Dark Sun Pathfinder

Dark Sigurd

Devil Lord of the Unknown Hell
I have recently finally gotten my hands on the official D&D 3.5 Dark Sun material AND the Pathfinder conversions for it. I had a couple people here in Wichita that I tried to start a 4e Dark Sun campaign with, but schedules simply make it impossible. Therefore, I was wondering if there were any folks interested in running a Pathfinder based Dark Sun campaign on this site.

The basic premise is that you are chosen champions from another world transported to Athas on a rescue mission to save the daughter of a high level noble's daughter(yes, I am aware of the cliche) who was kidnapped in a mysterious raid by otherworldly attackers. For the purposes of certain class availability and functionality, I am modifying certain aspects, and possibly some specially designed items my be given out.

Ok, one thing I do want to point out is that this game will have an upper player limit. And it is going to be on a first come first served basis. Right now, I am thinking that there will be a limit of 6.

So there it is in a nut shell. Is anyone interested?
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Hmm, which splats would you be allowing? I've got a jones to play a rogue, and if you would be allowing multiclass archetypes from the Paizo community forums, I'd love to play a Spellthief.
Hey :) ! I think this is a very interesting idea.

However might I recommend if you don't get any one posting that you resubmit this in interest check but include the system in the title? Like Dark Sun Pathfinder, etc. Most people just see "Dark Suns" in their alert and move on, not really giving it a second thought.
Hey, thanks for the advise, Dark Wizard. As for splat books, I reserve the right to veto anything OP, but I don't see any problem with a spellthief archetype. I would need to see it before I fully ok it though. Could you post me a link to it?
After a bit of consideration, you may consider me interested. Been a while since I got to play Dark Sun.
So far there seems to be a few interested parties. I think I am going to go ahead and begin working on this...
Aye all, I've been looking for a first game seeing as how I'm new to the game though I'm more or less done making my character which is a traditional druid with an ankeleosaur (or how ever you spell it) elven. Anywho, I'm interested and curious.
Ok, one thing I do want to point out is that this game will have an upper player limit. And it is going to be on a first come first served basis.
um ill bight if there is still room whats the starting level? also this will be a forrum game right?
When I get it done, yes it will be a forum game. And right now, I do believe that there is still room.
That is cool. It is going to take me some time to put this together though. I intend to get it right the first time. ;)
So far I have four interested people, and I am allowing a max of six. So far everyone who wants in is good. As for starting level, I am probably going to stick it at 4. Still working out a number of other things too.
Awesome. I am still working on this, so further updates will be coming once I have most of this ready.
Well, alrighty then. Just so you know, I am still working all this out. I haven't fully fleshed out my character creation rules yet either. Just keep the concept on the back burner for now. I plan on having this more put together in at least a few weeks.
I am leaning toward a 25 point point buy. If this weren't a online play by post game, I would do a dice roll though.

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