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Realistic or Modern -Dancing with the devil in the pale moon light- [open]


Bust :(
ooc: Hey have a look, enjoy jump in if you want, ask questions if you like. I'm a bit bored and began to write and this is what came out. Again read and hope you like, if not no harm done

"Hannah, are you sure we won't get caught?" The whispers in the shadows called in a hurried, worried tone.

"Listen no one told you to come Peter, go home if you want" Her tone was more aggressive between her labored breathing.

The night sky was partly cloudy, the weather had a hint of a chill as the glow from the moon rain down upon a hard abandoned house. It was in the middle of no where, far enough from town where the two could be alone. Hannah had always been a trouble maker, Peter was not. He was always long to keep her from being in any real trouble since childhood, as their parents were close and the two were almost the same age. Tonight would be the same they thought, another normal teen angst with no consequence.

"Right...-grunt- Here we are" As she finally crawled under the last of the fallen wall into the living room clearing. The room was dark aside from the moon pouring in from the cracks in between the boarded up wood. It was known as a hide out for kids, it would host drinking, sex, drugs. This how ever was not the reason for the visit tonight.

"Listen. We can just spray paint something and go. Your mom would flip if she knew what we were doing"

"Who's going to tell her?" Her retort was harsh and quick as she looked back at him. He said nothing as he picked himself up looking around.

The two were raised very Christian. Sunday school, all boy or all girl schools. Charity, church and trying to be molded into the ideal children by their respective parents. Peter was on the track to becoming a young man of the lord. Hannah was trying to do everything not to. Thats what made her find something on the web she wanted to try.

"Are we really going to try and conjure the forces of evil?" Peter's voice cracked a touch as he spoke. He didn't fully believe in the man in the sky, but feared him. Same could be said of the other.

"Again, you can go home Peter" She hadn't looked at him since they entered the room. She was to busy going through her bag, she pulled out candles and a small jar of dye and a few papers with words and symbols on them printed from her school library.

Peter sat in the corner looking at his watch. It was almost three. He wanted to go home, to leave her here for once to fend for herself. But what if....What if he thought. Some time passes as he waited, watching while she drew on the walls and floors. The red dye stained on her fingers and ran down the sides of her demonic symbols.

"Who do you want to be?" She called to him as she didn't stop.

"Excuse me?"

"You know, Who do you want to be? Who do you want to invoke, call, cast."

He hesitated not really understanding the question. She could tell as her patience was running thin. "Fine, you'll just have to be Mammon and I'll be Asmodeus." There was a slight breeze that came through the window as she called their names. Peter grew anxious as even Hannah stopped writing. She cleared her thought as she returned to the wall.

"In the Bible.."

"Yeah, yeah" She cut him off as she finished. She turned to him with the dye running down her arm and finger tips. "Why do you think we are here?"

"Hannah this is blasphemy, and you know that."

"Again, are you going to tell on me?" She made her way over, she got close to his face as stared for a moment. Her lips closing in to his, she smiled a wicked little smile. Peter hadn't been this close to her ever. She wouldn't allow him. He should have known she was doing this for a reason. With her soaked finger tip she traced a small symbol on his forehead. He tried to squirm but she held his face still with her other hand. She was strong he thought, she made quick work before letting him go. "Don't rub it off." She called as walked away, she didn't have to see him to know what he was about to do.

"What is this stuff by the way?"

"Chicken blood. Old man Harry killed a few to sell, I snuck in while he was draining them. I said don't rub!" He voice echoed as Peter smeared the corner of the symbol. She walked back and fixed it quickly "Just stop, we are almost done, we can go home after." That didn't make this better for him. He knew he should have stayed home. ""I'll flash you after"
The words were quick and quiet, he almost didn't understand them as he froze. He cleared his throat. Sweat began to pearl on his forehead as he stood quietly. She smiled knowing he took her bait. She began to speak words, a deep call of a different tongue that Peter did not know. The words first came slow and then rushed out. They were ominous and strange. The room got darker as the moon outside started to become covered by clouds. At this point Hannah bend down to light the candles she brought, the tips burned black before lighting the walls which cast shadows. Again she continued as she rose her hand and became louder. Peter could only watch as she started to sway back and forth in a chant. His eyes strained a bit to see in the dark. The shadows on the way swayed with her as the light from the candles flicked and popped. Again she grew louder and fierce. Peter started to feel faint, the room became hot and cold all at once. He took a step back as he felt the wall with his hand. The door way they came in through was filled with nails and splinters, one of which found his finger and pricked it. He looked down to see a small pool of blood on the tip of his finger start to grow. He went to wipe it as it fell on the ground. With that he looked up again to see Hannah standing looking at him, but it wasn't her he thought. Her eyes, her eyes were bright yellow in the dark, her hair almost standing up. Her teeth pulled back into a snarl and her mouth moving but now making a sound. Her hands were still up as a voice continued to chant but it wasn't her. The voice was quiet but loud. It was like thunder and a whisper. Peter again felt faint as he dropped to his knees. He lowered his head as he struggled to breath. There was a sound, as if a large being was breathing heavy over him. He felt a hot breath on his neck but he didn't want to look. It reminded him of a dog he was once attacked back, it didn't bite him but cornered him. He could only stay in the position he was in till the owner pulled off. The same deep breath, it was of something wanted to attack, the smell of sulfur on his breath. He sat there trembling, crying and scared. The room grew black and he found himself in black.



Peter stood up in the dark as he felt hot. He couldn't see but could feel everything. The dark room was spinning as he had to remind himself where he was. He ran to the bathroom and to the toilet to purge. He sat there dizzy as he finally could catch his breath. It felt hot, it tasted bad. He sat on the floor for a moment before flushing. This neck hurt, his head hurt, his chest was still pounding. He pulled himself up to the sink, the water now on. He washed his face with hot hot water. It burned but felt cool. His stomach was sore again. He motioned to the light switch, eyes still closed. He felt like he could reach it and flicked it on. He opened his eyes to see himself in the mirror. He was older now, 15 years. He had to remember everything, he had to come back. The dream, it came every year, this was again one. He coughed once more as he turned to the door which was a few feet away. His eyes fixed on the new apartment bathroom. The light switch next to the door, he had been no where close to it. But he turned it on.......How did he turn it on?

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