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Fantasy Dark Times [Realistic Medieval RP]


Uniting Germany
**NOTE: I am the GM (Game Master) you perform an action and I give the outcome.

You begin this roleplay as a child, aged at ten. You are beginning to actually experience the world, and come to understand it.

You can either have me select your social status, or you can choose your own. I yearn you to be different, and really think about it before you do. Playing as a Lords son can be interesting, but maybe go out of your comfort zone.

You will roleplay aged ten for awhile, and then when you want, we will go to your early adult life at eighteen. By now you have grown and will most likely stay like this the rest of your adult life.

Finally, you will select the age you will play as in for the remainder of the roleplay. This can be any where from 19-60ish, over that you'd be able to do anything hardly, but, if you have something special in mind just tell me.

If you want to skip directly to your adult life, and or young adult life, that is alright, but I urge you to play through your childhood to feel the whole experience.

Child Character Sheet



Description: (A picture is usable, but no anime.)

Social Class: (Leave blank if you want me to chose.)


Brief Backstory:


Young Adult Character Sheet


Gender: (You cant change this silly, that would really hurt and you'd likely die.)


Social Class:


How things changed: (Pretty much what happened from your child hood till now, keep it reasonable.)


Adult Character Sheet


Gender: (You cant change this silly, that would really hurt and you'd likely die.)



Social Class:


How things changed: (Pretty much what happened from your child hood till now, keep it reasonable.)


You can fill these out as you go! No need to do them all at once!
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Name: Solak Khagan

Gender: Male

Description: Young man, black hair. Carries an iron saber strapped to his side.

Social Class: Son of a influential Khan - A young soon-to-be Khan of the Khanate.

Personality: Paranoid, power-lusting.

How things changed: As a young khagan, the sibling rivalry to be the emperor drew envy and distrust. After a sibling tried to kill Solak, he has been paranoid that anyone could be against him.

Other: N/A
The Noble Child

Name: Dame Blancheflour Ragnelle

Gender: Female


Green eyes, nutbrowne hair, and light, though not quite pale, skin.

Social Class: High Lord's thirdborne daughter

Personality: A perpetually confused look dominates her face, because she so often questions the motives of any action. A singleminded boldness has taken root, so Blancheflour will oft be seen chasing down some puzzle or oddity to discover the truth of it. Hardly humble, she has been made aware of her station and flaunts and utilizes all priviledge it benefits her with.

Brief Backstory: She has been raised by a Lady tutor from the Marchlands, and her interest in political studies has greatly flourished. She lacks understanding of the subtleties courtly life demands, but her tutors have hope she will learn in time. Idle hours are most often spent in the courtyard watching the gallant knights, or in the study reading of glory on the battlefields. Though her father has no sons, he complains only during the Midwinter feast, and so the mother is not often embarrassed. He is rarely home, often doing business here or there, so when he is home, she accompanies his hunts and merry feasts and has developed the habit of burping in public, to her father's amusement and her mother's horror.

Other: Though she plays with servants, that will soon be prohibited. As age makes its mark on her, Blancheflour may find the world a more restrictive place.
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Child Character Sheet

Name: Malaya (no last name)

Gender: female

Description: She is a smaller child, smaller than most. Her skin is tanned from the sun and her hair is black. It never seems to be brushed and is always full of sticks and dirt. Her face has small freckles but remain almost hidden from the dirt that cakes her face. Her eyes are a stunning green, but most never see them for she rarely makes eye contact. A scar decorates her right arm from shoulder to wrist. Usually clothed in animal fur or rags, it is obvious where she hails from...

Social Class: Serf

Personality: The definition of a "wild child". She has a short temper and follows no rules. Her eye contact is limited to none. Her energy is always in abundance. Trouble is her middle name, for it always seems to find her. Despite her ruthless personality, she is actually very honest. She would never lie, but many never believe her.

Brief Backstory: Malaya was like many of the other children in Na'r'vik. She learned how to use a sword at a young age despite her being a female. Everyone fought for themselves in the East, even the children. It wasn't long before some merchants of a different kind stumbled into Na'r'vik. In the night, the merchants stole 5 children from their beds, one being Malaya. She fought as hard as she could, clawing at the hands that grasped her. Anything she could grab she bit, clawed, and hit until she was thrown in a small traveling cage with the others. She was brought to the United Principalities

Other: Kingdom Na'r'vik but being transported somewhere new
Child Character Sheet

Name: Ranae Perias

Gender: Female

Description: A small girl with rather long legs for a 10 year old, she has jet black wavy hair that falls to the middle of her back and blue eyes. Her skin is fair and she has a distinctive wing shaped birthmark on her shoulder which people sometimes mistake for a tattoo.

Social Class: (Leave blank if you want me to chose.)

Personality: An energetic and friendly child, she is very obedient and is easily frightened. She is innocent in nature and knows very little about the world. She follows her mother's teachings closely and has a kind and generous heart. She doesn't like being separated from those she cares greatly for. She is very timid around strangers and shy in nature.

Brief Backstory: Growing up, she was showered with lots of tender love and care from her mother, her only caregiver. Everything she knew about the world she learnt from her mother. Her days would be spent either running in the field or with her mother. Her only interaction with the outside world was when she once played with some village children who had wandered over to the land where she and her mother lived. They had raced across the field during which Ranae learnt from the children that she was incredibly fast. This however, was the first and last time she played with those children as her mother chased them away and warned her against it. She and her mother were always well dressed and with plenty of food. She had a tutor as a young girl but after mentioning one of the lessons to her mother, the tutor was fired and she was told not to question or to wonder about such things again. Her mother controlled her entire life and so long as she obeyed, not that she had ever dared to do otherwise, life was pleasant and happy.

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Child Character Sheet

Name: Frigg Muel

Gender: Female

Description: A small girl, she has green eyes like emeralds. Her body has a wee bit of chub due to being a bit of a hungry child. Her hair is long and ginger, as she calls it "Hair like a fire" in reference to her grandmother's quotation of it. Her skin is mainly palish white, as it comes with the hair. She often likes to wear tighter dresses when doing her daily activity.

Social Class: Low Noble - Most likely in a Lord / High Lords court

Personality: She is a girl who was raised to be manipulative, cruel, and smart, and that is exactly she is. Due to her age, she can easily get away with convincing someone to give her something by begging and looking cute. Her personality towards other low nobles is manipulative, trying to gain support in her fantasy to maybe get even more power.

Brief Backstory: A low noble all her life, her mother and father taught her to use what power she has, even if younger she had authority over serfs, and would make them do tasks she found fun to watch, even if useless.
Name: Lütolf Hildebrand Dirske (If you wish for me to choose a different name, I will do so.)

Gender: Male

Description: Standing around Five feet, eleven inches to a Solid Six feet, Lütolf has an average build. His dull brown hair is short, and rarely ever reaches past his ears, whilst his eyes are a dark blue, the skin around them creased. His upper arms and a section of his palms are crisscrossed with occasional sections of scar-tissue, obviously caused by a sharp object. His face is covered in a short, well-maintained beard that matches the color of his hair.

Age: 32

Social Class: Royal Guard (I'll be honest, I'm not quite sure what section of the social class spectrum

Royal Guards, Soldiers, etc, fit under. My apologies.)

Personality: As one of the High Lord's Garrison, Lütolf is a rather serious individual, though from time to time - and when a situation calls for it - he can be seen as a rather pleasant, though sometimes somber, man.

Brief Backstory: Born as one of many children with heritage stemming from the Aqui military, with a Father having served a number of his years within the primary Aqui military body. Lütolf's lived a rather by-the-books childhood. with very little happening to mark it as 'extraordinary'. A solid chunk of Lütolf's years were dedicated to the the very same regiment that his Father had served within, till a notable list of combat experience and expertise saw him transferred to the High Lord's Garrison. Here, he was assigned as one of the men tasked with shadowing the youngest Princess, to protect her from all manner of harm and foul-play, and - if necessary - to kill or be killed to preserve her life.

Other: Kingdom of Aqui (Hopefully naming the correct nation)

(If you want me to edit this is any way, feel free to ask :u)
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Alessandra Van Dann



Alessandra has long dirt blond hair that cascades down to her waist. With this she has a matching tanned complexion with glistening blue eyes. She's not extremely tall but around average for her height and a little underweight

Gender: Female

Social Class: Bourgeoisie

Personality: Alessandra is a care free child, being middle class means she and her family have little worries. She's very optimistic and loves making people smile, even though her jokes aren't funny. However at times she can be cheeky and is incredibly sarcastic for a child.

Brief Backstory: Alessandra was only 4 when her mother died and her father married another woman. She has 2 half brothers and sisters, and since she is only a child she sees them as complete family. Since her father is often at work, she's mostly left with her Step Mother. Her step mother has never been cruel to her, as a matter of a fact she is rather kind, however she doesn't treat her children and Alessandra equally. As any mother would do, she favours her own children and always seems to believe their side of the story.​
Name: Feodore Pletchill

Gender: Male

Description: At 6'3, it certainly wouldn't be inappropriate to call him a "large" man; broad shouldered and with a far larger build than most, his natural form is enough to make him stand out.

He has bushy mutton chops, and straight medium-length brown hair which stops halfway down the neck.

The face is quite clear of scars. Something that stands out when considering the slash that has taken part of his ear, the many marks on his arm, and even vertical cuts on the palm.

Age: 31

Social Class: Royal Guard ("Knight"? The description appears to be very similar to what it would be for this.)

Personality: As expected, he acts in a serious manner whenever such a thing is required (which is often); reserved and one to think before he acts. Off duty, however, he's quite the cheery man.

Friendly, but disciplined.

Brief Backstory: The second son of Lord Wilfred, and later the squire of Ser Heinrick. Though he was no more notable than most squires, most squires are no small threat to the common man; he (like others like him) saw battle even then, and was expected to protect his lord when on the battlefield. Over time, his training hardened him, and he reached a level of age and experience that he earned his knighthood. In many years, a series of performances during battles saw him to first the High Lord's regiment, and eventually his garrison. He is currently tasked with guarding the third daughter of High Lord Ragnelle.

Other: Kingdom of Aqui
Name: Rohesia Lovell

Gender: Female

Description: Rohesia has shoulder-length brown hair and bright green eyes. She has olive skin and usually wears a brown frock with a white apron.

Social Class: Burgeosie

Personality: Rohesia is a girl who might have been happy and bubbly, but was told to be seen and not heard one too many times. She is instead rather quiet and gives off a lonely air, often wandering where she shouldn't.

Brief Backstory: Rohesia's father was a craftsman, her mother the daughter of one. By some stroke of luck or divine blessing, the said mother survived childbirth

and the two raised their little girl the best they could, so far down the ladder.

Name:Enverken (no surename)


Description:He is a small boy for his age with brown eyes and long light brown hair.While he is shorter than the most of them he is muscled like all the kids his age because of the harsh training they recive and the harsh living conditions of the steppes.

Social Class:Peasant (Cattle Herder)

Personality:He is a shy and reserved person rarely ever raising his voice,but when he is with the people he knowhs he acts like a cheerfull and happy child.He is loyal to his family and the Khanate,but he also wants to leave and see the lands of the west

Brief Backstory:He was born to a Local woman and a Merchant from the West,he never knewh his father.He was teased for not looking like a local and being short by his half-brothers his whole life and shunned by the rest of the tribe for being son of an outsider.he was never allowed near the rest of the children other than his siblings.This led to him being a shy and reserved person with people other than his family.


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