Danganronpa Main RP Thread



SHSL Hitman

Location: First Floor Girl's Restroom

With / Near: @Blue Fire

no slide
no slide

What a tragic way to go.

Breathing out a sigh of exasperation, Chess made note of the things that they should pay attention to later on. Looking towards the few staying near the doorway, especially a soft-looking young man appearing as if he were to faint, Chess crudely spat out at him.

"Don't stand there looking like a lost dog, I could kick you. Collect testimonies from others. Rijinder, be careful, there may still be someone up there. Why don't you accompany the shy puppy back there?

With that, they returned their focus back to the room. It seems like many others were starting to collect as well, and the heat of it slowly got to Chess. The feeling of other people's body heat warming the room seemed to irk something about them, but nonetheless, the infamous order of blood filled the room. Toxic. It was disgusting. From the looks of it, the hair seemed to hold some sort of evidence at least of struggle, one hand holding it rather loosely, while the other was tightly gripped.
How long were the strands, was it consistence or did it fluctuate in various lengths? Did it hold a certain smell to it, maybe even leave some colour on Aiko's hand? Were there any around the room, or was it only in her hand?

Already close enough to the body, next had to be the stab wound. The knife had to have some involvement on it, but the other girl's testimony should make up for it. She had the knife, after all. As if unbothered by the events unfolding around her, blood stained the edge of their clothing as they leaned towards the body.
How deep was the stab wound, now? Where was it located on her torso, was it closer to her head, her stomach? Among the pool of blood, was there anything that appeared to be a 'spray', as a result of pulling out the knife or the sudden pressure of stabbing it in among the floor? If other wounds are present on the body, was it caused by blunt trauma and how much damage seems to be inflicted? Her once strained and quiet breathing was cut off, and Chess shut her eyes. What a way to go. But Hope's Peak itself was a mystery that needed to be solved after this.

Carefully standing up, Chess looked towards the sink, the mirror shattered.
First, what type of cosmetics were present? Was any of it spilled along the floor? Was there traces of water in the sink, any of them? Not if the faucet was on, but if there was the remnants of water being turned on at any point. There was glass all over the floor, and Chess was happy that they were wearing shoes. Anyone with sandals or short leg-wear probably had to take caution in the room at this state. How big were the glass shards? This could determne the strength of the one who broke it, whether it be someone else or Aiko. Chess needed to determine how this murder was particularily played out. Perhaps there was connections to... the ghost that they saw earlier! Perhaps there was a connection between the present cosmetics, possibly as a form to mask or makeup that could have been the cause?! As well as the hairdye.

Back to the cosmetics! Was any of it opened? If so, what?

There was no way someone decided to wander around dressed like that. It was too abnormal, it had to be a disguise in order to hide themself during the murder, in case Aiko were to recognize them..

"Chessley, I'm tagging along, is that fine?!"



After Mark left, the amount of people in the room finally lessened. Chess was hesitant, but they needed the evidence. The fact that Chess was so calm about it even shocked them, but perhaps it was because they've needed to cover up numerous crimes as well. They've lived a life having to hunt down others, so maybe that's why they were so nonchalant right now. They've been in this situation.

Except this time, it's the other way around.

"... pastel purple gumshoe, what do you have on the knife?"


Mark stood transfixed at the dead body, watching as Chess unphazedly investigated the room. The person he had just comforted, gone.


Well, that's a scene over for the actress, at least!!

Forcing himself to see the better in the situation, Mark tried to remember what he could about meeting the actress. Looking over to the blondie that had desired to leave the room in order to find any other traces when it came to the hair, Mark bolted upright to his feet, waving as he followed behind her.

"Chessley, I'm tagging along, is that fine?!"



Mark had followed Kyoko when she ran off from the catastrophe in the gym, falling into complete disarray. Perhaps one of the victims was a result of her rage, seeking revenge? She did have a few violent outbursts along with that.
While Mark was following behind, he used the light of his PDA to see if there was anything other than blood on the way to the stairs. Perhaps they were going to fall under another trap, but they couldn't have left just blood behind... right? From the looks of it, the girl he was accompanying may have been a lot like Chess as well, disliking his flamboyantly bright company. And he seemed to express himself that way, seemingly oddly unphazed by the events, maybe even having a bounce to his step as he walked, as if it were a game. It wasn't his intention in the slightest, it was just the way that he learned how to cope with stressful situations. And seeing as so, this was definitely a stressful situation.

Getting the testimonies of those that Kyoko was in the room with seems like the best thing, and talking with Chess over their finds would be good. The hair seemed a little too planned out... was it really what it seemed? Maybe it was placed there as a decoy?

"Hmm... I was chasing after Kyoko when she had a whole breakdown in the gym. I think she... nah, she did! She slapped someone, got stopped by some big burly criminal, and ended up running away into the halls, and that's when I followed her. Didn't think that she'd be out this quickly. I never introduced myself to the people in the gym, but I sure can remember their faces!"

It was better to be of some use at least, and Mark explained what he could remember about meeting the actress. The moment that she let go of his hand, she died, and something about that seemed to press hard into Mark. Was he at fault for not following her along? Maybe he could have done something?

Location: smol puppy dog

@DaniBot @BlueFire




The strands were varied in length, way past shoulder length, no color is on Aiko's hands.

There were various face creams and eyeliner and other make up of the sorts

The other wounds are bruises, of course it was blunt force

The glass shards were somewhat tiny in size

The faucet was on, the sink is wet

All the cosmetics were opened



(I forgot to add something)

Mark finds a piece of white cloth on the stairs

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~ Sehema Rijinder ~

- SHSL Archer -


With: @Kiseichu

Location:Hallways to dorms to second floor

Making note of the head wound, Sehema turned to the familiar classmate referred to as 'Chessy. "Trust me I'll be fine. I've been through worse than this..." And with that, she walked into the hallway. It seemed that she needed to look for clues related to the hair dye and who could have used them? As she racked her brain for possibilities, she remembered a blue haired girl walking past her as she made her way downstairs from the library. She didn't get a good look on their face cause in all honesty, she didn't think she had to care.

One way of figuring out if hair dye was used was to try to investigate rooms, which was going to be easier said than done. That being said she made her way to everyone's dorms slowly testing their door handles to see if any of them would budge. If they opened, then she would silently make her way to the bathrooms checking their trash cans on the way out. Even if she got the clues she was looking for or not, she would then travel to the second floor looking for clues for the blue haired woman.
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All dorm rooms are locked shut, in order to open a locked dorm you need the student's PDA, or you can just kick it down, but that would be considered destruction of school property and you'd have to pay for it.


And figuratively.​

Aioki Jioto

Location: Dorms


Aioki didn't know a murder had happened at all but when her door knob had jiggled she sprong up.
"MURDER" of course noone heared her because her room was soundproof. She got up and grabbed a heavy object and to see a girl at her door who she didn't know."oh um.. what do you want?"

~ Sehema Rijinder ~

- SHSL Archer -


With: @Blue Fire


Sehema stared at the girl. "Well a murder happened, so investigating obviously." She crossed her arms and answered the girl bluntly. "I take it you were in your room for all of the little announcements?" She asked the girl. In all honesty, she wasn't expecting much from her, but it still didn't hurt to ask. "Have you seen anything out of the ordinary tonight?" While she was at it, Sehema figured that she would get a name to put to the face. "By the way, what's your name and talent?"

Aioki jioto

Location: Dorms


Aioki's eyes widened when the girl said a murder had happened.
"Um.. yeah sorry I was passed out and no nothing weird and my Name is Aioki Jioto SHSL breeder nice to meet you." She held her hand out waiting for a reply.

Shiori Hatoyama

Status: "Determined"

With: Basically everyone (?)

Discouraged by the lack of immediate evidence to suggest what broke the mirror, Shiori decided to look for more physical evidence that may help. She decided to search the area by the mirror and the floor near the body thoroughly just in case there was anything conspicuous. There didn't seem to be any signs showing that this girl fell or was thrown into the mirror, considering that she didn't appear to have any glass in her body past the giant shard lodged in her neck, so either the mirror was shattered by someone else--most likely the perpetrator of the crime--or an object. If that object existed and was anywhere to be found in the room, she wanted to find it. If it was anything that obviously belonged to anyone else in the class, it would definitely shorten the suspect list. It also appeared that she may have been hit in the head by something, Shiori realized as she looked at the girl's head, so she began inspecting any of the loose, blunt objects to be found in the room to see if there was anything like blood on them, including fixtures like the sinks. That may be a little too easy, but if evidence like that existed, it would be a great help to the case.


Kenshin Miyake

Status: "Conflicted"

With: @Kiseichu, basically everyone

Kenshin realized all too soon that he was being useless, and since he couldn't force himself to go into the bathroom to investigate, he decided that he had to do something else that was in any way productive. Didn't that strange person who was investigating the bathroom say that it would be a good idea to get testimony? But how would he find out who would know anything about the crime and who wouldn't? He was in his room the entire time, trying to stay in denial and pretend that he was at home instead of here. Past the scream he heard that he thought came from a girl, he had no leads as to who got here first or what happened or anything. He guessed, though, that talking to people was the only thing he was good for in a situation like this. He could let the people who don't get lightheaded at the sight of blood and had a greater sense of justice than him take care of searching the crime scene. He would just do what he was best at; put on a brave front, find people, and talk to them.

It occurred to him that, despite his wishes, he should probably seek out the people who seemed suspicious. It would be difficult, considering how much he'd like to believe that nobody was suspicious and could be capable of doing such a thing, but it would probably be best if he started by talking to the most suspicious person in his direct line of sight. There was a purple-haired girl standing in the bathroom when he'd shown up at the scene who no one seemed to have acknowledged much as of yet, even though she had a bloody knife in her hand and had an intimidating aura about her. He didn't want to look at the victim for more than just a second, but he looked long enough to see that, at the very least, she probably hadn't been stabbed with a knife. So maybe this was just some kind of misunderstanding? Even still, she had been there from the beginning and didn't seem very fazed by all of this. If Kenshin intended on getting testimony from anyone, she would be a good start. After making himself enter the same room as the corpse and building up the courage to interrupt the girl during her investigation,
Kenshin approached Alouette Martel and began to question her; "I'm sorry to interrupt what you're doing, but you seem like you were the first one to get here. Do you know anything about what happened?"

Alouette Martel

Location: Girl's Bathroom

@Entarriance @DaniBot @Dreamtique @Schwagnatt @Kitmo the Kittymonk


She turned to Kenshin, wasn't he the boy who was freaking out during their orientation? No, that was the wrong person, but she didn't give a shit.

"Listen kid, buzz off. I don't have time to answer your dumb questions."

Alouette was working on the investigation like a busy bee, and there was no room for interruptions. She didn't care how suspicious she looked, their lives were on the line because some stupid person decided to kill someone. Damn it, that's what Monokumada wants.

"If you really want to know what happened then ask Monokumada, he probably orchestrated this whole thing.""

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Shiori Hatoyama

Status: "Investigating"

With: Basically everyone

Upon closer inspection, there appeared to be a spray of blood on the mirror. "That implies that she was stabbed after the mirror got broken, but that's not anything we didn't already know, is it? After all, a shard of the mirror is sticking out of her neck..." And considering that the victim only just died a few moments ago, it didn't help determine which injury she received first; the stab, or the trauma on her head. If she had died after being struck with a blunt object, the blood wouldn't have sprayed like that after she was stabbed in the neck...and yet, what would have been the point of bludgeoning her after she'd been fatally stabbed? Maybe in that situation, she could have fallen and hit her head, which would account for the lack of a blunt object to inflict the blunt force trauma to her head...but wasn't it a little early for speculation? Shiori couldn't let her imagination lead her away from the physical evidence at the scene. It seemed like the makeup at the scene had all been opened, which could mean that the victim was putting on makeup when the murderer jumped her. But was the victim wearing any of the makeup? She certainly seemed like the type who would, and Shiori could swear that she remembered seeing this girl with makeup all over her face as she left the gym earlier. Would she really put on any more than that, especially considering how late it was? It was a bad idea to go to bed with makeup on, after all.


Kenshin Miyake

Status: "Investigating"

With: @Kiseichu, whoever else

"What? I can't track that kid down and interrogate him. He might shoot me." He tried to act as if he were joking, but the thought of getting within talking distance of that little demon spawn was making him start freaking out again. Even though this girl was waving him away, though, he was determined to keep asking her questions. He felt sort of bad for interrupting her investigation, but she was the only one who knew anything about that bloody knife she had in her hand...not to mention that she was occupying the same space as a dead body with a bloody knife in her hand. Everything about a situation like that needed explaining, even if she wanted him to go away. "But really, where did you get that knife from? And why is it all bloody?" Kenshin asked Alouette, ignoring her command for him to go away.
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Yuina "Yu" Nakajima
Location: With The Harem

With: The Harem

(@Ammokkx @Kitmo the Kittymonk @Ibuki)


"No fucking way! No fucking way this is a coincidence, you were probably happy when I came here too eh, more for your harem? Hmph... Whatever." Then Monokumada had to butt in again, announcing that a body had been discovered. Yuina was skeptical like before, "Bullshit, he's just making this stuff up, do you know where I can find some baseballs? I need to get my mind off of all of this." She waited for an answer, wait did she just say BASEBALLS?

(Chillin' with the harem)



Location: Second floor to Girls bathroom.

With: Almost everyone

After finding out the blood trail had stopped at the second floor. He made his way to the girls bathroom. He wondered why they had a portable light sorce and didn't use the light in the bathroom. He
checked to see if the light switch in the bathroom worked and to see where the light sorce came from. @Kiseichu

@Blue Fire

You check to see if the light in the bathroom worked by using the switch, but nothing turns on. The source of light was an electric lamp near the sink, as you search around it you find a mouth mask on the floor

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SHSL Swagger​

Nearby players: Several, of note: @Blue Fire @DaniBot @Kiseichu

Location: Chokepoint leading to dorms>First floor girl's restrooms
Alex "Seth Ryder" Cardona

It takes a while, but the alcohol eventually settles in, leaving you giggling to yourself about stupid shit in a dark hallway. Despite your fatigue, you're sure you noted everyone who came and went ever since you sat down. People eventually stop coming, and you find sleep trying to creep up on you. Just when you close your eyes, just to rest them, you're stirred awake by the sounds of screaming.

You groggily slide yourself up the wall you sit against and cringe when you're hit with a dizzying spell. You hope whoever screamed doesn't need your immediate assistance, because you are frankly incapable of giving it.

You hesitate between investigating the scream and going to your room to lie down. The latter would probably be wiser, considering the circumstances but wisdom be damned. If something happened...

Your train of thought is cut off when Monokumada comes up and announces a body has been discovered. You decide you should stop wasting time and head over to the source of the sounds, quickly finding the gathered students who've already heard the scream. You navigate the crowd, hastily bumping into people as you try to see what happened before coming upon the dead body and the students surrounding it.

When you see the girl lying on the floor, a jagged shard of glass protruding from her neck, you have to shut your eyes, and lean against the bathroom walls. Your plan was a sham. You never expected the murder to occur so early, without most of the students returning to their room, but you guess the exploration of upper floors ruined it. When you open them, you find yourself laughing quietly to yourself, even though you can feel anger smoldering through you. Maybe it's just frustration, but either way you feel heated.

Of course you can't stop a murder drunk. That would be too easy. Now that you are drunk, you can hardly even help the other students investigating like children who think they're professionals after seeing one episode of CSI. Eh, who are you kidding, it's not like you would even be able to know the difference.

You're a lively person. You brighten any room you walk in, but here and now, there's nothing you can do. Death isn't funny. You're the SHSL Swagger. Right, what a useful talent.

In any case, you figure you can at least pretend you're contributing, so you think you'll start from the beginning.

"Who got here first, and what did they see?"

You then go about examining the body. You tell yourself that it's just like the training you did, and how you learned to dish out bruises that didn't seriously hurt people. You tell yourself that the cooling, limp body beneath your hands is just unconscious. A victim of a drunken wrestling accident. A chill runs up and down your spine. You decide to close the girl's eyelids. You try to shake off your thoughts. You try to ignore the blood that quickly stains your fingers. All in all, the alcohol makes things decidedly easier.

What is the nature of her wounds? What are the size and shape of her bruises? Does she have any broken bones, and where? What is the length and how deep are her cuts? Are there small glass shards in some of her cuts, and where? Particularly, what is the status of her palms and knuckles?
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Kiseichu said:

Monokumada & Co


The public address system turned on once more, this time Monokumada had something actually important to say. You could hear him clear his throat and wonder why, he must be a psycho.

"Greetings students of my school, it is now night time. And you know what that means? Yup! Light's off! Every room in the whole school, except for your dorms will have their lights shut off. So right now is quite the ideal time to kill someone, am I right? Nya ha ha! And I forgot to mention this, but when you get in your dorms check the left corner of your room, I left a surprise there."

The surprise was a box of weapons that only opens up at night, how nice of you Monokumada, we thank you with all our heart.

"Oh, and during this time of day, wait what am I saying, it's night! Around this time I loosen up the security, so that means you can explore the WHOLE school and maybe find a way out. Good luck students, happy night hunting!"

On every single PDA were some words written in red font.


@Blue Fire @oculusrefrain @Blue Fire
@Knot @OnceDarkness @Kiseichu @Ryik @oculusrefrain @hyperfujis @Miika @DaniBot
"No-no...t-this can't be real......"

Someone died...and someone actually committed a murder...

Michio pressed his hand against his chest as he heard the announcement, feeling his heart stabbed mercilessly with despair, numbing his body.


After he came back to his conscious, he ran to the murder scene following his map.

He was on his way to the crime scene when he spotted a familiar figure wondering in the darkness.

"Y-Yoko!!! Is that you!!!?? Thank God!!!" Michio dashed straight toward Yoko and hugged her tightly. His eyes were tearing in joy.

"T-thank god...you are alright..." Michio started to sob like a child, ironically right in front of this little girl, he didn't seem to care about being weak and vulnerable in front of this kid anymore, he just needed to know that she was safe and sound, and that was enough for him.

"M-Michio big brother......" Yoko stayed still in Michio's arms, she couldn't utter a word, feeling shocked from the sudden strong reaction she got from Michio.

"I-I am sorry. I-I......" The little girl bit her lower lips.

"Yoko...where have you gone...I am worried about you...I don't know what would I do if you...if you..." Michio wiped away his tears as he knelt down and looked at the little girl, gasping for air as he spoke.

"I-I am sorry..I-I-I was thirsty...so..I have to get a drink from the kitchen...Y-Yoko is really sorry..." Yoko lowered her head in remorse as she spoke.

"It's... alright. But, please promise me to don't ever get yourself into danger again...I want you to be safe and sound. Especially now that......" Michio spoke in concern as she stared at the little girl.

"......" The little girl looked away as her eyes starting to get reddish.

"I...am..sorry......Michio big brother." Yoko muttered with her trembly voice.

"I will. Michio big brother." Yoko went over to hug Michio once again, silently sobbing.

"Now let's go back to your room and wait......"Michio patted Yoko back before he holds her hand and tried to lead her back to her dorm.



"I-I mean...wait......"

"I...have to investigate too. We need to investigate...and..identify the murdered correctly...if not, we will all receive "punishment", and we will all loose this game..while the "blackened" wins......"

Michio eyes widened as he stared at the little girl while she spoke, deeply confused.

"So...we should go to the crime scene as fast as possible." Yoko turned and walked toward the opposite direction, straight into the darkness, fastening her pace as she did so.

Michio stood there, petrified, staring at the little girl's back.

Someone just died...but......

Is...that...the -only- thing she is concerned about now.....?
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~ Sehema Rijinder ~

- SHSL Archer -


With: @Blue Fire

Location:Aioki's dorm

Sehema stared at the hand of the girl who had just introduced herself. Breeder huh? Well she wasn't surprised she didn't hear or see anything. "Sehema Rijinder. Archer." She simply said while crossing her arms paying no mind to her classmate's outstretched hand. She pouted, realizing that she couldn't waste anymore time here. Especially with someone who knew nothing about the investigation. "I'm going to go investigate something on the second floor. I would suggest you lock your door unless you feel like helping." Sehema simply stated before she started walking away from Aioki and her dorm heading to the second floor closely looking at the floor for any clues. (@Kiseichu)

She was so out of it when she headed to her dorm, that she only saw a blur of blue hair passing her. If she had only been paying more attention, then this would have been a much easier task. She sneered at the thought of an important letter from her mom laying on the floor like any regular document. Damn that Monokumada.... She cursed him in her mind, deciding to ask him about the letter after everything was over. Until then, she would have to try her damnedest to find a follow up on what she saw, if there was a clue left. She then started to investigate the library and pool room before investigating all of the other rooms on the floor. As she entered the rooms, she made sure to do so as quietly as she possibly could.


Her palms are reddish

There are no broken bones

Wounds vary in size, no glass shards in them but they are mostly small and minor

Arisu Sequenzia

Location: In Front of Art Room - Transitioning to Restroom(?) | Tags: @Ammokkx @OnceDarkness

"...Oh, uh, I'm fine! It's... not that deep, and even if it'd get infected I'm sure I could whip something up to fix it."

Still gripping onto the knife's handle, Arisu slowly nodded, sincerely hoping that it wouldn't have been too large of a problem later on. Infections were a pain to deal with.
"Yeah, I suppose so. I believe in the skills of the Ultimate Chemist, then! As long as you don't... bleed to death, first. That would be an issue."

"C-Careful with that! People might get the wrong idea!"

Arisu soon averted her attention back to the knife she had in hand, carefully releasing it back onto the floor. She'd somewhat gotten used to holding it, as long as she wasn't too focused on what the object actually was, and what it was capable of. Recognizing it as a murder weapon once more, it was rather unnerving.
"Oh, right..! Oops, my apologies."

"What the? One guy and two girls, no way! A harem!"

"W-Wait, no n-no! You've got it wr-wrong, i-it's nothing like th-that! It's a coincidence! Really!"

Despite being slightly startled at first by the unfamiliar tone, Arisu listened in to the new voice, and despite the dire situation, she couldn't help but to laugh a little at the comment.
"Right? Well, whatever you say, Yaeger~"

Though, their party was soon interrupted by Monokumada and the PA system, and again, a new warning was issued. Monokumada seemed to know
exactly how things were going to play out, in the palm of his hand. How eerie he seemed with the murder game wasn't too pleasing for the artist, though that feeling probably would've been mutual between the rest of the students, too.

"Nya ha ha! Oh boy, looks like someone's dead! Blah blah blah, yadda yadda, a body has been discovered! There's some investigators that need your help, here, I'll mark them on your map for you."


Arisu's eyes dilated at the message, as well as from the fact that a body has supposedly been discovered. It had been less than a day since they were caught into this mess, and a murder had already been committed? She swallowed her stimulated fear-- Monokumada didn't seem to be the type to lie about murder. He seemed
far too entertained by everything, especially their reactions to unlikely scenarios that would've came true.

"Bullshit, he's just making this stuff up, do you know where I can find some baseballs? I need to get my mind off of all of this."

The baseball star's words were somewhat more lighthearted and comforting, though she still couldn't believe that it was a lie. She'd also noticed that Shiori slowly slipped away from the group, plausibly to investigate, though the artist decided against saying anything. Arisu turned towards the two allies remaining, taking a deep breath.

"Unfortunately, I don't know where the baseballs are, but... I think we should check out the crime scene. I wouldn't mind going alone, but, if we're all missing from the investigation, wouldn't people start making false accusations about us? It seems realistic to me, to an extent, though. What about you, Yaeger?"

Arisu would've hoped that she'd been mentally prepared to look at a beaten corpse.

Zavier Satou

Location: Restroom | Tags: @Kiseichu // Everyone

"H-Help!!! Somebody is trying to murder me! Ah!!! S-somebody is trying to murder me!"

Those were not the words Zavier had expected to hear.

The butler was relatively comfortable, locked in and isolated in his dorm room, away from all the problems he would've had with the Academy. The dorm itself was rather nice, as expected of Hope's Peak, though the murder side to it was far from pleasant. He would've waited for the next morning, free of bloodshed to witness, though that plan had been canceled rather abruptly from the sudden twist of events. Oh, how

The silence following the scream was rather uncanny. He couldn't have been the only person who had heard it, as there were several others within their respective rooms, as well. He could have ignored it, and pretending that he hadn't heard it, though a feeling inside decided against it. If he hadn't went to investigate, he may have ended up missing something major. But even if he did, would the supposed 'murderer' have killed him, too?

The flashing message on his PDA and Monokumada's announcement would've answered his inquiry.

"Nya ha ha! Oh boy, looks like someone's dead! Blah blah blah, yadda yadda, a body has been discovered! There's some investigators that need your help, here, I'll mark them on your map for you."


Shoving the thoughts aside, he reluctantly opened his door, to step out and head over to the source of the voice, regardless. Hope? It was still an essence he'd grasp onto, believing in the slight miracle that could've brought him and the others out of the hellhole, no matter how [ir]rational it could've sounded. As the butler ambled, he would've flattened out and dusted off his suit with his hands-- it was a habit of his.


He felt like a
fool for walking straight into a murder scene, when he was slightly squeamish from the sight of blood. Zavier probably was one, anyway.

The butler furrowed his eyebrows at the sight, watching as the others began executing their explorations of the scene. He would've done the same, though avoided speaking to any of them, despite the fact that they were on the same boat of despair.

He hadn't spoken to many people, so whoever the corpse belonged to was not too much of a concern for him, as he hadn't recognized the model at all.

Zavier stepped into the bathroom, and checked inside each stall for anything out of the ordinary to take note of, figuring that it would've been a better alternative than searching the corpse-- blood was not a pretty sight to see. He would've attempted not to pay heed to the fact that it was the female's bathroom, too.
"...Eh? Eh?" Yaeger's head jumped from Arisu to Yuina as he stared at both confusedly. Arisu was playing along wit the other girl! The color faded from the boy, who seemed to be doomed to an eternity of misunderstandings. His little bout of depression wasn't going to last long, though. A sudden announcement from Monokumada snapped him out of it. A body discovery announcement. The PDA in Yaeger's pocket started to shine again. The boy hesitantly took it out again, seeing the new message flash on screen. Yaeger's bottom lip entered his mouth and their teeth started to dig into it, feeling frustrated and powerless. He said he was going to keep everyone alive and now someone's dead before the first night was over.

"...I think we should check out the crime scene..." was the first thing Yaeger heard from either of the other two when he came back to his senses, lip almost bleeding from the pressure. Shortly afterwards, Arisu added "...What about you, Yaeger?" So it seems people were still asking for his opinion, huh? The boy didn't know what Yuina's question was, so he couldn't really comment on it. "...As much as I don't want to... I think we should," the boy shared with the two girls. He looked back down at his hand. A few drops of blood had made their way onto the floor and the bleeding hadn't stopped, though it was slower. "You guys should go ahead. I'm going to the bathroom first to clean out the wound and take some paper to stilt the bleeding. As you said... Wouldn't want to bleed to death." Yaeger tried to be silly and optimistic despite how he felt, forcing a smile for the two girls. If you're going to drag everyone down in a situation like this, you're not helping.

Ayu growled as she kept hearing commotion in the hallways. These rooms sucked! They didn't even keep out the noise. Either that, or Ayu just had an exceptionally bad room. She didn't react to the scream and the body discovery announcement was of no concern to her either. She just wanted some damn sleep! She'd found a new set of clothes in her room which made Ayu feel a little dumb and was now sleeping in them. Or at least trying to. If people kept making noise out there, she wouldn't be able to get any amount of shut-eye. Speaking of eyes, those of Ayu drifted over to the corner of the room. Monokumada had given them all a set of weapons. "If ya think I'm dumb enough to use those, you've got another another thing coming..." the girl growled. She then closed her eyes again, trying to get some rest.

Yuina "Yu" Nakajima
Location: With The Harem

With: The Harem

(@Ammokkx @Ibuki)


Honestly she didn't care who was murdered, but she did care about the fact that someone was murdered. If what Monokumada said was true, if all the things that happened to this point wasn't just a prank, then maybe it's time to start taking things seriously. "You know what, never mind. I'll go with you two to investigate the murder. Just don't act like we're your personal harem you asshole pervert!" She said jokingly. Yuina wondered who would be the next to die after this.



Monokumada & Co


The PA system turned on, it looks like Monokumada wanted to bother them some more.

"Hey guys! Wanna hear something cool?"

He paused for a few seconds.

"Of course you do! The investigation phase will end in 30 minutes, and thus your first class trial will start! Oh boy, I love class trials, do you know how beautiful those looks of despair people give me after I execute their friends? IT FILLS MY HEART WITH THE GREATEST OF JOY, THE JOY OF DESPAIR! NYAA HA HA!"

@Blue Fire
@Knot @OnceDarkness @Kiseichu @Ryik @hyperfujis @Miika @DaniBot


Location: Girl bathroom

with: everyone

Yamamoto cocked his head at the sign of the mask. He picked it up and looked more closely at it.
Was there blood on the mask. "Well this is fucking creepy." Yamamoto took note of all the clues he had at the time. He had a hunch at the killer and this may almost confirmed his theory. Yamamoto will spend some time looking for a second mask if there wasn't one he would go to his room and get ready for the trial. @Kiseichu

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