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Dark Fantasy


Chosen Undead
Hello! Thanks for having enough interest to click this. I'm a bit specific this time, and am hoping not to repeat the mistake I made last time with being too vague.  

Gender doesn't matter, play whoever you want. What I'm looking for is a long-term partner in a more open-world, less restrictive RP. Two characters, close friends, or in some relationship, fight NPCs and travel a landscape, searching for some end goal. We can work out the specifics in PMs.  

Slice-of-life/Action-adventure sounds about right, with various dark fantasy elements. Magical abilities, fantasy races and figures, all that great stuff mixed in with a cruel, unforgiving world and antagonists. 

Instead of PMing me and trying to strike up conversation, I request that you send me a basic rough draft of a character. I'm not putting any restrictions on what you need in your character or what your character should be, just include some personality, background, maybe a backstory, I won't stop you. Go crazy and show me what you're capable of! I can bounce my character off of yours, and we can work out the remaining details of the settings, end goal, etc. from there. 

- Don't rush yourself, but don't be slow, I'm a bit fast-paced with my replies. 

- Don't be shy, I'm not a harsh judge or critic, just show me how you are.

- Please have more than just simple one-liners, if you can't think of anything, or you're busy, tell me and we can work something out.

- If you feel like it's not working out, or you're getting bored, don't leave me in the dark. I'll understand if you want out. 
If I was to roleplay, where should I send the rough draft of my character?

  (I put the "if" in because I'm not really sure I could do this well..)
I'm pretty fast paced myself when it comes to role-plays, I am always eager to reply. I think that a long term partner would be a good prospect as well as the genre of your role-play seems to be exactly the kind of topic I am looking for. I have some ideas for characters and harsh antagonistic AU's. Dark medieval fantasies are some of the most fun.
If I was to roleplay, where should I send the rough draft of my character?

  (I put the "if" in because I'm not really sure I could do this well..)

No problem, just PM me your character. Go wild on abilities, race, personality, etc. 

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