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MEDJED: As your guide, it is my job to allow you to progress in this 'game'.
MEDJED: Learning the basics of combat is one of the main features, so you must learn it anew solo.
MEDJED: And yes, those points are your currency that allow you to create things with Alchemy.

You decide that enough is enough, and leave the shack.
You can apparently make new stuff now in Alchemy.
Orikanyo Orikanyo

The objects are blackened with age and rot, that you can barely tell what they are when you pass them by.
But as you reach the door, your brain registers what they are.


Specifically, corpses of children your age. Looking back, you realize you were inspecting the corpse of what seemed to be your friend Enid.
Oh no.

But before you can process anything else, you accidentally open the door.

You are now in a sort of study.
A fireplace crackles in the marble fireplace, decorated with strange gothic cherubs staring down at you from the fireplaces shelf.

The room itself is very clean, with many bird-cages covered in sheets and an old granite desk sitting in front of the fire.
There are many sheets scattered on the desks, which you cannot read from your vantage point.

You hear a small noise, and finally notice a smaller gray door by the fireplace, leading out of the office like space.

Kimona Kimona
==> Continue responding to neglected messages

EM: Don't do anything too iffy! Baby steps Ryou cause god damn if this all isn't confusing as shit.
EM: Don't do anything to dangerous, I mean I just slaughtered a shit ton of spiders in a dark shack in a desert with only the light of my flaming magic staff (Made by alchemy by the by wicked shit, can't cast magic yet though.)

If you were anyone else, you might scream, or freeze up
or something

but you?
You can't speak.
Despite being horrified,
You couldn't help but have your curiosity peaked.

The door is open==>

Well. Might as well go in.
You were no longer paying attention to your phone.
Due to the fact that you were mildly traumatized.
And mildly um. you got a C- in English so... um. Poisonous?
Manic? Demented?
They all felt a bit to extreme then what you were going for.
Like, 5% of those words meanings.

You enter the room. Looking around.
You want to see where this going.

Should you investigate or go to the door?


You could probably go to the door any time.

Examine the sheets on the desks==>
You look at the pieces of parchment scattered throughout the desk.

Only a few are legible.

'The creature has finally awoken. My opponent has still not shown his face yet, so our progress has been slowed. The spirits have also matured whole-heartedly, and imprinting is available once they are released. My Guests have not awoken yet, but a few children have already appeared in the dungeon, supposedly the ones not chosen by random chance and taken from their slumber in the spires.'

'My servants seem nervous. I tell them all will be well, but I myself am somewhat hesitant. The Rain has begun, and it is said it will not stop until either of the prophecies become fulfilled. I do not know the opposing one, but ours rules with a great triumph of the survivors of the apocalypse.'
==>Raise an eyebrow.

You do, no response yet, you expected something immediate given your second friend's predicament... Nonetheless you continue to try and contact Adia.
EM: Adia,
EM: first combat done, alchemy seems to work off a point system you get from slaying monsters,
EM: the type of points is based off your... Current mood?
EM: I got some anger points not gonna lie.
EM: But like, alchemy is using a mixture of literal and metaphorical stuff,
EM: like got a magic cane by mixing a mage figure with my normal one.
EM: No idea how to use the magic part yet but of course that'll come later, stumble onto it just like every fucking thing else.
EM: maybe I'll stub my toe on a magic book next?

==> move along to more alchemy

Yea sure, but you are kinda bushed after all that rigorous exercise...
Dick: Alright, I suppous i shall be able to make better stuff now. but first, some more... manual forms of creation shall be applied... Now where to find something sharp?

You examine the side of the church, then the ground,mostly looking for something sharp to at least transform this pool cue into a....

Wait, the pub.

It is logical to assume that a pub would be filled with cutlery, and cutlery include knives, perhaps one suitable to be used as a weapon, or tool. You also are reminded of the magician's kit, perhaps you could make a way to actually use the fiery properties of your cane with that? A catalyst of sorts? magic book?

Either way, pub first, maybe more arachnid squishing and get yourself a pointy stick.

Alchemy is all about what you use in the end, and the metaphorical properties behind it, maybe... Alchemy also happens to be a cheeky git so you have to be careful.
Dick: Well, you can god damn watch me clear out the pub next then.
Dick: This time I shall endeavor to remain clear of mind as I conduct any trashing.
Dick: Do you ever think you are missing out on a mind shattering revelation or two?
Dick: ...Actually do YOU have any ideas on what i should create moving forwards? So far I have been stumbling blindly, perchance you may wish to do that guiding job about now?

The sarcasm was palpable.
MEDJED: At least you are asking questions now.
MEDJED: Yes, I am a Guide.
MEDJED: But think; IN your games, do guides tell you the answers to every puzzle, the weakness of every problem?
MEDJED: Remember. This is a conditioning of sorts.
MEDJED: I am simply here to keep you more or less sane as well.

MEDJED: But I must warn you...
As you open the pub doors, you realize that the sound you heard was not skittering.
It was buzzing.
MEDJED: Those low-level enemies from the hut were nothing more than child's play.
MEDJED: If you wish to continue and complete your Path, you must face the fact.
MEDJED: The fact that the world will throw whatever it has at you to push you.

You look up just in time to swing your cane like a bat and hit something out of the air.
Looking down, you get chills, and stand to play baseball with a few more of these beats.

Spiders with wings.
You hope this doesn't push you over the edge.

Orikanyo Orikanyo

Your processing alright.

You decided to take the noted you cant read, and fold them up, shoving them in your pocket.
You look back-

You grab a few of the unreadable ones as well.
In time maybe you will be able to figure them out.

Tell your friends-==>

Not right now.

you decide to quickly go back and take a picture of the body.

They might not believe you otherwise.

You just hope you can access theses pictures later.

You take a few more photos before taking another look around.

Examine the covered bird-cages==>
For once, upon seeing a spider you do not fly into a rage, in fact, your veins run cold as ice...
This was not okay
You yelp as you narrowly duck a sweep from one of the bugs, causing you to back out of the pub as the four inside come out to greet you.
Dick: Yep, this, this has to be the worst day of my life.
Dick: Thus far

Battle begin.

With no rage backing you up, you actually have to think this through when fighting these beasts. Swinging at them, they simply fly away with a buzz and try to sweep again with their nasty little pincers and claw-like legs, one scraped along your cloak, not quite damaging it but feeling it's hefty weight on you for but a moment sends shivers down your spine before you swipe furiously at the thing.

You leap and attempt to strike one, leaving only a glancing blow, that was at least enough to knock a wing off, causing it to revoltingly buzzflop along the ground like a swat fly. You crush it under foot, staining your pants again before a foe swipes and nails you in the back of the head sending you into a roll that in the very least prevents it from clinging. bewildered, but not out of the fight you roll to your knees and bat at another charging arachnid, sending it splattering on the wall.

The last two ready themselves before charging again, forcing you to leap away, face into the sand again you roll as they forcibly land, their spindly legs piercing the ground where you were for but a moment. You manage to recover in time to crush one with your cane on it's recovery. The other however flies towards you, forcing you to blow it's jaws from reaching you with your cane, but the draw forces the weapon from your hands as you both slip from one another.

In desperation you panic, disarmed, terrified, watching the flying SPIDER get ready to charge...

You use the ancient wisdom of your ancestors and chuck the poolcue..

And unlike your ancestor, you luckily didn't miss.

But you head does still hurt... only abit of blood...
None the worse for wear, you manage to take out your phone,
snap a picture of the speared,
or rather "cued"
Winged spider, and sent it to the group chat.
Dick: *Picture of impaled winged spider*
Dick: This is in no way okay.

The bird-cages are actually quite large.

Your actually pretty sure that if you bent down a bit, you could fit in there.

Judging by the previous room, this is not a fun thought.

Slowly, you reach up for a sheet, and grab on.
Fuck it.
In one long pull you dramatically take the sheet off.

In the cage, is some kind of ghost, which reminds you of what you just read.
The ghost itself is in a kind of fetal position, but it looks quite interesting.
It almost looks human, except that its transparent and lacks the full color over its body.
And a face.

Kimona Kimona

Medjed looks at you as he normally does.
Sighing, he clicks his (non-existent) tongue.
A clap track plays briefly, before fading out.

You get up, brush yourself off, and venture into the Pub.

The main part of the building consists of the dining area, with tables and chairs set up.
Unlike what you were expecting, it seems like this place was abandoned in a hurry. Chairs have been toppled, utensils lie on the ground, and a few books and trinkets are scattered among the webbed surfaces.

To your left, is a small bar area, with possible drinks and liquids, and behind that is a door into what you presume to be the kitchen.

Orikanyo Orikanyo

First thing's first.

You snap a picture.

After staring at the ghost first for a second
You do the first thing anyone with common sense would do.
You reach out and try to touch it.
Because that certainly won't have any bad consequences.
Dick: ...Ah yes play another round of applause you cheeky git.
Dick: Don't you make me come over there and hug you you fucking plush imitation god.
Dick: now if you'll excuse me.

==> Plunder the precious liquids.

You are to young to drink.. Wait.. What is the drinking age here? in truth you are probably the only one alive in miles so... Guess you set the rules.


Nah... Need to be level headed moving forwards, even if the flying spiders are reason enough to drink.. Nonetheless you examine the bottles carefully before pocketing them, or at least putting them somewhere you'd remember to take them. Push comes to shove, they may be flammable, so thats useful.

None of the utensils around here look particularly useful, good stuff may be in the kitchen which you hope is over there... But best you look over this room first, for anything interesting at least.
"It's okay. Figuring things out is half the fun."

You grip onto the grappling hook, and walk out of your house. Wherever this path is, it's out there - wait.

Earlier, you went straight for the TV because you were working off the assumption you were either on earth or somewhere similar to earth, and you wanted to know exactly where. You now realize that where you are doesn't really matter, and that you ignored something important: the letter on the coffee table. Well, it might be important, but you won't know until you read it.

You walk over to the coffee table and pick it up.
As you reach through the bars, the figure seems to realize your presence, and stops shaking.
As you touch its cold, strange and wispy skin, it looks up at you and...

You wake up.
Kimona Kimona

After gathering the few bottles of undefined liquids (as they have no labels for some reason), you walk up to the Kitchen door.

You listen in.
About to bust down the door, you see something on the wall next to you, and stop for a second.

Its some kind of poster, which you definitely wouldn't have expected in this setting.
However you cant really read it with your canes light, so you move on.

You open the kitchen door.
And almost scream.

After gathering our bearings, you realize just one of those glow-in-the-dark skeletons hanging on a hook near the door.
Laughing it off (or trying to at least), you walk into the Kitchen.

Its pretty small, but it has all the necessary components, including a knife block.

Orikanyo Orikanyo

You Read the Letter.
'Hey sis, its me! I know I haven't written in a while, but you'll understand why after you read this. So, Brad and I have been thinking and- we're going to have a kid! Doesn't that sound wonderful? I know you were always wary about it with Charles but I think its the right thing to do for us.

Anyways, love you!

Sincerely, '

The letter cuts off, and you can't read who wrote the rest of the letter.
TekSoda TekSoda

A snail crawls over the singed lawn.

It stops as it comes upon an object, something to note in its small existance.
Its a camera.

The lens is cracked, and the humongous hole behind must've been where its owner used to be.

The snail moves on.

Serbian Mounted

You have no idea what the hell this is.

You've been browsing the internet for a while, and you suddenly got an e-mail from some game company.
The Darkness? Sounds edgy.

You wonder if this has anything to do with your friends hyping the game up...
Maybe they signed you up for it?

Wait, who are you anyways?

Blemmigan Blemmigan
==> Obtain spooky skeleton and knives.

Why? Alchemy, thats why, honestly your looking like you just raided a dollar store right now but you'll be damned if you suddenly need glow in the dark skeleton for something extremely specific. Though you may want to check yourself for a possible hording issue... But lets just call it hedging your bets for now. Knives in hand you set off back towards your home, grabbing your pool cue on the way.

In all truth you could probably make some sort of sick ass heavy metal priest armor with all this..

Possibly? Who knows really, but it'd make you feel more confident, even when just thinking about it.

Plus in this venture you got more points, so more making stuff.

but what to make...

==> haul everything back to the room.

==> Identify yourself​

In the light of a beautiful sunny day streaming through the open door and spiderwebbed windows, you are revealed, along with your collection of VARIOUS CRAP.

Your name is NILS GESSLER, and the various crap is scattered around your SHED, which is almost exactly like having your own house, if people's houses had lots of worktop benches covered in CHEMICAL APPARATUS. You've spent the morning trying to make various esters from butyric acid, and as a result your shed currently smells like PINEAPPLE and HOT GARBAGE.

When you're not making terrible chemical mistakes, you're practicing throwing KNIVES at the outside of the shed. You got quite good at it before your mother found out that you were responsible for the dents in her kitchenware. Now you have to do it whenever she's not home. It will be worth it though, because people will finally think you're COOL.

Lining the windowsills are lot of interesting-looking GLASSWARE and BOTTLES you found at the dump, a lot of them broken. There is an old sofa covered in various SCI-FI NOVELS from yesteryear, such as by H G Wells and Jules Verne. Above it on the wall is a poster of the coolest character design known to humanity, the INVISIBLE MAN. You dressed up as him last Hallowe'en, but your friends just thought you were a SHITTY MUMMY in sunglasses.

==> Enough of that. Read the e-mail.​

You (re)read the email.

It looks like spam, but it doesn't seem to be asking for money. And you suppose it sounds familiar, like that video game your friends were talking about. Looks like you've been lassoed into being a part of it before you could make an excuse.

You're not sure you approve of your friends giving out your address to shady companies, though. Maybe once you find out who was responsible, you can return the favour with something appropriate.

"You should be receiving the game soon in the mail to your location."

Well, time is a-ticking. You'd better run back into the house and grab any games from the mail pile before your brother gets his grubby little hands on them.
Wake Up==>

You jolt up from your position in your chair.
You look around frantically.
your still here.
Kinda of a relief.

Check for items==>

You proceed to see if you have any of the things you picked up.
Maybe the photos,

You need proof.

Anything will do.
Except maybe your message logs.
Those are no use to you except maybe probing your crazy.
"Wait- are we in someone's actual house?"

Ok, yep, you're officially weirded out again. You decide to start absentmindedly flipping through channels with one hand while checking in and under the couch with the other in hopes that one of these efforts will yield something.
As you walk back into your home, you pass by the radio, and hear something being broadcast.
'This is Emmet from 14-News, and we're here today at the scene of the first outbreak! *muffled screams* Its here that the first incident occurred, across from the well known Great Kuts Barber Shoppe! We have tried to get a few witnesses, but even we cannot get any closer than we are right now!'


Then, without any obstacle, you reach the mail pile.

Your brother seems to not have noticed the game yet, as it appears to have already arrived.
Smirking, you pick it up, and look at.

Its in a strange emo-like black and gray case with only the name of the company and the game itself on the front in white.

Blemmigan Blemmigan

You have nothing.

Or, to phrase it better, you have everything you had before you fell asleep-

It was a dream!
Of course it was! That's why you saw your friends, and things seemed to make no sense.

You tell yourself this is as you realize the screams outside have stopped, but loud crashes have replace them.

Kimona Kimona

The couch yields nothing but few dust bunnies, and the channels seem to all be the same: static.

You wonder if maybe the game broke somehow.
What if instead of taking you to your Path, it accidentally broke you into someone else's house?
Game maps glitch all the time, maybe that's what happened here.

Luci seems to get nervous when you begin to flip out.

TekSoda TekSoda
==> Contemplate.​

Huh. So there actually was a game sent to your home, and that's definitely your name and address printed on the front of the envelope. The game itself is all that's inside. No note, no comments on the game's packaging, nothing. Minimalist.

You're so busy thinking about how pretentious the thing looks that you barely hear the announcement on the radio. Luckily, there's definitely no way that it'll be relevant to you.

==> Return to the safety of the shed.​

Time to figure out what this game is for, and why you had it sent to you in the first place. You fire up the chat client on your laptop, and send an accusatory message to the most likely suspects.

BlueVitriol opened a chat with TheEyeOfMedjed / skyjackr / RadioRetro

BV: okay, time to own up.
BV: which one of you clowns gave my address out for your edgy dark web video game?
Last edited:
EM: Satan himself thats who, is it they Darkness"
EM: Cause golly fucking gee, your in for a treat and a half
EM: As in literal hell, cause the apocalypse is happening and you got the key to safety.
EM: Cause in case you haven't noticed that has been going on.
EM: Seriously, people imagine meteors, aliens, lizard people, etc.
EM: But the world ends with tentacle hentai.
EM: Now get to downloading that game so we don't lose YET ANOTHER person to the reckoning.

Yea sure you could have been lighter on the whole red pilling the apocalypse thing but hey,
you just got done a battle with flying gigantic spiders,
you have some warrant to rant abit.

Getting to your room once more you plop everything you got onto whatever surfaces you can find.

lets see..

Rusty hammer,
Pool cue,
Pool ball #6,
Bottles of unidentified liquids,
Knife set,
Glowing skeleton,

You look at your collection and think with a final release of breath.

What fucking garbage.

Alright whatever, lets make one damn thing before going for a well deserved nap.

==> head to the table.

You gaze down at the book, combinations filling the first two pages you take a moment to think on what to make.

Pool cue <-- Knives

Hierophant card <-- Cape

just for starters... You imagine the second might give something silly... but why not test it? Push comes to shove you get another card.​
You get the Pool Blade.
It appears to be the blade, but with a slight covering of felt on the hilt, and with a new, sleeker design for the handle.
You don't think you can handle it very well, as you can only really use a cane.

The second time you get a... Holy Cape?
The patterns are slightly different from the original, but its pretty much the same?

You wonder if this has to deal with you choosing it to dominate over the Card. Maybe if you and done it the other way around...

Orikanyo Orikanyo
BV: what's with the paranoid doomsday theories?
BV: you've spent too much time talking to adia.

You take a look out of the open door just in case. A cheerful breeze plays with the leaves and flowers in the overgrown garden. There's the sound of people laughing from the street as they walk past. Clouds drift lazily across the blue sky. All in all, there's no sign whatsoever of any worldending tentacle hentai.

But you already figured that Dick was talking about some weird scenario in the game. Though now you're suspicious about what sort of game it is.

BV: fine, give me a second. keep your hair on.

==> Download game.​

As soon as you press the button, your long-suffering laptop groans, and makes a sound similar to a passenger jet attempting takeoff. You lift it an inch or two off the worktop, hoping that what it needs is a slightly better circulation of air, rather than to die with dignity.

Poor thing. This had better be worth it.
Chain: Begin Completion

rom your shack, you hear a noise.
Getting up from your chair, you think its coming from inside your house.

You listen even more closely, as its very, very faint.

It appears to be the haunting refrain of a flute.

31% Completed.
Blemmigan Blemmigan
EM: You have no idea.

In your paranoid ranting.. you.. Forgot you had to flip the pages the OTHER way...
Smooth moves ex-lax.

Also, you remember you actually only really know how to use canes... So what was the plan with the spear then?

Combine it with the magic cane?

Sounds good enough.

==> Try again dimwit.

Pool cue --> Knives

Hierophant card <--/

Whoops, nearly did it again.

Hierophant card --> Cape.

Oh.. And also...

New Holy cape --> Holy cape (original)

Just, yea know, science and stuff.​
You create the Pool Spear.
This object is close enough to a cane, as its elongated and thin, that you think you can wield it.
It itself appears to be that of a stick infused with metal, with a sharp point at the end to stab things with.

Second, you create SV, the Super Hierophant.
It a appears to be the same card, but with the Hierophant standing in a Superman-esque pose, wearing your Holy Cape.
Its incredibly useless.

And finally, you create the Ultra-Holy Cape.
Its the same cape, but a bit longer and with the two sets of patterns imprinted on top of one another.

Orikanyo Orikanyo

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