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Realistic or Modern |Dark| - Deep Psychological Horror RP (Silent Hill x American Horror Story type story; Halloween Ready!) [Interest Check]


The Origin of The End.

Realistic/Modern - | D a r k | - [CS]


Okay, so if you know me you also know my reputation and how this goes. DO NOT COMMIT IF YOU ARE NOT IN THIS FOR LONG TERM, AS THERE WILL BE SEVERAL PLOTS OF DEEP, STORY DRIVEN HORROR EVENTS.

This is a horror RP based off the same dynamic of free will, of character choices and decisions that affect the outcome of their fates' and path. A group of friends and circle are investigating a string of deaths involving some close friends and peers in California. They all seemingly have dropped off the face of the Earth, with only about a quarter of those that went missing being found and confirmed dead. But it's how they were found that has folks reeling. Mangled and transmorphed. Weeks and weeks of school, or work, or just lounging around their lives looking for more. Well, the opportunity has come, and for them, it was one that couldn't be ignored. The common speculation that's been found is that all of the missing/dead were linked by one common trait: The Dark Web. They all visited one certain darknet which is inferred to have been some social fad or challenge. Police chopped it up to a simple prank done wrong, leading to disappearances and gruesome accidents. But when a certain circle realizes that this ideal could have resulted in something a bit more skeptical than thought, research and instinct will test them against the very fiber of their morals and being. There was something deeper to be found.

Waiting to be found.

There's something else much darker and sinister waiting for them, and when they find out what...it could be too late. Their entire world is about to dive into the deep.

The choices affect your future, your friends' future, your very life, as you and your characters are free to make whatever choices you wish and free play to your personalities. The choices will carve a path into the universe as characters' scenarios and path will come to a head considering which character made what choice. The only choice that will matter in the end.

Did you choose to live?

* Also clearly from the imagery and tone of the plot this isn't for the feint of heart *

So aside from Halloween, this is inspired by the video games Until Dawn, PT (Silent Hills) and the Outlast Series. Even shows like American Horror Story. The characters, the story, the horror, all of it was great. So I got to thinking, how cool would it be to create a horror RP based off the same dynamic of suspense terror, of character choices and decisions that affect the outcome of their fates' and path (if you haven't heard of them it's okay, just google their trailers. SCARY stuff.) The difference is where they were focused more on suspense, that same feel will be in the RP however, there is going to be some DEEPLY disturbing psychological and dark horror elements. Figures in peripheral, sounds in dreams that manifest in waking life, extremely disturbing/scary imagery, etc.

The choices would come in GM posts, as you and your characters are still free to make whatever choices you wish and free play to your personalities. The choices would probably be at the end of the GM post, and then set up every characters' scenarios and path considering which character made what choice. To make it fair, I'd propose that someone else take turns GM posting with me (or we all can) that way I'm not just godding my way through without the chance of death. Just because it's a horror does not mean anyone has to die!! All depends on CHOICES. For instance:
  • 1 Run! Fast as you can.
  • 2 Stay completely still.. DO NOT MOVE
  • 3 Pick the nearest hiding spot and hide.
Our characters would be free to make any one of those choices depending on the circumstances, but depending on what's chosen, some characters will have good fortune, while some or one may not be so lucky. I'm definitely open to more ideas if anyone has some, as the horror antagonist(s?) have already been planned. Just wanting to see who'd be down before I put too much energy into this. But yeah this will be deep, dark, psychological terror. You've been warned.

The plot:
Camera upload to Facebook live, which was immediately and mysteriously taken down some minutes later. Friends of the poster of this video laughed it off as a prank, but it became a surreal reality when they realized he'd never returned home. This spread and became viral within weeks. This viral event was known as The Darril Norman Stream, in which Norman age 24, had recorded footage via his cell phone. This was the most recent footage of him and his experience before he went missing. No one knows where he went nor why, nor the location of the home, just that he was asleep in his apartment hours before. The persons in the video have not been identified. Norman has not been found, nor any of his personal belongings including the phone. Police and investigators to this day have no idea who leaked or how the video got uploaded. The Facebook video is below:

Keep your eyes open... {Anonymous}



1. The main common one. Respect RPN and its rules.

2. Any questions or intrigue about the plot or story come to me! I love hearing ideas even if we don't incorporate them.

3. OOC will be friendly and respectful. IC be extra and add flair all you'd like BUT...

4. BE REASONABLE. Realistically adapt and grow into characters and make logical choices based on who they are.

5. I do not mind if you guys subplot romance. I support it as well and will probably bring my character to it. Just keep it PG-13 and not TOO detailed.

6. If you cannot post due to IRL or other reasons please post in consideration of everyone else. I'm interpreting this RP to go relatively fast pace wise not too speedy, so if you need assistance ask and you shall receive! And...

7. If you do fall too far behind or get in a hole you cant climb out of that doesn't mean you're done for. Unless you're intentionally a jerk or going against the tide of the plot, you can get back up to pace.

8. If you band together, or fight amongst each other IC, coordinate with each other as I will be overseeing those situations with a final outcome, but stay true to character and drama. Don't force it just because you want to.


10. IF YOU MAKE TERRIBLE, STUPID CHOICES YOU> WILL> DIE/SUFFER. Please be realistic and do not mary/gary sue or try to god your way through a situation, unless you're literally sacrificing yourself.

11. Now, if you read, accept, and understand all rules: When CS' are released, write a sentence mentioning a quote specifically about a horror monster / killer that your character fears. You will not get accepted without this rule.

Last edited:
Hey! I'm new to the site but I've been rping for a while but never done a horror rp before! (Because of the rarity of it my last website) Mind if I join? I was thinking of a detective that meets up in the twisted world/place with the others as a private investigator/friend of Norman. How does that sound? :D

(Quick question, guns allowed/do anything to the creatures?)


Okay, so if you know me you also know my reputation and how this goes. DO NOT COMMIT IF YOU ARE NOT IN THIS FOR LONG TERM, AS THERE WILL BE SEVERAL PLOTS OF DEEP, STORY DRIVEN HORROR EVENTS.

This is a horror RP based off the same dynamic of free will, of character choices and decisions that affect the outcome of their fates' and path. A group of friends and circle are investigating a string of deaths involving some close friends and peers in California. They all seemingly have dropped off the face of the Earth, with only about a quarter of those that went missing being found and confirmed dead. But it's how they were found that has folks reeling. Mangled and transmorphed. Weeks and weeks of school, or work, or just lounging around their lives looking for more. Well, the opportunity has come, and for them, it was one that couldn't be ignored. The common speculation that's been found is that all of the missing/dead were linked by one common trait: The Dark Web. They all visited one certain darknet which is inferred to have been some social fad or challenge. Police chopped it up to a simple prank done wrong, leading to disappearances and gruesome accidents. But when a certain circle realizes that this ideal could have resulted in something a bit more skeptical than thought, research and instinct will test them against the very fiber of their morals and being. There was something deeper to be found.

Waiting to be found.

There's something else much darker and sinister waiting for them, and when they find out what...it could be too late. Their entire world is about to dive into the deep.

The choices affect your future, your friends' future, your very life, as you and your characters are free to make whatever choices you wish and free play to your personalities. The choices will carve a path into the universe as characters' scenarios and path will come to a head considering which character made what choice. The only choice that will matter in the end.

Did you choose to live?

* Also clearly from the imagery and tone of the plot this isn't for the feint of heart *

So aside from Halloween, this is inspired by the video games Until Dawn, PT (Silent Hills) and the Outlast Series. Even shows like American Horror Story. The characters, the story, the horror, all of it was great. So I got to thinking, how cool would it be to create a horror RP based off the same dynamic of suspense terror, of character choices and decisions that affect the outcome of their fates' and path (if you haven't heard of them it's okay, just google their trailers. SCARY stuff.) The difference is where they were focused more on suspense, that same feel will be in the RP however, there is going to be some DEEPLY disturbing psychological and dark horror elements. Figures in peripheral, sounds in dreams that manifest in waking life, extremely disturbing/scary imagery, etc.

The choices would come in GM posts, as you and your characters are still free to make whatever choices you wish and free play to your personalities. The choices would probably be at the end of the GM post, and then set up every characters' scenarios and path considering which character made what choice. To make it fair, I'd propose that someone else take turns GM posting with me (or we all can) that way I'm not just godding my way through without the chance of death. Just because it's a horror does not mean anyone has to die!! All depends on CHOICES. For instance:
  • 1 Run! Fast as you can.
  • 2 Stay completely still.. DO NOT MOVE
  • 3 Pick the nearest hiding spot and hide.
Our characters would be free to make any one of those choices depending on the circumstances, but depending on what's chosen, some characters will have good fortune, while some or one may not be so lucky. I'm definitely open to more ideas if anyone has some, as the horror antagonist(s?) have already been planned. Just wanting to see who'd be down before I put too much energy into this. But yeah this will be deep, dark, psychological terror. You've been warned.

The plot:
Camera upload to Facebook live, which was immediately and mysteriously taken down some minutes later. Friends of the poster of this video laughed it off as a prank, but it became a surreal reality when they realized he'd never returned home. This spread and became viral within weeks. This viral event was known as The Darril Norman Stream, in which Norman age 24, had recorded footage via his cell phone. This was the most recent footage of him and his experience before he went missing. No one knows where he went nor why, nor the location of the home, just that he was asleep in his apartment hours before. The persons in the video have not been identified. Norman has not been found, nor any of his personal belongings including the phone. Police and investigators to this day have no idea who leaked or how the video got uploaded. The Facebook video is below:

Keep your eyes open... {Anonymous}



1. The main common one. Respect RPN and its rules.

2. Any questions or intrigue about the plot or story come to me! I love hearing ideas even if we don't incorporate them.

3. OOC will be friendly and respectful. IC be extra and add flair all you'd like BUT...

4. BE REASONABLE. Realistically adapt and grow into characters and make logical choices based on who they are.

5. I do not mind if you guys subplot romance. I support it as well and will probably bring my character to it. Just keep it PG-13 and not TOO detailed.

6. If you cannot post due to IRL or other reasons please post in consideration of everyone else. I'm interpreting this RP to go relatively fast pace wise not too speedy, so if you need assistance ask and you shall receive! And...

7. If you do fall too far behind or get in a hole you cant climb out of that doesn't mean you're done for. Unless you're intentionally a jerk or going against the tide of the plot, you can get back up to pace.

8. If you band together, or fight amongst each other IC, coordinate with each other as I will be overseeing those situations with a final outcome, but stay true to character and drama. Don't force it just because you want to.


10. IF YOU MAKE TERRIBLE, STUPID CHOICES YOU> WILL> DIE/SUFFER. Please be realistic and do not mary/gary sue or try to god your way through a situation, unless you're literally sacrificing yourself.

11. Now, if you read, accept, and understand all rules: When CS' are released, write a sentence mentioning a quote specifically about a horror monster / killer that your character fears. You will not get accepted without this rule.

Totally interested!
Hey! I'm new to the site but I've been rping for a while but never done a horror rp before! (Because of the rarity of it my last website) Mind if I join? I was thinking of a detective that meets up in the twisted world/place with the others as a private investigator/friend of Norman. How does that sound? :D

(Quick question, guns allowed/do anything to the creatures?)
Guns will be allowed, and well you don't know what the threat is yet so I can't answer that or not :X

I'm interested!!! The only downfall is I cannot post on the weekends, Saturday and Sunday. Will that be an issue?
No it shouldn't be as long as you're not holding anyone else up IC
Guns will be allowed, and well you don't know what the threat is yet so I can't answer that or not :X

No it shouldn't be as long as you're not holding anyone else up IC
That's great! I hope for an experience much like silent hill, imagine how terrifying a monster is when man's best weapon can't even touch them XD
I didn't realize your RPs used IRL face claims. Not something I'm comfortable with, but thanks for the invite! You're a champ for running so many groups, and so detailed, too. :closed eyes open smile:

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