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Darkspirit Deathchase

I do have a Hoard of the Dragon Queen or Tyranny of Dragon's campaign started with only one person posting. You are all welcome to post in it, I just level 1 Characters. When I'm not at work I'll link the threads.
Organized, Yes. Easier? Nope. I'd have to attempt to start from the beginning, while It was kinda just beginning it would just be me copying and pasting what I said. Or like in real life, poof those who haven't posted in a while are now your characters.

LFG Thread: full!
RP Thread: Tyranny of Dragons (Full)

Character Creation:
Your Characters:
Attributes: 17, 16, 14, 14, 13, 11
Level 1
Base gear in the PHB
Anything in Unearthed Arcana, Official Books are playable.

Pick One:
Story Hook 1: You are hired by Mr. Takashi ( a half elf Merchant) on a caravan heading towards Greenest to trade and resupply on your way to Baldur's Gate.
(Since you're starting not at the VERY beginning, You're characters are directly behind Zotar)

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