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Fandom Darkon's Dueling Academy

Carina took a moment to reread over her menu again,"I usually get the loco moco, it comes with pancakes. I love pancakes," she admitted to him almost on accident. She wasnt one to share such emotions, but she assumed it was acceptable considering they were at breakfast. He'd probably deduct her joy of pancakes by the end of the meal at any length. Wasn't a reason to fret over it now.

She pointed to his menu,"if you like eggs, they have good omelettes. Though not too sure on the rest o ftheir food. It's oyur first time here, so I'm sure anything would be fine." She didn't smile, but just looked at the approaching waitress, who asked what they would like to drink. She responded with water, and reutnred her attention to her menu as to not have to go into any more conversation.
The twins looked to one another, nodded, and gathered their things in together. Once they had done that the walked up to her and Aouli spoke first, "We'd love to go to dinner with you~!" While Tsukiko just kept hugging her. They stepped back after a little bit, large grins on their faces, because they truly did love their sister. Even if they were constantly being reminded that they were just her younger siblings.

Still, being an hour early? That wasn't like them at all... usually they were late or missing. Which meant they had to adjust their timing for everything... at least it gave Tsukiko time to deal with Aouli's habit of trying to work before class... one of the problems they had with mornings.
Leilani blinked a bit, before smiling,"Breakfast sillies! Also, did I mention Mom called? She's a bit worried." why would she take her time to mention the apart of the conversation to her younger siblings? They didn't know that their mother could have had something very important to say but Big Sis didn't want to be berated. So she just smiled widely at them.

She loved her little siblings, ,though there was a large gap in age, there wasn't much of a gap in personality. It was like Aouli took her scientific side, though it be in machines not psychology -sigh-, and Tuskiko took her happy smilie touchy side. Together they were her! Except not as awesome,"BECAUSE I'm the most AWESOME!" Leilani exclaimed as she was thinking, instead of just keeping it her head. She slowly put her hand over her mouth and smiled,"Woops."
The twins rolled their eyes at Leilani's typical antics. Over time they'd gotten used to her occasional outbursts of words, though inside they winced at her use of the term 'most AWESOME'. Of course their sister would say something like that, why wouldn't she? She was the most awesome, and they were... just twins. Not even cool twins with super-special-awesome skills at reading each other's minds, just regular boring old twins.

"R-right, Breakfast. Sorry." He had spent a bit more time reading in silence on his bed, and now he found himself wondering at them having the same dorm room despite being guy and girl. He then shook that idea off, instead focusing on talking with his sister,and generally enjoying their time with her. Said time had... dwindled quite a bit over time, after all.
Leilani smiled,"Right then! ......Did I mention mom call!" she said holding out her cell phone, which was meant to say call mom. Which was why she had been hinting at it, but she didn't want to say it outright. Who wanted to call mom? She'd talk their ears off, probably rant on about how they weren't married yet. Wait, that was her. Um, for the twins, they'd probably get cursed out for not calling and not wearing a jacket, and not being married.

She shook her head,"No Mom! I don't wanna be married yet....I'm still younggggg. I want science!" Her eyes began to tear up before she wiped her eyes and she jumped up and down,"Noooooo"
He looked up from his menu as he spoke, just listening. So she liked pancakes, how normal for her. He bit back a laugh biting the inside of his cheek. "I'll have pancakes." He said amused. "But only since you recommended them."

When the waitress came over he flashed her a smile and asked for milk and 4 pancakes as a start. He sat back looking at her. "Are you gonna order pancakes to?" He asked.
He'd be sent out for doing work too early, or something like that. It was more so he'd been visibly bored for the past hour & a half, clearly the professor knew that he'd been paying attention from a small pop quiz given for students who feel the need to sleep in his class, so off Duncan went, too the zone, not needed to endure today's class for any longer, nor a lecture session with the said professor. He'd take his notebook, along with a small gym bag filled for later, then leaves to again, wander the grounds of campus while reading up on the book he carried with him to class earlier this morning.
Carina looked to her companion and rose a brow. She hadn't expected him to be ready to order food so quick, so she shrugged her shoulders and returned her attention to the waitress,"Quiero loco moco y huevos con queso por favor." Carina said smiling and handing the menu to the woman who began to write it down but stared at her in the face.

"How did you know I can speak spanish?" the woman looked over and was still in awe of what Carina did. Carina shrugged,"Good guess, I suppose." Which was a lie. Carina had profiled the woman ever since she stepped in. She was able to gather up how many servers were on duty, how busy it was, and which sections who would have. She was able to pinpoint where to sit, which is why she sat where she did. She had watched her, and observed her, noting she was relatively intellectual, polite, and genuine about her desire to please. She had even gathered from the slightest tinge in her accent, that she had grown up in a spanish house. She figured it wasn't a spanish from the western hemisphere, she seemed much too pale and her accent seemed much to different from those. So, she gathered she had to be, at least from her deduction, from Spain or in a Spanish household where Spanish was her first learned language.

The sever walked off a bit, still in awe, and Carina only sighed.
Aouli, despite being younger the calmer of the two, grabbed Leilani's arm, giving her a look as though to say calm down. "Mom's not here, Big-Sister." It always surprised him how she could get worked up like that... it wasn't something he'd have expected from her, but... well, she did it often enough that he should. He didn't notice Tsukiko take the phone, dialing home.

Maybe they should have gotten cell phones, but they hadn't wanted to waste the money. After all, Tsukiko would use it too much, and Aouli not at all, and... it wouldn't end well with Mom. "Hey, is this... Mom? Yeah, it's me Tsukiko." When big sis tried to tell them to do something, then that's the perfect plan. Or at least least likely to make her upset.
She wiped her eyes once more when her brother grabbed her arm, and calmed down a bit looking at him. She sniffled a bit, before offering a bright genuine smile,"Oh right! She's not....she's far far away...she can't reach me now...Vile! Woman!" she stuck her tongue out pulled down her eye.

What she didn't know was that their mom had answered the phone. The first thing she told Tsukiko "tell your sister, I heard everything and just for that she's going to tell the young man across the way they're set for a date." the rest was mom stuff, asking about their time there, blah blah...and then asking to speak to Aouli.
He placed down his menu and looked at her. "Your a pretty good profiler, from your attitude in duels I can tell you wouldn't have made a idle guess." He said looking at her. For what he knew about her he knew she didn't like to lose, calculated most of her actions, and was extremely strategic.

However his voice wasent accusing, amazed, or even particularly interested. It was casual and normal like he had just commented on the weather. He had assumed this already after all.
She shrugged her shoulders,"A good guess was all it was..." she was now anticipating her meal coming forth. She usually stacked up on calories in the morning, she would work them off through the day, get a good work out during the evening, heavy protein dinner. Then she would dive deep in a book, or a board game rule book, before passing out for the night.

That was her life. She didn't even really focus on dueling anymore, she was satisfied with her deck and strategy. She knew it would struggle against certain decks, but for the most part, she felt she would win enough in a tournament to justify keeping the deck where it was.
Aouli nodded, letting go of her as he heard Tsukiko talk to their mom. "Yes mom, I'll make sure to tell her." One eye roll later she was back on track, chatting away with their mother. Her tone seemed interested, hyper and happy, but if you cared to listen past that bright overtone you could tell, just by the choice of words, that in fact the conversation was rapidly loosing her interest, and when at last she was told to give it to Aouli she just handed it over, not even giving her regular salutation of 'love ya'.

Aouli took the phone, asking their mother, "Do you need something?" in his normal monotone. After all, he wasn't as good at pretending to be interested as his sister, and honestly... he didn't much get along with their mother. He agreed with Leilani that the woman was a bit too focused on marrying them off. Especially the two of them... actually, that might have to do with the two of them being so intelligent...
A tune while walking around the campus, reading his book"...De ja vu in the same day?" Couldn't be, not the same song at all, yet still, it felt...pulling towards him. So much infact that even while reading his book, his body was more focused on getting the song rather than aimlessly finding a comfortable spot, a song which after he'd located, made him freeze at the doors leading to it. A complex situation, he could be walking in on a class, yet going into it then most likely interrupting the song would possibly not be beneficial for him, but that sound truly does call too him, it certainly keeps him going forward.

So forward, he'd walk into the classroom already looking around, closing his book as too not draw more attention as someone reading into the occult, finding the song to be from "You." The violin girl who'd played earlier, more for herself than him, but still, the show was nice. The crisp morning dew somewhat seeking into his pants after sitting on the incline while reading a good book, was this some sort of new desire he'd had? Too make up this boring time with music? The look he'd give her, one of curiosity, hopefully would give him more information that he could think, if her response wasn't as abrupt as last time.
When Leilani noticed her brother giving that stop talking stare, and on top of his unusually monotone voice, she grabbed the phone from him,"The brats love you, kay bye mom." and she hung up the phone putting it on silent and inside of one of her bags. She smiled a bit before looking at her watch,"Oh dear oh dear, it's a half past now, McDonalds it is! Come on my beautiful lovelies, off to food!"

She pointed towards the one direction, in a bit over dramatic pose before looking at her finger, and then thinking,"Wait..wait..no." she turned to faced the other direction and pointing again,"Off to food!" With that, she began to walk off in the direction, the right direction, of the campus' mcdonalds.
Hand, meet face. Face, meet hand. She was wonderfully intelligent, but forgetting where McDonalds was? Somehow in the time they hadn't been with her... Aouli had forgotten just how bubbly his elder sister was. He shook his head and then started walking after her, hiding the urge to roll his eyes.

Tsukiko, for her part, just giggled before joining the two. She also was the only one to realize that yes, there was actually a few things they'd nearly forgotten, like their bags... which she grabbed. And then ran after her brother, holding his out and shouting out "Aouli! We've gotta keep our bags with us, remember?" The only answer was a small grunt.
Startled out of her singing, Agnes glanced up, her eyes widening as she found the same boy who had been listening to her playing outside. She covered her mouth quickly and blushed, immediately dropping her eyes to the desk before her, where her music notes lay. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you with my singing... and I'm sorry for earlier too..." She spoke in a too quiet voice, clearing her throat and trying again. "I'm sorry for disturbing you with my music, I didn't mean to..." Here she stopped again, trying to avoid stuttering out of embarrassment. "I was just creating some lyrics for a little tune I wrote..." She blushed and motioned towards the paper in front of her, wondering if he could even read her scribbles all over the page or not.

She glanced up at him quickly, observing from underneath her eyelashes. To be honest he seemed a little like her, quiet and unassuming. Not at all like that Tsukiko girl she had met on her first day here... But they were both nice, in their own ways. It would be great if she could have more then one friend this time... With a soundless sigh her eyes dropped down and rested on the book the boy was holding. It was... a book on the occult? How interesting.
"Oh, well...don't mind me." The song she was humming as the whole reason he'd come anyways. Still, he'd felt like she was more, deer-ish? 'Is that a word?' She stopped to observe him, closely, following her eyes around him. At his face, normal for them just meeting, & he'd look at hers as well. The green eyes & black hair, he'd heard something about that being rare, genetically of course. She'd be a tier 3 uniform, just above him, as well as the uniform being that as well...looked good on her. Though after following her eyes again, the book he'd brought in here, they'd be on it, & instead of a look of disgust, it'd be one of curiosity from her.

"Oh, this...it's just, monsters & ghost, Demons...thinks like that. Please continue." The book would be brought closer too him, the first time he'd had too bring back something he'd care about, especially just meeting someone. Though, too him, her songs more important right now, extremely important too him. "Your song calls to me, even if it is unfinished..."
"O-oh..." She blushed deeply at his words. No one had ever told her that they liked her songs. It was a strange feeling, being complimented. It felt... nice. With a slightly more confident smile, she motioned for him to sit next to her and moved the paper so they could both see. "Well, I'm not sure how much you know about music, but here is the main melody, and the counterpoint comes in later. Here are the words... I think it's alright, but it always helps to have a second opinion..."

She hesitated before screwing up her courage and letting it out. "D-do you want to hear me sing it? I-it won't sound a-as good without the music... B-but I think it'll b-be okay..." She swallowed hard, her eyes fixed firmly on the music paper in front of her and not at the boy sitting next to her. Nope, she was not going to look at him, not at all.
"Ah, up there?" He'd take the gesture as an invitation too go sit next too her, & with his arms behind his back, hiding the book again, then careful not to make her papers fall, he'd sat the seat given too him. After her statement, he'd look onto the paper with her, wondering why he did so. He knew nothing about real music at least, lest some about piano, though that'd be all for him. Still, she intrigued him enough to make him shake his head before speaking himself. "Not the smallest thing of music for me..., but it'll be good either way."

He'd give her a small pat on the back, one small enough so that it'd not hurt her, before returning the hand too himself. Obviously out of his own nervousness his hand shaking the whole way there & back, so he'd just answer the question. "Only if you want too, I just like the song. No real reason." Best answer he'd come up with for this, & it still seemed creepy as any other weird stranger would say.
Carina Rossi

Carina didn't smile, no, she kept her usual countenance. She shrugged a bit and soon their food had arrived to their table,"Don't seem to excited, you might scare off someone..." she said -making her have coffee even if she didn't- taking her mug of coffee, adding just a bit of raw sugar and some creamer and sipping it slowly,"They're also quick because they're popular so..." she said nodding to herself as she placed the mug down and getting the food she was ready to eat....


LaLa smiled once the trio reached Mcdonalds,"Okay kiddos, what are ya having?" she questioned looking over the menu and pointed to the McGriddle,"I'm getting the syrupy pancake sandwhich with eggs. No meat for me. You know your dear old sister is going meatless,yes? I want to try it once in my life...." she started running on before she looked up to the person who had asked what they were having,"Aha! I'll have the syrup pancake sandwhich with sausage egg and cheese!" ....yeap..she just ordered meat.
Of course she did...Tsukiko rolled her eyes and said "Just an egg McMuffin combo for me please." she had failed, of course, on the first day of trying to go meatless. Though she really didn't want to go around suggesting that her sister was wrong or anything, though she was... Could she just say that sometimes it was hard to tell if Big Sister was joking or not? Because it was.

"That's meat, Sister." Aouli of course had no reserves about telling his sister that, of course, and he had been looking at the menu for himself. With a tiny hum he told the employee "Breakfast burrito without bacon or sausage, please." Unlike Leilani he really was going to go meatless, though for him it was more of the fact that his body needed less meat than normal people, so he rarely ate any aside from at dinner.
"Scared of me, im not exactly intimidating." He said with a chuckle as he leaned back in his chair, with his thin frame and lazy look most would probably put him down as a otaku or something rather then a duelist. "So you said i have to change my deck and you've played me before. Which decks might you recommend?" He asked actually knowing very little in some ways about the dueling world.
Carina Rossi.

Carina shrugged her shoulders a bit before she tapped her chin with her finger,"Ah your deck...." she trailed off picking up a bottle of strawberry syrup and laying it over her pancakes as she thought about what she should say to him. "Deck, well....there's shadolls....but might not be your style. Hmm....Brofist....perhaps you would like brofist?" she stopped and tapped her chin and shrugged her shoulders,"Possibly you could be a bit dangerous with that. Or perhaps a bujin black garden build?"


Lala blinked and looked to her little brother, before looking back at the employee,"Ok, no sausage then. Just egg, and syrupy pancakes bread. Uh, and an orange juice. You guys wants juice too? Didn't you get combos?" she rubbed her chin and smiled,"That means all the hashbrowns right?I love those. They're good. Oh oh. I can make us Hawiian dinner tonight if you two want me to."
"Eggs are considered meat too" The twins told her in unison, turning to look at each other and blushing, looking away. It had been a while since they'd stopped doing that, and now that Tsukiko thought about it... it had been about when Leilani had left for work. So it might be related in some way. Oh gosh, now she was thinking like her sister!

"And yeah, t-that would be nice, Big Sister." Aouli answered for the two of them, not as surprised by their now rarer signs of twindom as his sister. Still, it had been a while since they'd eaten hawaiian food, since even before transferring here they had been studying away from home.

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