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The Osiris Collective
Protecting Humanity, No Matter the Cost

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>Justin Ichin


>Justin Ichin, Clearance Level 1, Intern
>Welcome to the Osiris Collective!

Mission Statement: The Doctor
Our mission, above all else, is the preservation of humanity. Ever since 1914, since first contact, that has been our goal. You might be asking yourself, "What could we possibly protect humanity against?". We protect humanity from an external threat, something that threatens us from beyond our own reality. Parallel universes, what you think is only fiction or some sort of speculative science, are real, and they have collided with our own. They leak through to this world and cause chaos and destruction. Since the founding of the Osiris Collective, it has been our mission to stop the spread of these beings, known as "Fey", and cover them up when we can't. No matter the cost.

>Search for Locations

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By Chief of Staff, Winsler:
We have a great many facilities all across the world to combat the Fey threat. They could, theoretically, appear anywhere on the globe, but have only appeared near major urban centers. As such, we have constructed them near the following locations:
  • New York City​
  • Washington DC​
  • Moscow​
  • London​
  • Tokyo​
  • Shanghai​
  • Seoul​
  • Beijing​
  • Los Angeles​
  • Chicago​
  • Baghdad​
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>Courtney Hollister



>Courtney Hollister, Intern, Level 1

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Research Overview
Hello, and welcome to the Osiris Collective. If you are reading this, then that means you have selected the Research Department as your suggested career path. There are a few things you need to know before you can start your work.

One thing that is of the utmost importance to not just the Research Department, but for every single employee here is that your work remains secret. We don't go through all this work to cover up Fey just for you to blab about it. If you do, however, there are extreme penalties for this depending on the amount of information that gets out. We do cover it up, but that takes away resources from the important things, like monsters rampaging through urban centers.

We do not create weapons for the enforcement branches. That is the work of the Resource Management and Development Department (RMDD). If that was your interest, then you can cancel your suggestion now. Our work is on researching the sciences of the Fey worlds. There are two of them directly connected to ours, RS-02 and RS-03, though research is ongoing if there are more out there.

You will join this work when you are promoted to Level 2 as a Trainee Scientist. Level 3 is for the official Scientists, and Level 4 is for the Head Scientists. You will typically be promoted after around 2-4 months as an intern, though certain factors can speed this period up or slow it down. If you have any further questions, please refer to your Overseer. Thank you.

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>Joshua Scott



>Joshua Scott, Level 1, Intern
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>Article: The Different Departments of the Osiris Collective

This article should provide a clear explanation of what each department does, and how they differ from one another in their jobs to keep humanity safe. They are divided into two wings, management and military.
  • The Department of Research, well, researches the sciences of RS-03 and 02. They're a generally research anything except weapon development.
  • The Department of Oversight is the department dedicated to rooting out corruption and managing employees. If enough evidence is gathered, no position of power is immune to them.
  • The Department of Diplomacy is the department dedicated to diplomacy and communication with intelligent Fey creatures. They are the smallest department.
  • The Department of Censorship covers up any leaked information about the Fey, the Osiris Collective, or any marked knowledge.
  • The Department of Construction is the department dedicated to creating new Osiris Collective facilities.
  • The Department of Security is one of the largest departments, handling almost all military actions. They also guard facilities as well as track down escaped Fey.
  • The Department of Resource Management handles development of new weapons and technologies used by the Department of Security, as well as management for all items used by them.
Each of the Departments fills a specific role in the OsC, and are each instrumental to the functioning of the Osiris Collective. Which one will YOU join?
>Article End

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>Felicity Smith


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>Felicity Smith, Level 2, Trainee, Department of Research

>Plul up article on alrternate reality stuff
>Illegible command, please try again.
>Pull up article on RS-02

>Generating Article...
Overview on RS-02:By Cearn Alada, Head of Research
RS-02, nicknamed Elysium by the humans, (Fey pronunciation unavailable in English), consists of lush landscapes and is typically regarded to be the more hospitable universe of the two. The most dominant species in Elysium are the Tylwyth (human given name). They are identical to the homo sapiens species, except for the fact that they have bug wings on their back capable of flight. They have various forms of advanced government, the main nation being the Alfheimr Kingdom, run by the Seelie Court and the High Chancellor. (closest translation).

There are several other species in Elysium, which are responsible for 98% of the incidents caused by life in RS-02. They range from the mostly feral Basilisks to the intelligent hunters of the Krampusse. The world of RS-02 is flat, and much smaller than Earth, being only 5,000 miles across. There is only one major mountain range, being Mount Celestia and the surrounding mountain range.
>Article End

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>Bye, Felicity Smith.

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