Lamp Lord

SHSL Hitman
Location: First Floor Girl's Restroom
With / Near: @Blue Fire
no slide no slide
What a tragic way to go.
Breathing out a sigh of exasperation, Chess made note of the things that they should pay attention to later on. Looking towards the few staying near the doorway, especially a soft-looking young man appearing as if he were to faint, Chess crudely spat out at him.
"Don't stand there looking like a lost dog, I could kick you. Collect testimonies from others. Rijinder, be careful, there may still be someone up there. Why don't you accompany the shy puppy back there?
With that, they returned their focus back to the room. It seems like many others were starting to collect as well, and the heat of it slowly got to Chess. The feeling of other people's body heat warming the room seemed to irk something about them, but nonetheless, the infamous order of blood filled the room. Toxic. It was disgusting. From the looks of it, the hair seemed to hold some sort of evidence at least of struggle, one hand holding it rather loosely, while the other was tightly gripped. How long were the strands, was it consistence or did it fluctuate in various lengths? Did it hold a certain smell to it, maybe even leave some colour on Aiko's hand? Were there any around the room, or was it only in her hand?
Already close enough to the body, next had to be the stab wound. The knife had to have some involvement on it, but the other girl's testimony should make up for it. She had the knife, after all. As if unbothered by the events unfolding around her, blood stained the edge of their clothing as they leaned towards the body. How deep was the stab wound, now? Where was it located on her torso, was it closer to her head, her stomach? Among the pool of blood, was there anything that appeared to be a 'spray', as a result of pulling out the knife or the sudden pressure of stabbing it in among the floor? If other wounds are present on the body, was it caused by blunt trauma and how much damage seems to be inflicted? Her once strained and quiet breathing was cut off, and Chess shut her eyes. What a way to go. But Hope's Peak itself was a mystery that needed to be solved after this.
Carefully standing up, Chess looked towards the sink, the mirror shattered. First, what type of cosmetics were present? Was any of it spilled along the floor? Was there traces of water in the sink, any of them? Not if the faucet was on, but if there was the remnants of water being turned on at any point. There was glass all over the floor, and Chess was happy that they were wearing shoes. Anyone with sandals or short leg-wear probably had to take caution in the room at this state. How big were the glass shards? This could determne the strength of the one who broke it, whether it be someone else or Aiko. Chess needed to determine how this murder was particularily played out. Perhaps there was connections to... the ghost that they saw earlier! Perhaps there was a connection between the present cosmetics, possibly as a form to mask or makeup that could have been the cause?! As well as the hairdye.
Back to the cosmetics! Was any of it opened? If so, what?
There was no way someone decided to wander around dressed like that. It was too abnormal, it had to be a disguise in order to hide themself during the murder, in case Aiko were to recognize them..
"Chessley, I'm tagging along, is that fine?!"
After Mark left, the amount of people in the room finally lessened. Chess was hesitant, but they needed the evidence. The fact that Chess was so calm about it even shocked them, but perhaps it was because they've needed to cover up numerous crimes as well. They've lived a life having to hunt down others, so maybe that's why they were so nonchalant right now. They've been in this situation.
Except this time, it's the other way around.
"... pastel purple gumshoe, what do you have on the knife?"
Mark stood transfixed at the dead body, watching as Chess unphazedly investigated the room. The person he had just comforted, gone.
Well, that's a scene over for the actress, at least!!
Forcing himself to see the better in the situation, Mark tried to remember what he could about meeting the actress. Looking over to the blondie that had desired to leave the room in order to find any other traces when it came to the hair, Mark bolted upright to his feet, waving as he followed behind her.
"Chessley, I'm tagging along, is that fine?!"
Mark had followed Kyoko when she ran off from the catastrophe in the gym, falling into complete disarray. Perhaps one of the victims was a result of her rage, seeking revenge? She did have a few violent outbursts along with that. While Mark was following behind, he used the light of his PDA to see if there was anything other than blood on the way to the stairs. Perhaps they were going to fall under another trap, but they couldn't have left just blood behind... right? From the looks of it, the girl he was accompanying may have been a lot like Chess as well, disliking his flamboyantly bright company. And he seemed to express himself that way, seemingly oddly unphazed by the events, maybe even having a bounce to his step as he walked, as if it were a game. It wasn't his intention in the slightest, it was just the way that he learned how to cope with stressful situations. And seeing as so, this was definitely a stressful situation.
Getting the testimonies of those that Kyoko was in the room with seems like the best thing, and talking with Chess over their finds would be good. The hair seemed a little too planned out... was it really what it seemed? Maybe it was placed there as a decoy?
"Hmm... I was chasing after Kyoko when she had a whole breakdown in the gym. I think she... nah, she did! She slapped someone, got stopped by some big burly criminal, and ended up running away into the halls, and that's when I followed her. Didn't think that she'd be out this quickly. I never introduced myself to the people in the gym, but I sure can remember their faces!"
It was better to be of some use at least, and Mark explained what he could remember about meeting the actress. The moment that she let go of his hand, she died, and something about that seemed to press hard into Mark. Was he at fault for not following her along? Maybe he could have done something?
Location: smol puppy dog