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Darkness in all of us

James chuckled slightly. "Let me repeat myself, sleepyhead. You slept through school. It was especially comic when the teacher thought you were in a coma. I offered to carry you to the nurse's office and give you any notes you needed when you woke up." he took off his seemingly empty book bag, pulling out pages upon pages of notes that looked like they were just printed, and the paper seemed a bit rough. He smiled slightly and got up to leave, pulling on the black book bag again. The dagger flew up the sleeve of his plain button-up white long-sleeved shirt with a flick of his wrist and he flipped the collar up unconsciously, a quirk of his. "Seeya."
Groaning, Logan slowly managed to sit up. "God my head..." she mumbled, before realizing there were papers beside her and James was leaving. "Huh?" she mumbled, blinking a few times, trying to clear her slightly fuzzy vision. It took her a second, but she did eventually remember what he said. "Oh...! Uh, thanks." she called out lamely before flopping back onto the bed with a sigh. What was up with her recently?

Logan sighed once more, raising a hand up to ceiling before letting it fall, covering her face. She really needed to relax...
James looked down upon the hilt of a weapon, for that was all it was currently. It was of a unknown metal that was an extremely dark red, and a forest green silk covered the handle. Slowly the very shadows seemed to be feeding into where the blade should be, and the formed parts of the weapon pulsed with an aura that was dark,light, orderly, and chaotic all at the same time. "My thoughts are my reality. Nobody can deny me of my own world, so I shall walk in it. Make in it. Destroy in it. The very threads of existence shall bend to my will as I craft with the loom of reality." He chanted this under his breath, holding his hand out over the weapon that seemed to form faster and faster with each word.

"I am the bone of my sword

Steel is my body and fire is my blood

I have created over a thousand blades

Unknown to Death, Nor known to Life

Have withstood pain to create many weapons

Yet, those hands will never hold anything

So as I pray, unlimited blade works."
(I took this out of Fate/Stay night because it's so fitting... the first part was by me though.)

He left the basement of the forge as the shop's bell rang, a dark glow behind him.
Thanking the woman in the office one last time, Logan gently shut the door behind her, letting her head fall so it rested on her chest. Sighing she started walking forward, planning on heading towards gym. While she did feel a bit better, there was still a lingering of the feeling of being wired. She hated it. Sure, occasionally she'd felt this way throughout her life, but never before as often as this. As she walked across the campus and into her dorm, Logan quickly gathered some shorts and a tank top, leaving her other things inside before leaving again.

Jogging across the green lawn once more, the raven haired woman pulled at her sleeves so they would come past her wrists as a slightly cool breeze blew by. As she came to a stop before the door to the gym, she hiked up her bag on her shoulder and shoved open the door, heading straight to the locker room. Changing quickly, she reached for the doorknob, ready to run when she jumped back, shocked.

"Ah!" Logan winced, cradling her shocked hand. Looking down at the appendage, she made sure there was nothing wrong with it before warily looking at the handle to the door. "What on earth..." she mumbled, hesitantly reaching out with her other hand.

Gently touching the metal with her finger tips, Logan felt nothing, giving her some confidence. Continuing on, her palm wrapped around the knob before she finally turned the object and opened the door. Sighing she stepped through the door before glancing back at the knob in confusion. Shaking her head at her strange thoughts, she continued on, feeling the need to run increase.
James shaped slowly with careful, measured strokes a silver necklace that sat on the anvil. "Two foot long thin silver chain supporting a silver locket with a rose engraved into the front." He held up the necklace for a better view, scanning it for the tiniest imperfections. "To be sold for seven hundred on Friday, six pm, to Miss Fersan." He lowered the necklace and set it in the vault for claimed finished pieces. "Now that I've finished that, why don't I gr-" His eyes widened and his wrist flew up as a face flashed through his mind along with the sense of dark magic.

Logan. That interesting girl. Why is the dagger setting off now? She doesn't seem like a mage or a target, despite rumors.

He appeared on a roof in the campus closest to the signal as his hand finished raising, but sighed in relief as he saw she was fine.
It would seem my concern was for naught. But just in case, I should keep an eye on her for the next few days. He appeared outside of his favorite Italian restaurant. Entering sensory and tracking mode. Setting target: Logan.
Having left the girls locker room and going straight to the track, Logan started off with a light job before breaking out into a sprint. She had no idea where her energy was coming from. It just never seemed to stop until she suddenly stopped after her tenth lap. Hunched over, hands pressed against her knees, Logan gasped for air. It was as if it was all gone. She wasn't wired any longer and now felt like she could barely stand.

Panting for a few more moments, the woman finally stood up straight and slowly walked one last lap before heading back inside the locker room. Not even bothering to look at the door knob she simply opened the door and walked inside, quickly changing before heading back towards her door to either start some sort of assignment or pass out. She was pretty much ready for the day to be done...

James looked around the alley before doing what would seem to most people as transporting again, appearing on the roof of the girls' dorm. This is going to be rather awkward, standing vigil up here. However, if Logan truly is a new mage, she has no idea how much danger she is in. It's my job to guard and teach the newbies of this college, and letting her get devoured by the other mages just simply isn't my style either. Sadly, using this much magic will permanently reveal me as a mage, regardless of my spirit veil, and every mage will know about me. I just hope that I don't get involved in combat because of this, because it would diminish any hope I still have of flying under the radar. He made a 'tsk' sound before turning around as curved dagger was seemingly drawn out of nothingness by his hand.

"Who's there?" He gritted his teeth.
Yep, I'm definitely getting noticed after this.
Blinking hesitantly, swearing she was hallucinating, Logan stepped forward. Yeah, she was just seeing things, she was so tired. "James?" she mumbled tiredly, attempting to stave off a yawn. It didn't work very well, as she ended up yawning anyway. Covering her mouth with a hand, she took a moment, before rubbing her tired eyes. She was so sleepy suddenly. "What...." she paused to yawn again. "What're you doin' up here...?" she questioned.
Oh, James had lots of words he could say to express his mood and thoughts right now. Most of them he would get smacked hard for saying. But instead he just settled for discreetly sliding the dagger behind himself, making it disapear to where it came from. He was in a mental frenzy as he tried to come up with an excuse as to why he was on the roof of the opposite gender's dorms, and came up with nothing that wouldn't give everything away to Logan. He gave up and decided that getting thrashed and being called a pervert by her was worth keeping the truth from her, especially if she was a non-mage. He slipped into the act almost immediately and chuckled nervously as he poorly hid a telescope behind his back that he had just pulled out. "Oh-Uh… Logan… Nice meeting you here?" He kept his voice shaky and nervous, but he had no doubt that if Logan was a good judge of character or was good at seeing through people he was royally screwed times ten. A thrashing by her is nothing compared to her being a non-mage yet knowing about him.
Raising a brow tiredly, she wondered at his choppy greeting. "Nice meeting...you here too..." she mumbled, starting to sway a bit on her feet. Man, she needed a nap... "Didn'...answer...question?" she tried to ask, finally feeling the need to sit down over come her. Crouching down slowly, she lowered herself the rest of the way onto the flat surface beneath her, hoping that she'd feel a bit better. Suffice to say, it made her even more tired. "So...tire....d..." she yawned. Even if she'd seen what James had been doing, she was much to tired to look anything over in her face.

James would have sweatdropped at this if it were physically possible. The scope dispersed immediately and he went back to normal, dropping the guilty act. "Really? I don't know what I'm doing. While I'm here though watching the stars is very appealing." He looked towards her. "And why are you here? Can't you get to sleep with how tired you look? It's bad for your health to miss out on sleep." He walked over and patted her head like he would while speaking to a child. He sat down, looking up at the stars that filled the normally barren night sky. "It's a beautiful, clear night so the stars have a better fighting chance against light pollution."
Yawning again, she ignored his seemingly treating her like a child. "Saw...you." she mumbled. "On my way to go sleep..." she yawned again, unable to hold herself back. Her head lolling slightly, she listened as he spoke about the stars. She smiled slightly, in a kind of goofy way. Stars....she liked stars. They were always so beautiful. As she listened to him speak, she didn't notice her eyes close or how her head had lolled to the side, falling onto James' shoulder as she passed out from exhaustion.

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