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Fandom Danganronpa

Julian smiles slightly at the good news. "Good to know, thanks Alexis."he mumbled before walking off. He sat down in one of the seats in the cafeteria and rested his head on the table. Getting tired again, he decided to just rest his heyes for a moment. Hearing Ike come in and talk to him, he shot up and blinked at Ike confused, before remembering the cooking book he got. "Ah, well, last night I thought it would be a good idea to get a cooking book. Since we were going to bake a cake. I left it outside your room, but you didn't take it before I went past, so i'd thought I'd give it to you now. Or when I next saw you. So uhm.. here." He held out the book for ike to take. He was slightly red, as he usually doesnt talk much without breaks. @BennyAxC
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Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

Falling asleep so late at night cause Sehema to wake up very grumpy. She opened her door and glared out. "What?" She simply asked eyeing whoever was in front of her room before slamming her door to get ready.

After thirty minutes, Sehema would walk into the cafeteria still sleepy. As she strolled into the kitchen, she prepared another cup of chai tea and made her way to a table and sat down. She had left her books in the room in a half-awakened attempt to hurry.

Ike noticed Julian's face was red and laughed as he took the book into his own arms, "Thank you Julian! This is so sweet of you.. I was sleeping in Kinjin's room so sorry I didn't take it before." Ike watched as Sehema walked into the cafeteria and sat down with a filled cup. "Morning Sehema!" He gave a small wave to her. He turned to Julian again, "Well once Kinjin decides to get his sleepy butt up we'll go bake that cake okay?" Ike was certainly feeling better then yesterday. He promised Kiyo that he won't let her get him down, so he's definitely not going to break that especially after she's died. He's not going to come close to breaking that promise again.

@Laughing Lunatic @DaniBot
Julian smiled and nodded. "Just let me have a glass of milk and some food, and I should be good to go." Julian paused before looking at Ike strangely. "What do you !ea. You were in kinjin's room last night? What happened with that?"Julian asked. With it being morning, his brain wasn't working very well. He nodded to sehema In politeness though. @BennyAxC
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Nagisa Taketora

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Nakigitsune.240.1850241.jpg.73bf9929fd670366cf283eec70b7f555.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140435" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Nakigitsune.240.1850241.jpg.73bf9929fd670366cf283eec70b7f555.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Phone post)

Nagisa was already in the cafeteria waiting for everyone to come out and spill the beans. "Guys... I cooked us up a dinner..." He was ready for everyone to say, 'Woah! You can cook!' but that didn't matter. That secret would've been revealed some time later. "So uhh... I made seven steaks, eight bowls of rice, a whole turkey, fried a few chickens, brewed some iced tea, baked a small cake, and a few batches of cookies, and if anyone doesn't eat meat then there's some salad on the counter with a lot of fruit."

@Blue Fire



  • Nakigitsune.240.1850241.jpg
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"Oh, well when I was walking back to my room I saw that Kinjin left his door open... So I confronted him and I was a huge crybaby about it, so he comforted me and I fell asleep in his room." Ike explained to him, he didn't really want to think about himself being a crybaby. Then Nagisa stepped into the cafe to and informed them of food! He ran up to Nagisa and hugged him, "Thanks Nagisa!" and went to grab a lot of food which was: Two bowls of rice, a steak, a full cup of tea, and three cookies. He went back into the cafe and sat down.

@OnceDarkness @Laughing Lunatic
Juliannodded and smiled when ike ran off. He then looked at the almost-buffet and his stomach growled. He didn't want to eat anything warm, so he settled for a few cookies, a bowl of rice and getting some milk from the fridge. "Thanks Nagisa." Julian smiled and took a bite. "Wow, this is actually pretty good. It's really sweet, but not sickly sweet. Did you use caster or brown sugar?"Julian asked, interested in trying to remake the cookies. @BennyAxC @OnceDarkness
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Warren ran over to the kitchen, following the great smell.


Warren quickly ran over and filled his plate. He hasn't ate in a while and really needed this.

"Haaaaaa... This is amazing Nagisa... May the RNG gods bless you for thisssss..."

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


requisite info

Sehema glanced over to Ike who was waving at her and looked away. She still had the events of last night playing in her head. Alouette's confession and invitation left her baffled. Not to mention that she had a dream of talking to the investigators of her other's murder. One of which oddly reminded her of Alouette. "This damn school..." She muttered to herself before drinking more tea. At the mention of Nagisa's cooking, her stomach grumbled reminding her that she had not eaten anything for a day or so. The events of yesterday and the day before was enough to stagnant her appetite.

She slowly stood up heading to the table and grabbed a steak with some salad, fruit, and a couple of cookies. She returned to her table and began to eat, enjoying the food. She would be finished in only a few minutes, finally sating her overwhelming hunger.

@Blue Fire @BennyAxC @OnceDarkness @NANANANANANANANANANA @Kiseichu @Scrubnoppon @Laughing Lunatic @TrippyVirus
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By bowls of rice...



By a few chickens, I MEAN 15 KFC ORDERS

By a few batches of cookies, I MEAN 217



@Blue Fire
  1. Got a giant piece of cake.
  2. 3 bowls of rice.
  3. 2 tables worth of salad.
  4. 4 KFC chicken orders.
  5. 16 cookies.

This is what Zachary ate.
Nagisa Taketora

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Nakigitsune.240.1850241.jpg.0c9dac70873e61f8b478e615837b6e68.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Nakigitsune.240.1850241.jpg.0c9dac70873e61f8b478e615837b6e68.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

For the final course, he took out two large trays of sushi, "If anyone has allergies, I will announce what is inside the sushi. Shrimp, long grained white rice, seaweed, snow crab, crab, unagi, salmon, caviar, and... A ninja's love for cooking..." Nagisa couldn't believe he said that, but he'd only do it for today. "Hope you guys enjoy all the food, it's nice and hot, but not too hot to burn your tongue so you can eat it right away." For the second time, he took off his mask to reveal his burned lower face. He pulled out a pair of chopsticks and began eating a bowl of rice, some sushi, about 1/4 of a table worth of salad, and 2 chickens. He also ate a turkey leg.

@Blue Fire



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Piper Liken

The sounds of high heels could be heard in the hallways. Piper wanted to get a little nice. In a little I mean a lot. She looked very fancy. She wore red high heels with a pin suit and her hair in a pony tail. While she walked down she put on her red lip stick and powdered her face. She walked into the cafe. She grabbed a piece of chicken and a bowl of rice and some iced tea. She graabed a chair away from senpai and watched him silently

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