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Fandom Danganronpa New Wave


Unlucky Member
(Everyone please bear with me, as I am new to this site. Any help would be appreciated.)
-I would like this to be a literate roleplay (meaning I really don't appreciate one-liners)
-Please be respectful of the other players and don't kill them off without my say-so
-I will be playing Monokuma and other characters as needed.
-If possible, I'd like for us to play 2 characters: one you don't mind being killed off and the other that will be a survivor. Message me who is your survivor, so I can determine who to kill off/execute, also so that everyone doesn't know who is going to be murdered.
-Please try to balance out your character. Please do not make them over-powered and try to keep it semi-realistic.
-If you have any questions, please ask. I don't bite! :)
Please fill out this character sheet for me!
Appearance (picture optional but encouraged):
And once approved, please write-in your introduction paragraph(s).
Name: Hayai Yubi
Appearance:nerd_by_mieshalove691-d6omu9z.png Background: Hayai grew up with two loving parents, but the only problem was him. He always felt indifferent towards them and most everything around him. Nothing really meant anything to him- until he picked up his first guitar. It was hard work at first, and he has the callouses to show it. Winning awards and trophies for his guitar playing meant nothing to him. He only lives to hear the sound a guitar makes when his fingers fly over the strings.
Personality: quiet, indifferent
Talent: Ultimate Guitarist

Name: Niji Hasu
Appearance: 11259703_1676351742583840_595651571_n.jpg
Background: From a young age, Niji had a knack for being good at playing "shark in the water" and hide and seek. She could disappear as quick as she could reappear, and silent to boot. Tag was one of her favorite games- she could catch anyone.
One night, her father was on his train ride home from work when a man decided to make him his victim. Niji was 15, but she wasn't too young to hunt the man down and assassinate him. She rarely got caught, and when she did, she either paid her way out or was let go. All the people Niji killed were bad people.
The money paid well, but she became lazy and only took one job every two months. That is, until she was thrown into the killing school game.
Personality: Lazy, sarcastic
Talent: Ultimate Assassin
Well this wasn't what she was used to.
A cloudy haze covered Niji's brain and vision as she sat up, rubbing the base of her neck. It hurt like hell. Why was she in a classroom? Didn't she drop out? A million questions ran through her mind. She usually didn't think this much, but the last thing she could remember was sitting in the rocking chair her dad used to rock her in. Oh, and someone knocking on her door louder than they should have. Did she get captured for good this time? Did someone best her?
She rubbed her eyes, casually standing. All of her muscles and joints were stiff and it took her a good minute to wring them out, but the pain in her neck still bothered her. Looking around, she could see desks and a smart-board. Upon further inspection, there was a monitor playing soft, annoying music. She huffed and got closer to the small words dancing on the monitor. It read: All students report to the gymnasium for a school announcement!
Her eyes travelled from the monitor to the gun-type object attached to it. She wondered what a school could possibly want with a gun, but since she didn't remember much in the first place, she wouldn't put it past her kidnappers to try and mess with her head. Served her right for being a stone-cold killa, she guessed.
Not wanting to prolong the inevitable, she walked towards the door, slamming it open in case someone was listening it. They weren't, of course, but she had to try something. Maybe just alert them.
"I'm awake. Want to tell me where the gym is? Oh right. Not like you're gonna help anyway." She rolled her eyes and turned before hearing a voice behind her. She reached for the knife she usually carried in a holder attached to her waist, but it wasn't there. Whipping around, she held her fists up. "The fuck you just say to me?"


"I asked who you were," he said with a laugh. "You look like a lost puppy right about now."

"Well cudos to you for figuring out I'm lost. I should be asking who YOU are. You gonna try something?" The pink haired girl asked, blowing the hair out of her face and keeping her fighting pose. To Hayai, it looked hilarious. Boy, was this girl jumpy.

"I'm not going to try anything. Was just wondering who you were, but I suppose it doesn't matter." he shrugged and started walking past her. Her hand firmly clamped down on his shoulder, spinning him back around.

"So who the fuck are you?"

He couldn't help but let out a chuckle. This girl was a little too much for him. It made him tired just looking at her. "I'm Hayai and I had the idea we were supposed to go to the gym."

"Yea, telling me your name is really gonna fly, idiot. WHO are you?"

"A person who probably ended up here the same as you did. So would you like to follow me to the gym, preferably behind me so you know I'm not going to... Try anything? Or would you like to continue sit here and be a raving lunatic? It doesn't matter to me either way. But either way, I'm going to the gym." A smile crossed Hayai's lips.

The girl rolled her eyes. "You're a fuckin moron, you know that? Do you even know who you're messing with?"

He chuckled again. "Yes, and to be honest, I don't care. Nothing really matters in the end." With that, he turned, Niji trailing behind him to the gym. It was filled with more students, all looking lost, but chatting with each other.
The music from the monitor started playing, getting louder by the second, until from behind the podium, a black and white bear popped up. "Gooooooood morning students!"

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