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Fantasy Dark World reboot RP

Lucca Malkovich
So there he went, speeding down the barren path, his red scarf fluttering like a banner for attention in the winds, riding on a bicycle he had found in the dumps. Why is he heading back, he had considered, back there he was but a mouse trapped in a pit of snakes. True, they may spare him and perhaps get along with him, but they're just as likely to eat him for breakfast, and there'd be very little he could do about it.

Then why? Because that's where his opened his eyes. His feelings may not have changed, but now that he sees the world as it is, he can see his paths much more clearly. The Gangs, the WG, they we both wrong, all of them, yet, at the same time, they could not help but be wrong, because that's just the world they live in and it was all that they could do to protect themselves. What should be done, what must be done? Lucca have a feeling that if he stuck with this group long enough, he may just find out... well, not quite feeling, perhaps more akin to hoping.

And it was during these thoughts that he found himself heading straight for a caravan. He now knew why this perfectly good bike was thrown into the dumps, for you see, the brakes, they do not work. And so, the bike slammed right into the caravan and sent Lucca flying forward like a stone from a catapult. Violently, he slid across the barren ground, and there he remained, still as a corpse. Surprisingly, he was not that badly injured, but he remained motionless nonetheless. After all, he'd just spent everything he had on his new gun, he wouldn't be able to compensate them for whatever damage he might have done. So he remained still and hoped to be forgotten about.

Ran into: littleberry littleberry
Henry's eyes were filled with determination as he swung at the man known as Crusher. He had thought his blow would be successful until he felt his arm stopped in mid motion. Without even looking back he could already tell who had stopped his assault. "They have a stronger grip around you then I had originally thought" he said with sympathy in his voice. "Tell me. Due you truly wish to protect this man" he asked curiously. He had half expected Crusher to throw him back using his abilities, but to his surprise he felt the wave of Earth launching him forward into the red headed man that was trying to take him beforehand. He slammed into him with incredible force as he went tumbling down alongside the red head. Due to his hardened body he didn't feel a thing, but he showed concern for the other man despite witnessing the way he healed from Crusher's previous attack. "Are you okay?" he asked keeping his focus on the two hostile Abnormal's that stood before them. "Listen. Charging in isn't going to give us the upper hand here. Both of them have range and that man has the environmental advantage. Winning isn't going to be easy, but I have an idea. It looks like he has to use his hands to manipulate his surroundings. If one of us can at least latch onto one of his arms and restrict him the other will have a better shot to land a hit. Understood?" He asked giving him reassured look as he began to stand up. He hadn't mean to sound bossy but whether or not he would agree to help him was up to him, but he needed a way to provoke Crusher and throw him out of his stable mindset.

"Not bad there mister. With a power like that you must have won a lot of fights in your days" he said smirking at him. "It's a shame though. All that power and you still needed to be rescued by a little kid from a couple of bozos like us. Must be embarrassing to be insignificant without having a child protect you" he said placing his hand over his mouth "attempting" to make it seem like he was trying to hide his laughter, but made it as clear as day to the man. "I'm not even sure if you're worth my time at this point. All that power and you don't even know how to fully utilize it" he said continually trying to provoke him.

Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
Interacts with: Kiroshiven Kiroshiven FrostFire FrostFire Iamthemanfish Iamthemanfish ShadowBroker ShadowBroker

What did Crow Storm mean he wasn’t going to hurt them… but then he said he didn’t WANT them to die. Not that they wouldn’t die… “Why are you doing this?! What do you mean it’s your home?!” She cried out as he escaped Patrick’s attack, stopping the third from escaping to help her friends by enclosing herself and Snow in shadowy cages. Snow looked at his flickering hands, biting her lip. He would hurt them if they didn’t do what he said… but how could she? And his comment to Patrick made one thing clear. If they tried to escape he would kill them… Who was he? Snow took hesitant steps towards the man, her eyes glowing in response to the power in this Abnorm's blood. How dare he threaten Patricks life… how dare he prevent Third from helping Snow’s friends- no her family.

Snow wiped at the tears in her eyes, looking at the man and trying to asses who this person was. His murder of crows would certainly harm her. Maybe even make her bleed. That was fine. The blood he made her spill the more likely her power would take effect. But she wouldn’t be infecting him at all if she didn’t get close. She had to get close. How could she get close? She wasn’t fast like Patrick. She didn’t have training like Third… she was small and weak. But Snow was losing it. Her friends were in danger… in Svitch she had stood back while Patrick saved her. How could she possibly do the same this time? “Let us go.” She cried to him, her harshness losing its bite from the half sobs in her voice. “I won’t cause you problems but I have to get my friends if they are hurt from whatever or whoever is with them! If it’s your home, then we’ll leave but please don’t you let my friends die!” Snow didn’t know what to do… Her mind raced to what was happening with the others.

Movement in Snow’s line of vision made her turn to look and see Kore in the tree line near the field. Relief took hold in her heart. Kore was a long distance fighter, she could really help keep Crow Storm busy enough for Third to go help the others. But Snow’s heart sank as Kore began to sarcastically mock the situation. “Kore, Kore please we aren’t doing fine you need to help us. Third needs to go help the others at the house. You know there are non combatants there that need help Kore please!” Snow begged, alarmed by her team members new attitude. Snow knew Kore had changed since the battle, but this wasn’t the woman who had helped them when they first met… this woman was much darker. Snow opened her mouth to beg again when Patrick suddenly lunged again at Crow. She decided if she was going to do anything then it should be now.

Snow ran forward to the end of the circle made by the Shadow arm and waved desperately for Kore to help lift her out with her vines or something. If she could just get close enough to Crow… she could engage in close quarters. But Snow would never be able to do that on her own. She waved at Kore again, her arms bleeding with her thorns, hoping Kore remembered that Snow’s gift allowed her to make enemies allies.
Fugitive | Abnorm | Abandoned Base


Mentions: Kiroshiven Kiroshiven , Kiroshiven Kiroshiven

"Nothing but trouble it seems. Come on, I know you're hurt but we can't --!"

Sera had begun to answer her, but was cut off as right before Kaia’s eyes, there was an explosion at the doorway. Vira’s body hurdled into the bedroom with a scream, taking most of the door with her. Thankfully, Sera used her body to shield Kaia from any projectile splinters hissing past them, but unfortunately, Vira wasn’t alone. From the looks of it, she was in the heat of battle with another Abnorm. No, literally there was heat. It seemed to originate from a sort of strand that extended from his hand, like a fiery rope he could command at will. The two continued to tussle, flailing this way and that as Kaia clung nervously to Sera’s shirt, her eyes glued to the battle before them. At first, Kaia thought Vira might actually be done for, but as usual she managed to turn things around to her favor, and the intruder met an ugly demise, gurgling blood as he took his last breath. This victory was not without sacrifice; however, as the heated strands had taken a toll on Vira’s body. The other Abnorm turned her attention to Kaia and Sera, which was when Kaia finally noticed the state of her…dress. Normally, this would be a time where she would roll her eyes at Vira’s “does-what-she-wants-whenever-she-wants” mentality, but this was not the time nor the place. It seemed Vira wasn’t in the mood for bickering either, as she simply told them to stay low and then stumbled out, stopping to steady herself against the hallway wall.

Kaia, her vulnerable moment leaving and confidence returning, groaned in annoyance at the pain in her side as Sera forced her to stand, throwing Kaia’s right arm over her shoulders. Of course she’d gone and gotten herself impaled. “Pathetic…” she scolded herself inwardly. She was never going to get Skylar back at this rate. Yet, she had learned something new about herself. It turns out she hadn’t imagined things when Ryuji had experienced frostbite-like symptoms from direct skin-to-skin contact with her. She had an ability afterall, not just some funky hair and eye colors.

“Let’s go,” Sera instructed, walking forward with Kaia stumbling along next to her.

“Wait,” Kaia responded, stopping Sera’s advance toward the stairwell. Looking over to Vira, she pursed her lips together. She’d never really liked Vira all that much if she was honest with herself. She was pushy, loud, rude, and selfish. But just now, she’d saved her life AND Sera’s…she couldn’t just leave her behind. She glanced back to Sera’s injured arm, still blue and purple from exposure. What if that’s what happened again? What if she couldn’t control it? Not to mention she could feel the weakness in her entire body, her limbs aching and her wound now on fire due to being forced to move from the cot. If she wasn’t careful…this could kill her...and Vira. The thundering roar of battle that shook the abandoned base quickly snapped Kaia’s mind back to the situation at hand. Right now, she didn’t really have a choice. What kind of person would she be if she had the ability to save the life of someone who had just saved hers? Vira was strong...arguably stronger than any of them. She could handle it...Kaia hoped. “Forgive me, Skylar,” she mumbled softly under her breath, staggering forward until Vira was within reach. “Hold still,” she told Vira before reaching out a trembling hand to grasp the other Abnorm’s forearm. At first, nothing happened. Kaia closed her eyes and furrowed her brow, trying to “concentrate" but still nothing. The building shook once more, almost causing Kaia to lose her footing. She needed to do this…now. How had she done it before? Her ex-master’s face flashed before her eyes, and she shuddered, releasing her hold on Vira’s arm for just a moment. Then…she knew what she had to do. When she’d used her ability before, it was during a nightmare when all her fears…all her pain…all her anger had just become too much and was released at once. Invoking those feelings on purpose…well, it was going to be emotional agony, but Vira needed her help. She gripped Vira’s arm again. Gritting her teeth, she allowed her mental floodgates to open with a torrent of memories. The Prophets…the gang…her master…Skylar…they all flew around her mind like a hurricane. Focusing them all together, Kaia opened her eyes, revealing the ethereal bluish glow they’d had before when Sera was trying to wake her. In turn, her hand began to glow as well, spreading first up Vira’s arm then over her entire body. The surrounding air began to chill once more as minute ice crystals began to form across Vira’s exposed skin, accumulating primarily in the areas where she’d been burned. It was almost as if the heat was being forced out by the cold. It didn’t take long before Vira’s wounds had lost their angry, red irritation, the crystals acting as a soothing mechanism. Then directing her own power at herself, she released Vira's arm and put her hand to her own wound, causing herself to scream in pain. She somehow knew the ice wouldn't directly hurt her, but her wound was tender and any sort of stimulant was going to hurt. At this point, Kaia’s entire body had went from slight trembling to violent shaking, and at last she let her hand fall to her side, slumping back onto Sera’s shoulders with her entire body weight. But her wound had been almost completely frozen over, almost like the opposite of cauterization. This would temporarily stop the bleeding and prevent further damage from movement. Kaia was breathing heavily and on the verge of passing out, but she still somehow managed to stand, clinging to Sera for support. “Now….now we can go…,” she heaved breathlessly. Her gaze flicked back to Vira one last time, locking eyes with the other female Abnorm. As stubborn and sometimes similarly independent as Kaia and Vira were, it was implied that no verbal thanks was really necessary. Kaia simply nodded slightly in respect to her superior, then turned her attention back to the task at hand.
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Kale had spent several days travelling rather aimlessly. The new area they were in was filled with plenty more commotion than they liked, but there was a forest nearby they could take refuge in, and the commotion meant more opportunity for food. They were on all fours, their body having altered just enough to make the position they were in to feel and look pretty natural. It helped with keeping a low profile too while they scouted the new area.

Currently, Kale was residing in the forest that this large gray building was near. Normally they would explore it but there were a bunch of people always hanging around it. And right now they could hear plenty of fighting and shouting. Out of curiosity they had crept closer and closer towards the fighting, using camouflage and moving very slowly to remain hidden against the plants and trees. They noticed many odd looking people, abnorms more specifically. The only interesting people included a shadow person, a thorn girl, and a girl who could move clothes around. They were very aesthetic. After taking note of the white haired girl, Kale looked up and over to whatever it was she was reaching up at and talking to. They cared little for the fighting, and would most likely scavenge the dead after all was said and done. Kale enjoyed fresh meat when they could have it.

Seeing the odd looking ball of healthy looking branches, Kale couldn't help but lick their lips. They could smell the delicious quality of the branches. Hiding behind the tree and out of sight from everyone else, they climbed it quietly. Kale's strong fingernails dug into the wood enough to give them plenty of grip. Their legs and lower body were back to normal so they could climb easier as well. Soon they were clinging on the opposite side of the orb of branches facing away from the commotion. Kale began burrowing through the branches, tearing out chunks quite noisily until they were inside. They were probably going to get caught, but they would enjoy a quick meal before running away! As Kale landed on their hands and knees inside of the small tree "dome", they looked up to see another white haired girl with her back to them. "Just a quick bite..." They lowered their head slightly, never taking their eyes off of the girl. They bit down, their teeth becoming denser and their jaw stronger to compensate as they began to quietly chew a mouthful of wood and leaves.

FrostFire FrostFire littleberry littleberry


Still struggling down the hall, Vira couldn't remember a time when she felt this terrible. Her body worked, her joints worked, but to move at all brought a searing pain. It was as if she still had those burning strands wrapped around her. Moving them at all agitated them to the tenth degree, but she couldn't stop here! Something as pitiful as this couldn't end her! Impossible: Vira was a fighter. She had been through worse. That's when she felt a hand upon her arm, whipping her head to look at the person grabbing her. Her power hadn't sparked, so she didn't feel endangered, but it was no less irritating! "What are you?..~" she began, trailing off as this girl began to do whatever it was she was trying to do.

After a moment, Vira felt the power from this girl, saw the glow. She felt the chill spreading from where the girl gripped her. For a moment, she panicked, wondering what this girl really wanted -what she was really doing to her! Then Vira realized her power wasn't blaring warning bells, and the tension evaporated, as she allowed the Abnorm girl to do what she was doing, seeing as how it wasn't dangerous. That chill spread more, calcifying as cool crystals over her skin -specifically over the darkened red lines burned to her from the enemy Abnorm. The chill caused Vira to shiver. She sighed in a pleasant breath, closing her eyes, a small smile forming on her lips. "Sss~maaaaaahhhhhh~" It was so soothing. Opening her eyes, she realized the burning sensations were gone. She was better -much better!

Smiling, she rolled her head, cracking her neck. She did a few stretches, then looked towards the Abnorm, opening her mouth to say something. Her rustic eyes found the blue ones of the other girl, and stared into them. After a brief pause, she did speak, her usual tone cropping back up. "Do you not know the meaning of 'stay low'?" she chastised, raising her eyebrow. "I wouldn't recommend going down the stairs, that's where they're coming from." With renewed energy, Vira ascended up to the top of the building where her room was.

Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Tyra Tyra Syphe Syphe

Tela "Fashionista" Powers


"I will protect my comrades!!" Fashionista chimed eagerly, popping up to bounce in place. It was said with a conviction that hinted at her strong principles.

Crusher watched his attack work -throwing the two against each other. It was satisfying to watch them collide. Those two arrogant buffoons who dared to stand in the way of The One! While they picked themselves back up off the ground, he turned his attention back on the building. Holding up his hands, looking through the 'cage' of his fingers, he began to squeeze again. And once more loud creaks and groans came from the building as it began to scrunch up and crush inward. This time he was focused on the entire thing.

However, the man behind him began speaking to him again, drawing his attention. Hearing those spoken words, Crusher's scarred face twitched in anger. "What did you say, punk?! I don't need no kid to rescue me!" He growled, turning to the two, flexing his muscular arms, clenching his hands in and out. "Is that so?! Here, let me show you then how to fully utilize my power!" He shouted, holding up his hands threateningly before the two.

Suddenly two heavy footfalls announced another man with rumbles. A big man stepped out of the trees. He had a hat and glasses on. He was rotund, and at least 7 foot. Smoking a cigar, he plucked it from his lips. "Crusher!! What the hell are you doing?!?!" Before the other man could respond, he held up his hand, a clear vein throbbing on his forehead, "Stuff it! Finish these two assholes, while I clean up inside. Ugh, you'd think with this amount of fodder something could get done!" Big One smoked another puff of his cigar, blowing the smoke in the face of Crusher, earning an irritated grumble from the man. Then Big One headed towards the building, his footfalls shaking the earth a bit. He was heavier than even his fat gut showed. He quickly disappeared inside, a threatening air about him. Crusher turned towards Henry and Ryu, ready to crush them.

Once in her room, Vira glanced briefly around. There, leaning against the wall, was the sword comfortably sitting in its sheathe. Walking over, she reached down. Her hand wrapped around the grip, and a smile immediately formed on her lips. 'Vira! I missed you!' She heard in her head. "I missed you too, baby." She breathed in, feeling extremely rejuvenated, unsheathing the beautiful blade. No. More than extremely. She was like a brand-new Vira! Ready to meet the day. Ready to kill some evil assholes. Kissing it, she said, "I'm ready, are you?" Then she snickered hearing the 'response' the sword gave, shaking her head. "-Heh, didn't even have to ask."

Drook Drook Kiroshiven Kiroshiven @ everyone
Brian was out of breath as he walked down what remained of a street, old and cracked with small plants sprouting out of it. His prosthetic arm rigidly and firmly holding a damp rag to his right arm, his coat undone and around his waist, his pale arm exposed and the unmistakable color of blood on his white t-shirt. His prosthetic fully exposed. The T-shirt covering most of the skin on that arm, but some of it glinted through before the clamp where his stump was hidden behind, the wires dangling slightly before being hidden by his shirtsleeve. He stared out at the empty spaces between the buildings, looking off towards the mid-afternoon sun, spacing out, seemingly lost in thought about some prior event.

His eyes were drawn to the sight of a caravan, which was currently stopped. Specifically a wagon in the caravan. It wasn't like he hadn't seen a wagon before, they were definitely a more common vehicle and he's ridden in a few himself. A lot of cars just didn't work, and finding fuel for the ones that did was just a headache. Not to mention the rough state of the roads. No what made this wagon interesting was the large hole in the canvas. It was just kind of jarring and odd, but everything is subject to wear and...

It was at this moment Brian tripped over the body of a man. He instinctively, covered his face with his arms as he fell forward. A resounding thunk is audible as his helmet collides with his metallic arm. "Ow." He said, dropping the rag as his hand opened wide. His elbow began extending but he noticed, and caught himself before being put in a weird position by it. He rolled over and sat up. And reached for the rag he had dropped with his right hand. "Oh shoot, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." He said after a moment, grabbing the rag and putting it in his left hand, which grasped it rigidly again, a small whirring sound could be heard as he moved the rag to his wound. Before it completed its journey, a decent sized hole could be seen in the fabric of his t-shirt and his skin, blood pouring slowly and trickling down to his elbow. He breathed in through his teeth in pain as he touched the damp cloth to his wound, stemming the flow of blood. "Wait, what were you doing lying in the middle of the road?" He asked bluntly after dealing with his wound, looking at the blonde stranger lying before him.

Tripped over revior revior
Lucca Malkovich
Lucca was hit with a sensation not unlike being kicked, and it was then he suspected that his rues may had bee seen through. Reluctantly, he rose his head from the ground to face the consequences of his recklessness, and it was then he saw a man seated before him, apparently having fallen.

"Playing dead..." Lucca answered the man bluntly, his mind mostly distracted by his metallic arm, one he recognized to be a very obsolete model, and then the wound on his other arm. He wasn't able to see it clearly due to it being quickly covered by a rag, but it seems to have been a bullet wound.

Lucca was quick to get up and promptly dust his clothes off as he though about what to do. A bullet wound is no laughing matter, not in this day and age, he'll need to disinfect the wound, get the bullet out even if he hadn't already. Lucca circled around the man and hooked his arm under the man's right arm as he attempted the help him get up, all the while considering what is to be done. Or rather, what needs to be done should be obvious, he need only find the will to commit to it.

"You know," Lucca said carefully, trying to not sound overly eager lest the man suspect a trap, which is anything but what Lucca intended, "we have a medic at our camp, she could help patch you up. I have a first aid kit with me as well, but I don't want to do anything clumsy. So what say you, stranger?"

Of course, Lucca had not forgotten about the caravan, but by now, he hopes that they have already forgotten about him. And he also hopes that those back at base won't be too mad at him for bringing a stranger back with him. In fact, he hopes that the guys still even remembers him. Yes, it would be a big problem at this point if they had forgotten.

Interacted with: ttlovepie ttlovepie

In the vicinity of: littleberry littleberry
Hector "Crow Storm" Mendez

Hector caught sight of the armed woman trying to irritate him further with the help of some of his "onlookers." The birds still hidden within the shadows. Stalking the base for several days wasn't his only mission here. He had to gather forces to make sure he could fight. One of the crows dove from the trees, snatching the blade out of the air as Hector sighed. It seemed that his lackluster actions weren't apparent to them. After all, he never ACTUALLY had to show himself to kill them all. That's when the woman in the tree spoke.

"I was wondering what the lump was." Hector closed his eyes as the birds in the trees watched the four participants. Sure he was now in an awkward state of viewing his own physical space from outside his body, but he could still control his shadows. He listened to the white haired girl go on about how they needed to be let go. If your old ass friend here would just stop attacking me for a god damn minute.... Then as if in sync with his thoughts, the man spoke out against the gang to which Hector merely nodded. "You're right. I AM a member of The One gang, but that doesn't mean you can assume I'm like Crusher or the rest." He snarled as the claws shimmered and sharpened themselves. Hector wasn't going to hold back any longer, if they continued to resist, then he'd FORCE them to listen. It wouldn't take long to get his point across.

As if reading the mood, the old man charged him. "Perfect." Hector smiled as the claws expanded, surrounding the male and clasping onto him with an iron grip. Hector liked certain shadow forms, but the cocoon he surrounded him within was one that he used to pull fashionista back when she was getting too riled up. They were like siblings, always watching out for each other. Or at least, what siblings were SUPPOSED to be like. Shaking his thoughts of his brother, Hector spoke directly to the man. "Look, you should probably think before assuming anymore. If I wanted to kill you, why would I run the risk of bringing myself here? I could've just swarmed you with crow storm while hiding in the woods where I had a nearly endless supply of shadows." Hector raised the most logical question first before slowly beginning to ease his shadow's grip on the male.

As the man seemed to listen to Hector's words, he finally relaxed, ever so slightly. "Now, secondly, I'm offering you a deal. You make sure to capture a very gaudily dressed girl nicknamed Fashionista. Don't kill her, just capture her and offer her a place within your little group. I let the group of you go and surrender." Hector raised an eyebrow while moving closer saying "you hear me?" with his body. "She's just a kid that's been blackmailed into servitude. She doesn't belong in The One and...." Hector paused for a moment as he tried to figure out the words. "I don't....like seeing her forced to do something so against her nature. So that's my one request and the only stipulations behind it. You offer her a home with you guys and help save her family. I surrender and you all get to be the big heroes. Plus you get a hostage that you can do with as you see fit. What do you say?" Hector offered his hand while opening a hole in the shadow cocoon holding Patrick. "Do we have a deal?" Hector figured that the man would see the benefit of agreeing. Not that Hector could do much outnumbered four to one with a woman behind him controlling trees.

Ryuji Nakamoto
For a normal person, having a man made of steel chunked at you would normally leave you immobilized or dead. For Ryuji though, this was nothing more than a flesh wound or scratch. His body cracked and popped as bones started to relocate and things that had bent out of shape during the tumble started to form back to normal. He snarled into the mask as he decided enough of the shenanigans. He readied several of his throwing needles. This "Crusher" could manipulate the Earth and trees, but throwing needles were small, accurate and if not caught in time, could completely render the man's hands worthless. The appearance of the rather fat man was enough for Ryuji to break away from his new ally. The fact was simply, staying close was a bad idea with his abnormality seemingly focused on line of sight and where he could point his hands.

With space now made Ryuji started to move a bit more on the outskirts of Crusher's peripheral vision. Making sure that the male could just BARELY see him. This was a temporary stalemate. However, the moment any of the three moved, the needles would fly to take out the man's control of his right arm. Why the right? because that was the side Ryuji was on. It was also the furthest away from the building, thus denying crusher any chance of using IT as a tool for stopping them from attacking. Though it was apparent that the male wasn't smart enough to think of that.

Scarlett O'Hare
Scarlett finally exhaled a sigh of relief as her body stopped aching. Several minutes had passed since she stopped her training and now she knew what to do. Picking up her seemingly indestructible axe, the girl took a massive leap towards the base, covering half the distance in one go. On the second leap the small girl could see what looked to be a large group of people. She only managed to spot out the fiery haired flirt, some shiny man, a girl with really audacious clothing and a man with his arms pointed towards the shiny one. Deciding that the latter two were the threat based off a gut guess she started coming down tightening her grip on her axe. As she came closer to the ground she started her swing. "Meteor CRASH!" She cried out as she landed squarely between the two, slamming her axe into the ground with as much force as she could muster.. She'd been spending a little too much time near Jackson, giving all of her "moves" a name. As she made impact with the ground, a massive wave of dust billowed into the air like a mushroom cloud and a crater formed where the girl made impact. If there wasn't signs of a big fight going on before, there sure as hell was now.

Mentions: Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe littleberry littleberry Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
Interactions: Iamthemanfish Iamthemanfish FrostFire FrostFire ShadowBroker ShadowBroker
Nearby: Drook Drook Tetro Tetro
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Kore Dair
witcher__ciri_by_raikoart-da83paw (1).png
Kore watched nonchalantly as Snow threw what she could only describe as a fit. It was quite annoying, really. Kore found that staying calm and relaxed in such situations was the best thing to do... And to think she herself had once been 'nice' or 'emotional' like Snow, although certainly not to the extent of the crying girl below her, made her turn up her nose. Before... This, Kore had indeed been a different person... Now she was the same, yet... Different. To her it felt as if nothing had changed - she had just found her true self after over a decade of searching, locked deep down inside the consciousness of the simpering simpleton she had once been. This was who she truly was. She still remembered everything that had happened, but in her memories it felt like she was watching a movie, another person doing things that she herself would never do, saying thing she would never say... Kore had always been there, watching through the eyes of the impostor, listening through her ears, never able to take control but always so close. She had been locked away. But, when their memories began to come back, she had been released, the impostor unable to comprehend what had happened to them.

Seeing Snow waving at her for help irked her, it reminded her of the kinder Kore whom Snow was very obviously trying to appeal towards. But that side of her was gone, or so she told herself... The worry in the pit of her stomach said otherwise.
"I like you begging~", a wicked smile played at the corners of her mouth, branches extended slowly from the tree she was sitting in, snaking their way down to Snow and slithering around her arms, legs and torso. Despite the sadistic sparkle that was always present in Kore's eyes, the branches wrapped around Snow surprisingly gently... Suspiciously gently. And when wrapping around her arms and legs, it was as if the branches took careful care not to aggravate her wounds, each thorn was carefully covered, slotted snugly into dents in the branches so that Snow no longer posed a threat - to anyone.
Finally, a branch snaked up her chest and wrapped itself around her neck, and Snow was pulled off the ground, instead of moving closer to her enemy, Snow was pulled upwards towards Kore, away from the battles below.
Once Snow was directly in front of her, the wicked smile that had been pulling up the corners of her mouth formed, and she cocked her head as she spoke. "Awww, Snow, you sound so worried!", her voice was silky smooth as she 'reassured' the poor girl in a tone more suited to torturing the innocent.
On cue, the branch softly encircling Snow's dainty neck slithered up her cheekbone and onto her face, wiping away her tears. "Everything will be fine, we can sit up here and enjoy the show~", she uttered quietly with cruel enthusiasm - not that she appeared to be paying any attention to the world below them...
Yet despite her apparent disinterest, around the front of the building where the largest volume of people were - just in sight of where she sat (although it was unlikely Snow would see considering her current predicament), tree branches shot out of the ground with frightening speed and impaled four brutes from below, killing them without a sound before they retreated back into the ground.

"And anyway-", Kore began before stopping mid-sentence, a very annoyed expression crossing her features. If she were an animal her hackles would have risen. Some brat had the nerve to enter her her home and eat it?!?
Without turning around, Kore flicked her hand in the air in the direction of her hideout, and the ball of branches instantly wound up, thickening and trapping the intruder inside, very tough branches and deadly sharp looking thorns forming a barrier on the inside. Below the intruder, tough vines whipped around them, trussing them up and binding together their arms and legs, a thick branch encircling their neck, freezing in place with the intent of immobilising them.
Confident that the intruder was incarcerated in a prison of timber and thorns, Kore turned her attention back to Snow, deciding she would deal with the goat later, if they were even still there once she finally got around to dealing with them... It was no problem. If they escaped, Kore was an excellent tracker.

"Where were we?", she mused, turning back around to the girl doing the starfish in midair in front of her. While she had been preoccupied, the branch that had wiped away Snow's tears had snaked its way up, and was currently patting her on the head.
"Ah yes, you want me to help your friends, heehee...", she chuckled softly, "You're too nice for your own good, Snow... You know that? You have to accept that everyone dies in the end, and being all lovely and nice will only ever bring you pain and suffering. It's much better to keep your distance, that way you can't get hurt! Unless, of course, you used that lovely power of yours...", she lilted softly, her tone dripping with sickly sweetness.
"Hmm, if I do decide to put myself in danger to help you... Well, that would be a massive favour on my part...", she paused for effect, pretending to deliberate. "Of course, it would be only polite to give me something in return. Nothing is free, sweetie!", she grinned, seeming almost (almost) genuine, if it wasn't for the wicked sheen in her eyes.
Before she could say any more, her attention turned back to the scene below her as the 'bad guy' decided to make his move, which happened to be something Kore hadn't expected. "Ooooo, look! Things are just getting interesting~", the branches holding Snow up twisted so that she turned to face the battle below again, attempting to reposition her into something a bit more comfortable than a starfish, and the branches around her neck, arms and torso retreated to give her space, although Kore was careful to keep Snow at a distance so she wouldn't be pricked, as she very clearly remembered Snow's power... How could she forget? Something as dangerous as that... It was honestly surprising how nice Snow was, she could probably rule half the world with a power like that, if only she were more like Kore... Or more like a villain... The thought of the sweet girl beside her as a villain was laughable to Kore, although she made a mental note to suggest it to Snow once all this was over.

littleberry littleberry Tetro Tetro Kiroshiven Kiroshiven Iamthemanfish Iamthemanfish ShadowBroker ShadowBroker

Kale's eyes widened as they soon became a prisoner in a matter of seconds. Their chest heaved as they were restrained, their throat making a noise akin to growling. Kale's body began to shift and change while tearing through the vines in a panicked fury. Spikes poked out along their body and face, their fangs and claws formed while their muscles and skin strengthened. The thorns pressed hard against their tough hide but didn't break the skin. The tough ivory spikes helped weaken their bindings enough to let their immense strength do the rest. Images of being chained and bound flashed through their mind as they frantically pulled at the vines around their neck.


They let out a shrill and violent scream that could be heard well enough by all those outside despite it being a little muffled. Almost like a banshee were crying out. The surge of adrenaline sent them into a frenzy. Kale wasted no time to tear through the dome like it were paper. There was no way they were going to be stuck again. Left alone to just suffer in solitude. The dark thoughts of such a sentence was enough to drive all rationale out the window. Let those abnorms try to attack them, or chase them, or whatever. They were going to tear the throat out of the one who dare try to make them a prisoner again. Their skin grew small scales similar to a crocodiles to provide extra protection against the thorns that reinforced the branches. Once they were free they aimlessly leapt out and landed almost only a few feet from the two white haired girls, now in full view of the others as well, and noticed the thorn girl trapped similarly to how Kale just was.

Kale didn't hesitate to help, able to sense the girl's fear and worry. Instinctively they jumped onto her and tore at the restraints just as easily as they did the branches of the dome. Their hope was to embrace the girl and take the brunt of the fall damage once they impacted the ground after freeing her. That was the plan at least. Everything was just happening way too fast and it was beginning to overwhelm Kale. It wasn't the first time a quick snack turned into a disaster, but hopefully it would be the last? Wishful thinking.
littleberry littleberry FrostFire FrostFire @Anyoneoutside
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Henry watched as the now angry Crusher began threatening them. His plan was working, but he would still need to be careful with the kid being around. He readied himself for an attack until a massive man suddenly made an appearance. He was tall and his presence alone made him seem strong. The way he spoke. The way he walked. His entire figure spoke of power and domination. “I’m guessing that’s their leader?” Henry asked the red headed man not taking his eyes off the man. Crusher was strong so for someone to be able to put him in his place the way he did showed that he had nothing on the large man. Henry simply watched as he entered the building from where the previously intoxicated woman had ran into. He needed to wrap this up quickly and the red headed man seemed to have agreed. The moment the red head took off Henry had done the same only staying on the opposite side to prevent them from colliding into each other a second time. He kept his distance as a reasonable size but he needed to continue to throw Crushed off his right mind set.

“So you need kids to protect you and get treated like nothing more than a mere dog by some fatso? I thought I couldn’t pity you more then I already had but this is just embarrassing” he said smirking practically laughing at the man. He watched his hands closely and kept an eye out to see which enemy he would turn towards. The man was strong but he gave away his attacks through the movement of his hands and there was no possible way he could hit someone without seeing them. "Come on dog. Not even gonna look me in the eye when I beat you?" he said taunting him also continually trying to leave the red head an opening. Oddly enough Henry, for once, had not been paying much attention to his surroundings. Only due to the sound of a female voice did he look up at the last second to see a small red headed female. She came down with such massive power that the sound of a large boom was the only thing that rang in his ears. With such brute piwer she sent a massive wave of dust over the battleground. This was perfect. "Strong kid. I should really start working out more before I get turned into a tin can by someone with that kind of power" he said chuckling to himself. "Though I don't approve of kids being on the battlefield I'll have to make use of the advantage she just gave us" he said as he touched his belt buckle to turn into brass once more. It was weaker then steel but it would allow him to blend with the dust much easier allowing him to take Crusher by surprise. He charged towards Crusher from where he was last standing using his memory of his last location and using his strides as a way to measure the distance he had between them. He didn't attack just yet, but he needed to get the attention off the red headed man for a counter strike.

Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
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Kore Dair
witcher__ciri_by_raikoart-da83paw (1).png
Kore jumped at the sudden scream, the trees yelling at her in warning as her head whipped around just in time to see a green thing barrelling towards her. "Ughn!", she jumped back, a branch hastily pulling her away, painfully hitting her stomach as it grabbed her.
As she tended to do when she was jumped on, her hands whipped up, using her hands allowed for slightly quicker and more effective control of her branches.
A thick branch grabbed the angry green-skinned thing and tore it off Snow, the branch holding them in mid air suddenly burst out a million different other branches, and before Kore herself could even react, the horned green-thing was bound in a cocoon, arms tied behind their back, legs bound tightly together, only their eyes and nose were visible in the mass of branches that had appeared in a matter of seconds.
Breathing heavily now, a sheen of sweat covering her forehead, Kore quickly and very subtly made sure that Snow was unharmed and still secure, before the branch lifted her back to where she had been sat (she was going to have a bruise where she had hastily shoved herself out of the way), and she stood for a second, already mostly recovered as she glared icicles at the green thing.
"You.", she snarled hatefully, looking directly into their eyes, boring a hole through their soul - if she had laser vision, then this abnorm would have long turned to dust.
"You eat my home.", she began, her voice quiet but dripping with venom - it would be less terrifying if she shouted, her deadly quiet was unnerving.
"Then you attack me and my ally?", she quickly glanced down and around to make sure nothing else was attacking her, before turning her attention back to whatever was now cocooned upside down, dangling in mid air.
"How dare you. If you try and attack us again, or anyone else that I deem even remotely an ally, I will end you. Slowly and painfully. So hang there and be grateful I haven't killed you yet.", her poisonous remarks done, Kore sat down on her branch again, subdued from her earlier wicked playfulness, now she was officially in a very bad mood...

Tetro Tetro littleberry littleberry Kiroshiven Kiroshiven Iamthemanfish Iamthemanfish ShadowBroker ShadowBroker
The room they had just left was a mess. Blood, a body and debris. Sera made a little click in annoyance, considering she was the one that prepared that room for Kaia. With this sudden attack, all that work would have gone down the drain just like that. Once this is over, she'll have to find another "permanent" place to rest for her.... or maybe not?

"Wait here," Kaia said, as they were next to the stairwell. Sera was confused with the idea of stopping so soon, but she assumed she had an important reason. Coming to a stop near the other lady, she soon realized what Kaia was up to: she'd taken hold of the woman's singed arm and began to counterract the burns. Her blueish eyes were illuminated as her ability brought on a cooled environment, delivering a much apparent satisfaction to the fighter woman's injury. As Kaia was doing that however, Sera couldn't help but glance at her own frozen arm. She grimaced when trying to move it, despite knowing what is happening it. 'I'm glad she found a way to help others with that ability...' On the other hand, the woman had found her second wind, stretching her muscles and smiling broadly (which Sera knew foreshadow someone's imminent demise). Then, she finally got around to speaking, "Do you not know the meaning of 'staying low'? I wouldn't recommend going down the stairs, that's where they're coming from."

Sera nearly scoffed, seeing as how there was no "Thank you," but at least she seemed to be somewhat concerned of their safety (if that). But before she could say anything, the woman jumped away, rushing upstairs with restored energy. She could take care of herself, Sera thought. Right now, her priority was Kaia, then her arm. Should they go upstairs? There didn't seem to be any grunts past the second floor but the building already sustained damage. Would it actually be riskier to ascend? Yet, downstairs the danger was clear. It was a bloodbath down there and these two had barely a means to stay afloat. If Sera could at least use both hands, she was confident in being able to handle a few normal minions, even while having someone in her charge. But this was not the case. Sera wasn't even sure if there was running water upstairs, much less heating. And, there was the slim chance someone snuck past the few defenders of this place.

Every option seemed to only be bad ones... but what if there was another? Sera led Kaia to another room that had a window, keeping their heads low beneath the railings. Upon entering, she carefully set her companion to sit on a wall near the window and looked outside. They were still on the second floor, so any drop was still potentially dangerous, unless they controlled their fall somehow. So while Sera thought of what to use, she thought she should probably let Kaia know what she had planned.

"Okay so.... I have an idea! We can't go downstairs for reasons I'm sure you know. And.... upstairs might end just as badly because this building took some damage during the attack. I need to find a place that is safe for us to rest, and this place is anything but. So, we're gonna jump out of this window. Okay?" Sera glanced outside again, scouting the area before coming to sit beside Kaia. It was almost strange, how familar this felt for Sera. To be able to find a quiet place amongst the chaos, then use that peace to prepare to live rather than die. But thinking back on this idea, Sera realized how crazy she may have sounded. She had served in the miltary, and had some occasions when she had to work amidst the fight... but what about Kaia? What had she done to prepare for something like this? Snow?? What had anyone do to prepare for any of this?!

Without any warning, Sera looked at Kaia - her blue hair. Some stray ends stood out that Sera gently put back into place. "You should be in a place that's safe, worrying about what to wear... not... not this. But I'll make sure nothing happens to you, even I die. Understand? We'll make it out..." Sera hugged Kaia again, this time with both arms.

Tyra Tyra

Wielding Venom, once again, gave her a thrill like no other. She felt powerful with her sword in her hand. Many of The One gang were unfortunately in the process of finding this out. Like the two brutes that had their blood splatter across the walls, when she spun around and sliced them in one well-trained, elegant movement, simply 'repainting' as she put it.

"I would ask you to stop killing my men," the heavy, angry voice sounded out through gritted teeth. Pulling her attention towards the big man hunched down the hall. He puffed on his cigar, smoke rising to the ceiling, as she plucked her blade out of the second man with a gross squelch of blood.

With a deft flick of the blade, fresh blade slid off and splattered once more on the wall, as Vira turned confidently to face her new adversary. She had a new gray shirt on. This one was similar to the other she had worn. Too big, flowing freely on her. The man standing there was similar in stature, and she realized whose clothes she had been borrowing from. Narrowing her eyes, she greeted him, "So, 'Big One' is it?" She began darkly.

He narrowed his eyes, drawing in a big breath that jiggled his heaving chest. He spat out another gross cloud of gray smoke. "And I'm standing before the midnight girl," he drawled, puffing more, the orange glow on the end of his cigar heating up and expanding. The woman glanced back at her long, sleek black hair, a significant, defining feature. She then glared once more at Big One. "He told me about you. You killed Crackerjack and Sizemore," he stated, clenching his fists, and flexing, stepping forward with heavy steps that made the hall shudder.

"Uh, those fools blew themselves up," Vira corrected in an irreverent tone. 'Be careful, Vira,' a young female voice sounded in her head. 'I know,' she answered back, not needing to be told the danger that she was already feeling, rising in her hackles.

"Is that so?!" he shouted, as if he didn't seem to care for the excuse she gave. "All because you stood in their way! You louts ruined everything! I have irate demons on my left, and angry angels on my right! I'm stuck! And it's all your fucking fault! And now, I'm going to fix it! I'm going to take it all back!" he shouted. Nope, he clearly didn't care for any excuses she had. He suddenly barreled down towards her at a speed she wasn't expecting a man of his size to move.

However, her power was on point, so she knew how and where he was going to attack her. She rushed backwards, and entered the room behind them. He crashed through the doorway, but she was already skidding out of the way. He threw a few punches her way. She sidestepped the first, then ducked the second, and avoided the third, stepping off to the side. "Grrah! You're a slippery one!" he noted, flexing his muscles, which strained on his oversized shirt. He threw another couple of punches, which Vira dodged easily. "GRR! Stand still, Midnight!"

As if she would! While he was growling in frustration, she bent forward, kicking his gut. Then she punched his face. "RAWH!" he shouted out in pain, staggering with steps that rumbled. After a few steps back, he clenched his fists, growling. Opening his eyes, he focused once more on Vira, his face red; veins on his forehead bulging and throbbing. He then dashed at her with surprising speed. Still, she was prepared, avoiding his next attack as usual, which only served to piss him off even more. This time, she counter-attacked, stabbing her sword at him. It sunk about an inch into his bulging bicep, and she paused, glancing quickly at it in utter shock. Venom never failed her! Her eyes darted from where Venom barely pierced him to the man's face. His eyes lit up and he grinned. He flexed his bicep, and popped Venom out, with a small leak of blood accompanying the sword. Vira stumbled back, lifting up Venom between them. She looked down at her sword worriedly, before looking back up at him as he gloated. "Ha ha ha! Your troubled face brings me joy, girl!" He said mockingly, stepping towards her, his muscles fluffing up even more.

Then it struck her. "I understand now," she mused, her power spiking and helping her to see. "You get stronger the angrier you get," she explained his power to him, as she figured it out. It wasn't obvious how he felt about her figuring out his abnormality, but the big man rushed at her again. It seemed figuring it out didn't matter. The fight was still on between them!

Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Tyra Tyra Syphe Syphe

Tela "Fashionista" Powers


Crusher's eyes left the redheaded man on his right, to focus on the shiny man who was speaking to him. His boss had just showed up and made this real. He had to end these two now. Big One would be furious if he didn't. -Actually, that could be potentially good for their gang, but it would mean he lost, and there was no way he'd lose! His face showed off his anger -though not as well as the boss man's did. "I'm getting real tired of lip, steel boy." He shook his head, following the man with his hands, "If you knew the boss man, you wouldn't say that." He was about to attack, when something crashed down just in front of him. He recoiled as the wall of dust and earth particles was whipped up violently. "Ugh, another fucking one," he grumbled, as the cloud overtook him.

"Aieee!" Fashionista squealed, staggering backwards when the earth in front of her shattered and shook. "Eeeee, nyuuuuuuuuu~!!!!" the girly whined, as her esoteric outfit as bathed in the nasty dust cloud. "NYEEEEEEAAAAAA!!~" she squealed, unhappy at the turn of events, disappearing into the dust cloud like Crusher as it overtook her, too.

Drook Drook Kiroshiven Kiroshiven @ everyone
Patrick felt his upper lip raise into a snarl as the boy spoke to him through the shadowy cocoon, the kid was right of course, the old soldier should have been thinking from the start. He'd survived because of that for so long, so then why was he jumping at this kid like a wild animal now? ...While the others rest, while the others rest, WHILE the ooothers reeest... the voice sang softly, because this kid was in between him and Scarlett, he had to get to her, had to protect her from whatever this little shit's friends were doing, had to... Patrick shook his head violently, no he still wasn't thinking, he hadn't hear any loud crashes no explosions, nothing to suggest Scarlett had joined in on the fighting. She could have been killed in the initial attack but Patrick chose to ignore that possibility. So there was no reason not to hear this kid out, not to try and help whoever the gaudy dressed girl was, hell who knew this kid and the girl he wanted to save could prove helpful to his and the warden's designs.

Patrick let out a long smoky breath feeling his muscles relax as he did, the red glow and smoke from his nerves making the inside of the cocoon look strange and threatening when Crow opened a hole in the dark wall. Alright kid, you have a deal, the big man rumbled but he didn't take the kids offered hand. It wouldn't do to immediately burn the kid after accepting his deal. Just then there was a titanic crash from the direction of the big building, and Patrick's eyes widened there wasn't much that could make that kind of racket with that big of a dust cloud.

The smoke leaking from the hole began to billow out and great dents began to appear on the outside of the cocoon. The dents turned into small tears, then large ones in seconds and with a sound like tearing sheets Patrick ripped his way out of the shadowy prison coming face to face with Crow as the shadows returned to their owner. Sparking grey eyes locked with brown ones, Don't worry kid we still have a deal but we're not hero's and I can't promise you or her safety, I don't make the decisions for that group if you can even call it that, he said before turning to Kore and Snow in the trees, he blinked at the 'thing' that the tree girl had caught but brushed it off as dealt with, Kore watch this kid, he yelled up to her before turning to Third motioning for her to follow and sprinting off towards the base his enhanced stride eating up ground.

One minute twenty four seconds of boost time remaining before system damage is sustained.
Interacts with: Kiroshiven Kiroshiven FrostFire FrostFire ShadowBroker ShadowBroker
Mentions: littleberry littleberry

The Wardens
OOC: "Fucking yes some action!"

The Third Warden


The deal was simply, aid an ally and an ally will be granted, along with the survival of the group Patrick intended to protect. A simple bargain if not by the fact the whole situation was out of hand. The Wardens already had their plans, The Crow boy seem reasonable enough, it did not search to generate chaos but to seek his own interest and of this so call child. The Warden's list would add a new name, if it wasn't that it could be dealt without force. A whole debate had been done once they learned of this - at the very end, The First was most displease to know they would not hunt him down.

Beside that, Kore seem to have turn into a different path, one The Warden were not aware until now. The way she step aside from the encounter gave a small hint, but much there was to be study about her before coming to conclusions. The hammer of The First and its chains began to rejoice with the idea to harvest the forest with flames, cleaning the nature from the plague she would bring. But such notion was detain, for they lacked of delicate information.

So much to do in so little time, The Wardens were too busy dealing with so many threats and contracts to even pursue their own goal. Beside The First, everyone were too busy to continue onto their haunt.

That being said, the world seem to change once the explosion appeared. Clearly if they were to aid the people within the base, they had to depart now. No need for motions or orders, a simple nod satisfied The Third needs as she grabbed her sword by the rough metal close to the guard and followed Patrick's lead, "Order me and I shall follow." as she dashed with him into the fray.

Iamthemanfish Iamthemanfish littleberry littleberry Kiroshiven Kiroshiven FrostFire FrostFire
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Jackson began to walk into the base to give himself a well deserved rest given the people he just fought. However, he decided to pick up the large broken machete blade to keep. Taking it in his left hand, grasping the dull edge, he walked back to his room with a groan. Going into his room, he placed the blade on his table before craning his ears to hear another fight breaking out in the lobby, ~oh what the hell now?~ Jackson took the stairs again at a much quicker pace until he found himself in the main hall again only this time Vira was squaring off against someone much larger. Catching the end of their conversation, Jackson stood silent as he watched Vira, and the One square off. As soon as Vira figured out The One's abnormality, Jackson saw The One rush her; and decided to do something very, incredibly, stupid that he would probably regret. Raising his voice in an attempt to distract The One Jackson yelled, "Hey Dumbass! Sizemore ate Crackerjack to nullify his blast powers. But Vira didn't drive Crackerjack to explode! I DID!" Jackson then activated Stage 2 immediately and assumed a fighting stance.
Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
Big One faltered in his charge at the girl with the midnight hair. He stopped and glanced towards the other voice. "Heh. Is that so, big boy?" he mocked ironically, due to his own size dwarfing Jackson's, in his heavy voice, talking with the cigar hanging from his mouth. "Wrong!! You all drove the two to failure!! That's why you all must pay!" He cracked his neck and flexed his muscles, ready to dive at Jackson and crush the man with his overwhelming strength.

Vira had been prepared for the charge, but when the big man stopped in front of her, she saw an opening when he focused his attention on Jackson. She leaped at him, grabbing his arm, and using it to spin herself, to whip her heels against the side of his face in two brutal kicks. Both made the big man groan loudly, obviously feeling the pain. She then slashed Venom twice, cutting red cuts across his arm, that glowed red as blood rose to the surface. "AUGH! You little cretin!" he growled, turning his attention back to Vira, who flipped to land a decent distance away.

Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
As Jackson listened to The One speak, he tensed up as it looked as though he was getting ready to charge at Jackson, something he was prepared for. Lifting his arms In a defensive position, he was surprised when Vira suddenly charged at The One giving Jackson an opening to deal some damage himself. Running forward while Vira was still kicking Jackson brought up his left arm as he ran past The One. He had noticed how fast The One had moved when fighting Vira so he figured that he would try to cripple his movement so to allow Vira and himself to stand a fighting chance. As soon as Vira leaped off of The One, Jackson brought his fist into the underside of The One's left leg right in the joint beneath his kneecap. Moving his fist as fast as he could, he slammed into the fleshy connection between upper and lower leg with an audible *POW* before jumping back to beside Vira and keeping his arms in a fighting stance.
Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
"Ugh!! AUCK!" The big man grunted out loudly, as Jackson's fist hit the back of his leg. His flabby thighs thundered as he fell to one knee, sending a shockwave through the room, that cracked the floor. "GAHH, you fuckin' little worthless maggots!" he growled, his face turning a crimson red, veins bulging in his thick neck, and his forehead. The cig in his mouth began heating up, with the end of it igniting and sparking, more smoke rising off of it. "AUGH! Insignificant..! Do you know who I am?!?! Who I work for?!" he shouted, standing back up, his leg feeling renewed. The cuts in his arm began to seal up, as his muscles expanded some more. He grew another few inches, his head bending as it bumped against the ceiling. His weight cracking the floor some more.

"RAHH!" Big One shouted, punching upwards and smashing the ceiling up in a cone, giving him more room to stand, but cracking the entire thing. He turned to focus back on the two, still bright red, his mass dwarfing both. Golden eyes glowed in their beading sockets, the end of his cig fizzling with fire. "I'm gunna smash you maggots! Then the rest of your insufferable brood! RAAAAH!" He exclaimed, reaching over and lifting up a cabinet. Which he chunked at the two. Vira darted to the right, and slashed at his extended arms. Venom bounced off his thick fingers like a butter knife would. She skid to a stop, and looked at her sword again. Now it was worse, she couldn't cut him at all! "Hahaha! I'll show that white-haired bitch who made a fool of me, that she shouldn't have dropped our gang!! Unlike her, Midnight, you won't get away with making a fool of me!! Actually, neither of you will! -No one makes a fool of 'Big One'!!"

"Who??" Vira asked, raising her eyebrow.

"AHHH, that bitch, Hidden!" Big One screamed out, barreling towards Vira and slamming both his fists -that were now bigger than her head down at her. She barely managed to dodge backwards, before he smashed the floor. It immediately shattered under all three, and collapsed the floor below.

Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
Interacting with: ttlovepie ttlovepie revior revior

Delia was just about to rejoin with her group when some idiot decided to slam into her groups wagon, flying out and into the distance like a cat flew out of water. Her group started arguing and checking for damages but soon shrugged and kept going. Wait what!? Anger filled her as she stared at that hole. It would be her that Sammy made fix it. How could that dumb ass... Delia paused, trying to remember the dumb ass who had started riding a broken bike. Wait… was there someone? She looked around and didn’t see anyone running away. The memory of it all seemed dismissible and she was just about to do just that and forget the whole thing when she heard a loud thud and grunting. Turning around she saw a man with a prosthetic arm, talking to what looked like a weird cow boy who said he was playing dead… cow boy… COW BOY!

Delia growled, stomping over with her hands on her hips. “Hey! You punched a hole in our wagon cow boy!” She tapped her foot, frowning down at the two men before her. How could she have forgotten this idiot? Looking at him she pursed her lips before assessing the guy who jogged her memory. He had a hole in his side that was still bleeding. Delia frowned at this… was he a fighter? In some kind of danger? Did Abnorms do this to him…? She stepped back as the two of them stood up, the CowBoy offering medical assistance… well that didn’t seem bad. Not too monstrous. “You have a medic? He needs some help soon so where is this camp of yours? My group has gone everywhere and there isn’t a gang of cow boys in any of these towns.”

Delia was still grumpy but looking back over her shoulder she was surprised to not see her group watching her. “What the?! Where are they? Oh my god how could Remy not be wanting to tear you a new one cow boy like how you tore his wagon a new one!?” Delia looked back at the blonde man with fire in her blue eyes. Oh she was suspicious all right. Of both of them. “And you,” She turned to metal arm, “Just where did you get that bullet…” She paused, curiosity getting the better of her. “Were you… were you in that battle happen' with those Abnorm gangs over at the old head gangs base?” She knew fightin was goin on so that could be where this stranger got his wound. “You don’t look like a Devil’s child so I don’t see why you would be involved with gang stuff.” She huffed. She knew how to play the part of a human. Even if she wasn’t one.
Jackson watched as The One fell on one knee after his attack, but soon fixed himself and began to charge at Vira and Jackson. Dodging to the left Jackson avoided The One's fists and watched as it went after Vira again instead of himself. Of course, given that The one kept growing in size, the floor cracked and the three of them fell through. Deciding it was a now or never time, Jackson activated the 3rd stage of his abnormality as he landed on his feet. Looking at Vira, he waited to see what she would do in a situation like this.
Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
Brian opened his mouth to question the boy in front of him, but before he could the kid immediately jumped up and started talking to him about his wound. Before he could respond to the boys offer, another lady suddenly came out asking 40 questions a second.

"I can take care of my god damn self god damn it! I'm a grown ass man!" He snapped as the lady started rambling about where he got the bullet wound, a distinct southern accent slipping through. He stopped for a moment weirdly out of breath after shouting, then he looked down at his metallic arm and then to his thin wounded arm. He bit his lip, sighing through his nose and clenched his right fist. He looked from his arm to the sky briefly before back at the two strangers from his place on the ground. "Sorry." He said slowly standing up. "Sorry," he said again, regaining composure as his accent faded. "I just... I've had a rough day. If you'll forgive me, I just need some help getting this bullet out, and the wound sutured up. He said pushing through any awkwardness he perceived. I have some..." He pauses briefly, looking at his backpack, his pale face grimacing, "Gunpowder I'd be willing to part with for your help. I've disinfected the wound with alcohol." He turned towards the kid in front of him. "And, uh, sorry kid, as much as I appreciate the offer I really don't know or trust you at all. I've had bad experiences going places with people I don't know."

Interacted with: littleberry littleberry and revior revior
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Hector "Crow Storm" Mendez

Hector nodded and retracted his shadows from the group as the old man agreed to his terms. Sure, there was no guarantee for Fashionista's safety, but it was better that he at least tried. "Welp. I'm going to follow along, but stay in the trees. I don't need Crusher noticing me and realizing that I let you guys pass." He nodded as he watched the blonde woman and the old man start running off. Looking back towards the woman that had been in the trees, the snow haired girl and the new creature that appeared. "I'm sure it's going to be boring sitting up there starting now. After all, my plan's done." He waved to them both. "I doubt that I'll be kept alive once this is over, so I shall bid you both adieu." He stepped into the tree line and felt the surge of his own power calling to him. However, he couldn't fight anymore, not openly anyway. However, as he reached over to edge of the battle and witnessed the giant mess that was happening, he merely smirked. "Called it." Hector sat down in the shadows and closed his eyes, the crows circling the fight acting as his eyes.

Ryuji Nakamoto
Ryuji smirked as the small girl that was part of their group came crashing down creating their opening. "Now!" His voice cried out for the first time and he hoped that the metal boy knew what he meant. Ryuji dashed forward, his mind trying to pick up on anything while his eyes were closed. Blind combat is just as essential to be ready for as long distance. Zetsuo's voice rang in Ryuji's mind as he remembered having his eyes sliced through with a serrated blade and forced to fight while his eyes were healing. At the time, the pain had been truly unbearable, but when did it happen? Ryuji's memories felt off as that particular memory didn't seem familiar. But that would be something to worry about at another time. He felt the presence of another and it could only be Crusher. "Hey there." He spoke quietly before ducking down and striking towards the man's ribs and back, aiming for pressure points that would cripple his right arm without getting medical attention.

Scarlett O'Hare
Scarlett coughed a small amount as the dust she kicked up billowed around her. However she quickly took stock of her location. Yup, she was in a giant dust cloud and she could only make out the building. Unable to be of help here without her sight, she decided to head inside. Jumping again, she crashed through one of the walls on the second floor. "Jackson? Sera? Vira? Snow?" She cried out as she wiped the rubble off her person. She began to sprint through the building looking for the people she knew until she came across Sera and the blue haired girl......Kaia, was it? Scarlett couldn't remember. The girl had barely spoken to her and had been unconscious during the last week. They both looked like they were about to do something foolish. "Need help?" She spoke softly looking to the pair before looking back towards the entrance to the room. The small girl gripped her axe firmly as the sounds of battle both above and below echoed through the building.

Interactions: Drook Drook littleberry littleberry FrostFire FrostFire Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Iamthemanfish Iamthemanfish Syphe Syphe Tyra Tyra
Mentions: Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe ShadowBroker ShadowBroker

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