Dancing Gryffon Inn [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

Taizo stands up before Knaff leaves.

"I'll go with him to try and make sure he doesn't do anything that will get us into more trouble"

Before leaving the room, he transforms into his animal shape and rides on Knaff shoulder outside.
If Knaff was displeased with the Full Moon going with him, it was hard to tell, his face had already assumed the mask he'd need to face the guards in the prison.
"You wouldn't get into so much trouble if you shut your mouth." Rowan warned as he followed. Rowan had gotten more serious since his Exaltation, as for if nothing else, the events surrounding that had forced him to be. There was nothing like losing your family, being declared Anathema and being on the run for your life.

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