Dark Angels


New Member



Age: 14+



Name: Keiko

Nickname(Optional): Kei

Age: 18

Backstory: Kei was the only one of her family that was mistaken for a demon, her parents and most of her siblings disowning her. She was given the unlucky number of thirteen. Though she'd much rather be with her family, most of them hurt her anyway.. except one.

Personality: Stubborn, ruthless, a bit kind-hearted.

Sure. No need to reserve, though. This is open to all at any point. I hate the cool ones you find but they don't accept after it starts.
I would like to join. :-) here's my charrie --->

Name: Kyle Diamond

Nickname: None... but his number is Eight. 8

Age: He is 17 years of age

Back-Story: Kyle has rather an interesting story, full of both light and dark. Kyle was born into a poor family, his father leaving once he found out Kyle's mother was pregnant. Kyle was the only one in his family, besides his mother. He grew up like a normal child, going to school and making friends. His mother worked hard each day, to keep Kyle and herself alive. Once Kyle got old enough, he dropped out of high-school and began working day and night. His mother always seemed to be hiding secrets, never really telling him why his name was Kyle, although he would be called Eight. But Kyle soon found out why, because curiosity got the best of him. Kyle now lives with some depression, but his mother there for him.

Personality: Kyle, or aka Eight, is a closed off guy. He never really is the one to be friendly, although he isn't rude. He often bits his lip, being one of his nervous habits, and usually observes. Kyle is what some may say mysterious, gloomy, but you can see him with a smile on his face. Kyle is sweet, and very protective. He is strong and smart, always thinking things through. He may be timid on some subjects, such as getting drunk, but he knows how to let loose. He is overall a normal teenage boy, but with a edge to him.


((Sorry for the large picture))


Kyle stands around 6'2'' and weights around 160lbs. He is not skinny, nor fat, but in the middle. He has a long body, but it is not a disadvantage. He can climb and jump well, and is shockingly quiet. He has a hard face with points on it. His nose being sort of pointed on the end, having an amazing jaw line, and his lips soft but have shape. Kyle has eyebrows that show much of his emotion, and eyes that seem to glow in the dark. Eyes that seem to put a spell over you, and drag you into him. Kyle has light skin, but doesn't burn in the sun. He is a red head, but his hair is darker than most. His hair long and spiky, it gives him an edge. Kyle has long fingers with amazing nails, since he doesn't bite them. Kyle does keep in shape, so he does have 'moneymakers' and abs. And once and a while, Kyle may have a zit or two.

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Name: Aurora & Skyver

*Nickname: Aurora:25 Skyver:26

Age: 18

Backstory: Aurora and Skyver are twins that came from a large strict family. Their family was one of the largest. Aurora was taught manners an grace. while Skyver was taught how to be a man. Aurora and Skyver were very close. They went to school and came home. Their family wasn't poor but weren't rich either. Once Aurora and Skyver hit the age of 14 they were told what they were and why they were given numbers. They found out that Aurora was given the number 25 and Skyver was given the number 26, the reason for this is because the numbers equal up to 51 which is in the middle of 1-101. Aurora and Skyver level each other out because Aurora is light and Skyver is darkness. They need each other to balance like ying and yang.

Personality: Aurora is very innocent and kind hearted. She cares to much for people & wears her heart on her sleeve. She keeps to herself but if you get to know her she is very outgoing and nice and she'll do anything for her brother. Skyver on the other hand is the complete opposite. He doesn't care about what anyone thinks. He's heartless, stubborn and he'll do anything to protect his sister.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/anime-black-dangerous-evil-girl-Favim_com-313600.jpg.faf2cd8cf394c3c35371fa2132a58ee0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10942" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/anime-black-dangerous-evil-girl-Favim_com-313600.jpg.faf2cd8cf394c3c35371fa2132a58ee0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Orihara-Izaya-anime-guys-34114908-450-450.jpg.7d6c8cfe1e041c4b7a81ed4ae16e791e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10943" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Orihara-Izaya-anime-guys-34114908-450-450.jpg.7d6c8cfe1e041c4b7a81ed4ae16e791e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I'm soooooo sorry for asking this but could you explain how this website works ( xD Cause I don't know where to post to RP.) ;3; I'm a noob! So so me the ropes please!



Name: Harvey Dartson

*Nickname: Harv

Age: 18 years old

Backstory: As a kid, Harvey came home from school to see his father with a young girl, he never told his mother. His mother finally caught his father, and his father admitted that Harvey had seen, he hurt his mother terribly. Soon he started to argue with his mother and before he knew it. She dumped out on the roads. Harvey got a letter from his mother saying if he needs to come home, Find someone else... She wouldn't be there for him... Ever... Again.

Personality: Harvey is a fun, but laid back sort of guy, he enjoys watching from the sidelines rather then playing the game. He's cool headed, and it's hard to get under his skin, but once you do, he'll verbally whip you down. He's not much of a go getter, mainly thanks to his depression, which hits at the worst of times. He's the type to let you pick first, letting you have the better of stuff over him; Harvey will always back down, letting you be the boss.




Name: Layla Wrestie

*Nickname: Lay or La-La

Age: 16 years old

Backstory: Layla was born in a country far from humanity, when her mom left her dad, they moved to another country when she was six. Her dad was crushed, he often left to drink, leaving Layla and her brother to cook for themselves. When her dad died of achohal poisoning, when she was fifteen, her brother took custody over her and they left for Neiri. They bounced around the country but when Layla was seventeen, she left her brother so he could be with his fiancee.

Personality: Layla is a kind person when she's alone, catching her alone is the best time. She's cheerful, happy, honest with a permanent white smile on her face but once her friends appear, she turns into what she thinks they would like. She does what she's told with no questions but shes learning, slowly, to stand up for herself. She takes good care of herself, she's very strict on stuff like brushing her teeth, her hair and washing her hands. Layla is use to being alone from her childhood that's why she struggles to be what people want her to be.




Name: Skylar Nikerson

*Nickname: Sky

Age: 17 years

Backstory: Skylar grew up with a single dad, his mother died when he was young so females were never a big part of his life. His dad loved him to the ends of the Earth, Skylar was his first priority. When Skylar turned fourteen on the way back from a restaurant, celebrating Skylar's birthday, a drunk man killed his dad and Skylar manged to esscape. Skylar fell into depression and is rather suicidal at times. At the age of 9, he only had Erik, Nichole, Sal and Evan. Age 11, Natale appeared. 12, Adam. 14, Quinn and when his depression started at 15, Henry appeared.

Personality: Skylar is very quiet and anitsocial but as you get to know him, his walls fall down and his heart opens. It can take a while to bring down his walls but when you do you are awarded with love. He's sweet, kind and will help even the meanest people, he doesn't talk a lot but uses his body language to speak. Skylar is rather innocent and dense with flirts and such but he's still fun.


Sal loves attention, he comes up to take the spotlight. He loves to be the center of the show; anything to get the crowd's attention, he'd do it. Sal is the most protective of Skylar, he doesn't want Skylar to end up hurt so he keeps people away. Leaving Skylar more hurt then before. Sal is about twenty nine.


Erik is the good natured nerd. Everything that Skylar's eyes have laid on, he remembers it. It's like a neverending but limited camera. Erik can tell emotions of others with ease, he has great observant skills. He makes a good guy to talk to, but you have to make sure your talking to Erik. Erik is about nineteen.


Natalie is a extremely pushy gal with the ability to get Skylar in awkward situations. She is the least worried about him but still loves him with a strong passion. Natalie is the girly girl, she chooses his outfits, gives him a bit of makeup, does his hair and fashion but she doesn't come out much. She's about twenty five.


Adam is extremely cocky and a huge smart@$$, he doesn't care for people's feelings and often makes Skylar lots of enemies or haters. Adam is the only one that doesn't like Skylar, he worries about Skylar but because of his own benufiets. He sees only benifiets in things, nothing else; things are either worth helping, fixing or talking to or no point. Adam is about eighteen.


Quinn loves fighting, he's incredably good and Skylar seems to grow invisable muscles when Quinn is out. Quinn goes out of his way to pee people off, provoking fights, he loves a good black eye or two but he makes sure not to get Skylar hurt too bad. He is extermely flexable, great reflexes, good defenses and strong offensives. Quinn is a complete but unserious flirter; he is basicly those old style 'Greasers' from the old movies. Quinn is about twenty three.


Nichole is a smart-alec girl with a big attitude. She's not into any girly stuff, she doesn't care much for who Skylar is friends with or dating, unless they are just bad for him. She loves just talking to Skylar, she taught him how to play volleyball and how to skateboard. Those two are rather close and he really likes her; Nichole loves to be outdoors and has a way with animals. She's about seventeen.


Evan is the muscian, he can play any instrument with ease, he has a great voice and an ear for music. Evan is a laidback, slightly lazy boy. He is inapropriate, immature, and has a large ego, just like most guys. Evan is rather messy but overall means well. He isn't much of a child or animal person but he loves large dogs. Evan is about nineteen.


Henry loves causing people hurt, pain and fear. He plays cruel pranks, spreads terrible rumors and is overall just a villionous guy. He doesn't care about kindness, ruining Skylar's life.... More, or how he can break people. Henry's mind notices everything, he catches even the slightest gesture and will point it out. Henry is about twenty seven.




Name: Preston Plaz

*Nickname: Press or Prez

Age: 19 years old

Backstory: Preston's mother was taken away by the police for stealing when he was only three and his father left the second he found out that she was pregnant. Preston was left with his older half-brother, who was killed at a bar. Soon after his brother's death, his mother was released but not even a month later, she was back in and Preston moved in with his grandmother but as she grew weaker, his grandmother sent him to live on his own as she moved to live with her son.


Personality: Preston is sweet and kind, he'll help out anyone who needs it and is very forgiving. He can stand up for himself but usually ignores people that say rude things to him. Preston is pretty hyper and he will never curse. He is polite, smart and responsible, he'll take the blame for someone and will stick up for his friends with extreme loyalty; Destery a little dense and slow also he tends to dig his own grave when he talks.




Name: Avery Sorries

*Nickname: Ave

Age: 17 years

Backstory: Her family was killed when she was five and she's been passed around with her stiff, rude family like a diseased animal that no one wanted, until she was seven and her older brother, that had disappeared after the accident, finally found her. After that she lived with him until she was 13 and than he disappeared, she moved cities, getting a small house.

Personality: Avery has a badmouth and is overall, a tom boy. She hates being flirting with, advances, and just romance advances in general. She is harsh, with a sharp tongue but she is really sweet with her friends. She can have a bad mouth but she loves her friends with all of her heart. Avery doesn' trust instantly and it's hard to get onto her friends list; she knows how to fight and sometimes gets in bad moves where she'll provoke fights. Avery is not a girly girl, and nothing about her is girly.




Name: Jason Moores

*Nickname: Jace

Age: 19 yeras old

Backstory: Jason was born to a single widow, his father had died of a heart attack before he was born. His mother was told she had a diease they could not cure (cancer) when he was seven and he started doing chores for her; he did the dishes, washed the clothes, made dinner and more. When Jason was sixteen... His mother died. Jason was suppose to go with his aunt but instead he switched cities and started living on his own

Personality: Jasonis an over excited, slightly weird boy. This brunette is the type waits for you to approach, only to ask questions a mile a minute, he loves to talk and listen, but tends to be a bit of a showoff. This boy can be shy at first but only for a second, he's head strong and tends to be a bit on the weird side; he's not afraid to be talked about behind his back and doesn't care about popularity.



Hudsyn & Baker Taylor


Syn (Number Two) / Bakes (Number One)


They both are 16.


Hudsyn has always been second best to her prettier, more popular twin sister Baker. She always has felt like she was second, not good enough. She might of been sort of pretty, but she wasn't Baker pretty. Baker was a goddess, while she was just a commoner... Hudsyn was a nice girl, never really talked. She believed she was never good enough compared to Baker.

Baker is a down to earth girl that absolutely loves life. She would do anything for her sister Hudsyn, even give up her life. Though her sister was nearly silent, it didn't bother her. Baker loved Hudsyn regardless.

They were both raised to be the best of their ability. Their parents were hard on them, but it was only because they meant well. But, it sometimes got to both of the twins.


Hudsyn is quiet and shy. She doesn't like to talk, and her sister has kind of became her translator. Though she is quiet, she can be quiet sarcastic...in her thoughts. She would never even think of saying what she thinks out loud. If she did, even her sister might not talk to her.

Baker is still as down to earth as she was when she was a little girl. She loves life, and life seems to love her right back. She's very caring and sentimental. She would protect Hudsyn with her life. That much about her was true. Otherwise, Baker is a good girl. She never swears, doesn't have a single bad bone in her body really.


Hudsyn -

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/red-highlights-dark-brown-hair.jpg.9b0a079203b446c8ab6efbf0ac06b14d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11063" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/red-highlights-dark-brown-hair.jpg.9b0a079203b446c8ab6efbf0ac06b14d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Baker -

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/bronze-highlights-in-brown-hair.jpg.74cda077e342f0b3dec8cc47f75bb727.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11064" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/bronze-highlights-in-brown-hair.jpg.74cda077e342f0b3dec8cc47f75bb727.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Geeeeez you guys. All of you are accepted, and no, never too late. I'm going to start this tomorrow, just so everyone is here, and I might just add another character.. I'm debating.
I'm kinda interested to see how this site works and how exactly detailed I'm supposed to be, because I've never really roleplayed yet on here.I'm on another site that's like.. less people and you know just about everyone. XDD
xD I was on a similar website :3 Push the roleplay button and write X) you don't need to be super descriptive on the first post
I actually started this on another website, (didn't last long, mind because the total number of members on the whole site rounds to 100, and the active ones rounds to about 10.) so I already made the first post like super long. Whateverrrrr. Not doing that over. XDD 
Name: Nilo

Nickname: Ni, or just call her Nilo; Number Twenty

Age: 15

Backstory: Nilo was known as the cute little button nosed kid everywhere in her neighborhood. She's not. Don't call her that. What Nilo really was happened to be a weird, evil mastermind. Her parents were very unsure about her, as she typically hung out in her room, locked the door, and stayed in solitary confinement. Not sure what to do, they asked from help, and they got some of it when the government came, saying she was one of those demons, and she needed to be locked up. Hesitantly, they had to give her up, even though no matter who she was, they would always love her. Her cell seems to be the best place for her, planning each and every step of her revenge on the government, the ones who put her where she was, and overthrow them, but she maaaay need a little help.

Personality: Generally distant and solitary, evil mastermind, as said before, and just kind of mysterious.


Name: Jack Skie

*Nickname: number 6

Age: 17

Backstory: Jack was a late bloomer I guess you could say. He lived as a humans for years until, one day his wings showed up. And it all went downhill from there. He didn't see to fit in anywhere, finally after moving from home to home the government lackeys showed up. They carted him off to his little cell where he still does not feel he belongs. But there are others here. Others like him, and when they get free maybe Jack will finally belong.

Personality: Lonely even when surrounded by people. Unhappy most of the time, but hopeful.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Hotangelguy.jpeg.2ff657f947840a39b9f741bada078c7b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11403" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Hotangelguy.jpeg.2ff657f947840a39b9f741bada078c7b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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