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==> Accept your position.

It's a fine looking article, hell you feel important just holding it. But there was no time to lose...

By instinct, you rise and step forward, stumbling slightly with the shaking of the house you approach the throne, sitting upon it with a slight jerk as the house's integrity holds up valiantly against the onslaught outside.

You then realize the symbolism... The ghost leading you was your guide, the act of breaking the card is an act to force forward these events, breaking into this new world. Giving respect to the wisdom of the old and to those who have lead honorably before you...

And ultimately, the passing of the crown, the responsibility that comes with it, and acceptance of the new leader... Let the wisdom of old grace you as you accept your new position.

Like a new pharaoh accepting their place as the people's king and closest to the gods... They also had a duty as well. It's not a title to be held lightly... And a crown such as this does not sit comfortably. Nor should it, for it is not a gift of luxury, it is a heavy burden passed on to another...

Who is hopefully worthy...

But time will tell all things, with time comes wisdom, with wisdom comes strength, with strength comes responsibility, and with responsibility comes wisdom.

Respect, you must remember respect...

For those who have come before you, and those who come after...

He sits upon the throne, and places the headdress on his head. His cane in hand he looks down upon the marble man and says but a few words.
I shall do my best.
Richard: Enter

s the building begins to sink, the headdress begins to glow brightly, until you have to close your eyes.

Outside, people scream as fire and chaos reigns, with oozing tendrils grabbing citizens and pulling down structures.
From outside, the inside of Dicks hosue would be as if it had turned into one massive lightbulb. And as the interior lit up, the bricks and glass on the outside began to as well, with a slight gray tint.

And when the ground began to crack beneath the building, the light enveloped the home completely, leaving behind only a wisp of some sparkling smoke.

As you open your eyes, you find yourself on your ass, holding your cane. No marble man, no golden hat, just you, a chalk square, and Thoth.
You look outside.

Its suddenly night time.
Orikanyo Orikanyo

The progress bar spontaneously stops, as does the timer. They flash away from the screen, before new text appears briefly:

> Your Visitant has entered The Darkness!

Now, a new button appears before you.

> Release Table

Its surprisingly underwhelming.

TekSoda TekSoda
....Well, that was certainly....

You pause a moment to look to Thoth, raising a hand to feel your head where the crown was. Guess it wasn't to be, you shall have to find a crown of your own! Or make one, you suppous, without the crown your head feels surprisingly and unfortunately light...

At least you still have your, slightly beaten, cane.

Thats a start, oh look Medjed is still here.

==> Collect Medjed.

Can't go on a brave adventure without him, why ever did you drop him... Wait your calling them him again. Well, doesn't matter for now, him, her, they, Medjed is medjed and medjed is cute.

==> Regard Thoth.
Well, sorry about the confusion, but here we are... Where ever this is. Have any wisdom to share my guide or am I to experiment and snoop around like a fool? Could be fun I suppous...

I take it we're not being accosted by tentacles now...?

You hope.

Nonetheless you look outside, night time, when it was day not to long ago...Ah, texts...
I am still Alive my dear, and thankfully less in danger... i think. I broke the card under Thoth the ghost's instruction, I named them that by the by. A statue appeared, I bowed, it gave me a crown, I put it on and sat on the throne and now i'm in a wierd place without tentacles, a slab of chalk and... it's suddenly nighttime.
If you are confused, your not the only fucking one.
So thats my update, hows your cute butt fairing
How Curious==>

How curious is right.

"Folks, if you didn't notice it clearly before, the Violin has changed to a Cello outside my door."
"Now the real question is, do I open my door?"
you ask with a smile.

"Also my download is at 51%."
You answer a few questions from another caller, and they also suggest that maybe opening the door wasn't the best idea.
Of course that just makes you want to open it more.

Ryou: Open the door?==>

ignorin the more
flirty part of that last bit
im doin fine
also i think i know why its night for you
my screen says that my visitant has entered the darkness
youre my visitant i guess
and its dark outside
im fairly certain that youre not in kansas anymore
or earth actually
anyways im gonna release a table i guess
its the only button available
hopefully it doesnt hit you the same way the card did

You leave your sitting position on the ground, go over to your computer, and click "Release Table." You then return to your reading. You're somewhat far through "American Spy" now. Maybe you'll have read a couple books by the time your "server player," whoever that is, installs the game. You're fairly certain you have a bit of a grasp on how this game works now, as do you have a bit of a grasp on the conventions of writing spy novels, shitty or otherwise.

You realize reading "American Spy" is probably a waste of time, but it's a good book. The next book you read will have to be one that's actually relevant to you, though. Maybe a book on graffiti, you haven't done that in a while. Your spray paint cans lay atop your GRAPPLING HOOK ARMORY, undisturbed for eons. Or, like, a month. Same difference, really.
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The ghost has wandered off now, examining your sollection of figures again. It almost seems.... infatuated with them?

It roams around the room, examining anything remotely involved with a humanoid.
And on top of this, a startlingly loud thud announced the arrival of some weird table in the corner of your room.
Orikanyo Orikanyo
The Sound Hasn't Changed.

he cello noise from behind your bedroom door hasn't stopped, but it also hasn't picked up or gone down any octaves.
You begin to wonder if this is actually some kind of prank from your brother.

It wouldn't be likely, as he's not one for those kind of hijinks.

91% Completed.
Initiating Lockdown.

You suddenly hear a different noise.
The Cello has stopped, but your front door seems to have been locked from the inside.

You look over to your signal to make sure your fans can still hear you.
Its very nearly gone at this point.

Kimona Kimona
==> Bring forward a couple random models so it can see better.

You do so, making certain to be a good host for your ghostly friend before tending to the new addition to your room. A table, not that you didn't already have one but hey, new furnishings is nice... You now notice how just heavily messed up your room is, cleaning the place gets added to your ever growing list of things you need to do, nestled right in between embrace crippling despair and hyperventilating.

Busy schedule, you may have to cut despair short for it.

But now you have to look at this table.

==> Examine odd new table

It's a table, from appearances, kinda? Your not sure because the author hasn't explained it yet.

Cart before the horse buckeroo.​
The Table is Aged, But Not Old.

It appears to be made of oak wood, and is covered with a green velvet cloth, with little cloth tassels at the end like some kind of a carpet.
In the center of the table, the cloth is cut away in a circle, and replaced by a slightly elevated silver plate.

Close to one of the edges, lies a worn open book, with out any writing on the pages.
You attempt to turn the pages, but they seem to be stuck to each other with cement-level glue, or something of the like.

Orikanyo Orikanyo
==> Complement the taste in the design.

it is very nice actually, important looking and seems better to be placed in the center of the room with a piece of ice carved statue upon the plate to really bring it all together in a nice display. For now, it's placed in a corner and it relatively important looking. Inuition says put something on the plate and write something in the book.. or.. write something in the book and it will appear on the plate? Given you only have two pages due to the book's inability to turn them, you should choose wisely...

==> Get pen.

May as well try writing first, you move over quickly to your desk and obtain a fountain pen, one of the few you have in the drawer, strictly for pens due to the alarming regularity that they go missing exactly when you need them. This startling ability makes one imagine pens have the same powers of a cat, disappearing exactly when you look away or want to find them. Unsurprisingly in the least, there looks like roughly 5 pens missing from the drawer since you last looked.

A vexing conundrum..

==>Shut drawer of the pen jail and go write something in the book.

With a satisfying thunk you shut the drawer, sealing the fate of the pens inside and proceed over to the book. You wonder what to write... Something simple so that if something goes wrong, it wont go TOO wrong.

With perfect penmanship, you cursively attempt to write the word Apple into the book.

==> Wait and see.​

Once again, not your style.
Before you can ponder the possibility of your brother being the source, the music stops.
You adjust the controls on your soundboard so that the microphone is no longer honing in on the nonexistent music.
You gotta update your listeners of course.

Noctiuagus: Tune in==>

"So listeners, as you can hear, the cello, has stopped."
"My download is also at about 91%"
"Once more thing. All the doors in my home have just locked."
"How cool is that?"
"All of my loyal listeners out there, during the download of my game, as you could surely tell, my signal has been getting weaker."
"I'm not sure what will happen when it finishes, but to all my night cat's out there."
"Stay Fresh."

"And don't believe everything you read on the internet!"


You check your computer screen.
The ink stays for a few seconds, befoe slowly fading away, as if the page itself was absorbing the word.

You wait for a few seconds...

Absolutely nothing happens.
Exasperated, you turn to do something else, when you see Thoth.

Except its not Thoth anymore.

You're looking at what can only be explained as the spitting image of Medjed, though also floating and translucent.
Your plushie is also gone.
Orikanyo Orikanyo

Connection Established.
Host - Visitant - First Visitant Established
> Darkness Introduction, Begin

Your screen goes completely dark, and text begins to appear.

> Your Visitant is Available.
> Activate Ghost > Release Card
Kimona Kimona
Adia, Adia.
So I got the table, looks pretty nice to be honest. There is a book on it, whatever I write in the page kinda just disappears and I can't turn any fucking pages.
Useful book huh?
Perhaps putting something on the plate does something?
But second update is that our ghost friend isn't a ghost anymore.
Thoth the ghost became Medjed, the ghost(?)
Grew legs and eyes and everything.

You take a new picture, of the table and Medjed.
Anything weird on your end? Still trying to figure out things over here, will speak up if I learn anything more since I'm going head first into this pile of spooky fuckery.
Operation guinea pig is go.

==> Examine newly made medjed.

You gaze upon the magnificent creation before you, perchance the thing had been looking for something to replicate and change into? You silently look amongst your figurines and give a thankful yet disapointed sigh... As of which you may be worried there may be a multiplayer aspect beyond apparently sending one another things.. At least you know through Adia what to do when your screen changes.. But having a giant living one of the characters you have might actually be pretty cool, some of which were less than child friendly to be sure but everyone wants to be able to meet their favorite characters...

And honestly having a evil destroying magical girl on your side would be pretty sick to be fair.

==> Ask Medjed, once Thoth, about table.

You inquire to the floating ghost Medjed about the table and it's purpose, if for no other reason than not flopping about aimlessly like a fish taken out of water and given a stick to push it'self back in.

You also notice just how.. unchanged it really is... Going from one bedsheet ghost to another really wasn't much in difference...​
Medjed answers, but not in any form of vocal communication.

MEDJED: __ + || -> || = ?

Man, that Egyptian lineage didn't really help you in the long run, huh.
Orikanyo Orikanyo
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==> Scoff at the cheeky narrator.

You scoff, not sure at who.

==> try and find book of egyptian hieroglyphs.

You know you had it somewhere, was it an app on your phone? Ah, theres the book...

Relatively useless given how fast medjed could talk.. Plus... would take a long time just to decipher anything...

lovely, what can be done to understand your favorite fellow?

==> Ask medjed? maybe they can do something?
Do you know a way for me to understand you? Goodness me this is becoming plenty fucking complecated.. one puzzle after another..
The ghostly god pauses for a second, before turning, and floating out of your room, closing the door behind it.

You hear the hallway door open and close, and then-
You hear the bell for the shop door?

Wait, didn't the game lock you in your house?

Orikanyo Orikanyo
Noctiuagus Is off the Air==>

Fuzz. With your final parting words the radio line goes dead for all listeners.
You try to change the stations to other channels, but still only fuzz remained.
Well that's it for your show you guess.
No more Radio Seeker.
No more Noctiuagus.

You look towards your computer screen.

Connection Established.


You click the button and the screen goes black, text popping up on the screen, along with 2 Buttons.

>Your Visitant is available

>Activate Ghost
Right Arrow on SoftBank 2014
>Release Card

Release Card==>

You had no idea what these did, so you decided to click the card.
After all, it seemed Safe enough

Set some tunes to go with this sweet ass situation your in==>

Hell yeah, You could use some music right now.
And if you broadcast it, you would be the only sound on the radio.
You would monopolize the entire listener audience,
Who, or whatever they might be.

But which to choose?

Of course.
It was obvious.

Host: Set Tunes==>

Song set.
Headphones on.
Radio on air.
Song: Play.

"Hello all you Tentacle, Violin, and Cello Players out there."
"This will be the fist song of the game, coming at you straight from Retro Seeker Gamer Radio"
"This is Ashes to Ashes by David Bowie."

Adia: Get back Into It
While your in the middle of making your way through several interviews with real-life burglars and schemers, you hear what sounds like the breaking of glass, and look up.

A paper card narrowly misses your head, and lands in your lap. This reminds you of what you did with Dick, meaning that someone has connected to you.
You pick it up, knowing what it was already, a tarot card. But you're not really that excited about what it depicts.

The Devil, number XV.

TekSoda TekSoda
==> Follow your spirit guid-

Oh shit wait.

Ryou is back on with some kick ass tunes, may as well have a soundtrack as you go. You turn on the radio on your phone and begin listening to the tunes.

...Okay the song is kinda creepy to for the scenario your in right now, but you wana also hear about your fellow player of this game..

Is it really a game? More seems like a puzzle that may just end up killing you.

==> Follow the bedsheet

Rude, but okay lets go. The locked house apparently became unlocked so your freedom is once again yours to control.


but your spirit guide just left the building so best yea get fucking on the trail right?

==> Go down to the first floor and examine the world outside.​
oh sorry i missed your messages
i was reading
the only thing weird on my end was almost being hit by a tarot card
but this happened after you asked so no

The Devil, huh? The only experience you have with the Tarot is watching JoJo's with Dick, but after a quick google search, you're even more confused. Does it count as upright or reversed, or does that even matter when it came flying at you at mach 3?

Wait, who even did that? The only other two in your group chat aren't responding. The horrifying implications of that aside, the only other person to send a card at you with no warning is -


You're fairly certain you left the pi and makeshift antenna in your brother's room, and you don't feel like calling in. You're just gonna have to get ready for some charlie-brown-ass ghost popping up outta nowhere like "ayo if you wanna live decipher these random clips I downloaded off Vimeo."

Anyways, materialism and bondage or freedom from restraints, huh? At least the first word of that is accurate, but you've already reflected on yourself enough for one day, so you don't particularly care to be psychoanalyzed by kamikaze cardstock. Although, the paper may have a point.
Oh good, my ghost told me to hit the card when it finally got down to it. Or rip it, or... break the table? Honestly it was really fucking confusing, in all seriousness could they have programmed the god damned thing to speak? It's a damn fucking ghost not a projector.

That aside, your ghost may say something different, if you have a ghost which honestly I have no clue. Who knows what might be different for us. What was your card? Mine was Hierophant.
i got stuck with the devil
like jeez im not that bad
im only a bit materialistic
wow im surprised i spelled that right
also if i dont get a ghost im uninstallin
thats a joke i doubt i can uninstall
Your definetley not in Kansas anymore. You don't even think your in the right time period.

Outside, the moon shines brightly upon what used to be a busy street. Now, the setting has completely changed.
Your building is looking down an old, beaten dirt road in what looks like some kind of town in the middle of the desert, judging by the sand and cacti surrounding the buildings. On either side of you are buildings you'd see in maybe some kind of recreation or play, but not in current times. Ones you particularly notice are a church, some kind of Pub maybe, and a larger building out in the distance where the road curves.

Medjed waits outside on the road.
Orikanyo Orikanyo

You realize that natural light has faded from your window, and not because of dusk.
Three or four tentacles have wrapped themselves around your home, and you can feel that they're about to start pulling down.
TekSoda TekSoda

The other button, the one suspiciously involving a ghost, is flashing urgently.
A bar has appeared on your screen, and is steadily filling up with red. Above, lies a number:
7:58. It seems to be counting down.

You feel as if something important is happening.

Kimona Kimona
Okay, uhh, prob not wait for the ghost.
I was told to break the card so maybe go with that? then kinda do what you think is best,
I had to bow before a marble statue of the hierophant, sat on it's throne and wore it's crown.
Symbology and shit.
it was pretty close when i did it, practically was in the last few seconds.
Pretty damn cinematic if I do say so myself.
Or does the breaking have to happen when a ghost is there?
legit don't know cause all i got is when i went through this.
But looks like you have even less time.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Your host has to be Ryou, shes the other one playing right?
let me see if i can call in... Wait! hack in again!! bitch at her to fucking release the ghost!

But remember to say please, don't want to be rude in this moment of life or death.
Wait for it....==>

Nothing seems to be happening
Other then the spooky countdown.
You decide you don't want to find out what happens when it runs out, and decide to push the ghost button.

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