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Fantasy Dark but fluff vampire romance


New Member
I know this sounds odd but I'm looking for an original dark roleplay themed around blood and philosophy. However, I happen to like a bit of cute fluff and romance as part of the character development.

Perhaps I've been watching too much anime during lockdown...

What I'm looking for:
I'm 30 so I'd prefer my partner to mid 20's or older so it's not uncomfortable.
I want an intelligent reply with your deep views about life.
Someone who is invested in the story and is able to create twists and turns without needing to be carried.
Someone who focuses on the scene around them and throws in little details. The more detail the deeper and more creative the story. In a room with broken glass? Tell me how it shattered or how you found a glass sliver in your arm. In a blood bar? Tell about that grumpy looking slayer in the corner.
I don't care about reply length as long as you make it count. I'll take quality over quantity.
I want someone who is creative and isn't scared of the darker elements.
If you leave or become too busy just let me know! Roleplay is the highlight of my life ^^

I don't have a plot right now but I'm open to anything! I live on horror: movies, series and anime so I'm not shy to the genera.

Let's hear those ideas that could be anything from:
Creature who hires a vampire to slay a target.
Human x vampire who has a cold heart
Vampire x any paranormal creature
Guardian angel x vampire
Vampire x small human child

I'm very literate and will give very smart replies however, I do have minor dyslexia so if I make a small mistake such as a misspelled or missing word please be nice about it :)
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