trouble.

They didn’t really know what was going on but Lauren and Kirk were fighting with some people, everyone’s voices started raising, someone threw a punch, and it all carried outside. It was so cold and so snowy, it was hard to see five feet in front of you. Screams and yells of confusion, anger, and fear echoed in the mountain air, each teen terrified and overwhelmed. Nobody knew what to do when morning came and the bodies of Lauren and Kirk were found.

The police could only rule them as accidental deaths, ones brought on by the weather, but the friends weren’t entirely convinced. They all remembered bits and pieces of what went on, the strange tracks, the monstrous noises that whispered around them, and the way that the twins were found… There was no way falling from such a height would result in that. But there was nothing they could do. So they left after questioning and finished their senior year. It was heavy and difficult, the weight of guilt, shame, and fear.

But time passed and the wounds of the past seemed to heal. Ten years had passed when each of the friends received a phone call from Mr. and Mrs. Winters, asking if they would like to use the lodge for a memorial party for the twins as their birthday was coming up. They could use it for the whole week, go over memories, throw a party, and just put all that pain finally to rest. So they agreed and once again packed up the duffle bags, and the memories of their friendship, they headed off to that eerie mountain hoping that it would be the last time they would be there.

Hello and welcome to the roleplay! This is a retelling of Until Dawn and yes, this is a reboot! This roleplay will focus on a group of friends who are returning to the mountain ten years after their childhood friends died up there. They were all invited by the parents of their deceased friends as a way to get full closure, honor their friends, and bring peace to everyone involved. The friend group didn’t want to be rude so they all agreed, eager to finally put the past behind them once and for all. But life and that mountain seem to have some horrifying things in store for the group!

I have yet to decide on the antagonist(s) of this roleplay, you will need to vote on what you would like to see, but the core vibe of the game will be implemented which means there will be butterfly effects, premonitions, and the group will be forcibly split up at some points! There will be character deaths that can occur but not everyone or anyone has to die! It is entirely up to you! There will be more lore and explanations in the Discord after characters have been accepted but if you have any questions in the meantime, please DM me!

✦ All RPN rules apply to this roleplay
✦ Discord will be used for OOC as that's where the lore and plotting will take place!
✦ I would like only 18+ roleplayers to apply because I'm over 18 and don't feel comfortable roleplaying with minors
✦ You must fade to black when needed
✦ This is a horror roleplay but romance is welcomed and encouraged!
✦ This isn't first come first serve
✦ Roles will be available to look at once the character applications have opened!
✦ You must be able to write at least two paragraphs per in-character post
✦ Realistic face claims are REQUIRED
✦ This is going to take place in Canada
✦ There is a two-character limit per person!
✦ Any OOC drama/bullying is not allowed and after three offenses you will be removed from the roleplay

The winter air burns your lungs, threatening to choke you if you aren’t careful. Branches rip through your flesh as you run, no longer caring about the pain. The crimson flecks of blood leave a tattered trail, alongside the holes in the snow where you have deviated from the path, unsure if that’s even safe to continue down. Panic and fear consume you, the darkness surrounding you, ready to devour. You just need to make it down the mountain, get to safety, get to someone else. Then it’ll be over. The nightmare will end. But it never does. Around and around you run until your body cannot help but succumb to the wilderness, becoming a victim to a ravenous animal that will never get its fill…

The Wintercourt Ski Lodge has been closed for over twenty years but is regularly used by the family that owns it. Or at least it was regularly used by them. Every winter they would open it back up, send cleaning staff up there to tidy things, and they would throw a birthday party for their youngest children and all of their friends. It was a tradition, one that everyone seemed to relish. Few children got to say their parents gave them an entire ski lodge to host their birthday party so it was an honor to get invited.

There were a select few who got to attend these parties from middle school until high school graduation. These were the close friends of Lauren and Kirk Winters, the youngest children of the Winters family. They were the most popular kids in school because of their money and influence. They could make anything a trend and everyone wanted to be them. In high school they dominated, reigning over the school with smug smiles and the adoration of their friends. It was the perfect life and they knew it.

Until it wasn’t. Senior year, the twin's 18th birthday party, everyone was excited for it. Bags were packed, video cameras were purchased, and every person attending was carefully bringing the best presents they could. Up the mountain they went, chatting on the ski lifts, enjoying the freshly cleared runs, warming up in front of the fire, playing in the pool, snowmobiling through the forest, it was the best party. But something happened. An accident. Drinking was involved and the intoxicated teens began to get into trouble.

They didn’t really know what was going on but Lauren and Kirk were fighting with some people, everyone’s voices started raising, someone threw a punch, and it all carried outside. It was so cold and so snowy, it was hard to see five feet in front of you. Screams and yells of confusion, anger, and fear echoed in the mountain air, each teen terrified and overwhelmed. Nobody knew what to do when morning came and the bodies of Lauren and Kirk were found.

The police could only rule them as accidental deaths, ones brought on by the weather, but the friends weren’t entirely convinced. They all remembered bits and pieces of what went on, the strange tracks, the monstrous noises that whispered around them, and the way that the twins were found… There was no way falling from such a height would result in that. But there was nothing they could do. So they left after questioning and finished their senior year. It was heavy and difficult, the weight of guilt, shame, and fear.

But time passed and the wounds of the past seemed to heal. Ten years had passed when each of the friends received a phone call from Mr. and Mrs. Winters, asking if they would like to use the lodge for a memorial party for the twins as their birthday was coming up. They could use it for the whole week, go over memories, throw a party, and just put all that pain finally to rest. So they agreed and once again packed up the duffle bags, and the memories of their friendship, they headed off to that eerie mountain hoping that it would be the last time they would be there.

Hello and welcome to the roleplay! This is a retelling of Until Dawn and yes, this is a reboot! This roleplay will focus on a group of friends who are returning to the mountain ten years after their childhood friends died up there. They were all invited by the parents of their deceased friends as a way to get full closure, honor their friends, and bring peace to everyone involved. The friend group didn’t want to be rude so they all agreed, eager to finally put the past behind them once and for all. But life and that mountain seem to have some horrifying things in store for the group!

I have changed up the antagonists/villains slightly, but the core vibe of the game will be implemented which means there will be butterfly effects, premonitions, and the group will be forcibly split up at some points! There will be character deaths that can occur but not everyone or anyone has to die! It is entirely up to you! There will be more lore and explanations in the Discord after characters have been accepted but if you have any questions in the meantime, please DM me!

✦ All RPN rules apply to this roleplay
✦ Discord will be used for OOC as that's where the lore and plotting will take place!
✦ I would like only 18+ roleplayers to apply because I'm over 18 and don't feel comfortable roleplaying with minors
✦ You must fade to black when needed
✦ This is a horror roleplay but romance is welcomed and encouraged!
✦ This isn't first come first serve
✦ Roles will be available to look at once the character applications have opened!
✦ You must be able to write at least two paragraphs per in-character post
✦ Realistic face claims are REQUIRED
✦ This is going to take place in Canada
✦ There is a two-character limit per person!
✦ Any OOC drama/bullying is not allowed and after three offenses you will be removed from the roleplay
Throwing my hat into the ring once again

very much interested in case it wasn't obvious haha
Character apps will be opened on Monday!
Throwing my hat into the ring once again
Definitely interested, literally the RP I didn't know I needed

very much interested in case it wasn't obvious haha
interested πŸ‘€
I loved the game so this sounds fun, I’m interested!
I'm interested!
Character apps are open! The temp. ooc is also available!
Current Deadline is Monday, July 15th!
Extensions can be provided if needed ❀️

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