DanganRonpa 2 *Revival*

Name: Dahlia Penn

Ultimate: Actress

Birthday: 29th February

Height: 5 feet

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Appearance: A young lady with flaming red hair and golden eyes. She wears a white-laced dress reminiscent of a simple wedding gown, a light pink shawl and carries a parasol around with her at all times.

Age: 18


She has two personalities:

a) Melissa Foster:

Her real name before she changed her identity and fled her homeland. This personality was forged by her parents and it is the person she had pretended to be in order to live up to society’s expectations, being the daughter of a high-class family.

A cheerful, seemingly vulnerable young maiden who speaks in a semi-scared, low-toned, nearly seductive tone of voice. She’s quick to shed tears whenever conflict is involved. While in character, she adopts the personality of the perfect lady – fragile, well-mannered, sensitive, feminine, weak, etc.

She maintains this façade whenever she’s around others, putting it to use in order to lower their guards.

b) Dahlia Penn

A very sadistic she-demon who uses her beauty to induce others into doing her bidding. She cares not for the well-being of others, except herself, thus she is unafraid to get her hands dirty in the process of acquiring whatever it is that she wants. She’s the perfect opposite of what she had been raised to become. She’s sharp-tongued, fearless, strong-willed and has an elaborately twisted sense of sarcasm. She has never been one to show this side of herself to others, that is, unless she deems the situation necessary. Being the patient person she is, she is very unlikely to have an outburst and break character whenever threatened.

She suffers from short-term memory, thus she finds it difficult to maintain a rivalry or hold a grudge. This is also a reason why she keeps a voice recorder in her pocket at all times, recording each and every conversation she’s has on a daily basis.


Dahlia Penn was, once upon a time, the daughter of a wealthy family. She’d never been one to fully enjoy life, for she found the luxury of her family’s lifestyle as quite the burden.

At the age of ten, her passion for the art of acting came to light and she soon became involved in numerous shows, taking on the lives of many characters of a nearly colossal amount of soap operas. Many say that she was only given the opportunity to act because of her exquisite beauty, though those were merely rumours.

She’d had an accident on-set one day, whilst she was performing one of her minor stunts. It had been a short fall, but her life was largely affected nonetheless. Ever since then, she found herself forgetting her lines more often, misplaced her belongings, and, overall, confused.

Her family’s ties with the high-classed citizens, in addition to her superb talents had made her the envy of her schoolmates, though none would dare confront her as she was, a perfectly well-mannered person….or so they were led to believe.

What they didn’t know was, she was a demon, inside.

At the tender age of 15, she convinced one of her male classmates to stage the ‘accident’ of an upperclassman who’d been stalking her. Needless to say, it had not ended well, and in the end her classmate was charged with murder.

The same thing happened once again in late November of the same year, only this time, she was the one who was put on trial. She’d been found guilty, and was handed the death penalty.

Fate was on her side, however, having been bestowed impeccable beauty, she put it to use by ‘convincing’ the policeman in charge of keeping her locked up to release her. She then fled the country, changed her identity and continued her life as Dahlia Penn.

Likes: Butterflies, simple-minded people, the suffering of others, her siblings

Dislikes: Lawyers


//Please forgive any grammatical errors T_T *not a native Englisher* //

EDIT: She goes by Dahlia Penn regardless of whichever personality she's currently using
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@Dahlia TRipper She's amazing! ❤❤❤

...one question. When in her alternate personality, does she remember things that Melissa has done. And when she's normal, does she remember things that Dahlia has done? Or is she like Fukawa/Genocider Syo?

Yes, she does remember. Let's just say she's like eClestia Ludenberg .She's nice as long as she can keep her cool, but then just explodes into a fiery mass of hellish brutal anger whenever she's at the absolute edge of madness. The only difference is, she's not as demanding/doesn't switch to Dahlia whenever she's pissed off. Trust me, the only time I'm ever going to use that side of her is when /if/ she's seconds away from being handed the death penalty thing by Monokuma
@Dahlia TRipper

Accepted! Also I love Ace Attorney xD I thought the "Hates- Lawyers" was a nice touch.

Speaking of Ace Attorney I have an rp for that open too, but that's besides the point.

I enjoyed the fact you called English speaking people "Englisher's" so you get extra points for that :3
Yes, she does remember. Let's just say she's like eClestia Ludenberg .She's nice as long as she can keep her cool, but then just explodes into a fiery mass of hellish brutal anger whenever she's at the absolute edge of madness. The only difference is, she's not as demanding/doesn't switch to Dahlia whenever she's pissed off. Trust me, the only time I'm ever going to use that side of her is when /if/ she's seconds away from being handed the death penalty thing by Monokuma

Ah okay xD that makes a lot more sense now. But still, I say she's pretty damn awesome.
[QUOTE="Despairingly Lucky]@Dahlia TRipper
Accepted! Also I love Ace Attorney xD I thought the "Hates- Lawyers" was a nice touch.

Speaking of Ace Attorney I have an rp for that open too, but that's besides the point.

I enjoyed the fact you called English speaking people "Englisher's" so you get extra points for that :3




My lawyer: I'll defend you, don't worry


Also, I get feely whenever I think about Godot so ;-;

And thank you so much for the nice words of encouragement fellow human
Lol, I only mess up when if gives you the potion to give evidence but your not supposed to.

*Present Evidence?*

Yes <-


"Of course I have evidence!"

(30 Minutes of loading saves and presenting evidence)

"Maybe... I don't..."

Also Nice xD If you join There's Judge, Prosecutor, Detective and Witness/Killer spot's left.

@Apollogy8 Is being the Defense Attorney from what I know and I'm the assistant.

Also OMG Yes, We are friend's :3

@Dahlia TRipper


Oooh the Judge spot sounds nice. Maybe I can crack some corny joke, oogle over some pretty chick, and be old xD

I'll check it out, link please?
Seems legit. So this all happened while Phoenix was still recovering from the shock of losing his badge?



> :D
Name: Saika Kurayami

Ultimate: Rockstar


Age: 17

Personality: Saika can be kind and bubbly. Yet you have to be careful because she can become a complete klutz. She hates sharp objects but is in love with scissors. She can be a bit serious when it comes to the class trials but she tries to get rid of the tension at times. She loves her friends and tries to be friends with everyone. She is someone you can rely on. Yet don't get her mad because she has a bad temper.


Saika was a normal student until her freshman year of high school. With that she started to find music to aid her hurting heart. She learned to play the guitar and build her own band. "The pink rifles" yeah that wasn't the name she picked but her dead twin sister did. Saika wanted to honor her with that name. She loves her music since its her who mostly writes it. Saika lives with her grandfather ever since her parents and sister died. Her parents were the first to die in the beginning of her and her sisters middle school years in a plane crash while her twin sister Seiko died during her sophomore year in high school because she was being bullied. Saika of course being the girl she is she beat the girls up. Saika since then had to change to a close by school so she could keep playing with her band. She adores cat's and dogs both the same while she hates the summer. She loves the night while she can't stand the daylight. Other than that Saika keeps most of her past hidden because of emotional things so she never talks about it.

(ahaha.. this took forever... /.^)
[QUOTE="Despairingly Lucky]Haha, It's fine. Accepted

Is it fine if I submit an Oc? And if it is can I use one that's in a different Rp?
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Peaceswore said:
Is it fine if I submit an Oc? And if it is can I use one that's in a different Rp?
Of course! I took a character I used in a different rp and changed him a bit. You don't even have to edit your character *Besides adding SHSL/Ultimate* if you don't want to. Go right ahead.
Name:Age: Takeo Mayumi (His original name was Alex Hall, the reason he changed it is a secret) 16Super High School Level: Hunter

Birthday: February, 29

Race: Caucasian-African

Gender: Male

Highschool Level Description: Knows everything about wildlife and how to trap an kill. Master at archery, trap making, stealth, hand to hand combat, camouflaging, and tracking.

LOOKS (Add a picture)


Hair: Chocolate brown goes a bit past his ear longer in the back barely reaching his


Right green, lost his left

Height: 5"11

Weight: 139

Clothes: Sleeveless brown turtle neck, green vest, green eye patch over left eye (under eyepatch is a pic of his sister), green archer gloves. Brown jeans and brown combat boots where he always has a survival knife hidden. And he wears one ear ring with a skull and cross bones on his right ear, and a necklace with a jaguar tooth.

Sexuality: Doesn't know

Personality: Calm, fun loving, a little to honest for his own good, highly curious, and sometimes hot headed. He is cautious and rather rude to new people, but once he warms up to them he can be friendly and is very loyal to those he knows would never betray him. NEVER MENTION HIS PARENTS OR THE POACHERS and all's good. He is rarely to never seen without his handmade bow, and freaks out if it goes missing.

Bio: Ever since he was four he had an obsession with archery, traps, tracking, and survival skills. One day at the age of six he was abounded in some forest deep in the middle of nowhere. He survived the forest for nine years, his only company a jaguar that he raised. By the age of fifteen he was found by some poachers who took him back to civilization. :What got him noticed. As soon as he found his sister (not sure if I should mention how since that is suppose to be a secret) he entered any tournament that had anything to do with hunting in order to get money for him and his sister to live off of. He won in everything and was even challenged by pervious champions, only to win by a landslide. Since his tracking skills are beyond amazing he has been asked to 'hunt' down terrorist and other criminals by the government.

Likes: Outdoors, pranking, stargazing, exotic animals, archery, making traps, practicing his survival skills, and knives.

Loves: His handmade bow and his little sister.

Dislikes: Being bossed around, bitter foods, cheese, showing fear, pity stories, and losing his bow.

Hates: His parents and poachers

Favorite Dish: Mochi


*Surprisingly good social skills

*Born in USA

*Favorite color is green

*Blushes easy since he is not used to people flirting with him ( kinda was in a forest for 9 years)

*If you ask him to teach you about even one of his skills you better clear you schedule

*Doesn't like therapist and avoids them

*Had a pet jaguar named Strike

*Knows how to use every type of bow, and can make different arrows to fit the bows

*All of his senses are far better than the average person

*Terrible at hiding emotions, if he doesn't like you he isn't afraid to tell you.

*A really light sleeper

*Though he wears heavy combat boots, he is extremely stealthy

*Can adapt to different situations

*Highly resistant to different types of poison

*Though he has been out of the forest for less than a year he can speak different languages

*He is a really quick learner, and learns better from experience, however he is also ignorant on
many things(Once again, in his defense he was in the forest for 9 years).

*Utterly terrible with technology

*High pain tolerance
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Okay, Accepted as well cx Though Takeo is close *Basically an anagram, Just switch the e and k* to Celeste's real name lol
[QUOTE="Despairingly Lucky]Okay, Accepted as well cx Though Takeo is close *Basically an anagram, Just switch the e and k* to Celeste's real name lol

That's just a coincidence or is it ( ;) ). More shall be reveled later.
xD Just because of that I have a theory. Celeste never actually died, Got a sex change. Took up hunting, Got amazing at it and was recuited AGAIN to Kibōgamine *Hopes Peak* Academy. I think I got it lol
[QUOTE="Despairingly Lucky]
xD Just because of that I have a theory. Celeste never actually died, Got a sex change. Took up hunting, Got amazing at it and was recuited AGAIN to Kibōgamine *Hopes Peak* Academy. I think I got it lol

......Since I'm a nice person I'll tell you one thing. That did not happen. Also am I only allowed one Oc?
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Ouch... It was just a joke. At least you were nice about it. And I think I might just do one character per person. Sorry.

I have some people who are planning on joining so having some people with 2 characters might be... Unfair I guess?

If the thread doesn't gain any more traction I'll allow you to make another one, Though. I won't let both live >:3
[QUOTE="Despairingly Lucky]Ouch... It was just a joke. At least you were nice about it. And I think I might just do one character per person. Sorry.
I have some people who are planning on joining so having some people with 2 characters might be... Unfair I guess?

If the thread doesn't gain any more traction I'll allow you to make another one, Though. I won't let both live >:3

That that's fine. :) But if I do get two character know that they won't go without a fight (hopefully).

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