DanganRonpa 2 *Revival*


Nobody in Particular


Monokuma: (Open)

Usami/Monami: (Open)

Ultimate: ???: Hibiki Kibo | Despairingly Lucky

Ultimate: Lucky Student: Miyako Ootori | Apollogy8

Ultimate: Designer: Seiji Ryota | o0Kanra0o

Ultimate: Computer Scientist: Mizuki Sanaua | Maidens of Twilight

Ultimate: Debater: Mai Sandra | Random Seer

Ultimate: Actress: Dahlia Penn | Dahlia TRipper

Ultimate: Rockstar: Saika Kurayami | ZerokiraKurayami

Ultimate: Hunter: Takeo Mayumi | Peaceswore

Ultimate: Boxer: Nennma Takashi | ... Nenma Takashi!

Ultimate: (Open)

Ultimate: (Open)

Ultimate: (Open)

Ultimate: (Open)

Ultimate: (Open)

Ultimate: (Reserved)

Ultimate: (Reserved)

Character Skeleton:







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Hibiki Kibo








Hibiki is often told he his a handsome young man with black wavy hair and shiny, majestic blue eyes. Hibiki had fare pale skin and and amazing complexion He wears a blue and white striped turtleneck shirt, a hoodie with long rabbit-like ears, blue trousers and dark navy sneakers, his bunny parka contains speakers concealed in his hoodie, so he may discreetly listen to his music player.










137 lbs





-Sour Candy


-Snow *Winter*


-Peaceful Places


-Helping Others

-Being social


-Rude People,

-Loud Things

-Being Scared

-Being Alone

-Falling to Despair

-Being Sad

-Doubting Others


16 --- Birthday: December 31

School Year:

2nd *Grade 10*


Hibiki is a generally pleasant boy who easily exhibits kindness and thoughtfulness to others around him. Hibiki is calm yet cheerful, and somewhat laid-back young man. Hibiki can be timid at times and generally likes to talk to people, make friends and wants to believe in everyone.

He is very good at studying, finishing his mock exam with ease, but still unsure about his future.

He has a sharp mind and is perceptive, quickly adapting to any situation, making him a strong asset in Class Trials. He is likewise reliable, but when his emotions get the better of him, he becomes rather impulsive and reckless in his action to the point of nearly being suicidal.

Hibiki has a strong sense of what is right. So despite being in the situation he's in he would never kill another person.

In Class Trials he can get pretty heated,

Though instead of making argument's he'd rather build off other people or

tear through falsehoods for the sake of other people.

Hibiki get's torn by the class Trials,

Do to both outcomes disturbing him.


In his childhood, Hibiki's parents did not pay much attention to him but expected him to have good grades. This resulted in him being viewed as a nerd and bullied by his classmates. Not caring if he will be bullied as well, A boy protected Hibiki to the latter's surprise. They became best friends, resulting in Hibiki becoming more cheerful.

When he first entered high school, he received a message from his father that told him to choose his friends wisely since high school would be an important time in his life. The message angered Hibiki; he then asked his friend what he would do in high school. Hearing their reply that he would to enjoy the springtime of his life, Hibiki replied the same and started to feel unsure about his future.

Favourite Song:

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Seiji Ryota




April 5th







Sexual Orientation:







Seiji is said to have a handsome, beautiful face. He has curly blond hair with his bangs covering the top right side of his face. His eyes are light blue. He wears earrings on both ears.






One piercing on each ear lobe

No Tattoos


He usually wears a long sleeve black shirt that has circles in the front and black bordering the top and bottom. He sometimes wears it with a pink jacket with short sleeves. He wears it with blue jeans. He also wears a necklace and bracelets on his left arm.


Seiji is a designer, which means he has a creative personality. He never discloses an opinion, suggestion, or option. He takes every possibility as an option and thinks them through carefully, figuring out which ones would be useful and which one's won't.

Seiji is generally kind, but often kept to himself. He is calm and collected, but that doesn't mean he doesn't loose his temper. When he does get pissed off, he uses more physical attacks rather than verbal. It's not because he wants to see others in pain, but because of the way he was raised. After all your life getting beat for doing or saying something wrong, you wouldn't perfect either.

He is a gentleman, always trying to please or do something for others. But he's not a flirt and probably won't be seen flirting either. It's just not is area. However, he doesn't have a preference when it comes to dating gender wise. He believes a person is attracted to by soul and not body, in other words, he doesn't give a damn if you're a guy or girl, as long as you're nice on the inside, it doesn't matter about the outside.


Clothes | Summer | Cats | Electronics | Sweet Foods | Apples | The color grey | Designs | Others


Dogs | Motorcycles | Corn | The color yellow | Cold | Bullies | Being ignored | Arrogant jerks


Death(Who doesn't?) | Failing | Being alone



SHSL Description:

Yes, yes, I know. There are many types of designers out there. Well, Seiji here is a fashion, urban, stage, and costume designer. He has many talents to know what looks right with what and knows how to design several wonderful pieces. He was even hired once by a big company to help design cosplay clothes. Not only is he good with clothes, he can design stages as well. He knows many types of fabrics and knows how to make them all work together. Sure, his talent my seem kinda lame since he won't be murdering someone with a piece of clothe, but don't underestimate him. If put to the challenge he will fight to defend himself.


Seiji grew up in a broken home. His mom divorced his dad almost immediately after he had been born leaving him in the care of his abusive father. Yes, his father abused him many times(verbally, physically, and mentally) and sometimes it was over the dumbest of things. But he kept fighting and struggling to survive.

For years he suffered through that, until it was time for highschool, yes, that would be the perfect time to leave and get away from his wretched dad. Hope's Peak Academy had invited him to join their elite school, which he gladly accepted.

More Bio about his past is soon to come especially on how he came to be a designer


Kou Mukami

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@o0Kanra0o OMG YAS!!! Perfect! Way better than mine! I'll revise mine to be almost as good xD Accepted!

Mizuki Sanaua

Gender :


Age :


Birthday :

December 12

Year :


Grade :



Computer Scientist

Sexuality :


Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/download.jpg.6974809cc22be3c874d5eedc3c9f0fde.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38675" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/download.jpg.6974809cc22be3c874d5eedc3c9f0fde.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Hair Color :

Black with purple highlights along the ends.

Eye Color :

Bright purple however sometimes dull and void.

Skin color:



Mizuki is incredibly moody at times. Sometimes at times the best you may get is a backhand complement. She is a Computer Scientist making Mizuki seem such as a cold hearted person always spending her time on electronics she has no social capability with other humans. Somewhat like a shut - in, or someone who shuts out society. She has barely seen much sunlight as she is much like a vampire. Her face is pale as a ghost at the moment. She might have enough cold-heartedness to kill another person. ((Notice Might))


She was a nice enough person until the day her mother and father left her alone to see how she would take care of her siblings. That same day a burglar saw that the parents left. Therefore hewent inside thinking that nothing willhappen to him since the only person who can stop him. Is a bunch of kids. The burglar not able to find anything of value asked her if she knows where is their cash. The burglar said if you don't tell me in 15 minutes from now Mizuki's younger brother will Die she truthfully said she didn't know and started to beg to spare her brother. That did not happen. Her brother died. Now the burglar said that you have now 10 minutes or your younger sister will suffer the same fate. Now both begged she offered for him to take her own life many times to no avail. When her parents finally came back she was in shock. Covered in blood so when she stood up her legs quivered. When she went out her parents didn't comfort her. They talked behind her back saying that she should have took care her sibling better.Soon after she went to her school now everyone speaking behind her back. She went home a hour later after a attempt to take her own life.After a kid walked up to her and insulted her telling that she was weak. She started to close herself off from society at that moment on and decided to learn about computer code to develop programs that helped not think about the outside world.

Clothing :

White blouse and black skirt the white blouse having a black pin on her collar and the black skirt has white around the ends.

Likes :

  • Loners
  • Candy
  • Coffee
  • Computers
  • Technology

Dislikes :

  • Nosy people
  • Popular kids
  • Bitter food
  • Liars
  • People who trick others
  • Demanding people

Fears :

  • Being called dishonest or being called names that are false. (Being held under false light.

Secrets :

To be revealed

Other :

She keeps a laptop with her at all times. usually in a black and white computer case.

Favorite Song:





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@Despairingly Lucky omg sorry for the delay. I've been having trouble with the face claim. I'll edit this post with the character asap
@Apollogy8 do it either 10 minutes. I'll be done my workout a bit after then lol

@Apollogy8 Oops.... An extra ten minutes turned into 30 xD um. Also reply to the we have through PM


Mai Sandra






May 21







Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c1406a7cf_403549(1).jpg.54a1622fc0cc97267dd4813097743cfb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39181" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c1406a7cf_403549(1).jpg.54a1622fc0cc97267dd4813097743cfb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





Skin color:


Hair color:

Blue slowly turning to Purple

Eye color :

Hazel sunlight to Night blue...However, her eyes might seem demonic when she is arguing.


SHSL Debater


Regular school clothes when she is in school, which would apparently be a while. Her school clothes is a Navy blue suit and a red tie. Waist down she wears, blue and red clothes.


She is light hearted most of the time however she would become a cold hearted person when someone else is arguing with her thus her Super High School Level title of Debater, Mai would always try to cheer others up while she isn't in her debating state where she was cold hearted and distant. It would be somewhat like a self-induced personality change. Which would come in handy when she is speaking to others during the class trials. On her other side she is hyper and excited, up for anything and to do anything.Somewhat like a ball of energy. Perhaps her arguing personality will climax to a murder...


She was born to argue, her mother and father were in congress both of them speaking for each side, probably more than most one either side. So their controversial and argumentative blood flowed through her, making her easily argumentative. Sometimes for fun she argues in the area where the least amount of people is. Around the beginning of her life around 3rd grade she learned vastly about Politics and Government both in school as well as at home with her parents. This keeps going until she is in 6th grade, in which she rises to the point to become the President of debate club. This continues until 8th where she defeated politicians in a debate argument, and a seat in congress with her mother and father.​
In Mai's everyday life she is quite popular with people in her club, most of them being close friends, she wasn't perfect in any way. Her parents forced her to learn the thing she has, she desperately wants to stop being forced to be worked up until she collapses. She likes to argue of course but not in a way it is only for money or things like that. She likes to argue for fun, which was hard considering her linage. She escapes that most of the time by acting sick or losing her voice, her parents wanting to give her rest so she can get it again over and over. The same routine Argue-Lost of voice- Rest-Argue. For things she doesn't even want

- Sleeping

-Arguing about what she wants

- Talking with friends

- Any activity Especially sports


- Being forced to Argue about something else

- Being awake for long periods

- Silent times

- Sitting down for long periods of time


- Fears being back home ironically


- She doesn't like her family


Favorite Song



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? - BASICS - ?


Miyako Ootori










December 24th


lucky student

? - LOOKS - ?







Miya has long dark red hair that is seen wearing in a pony tail, though occasionally she will have her hair down. Her hair reaches her mid-back and her bangs cut off above her eyes and scoop around her face.


G(K)ou Matsuoka


Megumi Toyoguchi(JP)

Erin Fitzgerald(EN)


Miya is portrayed as a nice, caring young teenager who doesn't take things for granted and often will help out where needed. She considers herself to be unlucky though her title says otherwise. But that's okay, she's working through all that. She's a bit impulsive and will often act out before thinking things through clearly. She has short term memory and can often forget things, or well, claims to forget things.

? - HISTORY - ?

will edit this later on as the story progresses



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Everyone was using gifs *Or at least you Pollo* So I decided to use one for Hibiki even I'd call cute xD
Haha xD Yeah, I guess they were. But I love the gif you used for Hibiki, it's so cute. And the animation is amazing, I'll probably look into that anime more thanks to you ❤❤
There's a game already and the remake comes out 5 days before my birthday! So if you wanna be a cool internet friend you could ship me it...? xD Also I love Hibiki I want to be him xD Anyways want to the continue the Naoya x Mitsuki rp? lol.

*Also if you have a 3DS but Devil Survivor 2 or hold off until April 7th for Record Breaker*
xD Haha, I would but I'm totally broke. ;W; And yeah, I'll send the reply asap~ <3

Ohhh, I'll have to look into it. Well, I'm broke so I wouldn't be able to buy it anytime soon.
B button doesn't always work and the down key in the direction pad is stuck down. Semi broken ladies and gentlemen

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