Dangan Ronpa RP [Open]

Name: Kieran Grey ( Mark Barton )




(He's also 5'3)

Talent: SHSL Deceiver (Liar~~)

Pronouns: He/Him

Personality: Mark, well, he's an odd student. At most, he's extremely childish for his age, laughs at everything, jokes in even the most unecessary times. He seems extremely light-hearted and happy all the time. A smile is always on his face, and his sarcasm is taken lightly, he's about as much of a social butterfly you could get. He doesn't seem like the kid to be good in school, more like those kids that skip class to do "fun stuff". In reality, it's the opposite. He's extremely two faced, and seems to be rather intelligent, but never "says" it. Due to his history, his personality is just a mash up of the people around him, believing that how everyone else acts is the "right" way. Really, he's broken doll of negativity, extremely realistic if it comes to death, and finds annoyance in nearly everyone he meets.

Religion: Athiest

Birthday: "Why should I tell you..." (January 13th)

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: "Love is just a lie created by emotions with an expiration date. Don't waste your life over that~" (Aromantic)

Age: 15

Relationships you like with your character (platonic, romantic):

Mainly platonic, but considering who he is, one-sided romances are usually the result.


  • Lying (Sees it as a necessary thing to do)(He both likes it and dislikes lying)
  • Sweets
  • Pranks
  • Sleeping
  • Very good at drawing backgrounds, awful at drawing people
  • Very good at chess
  • Seems to enjoy flirting

Favorite Music Group: He loves Fall Out Boy


Born as a child named Kieran Grey, his parents got married due to him, an illegitimate child. However, in the middle of the wedding, Mark’s mother jilted, leaving the father and the child alone. Instead of tending to the child, the father grew depressed at his lost lover, often forgetting the child’s existence, more wishing that he was never born, considering how his love left him due to Kieran’s existence. Neglected and abused, Kieran already grew up hating his existence, his greatest wish was to live in a happy family like the people he saw walking past their broken household. Despite being horribly abused and neglected, he insisted that he did love his father, though only out of loneliness since he had no one else to cling to. His father always scolded and beat him whenever he mentioned a little bit about being hungry, or any of the complaints that he uttered, such as how much his feet hurt or how lonely he was, stating over and over again that it wouldn't be like this if his mother hadn't left. Over time, he learned how to under any circumstance. Around the age of 5 was when he started lie more, concealing any of his wounds that he received at home to prevent people from questioning his family, in fear that he would lose the only family that was left to him.

With this ability, he gained many enemies. Often, people screamed at how much of a monster he was when they did catch his lies, and he was too cowardly to make many close friends. He lost as many friends as he gained, due to people disliking his habit of overly-emphasizing stories to make himself look better, or lying about things that he could and couldn't do. Before, Kieran’s father relied heavily on his lover, being part of a wealthy family. Now that he was alone, his father never was able to find work in his drunk depression, forcing the boy to wander out on the streets begging for food and money in some way. Walking home from another day of his unsuccessful attempts at begging, he met a strange man around the corner that coaxed him with bread. Aware of his ability, he made a deal with the man, who gave him food in exchange for his cooperation. Joining a crime-association at the age of 6, he used his illusion manipulation for immoral causes, such as stealing from the innocent. Every time he used his ability while aiding these people, the more he realized what he had agreed to, but cannot escape from. The corruption ate at every little bit of his brain until he started to question whether or not the “facts” that he knew were really facts. He first stole small things such as bread and food, which he was over-joyed about, believing that he would earn his father’s affection if he brought him food. His father was the same, offering not much of a reply or praise towards what he was doing. Though Kieran wasn't concerned, he was happy that his father accepted whatever he gave him. Instead of dealing with the problem, he laughed it off, excusing that there wasn’t a thing that could be done. As he grew older, the missions that he did by himself and received got more intense. He attempted to disband, but his ability was incredibly useful for their crimes. They threatened the life of his "beloved" father if he were to leave.

Over time, he was forced into helping with kidnappings, as well as stealing major things like famous paintings, jewelry, even kidnapping young children. He told himself that it was the right thing to do, it was helping his father, wasn't it? He needed attention, any kind of attention, even negative attention. He helped murder many innocent people and ruined many lives that he didn’t know he did. In the crime-group he was in, he was mainly in charge of luring people out. Almost every day, mainly every week, he had to go under the disguise of someone else, having to act a certain way under a certain name, to a point where he forgot his own. Kieran didn’t show much signs of himself any more, rather, he copied off of the people that he saw everyday, not sure how he was supposed to act anymore, and what about him was a lie that he told himself or not. His persona that he took on was an egotistical and flirtatious boy with a seemingly kind and helpful attitude, gathering a little more “personality” with the people that he is forced to be around everyday.

Not knowing what to do anymore, he gave up. Too scared of the future, he ran away from both the mafia and his father. It's unknown whether his father was killed after that, but he obsesses whenever asked on how much he loves him, and how he's doing great back home.

Other Info:

  • He can't tie a tie.
  • He's still 5'3
  • Obsessive love over his father being the greatest person ever
  • Can watercolour pretty well
  • He forgot his name, so he just went with "what sounds cool"
  • Used to wear contacts that were blue because people made fun of his eye colour
  • Indeed, does have an ahoge (he's normal)
  • Hair is extremely messy and he wears a hair clip to keep some strands down. Due to this, he has been mistaken as a cosplayer in the past.
  • He doesn't like committed relationships (he's an aromantic), but he flirts with all genders anyway.

Name: Shilo Kurobane


(i made the line art and I credit my friend who coloured it)


Talent: SHSL Free Runner

Pronouns: She/Her


A friendly girl, she's extremely laid back and calm, and is the type of person who lives off the quote of "You do your thing, I do mine." Despite loving the feeling of the outdoors and is freedom-bound, being the free-runner that she is, she's extremely analytical due to her past, and is good at finding her way around tough situations both physically and mentally. She doesn't understand people who are confined to obedience.

Religion: Athiest

Birthday: March 2nd

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Heterosexual

Age: 17

Relationships you like with your character (platonic, romantic):


Favorite Video Game: Half Life


  • Ironic how despite her freedom-bound personality, she enjoys classical things
  • Preferably classical music
  • Rock Climbing
  • Roof Running
  • Tree climbing
  • Eating
  • Balancing things on top of umbrellas
  • Running
  • The sky
  • Heights

Favorite Music: Loves classical music, but nothing too-slow paced.

Favorite Song: Gustav Holst's "Jupiter" from The Planets


Born on March 2nd, she was the second born child to a small family of four. An energetic boy up to her toddler years, she bore a close relationship with her older brother, who was 6 years old. There family wasn’t exactly the richest, and they lived in a small apartment around a rough neighborhood. Neither did they have the average close bonds of a family. Her parents often argued over trivial and mundane issues, and her brother was included in many of the issues due to their strict ways. Because they lived in the urban city, they believed that their children could be the key to a higher status if they achieved high enough. But it wasn’t like that.

Shilo’s brother was naturally a dreamer. He was an average-kid at school, okay grades, but he wasn’t an over achiever. In fact, he didn’t want to be one. Because he didn’t want to be one, he often argued with particularly his mother over how he wants his life to be lead. Because he wouldn’t listen to them, Shilo’s mother believed that she would instead. She was naturally a good-graded student in Elementary school, though the constant pressure to over-achieve caused massive amounts of stress to her as a child. Unlike Shilo’s brother, who started to set his dream on becoming a pilot, she was dragged down from hers by having to become the “ideal student”. She was forced to stay inside up until she was 11 to focus hard on her studies. Despite her constant stress, her brother always tried to comfort her by sneaking her into the backyard when her mother was at work, teaching her how to climb trees.

Their father, however, was a much kinder and accepting man. That was one of the reasons that her parents fought all the time, the treatment and freedom of their children. But a divorce wasn’t possible for them. Considering how they’re already living rather roughly, her mother being the main-source of income for them all, the safety of Shilo and her brother were at stake

After she was 11, Shilo was forced to participate in many different types of sports for college, despite how she was still a child. While managing that, she had to keep her grade performance up, which was a heavy amount of stress for her. She couldn’t attend any sports-related parties or school events, and had to stay home to study for the sake of the family instead. However, at night, her brother snuck her out of the house to go to the park. That was when she started finding fascination with free-running, being able to run freely without any limitations, with the world as your obstacle.

At school, both siblings were often teased for their appearance. Her brother often wore pilot-goggles to school, which were too big for him of course. He didn’t want to grow up in the business/political branch like his parents wanted him to. He wanted to grow up to serve as a fighter pilot in the army. Shilo was often teased for looking “too girly”. She had great grades and an amazing athletic performance, but that just caused more people to be angry with her, causing people to mock her as the ‘perfect schoolboy’ or ‘teacher’s pet’. Her mother was also very disallowing of her dressing as a girl, often getting clothing that she used from her mother torn away from her. Though that didn’t change the nightly sport that she came to enjoy with her brother, free-running.

Though, there was a time where people had to take their own paths, find something else to do in life. When Shilo was 15, his brother finally achieved his dream of becoming a military pilot, about to head off into the maelstrom of war. Their cruel mother wanted him out as soon as possible, for not being the perfect-student she wanted, and Shilo cried for him not being able to stay. She pleaded him not go leave her alone, but instead, he gave her the goggles that he wore ever since he was a child, promising that he would come back to see his sister again. That comment enraged the mother as he headed off, and she grew more stricter with Shilo.

Ever since he went off into war, Shilo has never gotten a single note or word of him, not knowing whether he was dead or alive. Her only memories of him being the nights they spent racing the rooftops and the goggles she now wore on her head, just like her brother. Through the help of her father, she did finally transition into a female, though her mother finally declared a divorce a few days after it, not wanting to accept someone who just “wouldn’t accept a freak that won’t live as what they were born as”. After she left, the father had to work harder to pay off the bills for the house, eventually falling ill. She became the captain, co captain, or main leader of offence for many of the sports teams she was forced into as a child, as well as street-performing for money, so she was able to get money for a short period of time to help her father. That’s when they got the acceptance letter. Taking it, she said that she had to refuse to go and help him. Instead, she got encouraging words from his father. He told her to go to Hopes Peak and grow up as someone that she wanted to be, not someone that his ex-wife wanted her to be. There wasn’t much for him left now, so she should come back not to worry about her family, but to face whatever was next. Taking those cheesy words with her, she entered the High School Life of Hell.

Other Info:

  • Extremely athletic
  • Nearly hit the title of SHSL Athlete, though she disliked all the rules and stress for preparation in games, so she wasn't dedicated to many matches
  • Spend a good number of years learning martial arts and practicing hand-to-hand combat
  • Doesn't comb her hair
  • Surprisingly, wants to be a pilot
  • Likes all sports, and her least favorite is golf
  • She is a transsexual woman, and will react coldly/harshly towards any mistakes in pronouns or gender
  • Loves tall people
  • Doesn't understand personal space
  • Has experience in acrobat-dances.
  • She has marks all over her body from falls while free-running, and tends to have bandaids around her hands.
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[QUOTE="Despairingly Lucky]

Don't mean to repeat the rest but, is it too late?

I'm not staff or anything, but the RP says "Open"

So nope, you can still join
Entarriance said:
Name: Kieran Grey ( Mark Barton )



(He's also 5'3)

Talent: SHSL Deceiver (Liar~~)

Pronouns: He/Him

Personality: Mark, well, he's an odd student. At most, he's extremely childish for his age, laughs at everything, jokes in even the most unecessary times. He seems extremely light-hearted and happy all the time. A smile is always on his face, and his sarcasm is taken lightly, he's about as much of a social butterfly you could get. He doesn't seem like the kid to be good in school, more like those kids that skip class to do "fun stuff". In reality, it's the opposite. He's extremely two faced, and seems to be rather intelligent, but never "says" it. Due to his history, his personality is just a mash up of the people around him, believing that how everyone else acts is the "right" way. Really, he's broken doll of negativity, extremely realistic if it comes to death, and finds annoyance in nearly everyone he meets.

Religion: Athiest

Birthday: "Why should I tell you..." (January 13th)

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: "Love is just a lie created by emotions with an expiration date. Don't waste your life over that~" (Aromantic)

Age: 15

Relationships you like with your character (platonic, romantic):

Mainly platonic, but considering who he is, one-sided romances are usually the result.


  • Lying (Sees it as a necessary thing to do)(He both likes it and dislikes lying)
  • Sweets
  • Pranks
  • Sleeping
  • Very good at drawing backgrounds, awful at drawing people
  • Very good at chess
  • Seems to enjoy flirting

Favorite Music Group: He loves Fall Out Boy


Born as a child named Kieran Grey, his parents got married due to him, an illegitimate child. However, in the middle of the wedding, Mark’s mother jilted, leaving the father and the child alone. Instead of tending to the child, the father grew depressed at his lost lover, often forgetting the child’s existence, more wishing that he was never born, considering how his love left him due to Kieran’s existence. Neglected and abused, Kieran already grew up hating his existence, his greatest wish was to live in a happy family like the people he saw walking past their broken household. Despite being horribly abused and neglected, he insisted that he did love his father, though only out of loneliness since he had no one else to cling to. His father always scolded and beat him whenever he mentioned a little bit about being hungry, or any of the complaints that he uttered, such as how much his feet hurt or how lonely he was, stating over and over again that it wouldn't be like this if his mother hadn't left. Over time, he learned how to under any circumstance. Around the age of 5 was when he started lie more, concealing any of his wounds that he received at home to prevent people from questioning his family, in fear that he would lose the only family that was left to him.

With this ability, he gained many enemies. Often, people screamed at how much of a monster he was when they did catch his lies, and he was too cowardly to make many close friends. He lost as many friends as he gained, due to people disliking his habit of overly-emphasizing stories to make himself look better, or lying about things that he could and couldn't do. Before, Kieran’s father relied heavily on his lover, being part of a wealthy family. Now that he was alone, his father never was able to find work in his drunk depression, forcing the boy to wander out on the streets begging for food and money in some way. Walking home from another day of his unsuccessful attempts at begging, he met a strange man around the corner that coaxed him with bread. Aware of his ability, he made a deal with the man, who gave him food in exchange for his cooperation. Joining a crime-association at the age of 6, he used his illusion manipulation for immoral causes, such as stealing from the innocent. Every time he used his ability while aiding these people, the more he realized what he had agreed to, but cannot escape from. The corruption ate at every little bit of his brain until he started to question whether or not the “facts” that he knew were really facts. He first stole small things such as bread and food, which he was over-joyed about, believing that he would earn his father’s affection if he brought him food. His father was the same, offering not much of a reply or praise towards what he was doing. Though Kieran wasn't concerned, he was happy that his father accepted whatever he gave him. Instead of dealing with the problem, he laughed it off, excusing that there wasn’t a thing that could be done. As he grew older, the missions that he did by himself and received got more intense. He attempted to disband, but his ability was incredibly useful for their crimes. They threatened the life of his "beloved" father if he were to leave.

Over time, he was forced into helping with kidnappings, as well as stealing major things like famous paintings, jewelry, even kidnapping young children. He told himself that it was the right thing to do, it was helping his father, wasn't it? He needed attention, any kind of attention, even negative attention. He helped murder many innocent people and ruined many lives that he didn’t know he did. In the crime-group he was in, he was mainly in charge of luring people out. Almost every day, mainly every week, he had to go under the disguise of someone else, having to act a certain way under a certain name, to a point where he forgot his own. Kieran didn’t show much signs of himself any more, rather, he copied off of the people that he saw everyday, not sure how he was supposed to act anymore, and what about him was a lie that he told himself or not. His persona that he took on was an egotistical and flirtatious boy with a seemingly kind and helpful attitude, gathering a little more “personality” with the people that he is forced to be around everyday.

Not knowing what to do anymore, he gave up. Too scared of the future, he ran away from both the mafia and his father. It's unknown whether his father was killed after that, but he obsesses whenever asked on how much he loves him, and how he's doing great back home.

Other Info:

  • He can't tie a tie.
  • He's still 5'3
  • Obsessive love over his father being the greatest person ever
  • Can watercolour pretty well
  • He forgot his name, so he just went with "what sounds cool"
  • Used to wear contacts that were blue because people made fun of his eye colour
  • Indeed, does have an ahoge (he's normal)
  • Hair is extremely messy and he wears a hair clip to keep some strands down. Due to this, he has been mistaken as a cosplayer in the past.
  • He doesn't like committed relationships (he's an aromantic), but he flirts with all genders anyway.

Name: Shilo Kurobane


(i made the line art and I credit my friend who coloured it)


Talent: SHSL Free Runner

Pronouns: She/Her


A friendly girl, she's extremely laid back and calm, and is the type of person who lives off the quote of "You do your thing, I do mine." Despite loving the feeling of the outdoors and is freedom-bound, being the free-runner that she is, she's extremely analytical due to her past, and is good at finding her way around tough situations both physically and mentally. She doesn't understand people who are confined to obedience.

Religion: Athiest

Birthday: March 2nd

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Heterosexual

Age: 17

Relationships you like with your character (platonic, romantic):


Favorite Video Game: Half Life


  • Ironic how despite her freedom-bound personality, she enjoys classical things
  • Preferably classical music
  • Rock Climbing
  • Roof Running
  • Tree climbing
  • Eating
  • Balancing things on top of umbrellas
  • Running
  • The sky
  • Heights

Favorite Music: Loves classical music, but nothing too-slow paced.

Favorite Song: Gustav Holst's "Jupiter" from The Planets


Born on March 2nd, she was the second born child to a small family of four. An energetic boy up to her toddler years, she bore a close relationship with her older brother, who was 6 years old. There family wasn’t exactly the richest, and they lived in a small apartment around a rough neighborhood. Neither did they have the average close bonds of a family. Her parents often argued over trivial and mundane issues, and her brother was included in many of the issues due to their strict ways. Because they lived in the urban city, they believed that their children could be the key to a higher status if they achieved high enough. But it wasn’t like that.

Shilo’s brother was naturally a dreamer. He was an average-kid at school, okay grades, but he wasn’t an over achiever. In fact, he didn’t want to be one. Because he didn’t want to be one, he often argued with particularly his mother over how he wants his life to be lead. Because he wouldn’t listen to them, Shilo’s mother believed that she would instead. She was naturally a good-graded student in Elementary school, though the constant pressure to over-achieve caused massive amounts of stress to her as a child. Unlike Shilo’s brother, who started to set his dream on becoming a pilot, she was dragged down from hers by having to become the “ideal student”. She was forced to stay inside up until she was 11 to focus hard on her studies. Despite her constant stress, her brother always tried to comfort her by sneaking her into the backyard when her mother was at work, teaching her how to climb trees.

Their father, however, was a much kinder and accepting man. That was one of the reasons that her parents fought all the time, the treatment and freedom of their children. But a divorce wasn’t possible for them. Considering how they’re already living rather roughly, her mother being the main-source of income for them all, the safety of Shilo and her brother were at stake

After she was 11, Shilo was forced to participate in many different types of sports for college, despite how she was still a child. While managing that, she had to keep her grade performance up, which was a heavy amount of stress for her. She couldn’t attend any sports-related parties or school events, and had to stay home to study for the sake of the family instead. However, at night, her brother snuck her out of the house to go to the park. That was when she started finding fascination with free-running, being able to run freely without any limitations, with the world as your obstacle.

At school, both siblings were often teased for their appearance. Her brother often wore pilot-goggles to school, which were too big for him of course. He didn’t want to grow up in the business/political branch like his parents wanted him to. He wanted to grow up to serve as a fighter pilot in the army. Shilo was often teased for looking “too girly”. She had great grades and an amazing athletic performance, but that just caused more people to be angry with her, causing people to mock her as the ‘perfect schoolboy’ or ‘teacher’s pet’. Her mother was also very disallowing of her dressing as a girl, often getting clothing that she used from her mother torn away from her. Though that didn’t change the nightly sport that she came to enjoy with her brother, free-running.

Though, there was a time where people had to take their own paths, find something else to do in life. When Shilo was 15, his brother finally achieved his dream of becoming a military pilot, about to head off into the maelstrom of war. Their cruel mother wanted him out as soon as possible, for not being the perfect-student she wanted, and Shilo cried for him not being able to stay. She pleaded him not go leave her alone, but instead, he gave her the goggles that he wore ever since he was a child, promising that he would come back to see his sister again. That comment enraged the mother as he headed off, and she grew more stricter with Shilo.

Ever since he went off into war, Shilo has never gotten a single note or word of him, not knowing whether he was dead or alive. Her only memories of him being the nights they spent racing the rooftops and the goggles she now wore on her head, just like her brother. Through the help of her father, she did finally transition into a female, though her mother finally declared a divorce a few days after it, not wanting to accept someone who just “wouldn’t accept a freak that won’t live as what they were born as”. After she left, the father had to work harder to pay off the bills for the house, eventually falling ill. She became the captain, co captain, or main leader of offence for many of the sports teams she was forced into as a child, as well as street-performing for money, so she was able to get money for a short period of time to help her father. That’s when they got the acceptance letter. Taking it, she said that she had to refuse to go and help him. Instead, she got encouraging words from his father. He told her to go to Hopes Peak and grow up as someone that she wanted to be, not someone that his ex-wife wanted her to be. There wasn’t much for him left now, so she should come back not to worry about her family, but to face whatever was next. Taking those cheesy words with her, she entered the High School Life of Hell.

Other Info:

  • Extremely athletic
  • Nearly hit the title of SHSL Athlete, though she disliked all the rules and stress for preparation in games, so she wasn't dedicated to many matches
  • Spend a good number of years learning martial arts and practicing hand-to-hand combat
  • Doesn't comb her hair
  • Surprisingly, wants to be a pilot
  • Likes all sports, and her least favorite is golf
  • She is a transsexual woman, and will react coldly/harshly towards any mistakes in pronouns or gender
  • Loves tall people
  • Doesn't understand personal space
  • Has experience in acrobat-dances.
  • She has marks all over her body from falls while free-running, and tends to have bandaids around her hands.
Cuties! Kieran reminds me a bit of one of my OCs. They're both in :)


[QUOTE="Despairingly Lucky]

Don't mean to repeat the rest but, is it too late?

Hey! Yes, we're still open :)
Name: "You don't recognize me? I'm amazed there is still someone alive that hasn't heard of the great Donovan Rizzo!"



Faceclaim: Tamaki Suoh from Ouran Highschool Host Club

Talent: "Oh I"m not that special. Played a bit of basketball in my younger years, wrote some sappy poetry...hmmm, what else....Oh yes. There's also the small part about me being a SHSL actor, though that's probably not important."

Pronouns: "Pronouns? Like hims and hers? I don't really have a preference, though 'Your Exellency' does have a nice ring to it."

Personality: "Personality cannot be defined for one such as myself. I simply play the roles given to me. Though I have been told by various women that I am very fun to be around. Perhaps you would like to spend some time with me Ms...Kumatora isn't it? What? Oh yes the question. Though I probably come off as a narcissistic douche I assure you I am quite friendly."

: "Ah yes religion, the original medium for happiness. Never been one for it myself though I can see the allure of such a concept. The great director in the sky, however real he may be, has no sway over my decisions.

Birthday: "On the twelfth day of the fourth month this world was granted the privilege of my presence."

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: "Though I have played a few homosexual roles, I much prefer the ladies. There's always the possibility of playing for both teams however."

Age: "I'm eighteen years old, though I've been as old as eighty five in my productions."

Relationships you like with your character (platonic, romantic): "I treasure both my friendships and my lovers. Speaking of lovers, it's been quite a long time since I've had a proper one. You know, something that isn't simply a one night stand. Perhaps if I find the right girl.....You can edit that last bit out right?"

Favorite Video Game: "Unsurprisingly I don't play many games. I do however enjoy a good story. Those...JRPG's I believe they're called? I quite like them. Crono Trigger was an exemplary example of perfect storytelling.

Interests: "My interests? Well let me think. I have always had a liking for animals, especially dogs. Never been much of a cat person. Fantasy also holds a spot in my heart. The thrill of rushing into the burning maw of a fire-breathing dragon to save a beautiful maiden resonates with me on an almost spiritual level. Yes there's nothing like a good book to keep the mind active."

Favorite Music: "Jazz fills my veins and funk my bones."

Favorite Song: "Every weekend I go to a jazz club in my small hometown to watch my childhood friend play. My favorite song of his must be The Fragrance of Dark Coffee."

Other Info: "Ah, ah, ah. You didn't think you'd have me spilling all of my proverbial beans did you? A man must keep his secrets my dear. Tell you what. I'll give you some info I've never told anyone. Come close...closer....ready?

I grew another inch. I'm now 6'3. I'm sure your publishers will LOVE that."
Am I too late?

Name: "Charles Ruecastle, at your service."

Face claim or physical description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/GilboWhipSmex.jpg.c2a79f68051ca74be69f2cf259018794.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69413" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/GilboWhipSmex.jpg.c2a79f68051ca74be69f2cf259018794.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Talent: "Officer work primarily, basically I get grunts and send em out to the slaughter."

Pronouns: "Sir, commander and of course general, but if your a useless arsehole and can't remember that, he, him and his."

Personality: "I don't take shit from noone, and I will gladly point out other peoples bullshit if they think coming to me is some sort of hug box. Now I ain't a dick, well I might be, but I ain't gonna let some sonuvabitch walk all over me, hell no. I make the orders don't take them. I like success, I like knowing that I have helped the team over the line and that I played a role in that.

Religion: "If war has taught me any lessons, there is no God."

Birthday: "November fifteenth, remember that or I will court martial you."

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: "I would stick my penis into a vagina anytime"

Age: "Seventeen, just cos I'm a junior doesn't mean you don't get to disrespect your superiors.."

Relationships you like with your character (platonic, romantic): "I am always looking for someone to share my bunk with."

Favorite Video Game: "Ain't got no time for that shit, I'm a soldier."

Interests: "If we cut the long walks on the beaches crap, I like watching movies, reading up on history, writing in my journal and training, can't do anything unless I feel like I'm useful."

Favorite Music: "Primarily marching themes, something with an impressive beat and bass to it."

Favorite Song: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH6wXaLQIMQ[/media]

Other Info:



  • GilboWhipSmex.jpg
    81 KB · Views: 93
Name: Alexander Mioroshi

Face claim or physical description: Alex stands at about 6" tall, and has slightly pudgy, but slightly toned physique. He has a slightly pale skin tone and sandy-blonde hair that falls just past his shoulders. He has a rather smooth face, making him look slightly feminine at times. He has dark-brown eyes and he also has a well-maintained goatee.

Talent: High-school Prodigy, Hope and Master Drinker/Party Animal

Pronouns: Intelligent

Personality: Alex is usually a very calm and relaxed individual, usually talking in a very professional or business-like manner. He is also very respectful and labels himself as a gentleman, acting a lot more civilized or nice around women. But, when he drinks, his personality can take a complete 180. He no longer acts respectful, but rather becomes quite obnoxious, usually laughing out loud and acting much more friendly to others, to the point of being annoying. But, he also no longer acts like a gentleman, and instead acts lewd and tends to try and cop a feel on other women. He also does this to men, if he's drunk enough.

Religion: Agnostic

Birthday: November 14th, 1996

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Alex prefers women, especially when he's drunk, but will hit on men if he's had WAY too much to drink. When he's sober, he's a bit of a romantic.


Relationships you like with your character (platonic, romantic): Alex loves romantic relationships, but also relishes in platonic ones as well.

Favorite Video Game: Dark Souls

Interests: Parties, Alcohol, Romantic Dates, Reading Books.

Favorite Music: Classic Rock

Favorite Song: [media]

Other Info: Alex doesn't really do much for himself except drink. He'd rather help others first, then treat himself later with some booze. Other than that, he's nice and easy going.
[QUOTE="The Haygor]Name: Alexander Mioroshi
Face claim or physical description: Alex stands at about 6" tall, and has slightly pudgy, but slightly toned physique. He has a slightly pale skin tone and sandy-blonde hair that falls just past his shoulders. He has a rather smooth face, making him look slightly feminine at times. He has dark-brown eyes and he also has a well-maintained goatee.

Talent: High-school Prodigy, Hope and Master Drinker/Party Animal

Pronouns: Intelligent

Personality: Alex is usually a very calm and relaxed individual, usually talking in a very professional or business-like manner. He is also very respectful and labels himself as a gentleman, acting a lot more civilized or nice around women. But, when he drinks, his personality can take a complete 180. He no longer acts respectful, but rather becomes quite obnoxious, usually laughing out loud and acting much more friendly to others, to the point of being annoying. But, he also no longer acts like a gentleman, and instead acts lewd and tends to try and cop a feel on other women. He also does this to men, if he's drunk enough.

Religion: Agnostic

Birthday: November 14th, 1996

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Alex prefers women, especially when he's drunk, but will hit on men if he's had WAY too much to drink. When he's sober, he's a bit of a romantic.


Relationships you like with your character (platonic, romantic): Alex loves romantic relationships, but also relishes in platonic ones as well.

Favorite Video Game: Dark Souls

Interests: Parties, Alcohol, Romantic Dates, Reading Books.

Favorite Music: Classic Rock

Favorite Song: [media]

Other Info: Alex doesn't really do much for himself except drink. He'd rather help others first, then treat himself later with some booze. Other than that, he's nice and easy going.

Name: Joseph Guérir

Face claim or physical description: Joseph has a chiseled yet slightly bulky face, with dark circles around his squinted chocolate-colored eyes. He wears his nearly-black hair covering his ears and in a loose braid that almost reaches down to his waist. Joseph stands at about 6'1", has broad shoulders, and is slightly muscular but also a little overweight. His skin is tanned, and he has a large scar on his chest.

Joseph wear a black leather jacket over a burgundy zip-up hooded sweater and white t-shirt. He wears blue jeans and black leather shoes, which are quite shiny and well maintained.

Talent: Super High School Level Huntsman

Pronouns: He/His

Personality: Joseph doesn't care for most people or things. He keeps to himself and is rather cold and distant when around people, prefering to be alone. Despite his reluctancy to socialize, Joseph is quite relaxed and can be friendly to people he likes. When he feels forced to interact with people, he does, but in a sarcastic and somewhat demeaning manner. However, his sarcasm and disdainful attitude is more of an attempt to humor himself than an actual shot at negativity towards someone. It is rare that Joseph dislikes someone, but it is rarer that he likes someone.

Religion: "Who cares. There might be some sort of higher being out there, but it certainly gives no shits about us."

Birthday: May 30

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Heterosexual, but doesn't care enough for romance to bother with it.

Age: 18

Relationships you like with your character (platonic, romantic): Mostly platonic.

Favorite Video Games: Team Fortress 2, Super Mario World, Demon's Souls

Interests: Hunting, fishing, cooking, video games, sleeping.

Favorite Music: Classic rock.

Favorite Song: Rolling Stones - Paint It Black

Other Info: N/A
[QUOTE="The Fool]
Name: Joseph Guérir
Face claim or physical description: Joseph has a chiseled yet slightly bulky face, with dark circles around his squinted chocolate-colored eyes. He wears his nearly-black hair covering his ears and in a loose braid that almost reaches down to his waist. Joseph stands at about 6'1", has broad shoulders, and is slightly muscular but also a little overweight. His skin is tanned, and he has a large scar on his chest.

Joseph wear a black leather jacket over a burgundy zip-up hooded sweater and white t-shirt. He wears blue jeans and black leather shoes, which are quite shiny and well maintained.

Talent: Super High School Level Huntsman

Pronouns: He/His

Personality: Joseph doesn't care for most people or things. He keeps to himself and is rather cold and distant when around people, prefering to be alone. Despite his reluctancy to socialize, Joseph is quite relaxed and can be friendly to people he likes. When he feels forced to interact with people, he does, but in a sarcastic and somewhat demeaning manner. However, his sarcasm and disdainful attitude is more of an attempt to humor himself than an actual shot at negativity towards someone. It is rare that Joseph dislikes someone, but it is rarer that he likes someone.

Religion: "Who cares. There might be some sort of higher being out there, but it certainly gives no shits about us."

Birthday: May 30

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Heterosexual, but doesn't care enough for romance to bother with it.

Age: 18

Relationships you like with your character (platonic, romantic): Mostly platonic.

Favorite Video Games: Team Fortress 2, Super Mario World, Demon's Souls

Interests: Hunting, fishing, cooking, video games, sleeping.

Favorite Music: Classic rock.

Favorite Song: Rolling Stones - Paint It Black

Other Info: N/A

You're in!
Name: Midori Fujimoto (Pen Name: Crimson Love)

Face claim or physical description:
Midori is small for her age, only coming up to about 5'1". She has long black hair which she keeps tied up behind her, hiding it inside her clothing. She has a soft, rounded face with dark brown eyes, hidden behind her glasses. She typically wears a red and yellow heavy jacket no matter the weather, with a complimenting skirt and black/white knee high socks to hide her legs. Her outfit, combined with her small size and personality makes her appear to be younger then she actually is.

SHSL Erotic Novelist (Super Hidden Talent SHSL Cognitive Inhibitionist)

((I'd keep it pg in accordance with the rules, of course))


Midori is shy when it comes to people. Not knowing how to react to them as a side effect of spending most of her time in her room. She'll tend to hide behind others and let them do the talking, rather then herself. Avoiding them outright when alone. Though on rare occasions she is known to open up to people (if only slightly) if they share her interests, or know of her work.


June 9th

Sexual/Romantic Orientation:
Bisexual (Despite being a romance/erotic author and fan, Midori doesn't express an interest in her own lovelife)


Relationships you like with your character (platonic, romantic):
Anything goes

Favorite Video Game:

Aside from her own writing, Midori enjoys reading books and watching movies. Usually Romantic or Erotic.

Favorite Music:

Other Info:
Midori generally has two 'modes' as she calls them. When she isn't writing or reading, she reverts to her 'Default Mode which is what she uses to describe herself when she is acting normally. While writing or reading, she'll go into her 'Trance Mode', in which she'll completely block out the world, completely engrossing herself with her work. To the point where even if a bomb went off next to her, she wouldn't even notice. She lived alone, spending most of her time writing short stories she would send to magazines and other small time publishers under her pen name "Crimson Love".

(If I messed anything up please let me know. I'm new to this site and haven't done this kind of thing in a long time. Was just looking through RPs and saw this one, being a fan of the game I decided I would apply.)
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[QUOTE="Shyla Nesthorn]
Name: Midori Fujimoto (Pen Name: Crimson Love)

Face claim or physical description:
Midori is small for her age, only coming up to about 5'1". She has long black hair which she keeps tied up behind her, hiding it inside her clothing. She has a soft, rounded face with dark brown eyes, hidden behind her glasses. She typically wears a red and yellow heavy jacket no matter the weather, with a complimenting skirt and black/white knee high socks to hide her legs. Her outfit, combined with her small size and personality makes her appear to be younger then she actually is.

SHSL Erotic Novelist (Super Hidden Talent SHSL Cognitive Inhibitionist)

((I'd keep it pg in accordance with the rules, of course))


Midori is shy when it comes to people. Not knowing how to react to them as a side effect of spending most of her time in her room. She'll tend to hide behind others and let them do the talking, rather then herself. Avoiding them outright when alone. Though on rare occasions she is known to open up to people (if only slightly) if they share her interests, or know of her work.


June 9th

Sexual/Romantic Orientation:
Bisexual (Despite being a romance/erotic author and fan, Midori doesn't express an interest in her own lovelife)


Relationships you like with your character (platonic, romantic):
Anything goes

Favorite Video Game:

Aside from her own writing, Midori enjoys reading books and watching movies. Usually Romantic or Erotic.

Favorite Music:

Other Info:
Midori generally has two 'modes' as she calls them. When she isn't writing or reading, she reverts to her 'Default Mode which is what she uses to describe herself when she is acting normally. While writing or reading, she'll go into her 'Trance Mode', in which she'll completely block out the world, completely engrossing herself with her work. To the point where even if a bomb went off next to her, she wouldn't even notice. She lived alone, spending most of her time writing short stories she would send to magazines and other small time publishers under her pen name "Crimson Love".

(If I messed anything up please let me know. I'm new to this site and haven't done this kind of thing in a long time. Was just looking through RPs and saw this one, being a fan of the game I decided I would apply.)

Hey, you're in :)
Name:Jay Uni Koishi Amagi

Face claim or physical description:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-6_8-52-14.png.a24e11b9aafa2cc508ca61d4b471191e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110390" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-6_8-52-14.png.a24e11b9aafa2cc508ca61d4b471191e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height:5'11 (180cm)

Weight: 210 lbs


Hair: Gray Hair that almost blocks his left eye

Hats: A White regular old-fashion hat.

Tops:Jay wear a long-sleave black suit with black tie with a collar (like a tuxedo but not)

Bottom: He wears Khaki Pants.

Shoes: He wears Crimson Church shoe

Talent:SHSL Actor

Pronouns: he/him

Personality: Jay Amagi is a snuck-up snob who really take his acing very serious. He always think that everyone is out to ruined his career and because of that he have serious trust issues. If he joins Hope's Peak Academy, He will always be in his room lock his door and do boring stuff. He's a rude and mean person who likes being alone all the time

Religion:Was Born in the United States but grew up in Japan

Birthday: August,15,2000

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: He doesn't have Sexual/Romantic orientation


Relationships you like with your character (platonic, romantic):We're like enemies

Favorite Video Game: He doesn't Play video games

Interests:His Acting and School

Favorite Music: Classical Music

Favorite Song: Doesn't have one

Other Info:

-Jay is like Byuakuya Togami (but more serious and less caring of others)

-Jay is a classic musical fanatic

-Jay hates love

-Jay love being alone



  • upload_2016-3-6_8-52-14.png
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  • sweet_cuddles__yukio_okumura_x_reader__by_cookiepayne-d89606a.png

    Name: Vu~insento, Nasanieru

    Face claim or physical description:

    Talent: S.H.S.L. Troublemaker/Anarchist

    Pronouns: Masculine

    Personality: Aggressive, Cunning, Serious, Easily Flustered, Quick on his Feet, Brave, Distant and Selfless

    Religion: Agnostic

    Birthday: November, 05

    Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Heterosexual

    Age: 17

    Relationships you like with your character: Platonic

    Favorite Video Game: Any Strategy Games



    -Making weapons




    Favorite Music:




    Favorite Song:

    -Bohemian Rapshody, Queen

    Other Info:

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(I hope I'm not late. There are so many people sending in characters, I hope I can join. It looks like fun)

Name:Markus Kohlier

Face claim or physical description:

The one who talks about stuff — This is My Danganronpa OC. Markus Kohlier. Yeah, I...

Apart from what you can see in the link (I know, it's tumblr, its the only site that I had him on), He's 6''0, pretty skinny. He also wears durable black trousers and black and red sneakers for if he needs to run.

Talent: Observer

Pronouns: Masculine

Personality: Markus seems hostlie and angry when you first see him, but is actually a nice guy. He's caring, and innocent (Cinamon-roll you could say). He has a bit of trouble understanding people, so he finds it hard to talk to people. He doesn't understand jokes and finds it hard to catch onto stuff, but that doesn't stop him fom trying to talk to people. He also tends to contridict himself, and will admit it by saying 'I like talking to people, and I don't mind social interraction, but people scare me'. That sort of thing. He stands up for what he thinks is right, and if he wasn't the SHSL Observer, his talent would be determination, or stubbornness (Usually a joke).

Religion: None/Optimistic about most things.

Birthday: 19th Febuary

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Homosexual/Homoromantic

Age: 19

Relationships you like with your character (platonic, romantic): Anything goes really.

Favorite Video Game: Doesn't have one, but prefers Hack n' slash, Gore and Stealth games.

Interests: Gaming, Drawing, Reading, Observing people.

Favorite Music: Prefers Electronica, some Pop, Rock when trying to keep up-beat. Celtic when relaxing.

Favorite Song: Doesn't have one, Likes anything in the genre range.

Other Info: (Mainly just Trivia, buts stil) He has a younger sister, a mother and a pet dog (German Shepard). Can get jealous and possessive easily. He has slight trust issues. He can play the Violin, and he's great with kids and pretty decent at cooking.
The one who talks about stuff — This is My Danganronpa OC. Markus Kohlier. Yeah, I...[/URL]

Apart from what you can see in the link (I know, it's tumblr, its the only site that I had him on), He's 6''0, pretty skinny. He also wears durable black trousers and black and red sneakers for if he needs to run.

Talent: Observer

Pronouns: Masculine

Personality: Markus seems hostlie and angry when you first see him, but is actually a nice guy. He's caring, and innocent (Cinamon-roll you could say). He has a bit of trouble understanding people, so he finds it hard to talk to people. He doesn't understand jokes and finds it hard to catch onto stuff, but that doesn't stop him fom trying to talk to people. He also tends to contridict himself, and will admit it by saying 'I like talking to people, and I don't mind social interraction, but people scare me'. That sort of thing. He stands up for what he thinks is right, and if he wasn't the SHSL Observer, his talent would be determination, or stubbornness (Usually a joke).

Religion: None/Optimistic about most things.

Birthday: 19th Febuary

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Homosexual/Homoromantic

Age: 19

Relationships you like with your character (platonic, romantic): Anything goes really.

Favorite Video Game: Doesn't have one, but prefers Hack n' slash, Gore and Stealth games.

Interests: Gaming, Drawing, Reading, Observing people.

Favorite Music: Prefers Electronica, some Pop, Rock when trying to keep up-beat. Celtic when relaxing.

Favorite Song: Doesn't have one, Likes anything in the genre range.

Other Info: (Mainly just Trivia, buts stil) He has a younger sister, a mother and a pet dog (German Shepard). Can get jealous and possessive easily. He has slight trust issues. He can play the Violin, and he's great with kids and pretty decent at cooking.
Dude, this Rp has been dead for awhile. You could start your own DR RP.
[QUOTE="Laughing Lunatic]Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise. My bad. :(

Eh, it's fine.

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