TV & Film Daredevil is a Netflix Original gift to mankind??!?


New Member
Daredevil is amazing, and if I don't get more soon I'll die. Thoughts? (Try to keep it spoiler free because I'm only on e4.
I've never really dabbled in any comic book hero other than random movies I might see from time to time, so the introduction into daredevil at least for me in this show has been pretty great to watch its part of my morning/late evening watching !
Ferretknight said:
Daredevil is better as a movie. You know, the one with Elektra and Bullseye? Best. Movie. Ever.
[emoji52] ... destroy him

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Resurrecting an old thread as Daredevil season 2 is out on Netflix. This time it adds the Punisher as well as Elektra. Now, I've always hated Elektra in the comics and was prepared to hate her here, but she comes across as unbalanced and even a sympathetic character. The Punisher, though? Holy crap on a cracker was this well cast! Played by John Bernthal - whom you probably recognize from things like Fury or The Walking Dead - brings the character to life in a way that shows rarely do. Like the first season with Kingpin, this was as much his origin story. Basically the death of Frank Castle and the birth of the Punisher.

The fight choreography is amazingly well done. If you binge watch the show like I did it seems to be almost too much combat, but if you break it down by episode it's spot on. Great cast, great fight scenes, great character growth. This show is pretty well done and if you're not watching it then you should stop reading this and start.

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