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Fandom Danganronpa : Underwater Despair


Title (Ultimate):


Date of Birth:


Crush (optional):





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Name: Diana Willow

Title (Ultimate): Ultimate Liar

Age: 16

Date of Birth: August 17

Personality: She is rather sarcastic and bossy. She can be very mischievous and curses like a sailor. But when she first meets people she puts on a façade of a kind, cheery, innocent girl who will do anything for a friend.

Crush: N/A (maybe in the future)

Likes: Tricking people, Being in charge, Riddles, People who are easily tricked

Dislikes: People who can see past her disguise, Simple games, Being called out, Someone who is smarter than her

Bio: Diana grew up with a large family which she didn't care for. Her parents were kind enough, but she yearned for other things constantly. She learned how to trick people into giving her things and has done that for nine years.

Execution: She is forced to consume cleaning products so it can clean out her dirty mouth. This execution is called "A Clean Mouth for a Liar"

Extra: She's terrified of mannequins.
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Name: Yui Hinata

Title (Ultimate): SHSL Gamer / Game Creator

Age: 15

Date of Birth: 13th of April (unluckyest day)

Personality: Shy and Sweet on the inside but Creepy and Cold on the outside

Crush (optional): No (I am open tho)

Likes: Coffiee,

Video games,


Dislikes:Rude People,

Crowded Rooms,


Bio: She lived in a adoption home her entire family died in horrible ways.

Execution: She is sat at a computer as a device is put on her head burning her head / mind this is called "Computer screens frie the brain"

Extra: She also likes occult.

There are no males,sooooo.....

Name:Keiji Sore

Title (Ultimate):SHSL Mathematician


Date of Birth:March 14th

Personality:Loves Hope's Peak but hates his talent because its boring.Will only use it if he has to.Fairly conservative so he's socially awkward.Not quite comfortable around LGBTQ's but he's aware that his views are incompatible with modern society(And also he doesn't want to be avoided because of it) so he can look the other way.Has few friends but very loyal to the friends he has.Hates being told what to do but will follow orders if asked nicely and its reasonable.Can't stand dead bodies because he will vomit.

Crush (optional):Straight but isn't really interested but might reconsider based on that person


  • Caramel Cake
  • Scratching of pens on paper as he's writing calculations
  • Designing games


  • His talent
  • Being ordered
  • Making small careless mistakes

Bio:He was useless in every subject in elementary except Mathematics.He learned more advance Mathematics than his peers.When he was 14,he was solving "impossible" theorems.The only reason he was not in college at that time was because his incompetency in other subjects.He really didn't like Mathematics.His true passion was game design.But his parents want him to follow in their footsteps.His teachers wanted him to be a Mathematician.Everyone he knew wanted him to be the best Mathematician.He was to abandon his dream.When he received a letter from Hope's Peak,he felt elated and miserable.It confirmed his fears that he was destined for Mathematics.Or should I say doomed.

Execution:"TH3 V174L T32T"He is forced to take a math test by Monokuma. He is in an examination hall alone with a timer at the front. There is an axe by his neck,that is shaped like a number 7.If he's correct for all questions,he will be free.If he gets one question wrong,his head will be lopped off. Monokuma looks on as a test invigilator. The questions are complex but he breezes through the questions.He becomes confident and mocks Monokuma. Then,he turns the page to the last question:"What comes after the number 7?".There are four options.They are all "death".Keiji becomes pale. Monokuma becomes impatient and shouts at him. Keiji,refuses to answer the question. Then the timer rings and the axe comes down because the time ran out. Everything slows down.The perspective changes to Keiji's view. Keiji closes his eyes slowly.Then the crushing of bones and darkness.


He will rub his knuckles when he's nervous,harden his nerves when he's angry.He can't look at bodies as it sickens him.He can calculate anything from blood loss to speed of death if he knows all the information needed.
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There are no males,sooooo.....
Name:Keiji Sore

Title (Ultimate):SHSL Mathematician


Date of Birth:March 14th

Personality:Loves Hope's Peak but hates his talent because its boring.Will only use it if he has to.Fairly conservative so he's socially awkward.Not quite comfortable around LGBTQ's but he's aware that his views are incompatible with modern society(And also he doesn't want to be avoided because of it) so he can look the other way.Has few friends but very loyal to the friends he has.Hates being told what to do but will follow orders if asked nicely and its reasonable.Can't stand dead bodies because he will vomit.

Crush (optional):Straight but doesn't really interested but might reconsider based on that person


  • Caramel Cake
  • Scratching of pens on paper as he's writing calculations
  • Designing games


  • His talent
  • Being ordered
  • Making small careless mistakes

Bio:He was useless in every subject in elementary except Mathematics.He learned more advance Mathematics than his peers.When he was 14,he was solving "impossible" theorems.The only reason he was not in college at that time was because his incompetency in other subjects.He really didn't like Mathematics.His true passion was game design.But his parents want him to follow in their footsteps.His teachers wanted him to be a Mathematician.Everyone he knew wanted him to be the best Mathematician.He was to abandon his dream.When he received a letter from Hope's Peak,he felt elated and miserable.It confirmed his fears that he was destined for Mathematics.Or should I say doomed.

Execution:How can you kill with numbers?


He will rub his knuckles when he's nervous,harden his nerves when he's angry.He can't look at bodies as it sickens him.He can calculate anything from blood loss to speed of death if he knows all the information needed.
Accepted. But can I have a picture?
Also,I can't think of an execution.
Maybe he can be forced to take a math test and if he messes up a axe in the shape of a seven cuts his head off. The last question can be a equation with four answers (all are wrong) he chooses one and his head gets cut off . The execution can be called 'Fail'

Name:Hiro Michio

Title (Ultimate):SHSL Introvert


Date of Birth: Jun 13th

Personality:As his title suggests, he is an introvert. He shows the lack of self-confidence, due to a certain weakness about himself that he was aware of and hated very much. He lacks motivation and energy in doing various things. He is rather timid. He prefers keeping various thought and secrets to himself, but will speak when he feels the need to. Inside he wants a true friend who will fully and truly accept him as a friend. He will cherish and trust his true friends very much.

Crush (optional):-

Likes:True and trust-worthy friends, acceptance, tolerance, sincerity.

Dislikes: Betrayal, Discrimination, hatred and selfishness in others, insincerity.

Bio: Michio is a typical school boy who happens to be an introvert.

Execution: Trapped in a room with walls closing up together until he was crushed into nothing. Named, "Keep it to yourself" .

Extra: Shows stereotypical high school student traits. Happens to suffer typical "teens problems".......
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Dreamtique said:

Name:Hiro Michio

Title (Ultimate):SHSL Introvert


Date of Birth: Jun 13th

Personality:As his title suggests, he is an introvert. He shows the lack of self-confidence, due to a certain weakness about himself that he was aware of and hated very much. He lacks motivation and energy in doing various things. He is rather timid. Inside he wants a true friend who will fully and truly accept him as a friend.

Crush (optional):-

Likes:True friends, acceptance, tolerance.

Dislikes: Betrayal, Discrimination, hatred and selfishness in others.

Bio: Michio is a typical school boy who happens to be an introvert.

Execution: Trapped in a room with walls closing up together until he was crushed into nothing. Named, "Keep it to yourself" .

Extra: Shows stereotypical high school student traits. Happens to suffer typical "teens problems".......

Name:Mao Miki

Title (Ultimate):SHSL Cosplayer


Date of Birth: February 3th

Personality:Miki is a cheerful, childish and adorable girl who could get along with everyone. She loves to socialize and make friends to share her passion in cosplaying with them. She is always upbeat and encouraging. She has a silly and bubbly personality which could make her either likable or annoying at times.

Crush (optional): Every hot guy ever.

Likes:Cosplaying, Friends...and a lot of them, compliment, attractive men.

Dislikes:Criticism, ugly clothings.

Bio:Miki is just a typical high school student who happens to like cosplay...VERY MUCH!

Execution:Wears a clown costume and put under the spotlight in the middle of a room made up of reflective glass, her eyes were forced to keep open. Burned to death by the heat from the light. "Self-reflect"

Extra:Stereotypical and quite predictable, so go and watch more manga. 100% Otaku.
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Name: Sayumi Sakamoto

Title (Ultimate): SHSL Medium

Age: 18

Date of Birth: July 15th


When people first meet Sayumi, they will think she is quite strange and also quite absent-minded as she is quite often talking to the spirits who talk to her, or focusing on the things they are saying to her, whether that be their stories or their opinion on certain things. Because of this, some people tend to steer clear of her, especially as they think she is talking to herself, rather than spirits.

However, the people who do get to know her find out that she is actually a really sweet and kind girl, though definitely strange. She has been taught to be a good listener, mostly because of the spirits who enjoy telling her stories of their life, partially because she is one of the only ones who can actually hear her. She is also quite clumsy, which is partially because of the spirits, who tend to mess around with her at times, mostly for fun, though some of them do it to be mean to her and these are the ones she considers to be the bad spirits.

She is a very caring and loving person, willing to see the good in people, no matter what happened to them or what they did and this is also thanks to the spirits, because she sees how lovely most of them are, and some of them really had been through some horrible things. Though, she seems to trust the spirits more than she trusts people, as she will listen to their opinion on things, before making her own opinion on them, especially people.

Crush (optional): N/A

Likes: Sweets, cakes, the good spirits, nature, animals, sewing, reading, fizzy drinks, kind people, the moon, music, sleep, stories

Dislikes: Sports, boredom, bad spirits, people being angry at her, bad emotions, coffee, salty food, spicy food


She was born in the Kanto region on the 15th of July, which also happened to be the day of the Bon Festival (Ghost Festival), which almost seemed to predict her life for her. She was born to a couple who owned a bakery, who had always had a normal life. From birth she seemed to be concentrating on something else, as well as her parents and older brother and seemed to be looking at things which weren’t there, as well as giggling at those things.

It was when she began to speak that her parents began to wonder about her when she’d talk to someone who they couldn’t see and mention things a girl of her age shouldn’t know. At first, they thought it was some sort of mental illness and the doctors seemed to think the same thing. When she was around eight, word spread around town about the strangeness of the female and it was when one old woman asked about her husband, that everyone realised she had a gift.

There were mixed opinions about the gift of the female, some keeping away and saying she was cursed, while others seemed to be so happy to know someone had such a gift and would go to her, in hopes of finding out about lost ones. Her parents were overjoyed when Hope’s Peak Academy offered her a place, though they weren’t exactly surprised, considering her gift.

Execution: Her worst fear is to experience some of the things the spirits have been through, which makes her execution all the more fitting. She experiences a variety of horrific deaths at once, including drowning, hanging, burning at one point, and finally is stabbed to kill her. "Suffer their suffering"

Extra: For whatever reason, she has always had a fear of bears though can't remember why.
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Amzee said:

Name: Sayumi Sakamoto

Title (Ultimate): SHSL Medium

Age: 18

Date of Birth: July 15th


When people first meet Sayumi, they will think she is quite strange and also quite absent-minded as she is quite often talking to the spirits who talk to her, or focusing on the things they are saying to her, whether that be their stories or their opinion on certain things. Because of this, some people tend to steer clear of her, especially as they think she is talking to herself, rather than spirits.

However, the people who do get to know her find out that she is actually a really sweet and kind girl, though definitely strange. She has been taught to be a good listener, mostly because of the spirits who enjoy telling her stories of their life, partially because she is one of the only ones who can actually hear her. She is also quite clumsy, which is partially because of the spirits, who tend to mess around with her at times, mostly for fun, though some of them do it to be mean to her and these are the ones she considers to be the bad spirits.

She is a very caring and loving person, willing to see the good in people, no matter what happened to them or what they did and this is also thanks to the spirits, because she sees how lovely most of them are, and some of them really had been through some horrible things. Though, she seems to trust the spirits more than she trusts people, as she will listen to their opinion on things, before making her own opinion on them, especially people.

Crush (optional): N/A

Likes: Sweets, cakes, the good spirits, nature, animals, sewing, reading, fizzy drinks, kind people, the moon, music, sleep, stories

Dislikes: Sports, boredom, bad spirits, people being angry at her, bad emotions, coffee, salty food, spicy food


She was born in the Kanto region on the 15th of July, which also happened to be the day of the Bon Festival (Ghost Festival), which almost seemed to predict her life for her. She was born to a couple who owned a bakery, who had always had a normal life. From birth she seemed to be concentrating on something else, as well as her parents and older brother and seemed to be looking at things which weren’t there, as well as giggling at those things.

It was when she began to speak that her parents began to wonder about her when she’d talk to someone who they couldn’t see and mention things a girl of her age shouldn’t know. At first, they thought it was some sort of mental illness and the doctors seemed to think the same thing. When she was around eight, word spread around town about the strangeness of the female and it was when one old woman asked about her husband, that everyone realised she had a gift.

There were mixed opinions about the gift of the female, some keeping away and saying she was cursed, while others seemed to be so happy to know someone had such a gift and would go to her, in hopes of finding out about lost ones. Her parents were overjoyed when Hope’s Peak Academy offered her a place, though they weren’t exactly surprised, considering her gift.

Execution: Her worst fear is to experience some of the things the spirits have been through, which makes her execution all the more fitting. She experiences a variety of horrific deaths at once, including drowning, hanging, burning at one point, and finally is stabbed to kill her. "Suffer their suffering"

Extra: For whatever reason, she has always had a fear of bears though can't remember why.
Execution seems to be a bit OP,to be honest.
Execution seems to be a bit OP,to be honest.
Can be simplified, I didn't really know how to go with it! I usually use her for one x one so I've never had to think of an execution xD but yeah, bits can be taken out!

Amzee said:
Can be simplified, I didn't really know how to go with it! I usually use her for one x one so I've never had to think of an execution xD but yeah, bits can be taken out!
How about the ghosts kill her.Have you heard about the Hungry Ghost Festival?
I have now!

Yeah, I definitely like the idea of that so thank-you for coming up with it!

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