Dark Woods Circus (Based off the song.)

Nohara Rin

Nira! Lord of Elvis.
Oh, you're here, you're here! Tonight, well be showing .The sad fate that some of this world carry:Children that,God has abandoned restlessly creeping out: Children who cant even carry the trembling limbs they were born with.Their shaking tongues even accidentally cry out.The crowns of their head that caress the dark clouds.They smile as they dream of their mothers embrace Oh, the deformity!DEFORMITY! A circus that wanders from town to town hidden not far from eyes for those who believe it so... For those unfortunate enough to find us we will make all your nightmares come true. COME ONE,COME ALL SEE THE SIGHTS, THE FRIGHTS! Drop by and see him Drop by and see him! Deep into the forest, far far in the back that way. There is a circus.The chairman with the big eyes and ten meters tall! All of the cast is jolly

Their forms are rather strange but its so fun!The Dark Woods Circus awaits...Though those be warned, we assure you once you enter you will never leave... Character outline: Name: Age: Role in Circus : Ability: Appearance:

Name: Ivory Cross

Age: 18

Role in Circus: Ringmasters daughter

Ablility/ Deformity: Albino

Appearance: 5"1 with large red eyes and short white hair, her ears are pieced with a cuff of a skull dangling around her cartilage. Deathly pale. Mostly seen wearing a black corset with a Victorian style flared out short red bottom matching her fathers ringleader uniform along with a rusted shackle on her right ankle.

History: Much like many others in the circus she is unable to leave, dreaming of the day this curse will finally be lifted, even though her father really isn't her father he was a demon that took her in, he's human formed lured in many and those who made the contract are unable to ever leave the circus for their soul belongs to him. Ivory is a dreamer and very sweet to those with the deformity around her. She does her best to take care of them all and even sabotaging those of mortals who try to join which in result leaves her with scars. Much like the long slash across her back. While her "Father" is very caring towards her and favoring as to why he hopes she will take over the circus one day he holds the souls of the others and she wishes to set them free.

Personality: Shy, caring, sweet. Innocent, loving
Name: Magnolia Vincent

Age: 15

Role in Circus: "Entertainment"

Ability/Deformity: Acid burnt face and her eyes have been removed

Appearance: With sickly pale green skin from the acid, Magnolia's eyes have been taken out and displayed on a podium somewhere in the circus. Long silky black hair flows down to the ground, for it hasn't been cut in a long time. Magnolia's about 5'6 and has a very good looking body, making her a subject to rape for "entertainment". She usually wears a tattered pink dress with a white (well, it used to be white) corset that's a size too small.

History: Magnolia was sold off by her parents to the circus when she was only 6 years old. The family sold her off to buy medicine for her sickly mother. Traumatized from the horrid things they did to her in front of an audience, Magnolia wishes that she could die to escape from his terrible fate. With many suicide attempts, Magnolia's body is massively scarred from all the acid thrown at her. Magnolia has given up on the chance to escape from this terrible place and thinks that even if she did manage to escape, no one would want her because of her deformities. Magnolia has lost her family, her eyes, a few organs, and even her virginity, the young girl sees no purpose in living any more and just wants to leave the cruel world she lives in. The sad thing is...the medicine that her family sold her off for never really worked, and Magnolia was sold off for no reason.

Personality: Magnolia's a sensitive girl who is easily upset. She used to be very optimistic, but years in the circus has worn her down to a suicidal young woman who sees no point in living any more. Magnolia envies the lives of other normal children, and treats others very kindly, hoping that they won't become like her. A deformed monster.


(This was so tough to write! This role play is dealing with a very touchy matter)
Everyone has their own opinion on it, but I have to ask are you just curious or do you actually want to join the rp?

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