Dancing Gryffon Inn [Dude, where's my daiklave?]


Luna's Concubine
Roleplay Availability
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One by one, the Circle meets up at the Inn. Drinks flow and happy conversation ensues.

The Inn is a three story building in the heart of Great Forks. The bottom floor is occupied by the kitchen, dining rooms, bar with a stage for live music, and a bathhouse, while the second and third floors are all rooms of various sizes. At the moment, you do not as yet have a room; you just made arrangements to meet here to go over what has been learned over the course of the day.

As you sit in the bar, a couple of band members are making preperations for the evening performance by checking their instruments, and the bar itself is about half full of people enjoying drinks and simple bar food to wash away the dust from the road or to ease the stress of a long work day.

What do you do?
Slip looks around at the crowd and sips at a drink. Seeing the full group assembled he makes a suggestion, "Well, our friend managed to get a good price on those furs for me. Maybe we should take this party to a room?"
Mordant Xane

Mordant, unfortunately, is completely distracted by the presence of the stage.

With a quick look about, he ambles over to the band and sits down on the edge of the stage while they tune their instruments. He gives them a smile and a nod, and pulls his Sanxian from his pack. "Ah, good evening gents. I see you are still tuning up. A shame, but your opening act must have been a little late tonight. How unfortunate! But not to worry! I am more than happy to cover for their conspicuous absence while you tune up."

Without waiting for the assent of the band, or even for their reaction, Mordant begins to play a quick and up-tempo melody on his instrument.


Some music to cover against anyone over-hearing our little group talking... and to distract from the presence of a wanted criminal / pirate in the bar.

Cha + Performance: 8 successes (+ relevant appearance modifiers, as appropriate to the crowd).
The two band members on stage trade a glance, trying to figure out what to do about this sudden change of plans, and the bar manager looks up with a nasty scowl and looks like he's about to walk over and kick the interloper off the stage. But, when he hears the quality of the music, his glare fades away as the crowd begins to warm up to the tune. Shortly, the various members of the stage band join in and the room begins to fill with people as the music draws them in.

During a break between songs, the manager walks over and hands Mordant a small glass of beer. "The next time you want to play on my stage, let me know ahead of time, ok? I like to know what's going on in my place." In a quieter voice, he mutters, "Good job, by the way."
As Mordant makes his distraction, Slip signals to the others to make their way upstairs and slides over to the innkeeper, "Room for the night if you have one, good sir."
Knaff slides up the bar as Mordant plays. He enjoys the music, yet keeps his eyes open scanning the crowd, though he's more than happy to go somewhere quiet to discuss their finding, as it seems too many here know of the good doctor.
The innkeeper takes a small stack of coins from Slip and produces a couple of keys. "Yer room is up on the third floor, good sir. I do hope you enjoy your stay. Breakfast will be served starting at seven. If there is anything you need, just let us know."

Upstairs, the room is going to be a bit cramped for the lot of you, but so long as you keep still it won't be too bad. The more paranoid of the group would notice that the floor creaks a bit as you walk on it, giving a bit of notice to anyone trying to listen in at the door as you talk.
Moving quickly, Knaff enters the room, and as soon as he clear the doorway, and cannot be seen from the entrance, he moves to take his totem shape, after realizing that the room would be too cramped otherwise. After all, Rowan knew the same story he did, so no need to have two telling the same story, and that way there would be more room for all.
Rowan slipped into the room, wincing at the creaking floor and then casting not a few glances towards the door before deciding to speak in a lowered voice.

"Alright. Having searched the gambling dens, Knaff and I found good news and bad news. Bad news, our doctor has tried to pay off his debts by means of murder, and seems to be incarcerated at the Stone Fortress on the river for his crime. Good news... well, we DO know where he is, and however we decide to get him out, he'll certainly be inclined to aid us in finding our destination."


OOC: Could Knaff and Rowan have passed by the Stone Fortress in meeting up with the others and seen useful and pertinent details we could share with the group?

Slip shifts into his much cleaner human true form and adds, "We discovered much the same. In addition, it seems when he wasn't gambling or trying to pay off debts he was working at the local insane asylum. It's possible we could find his home from someone there. Maybe we won't even have to break the guy out."

Slip strokes the stubble on his chin, "It probably wouldn't be too hard for me to infiltrate either place, but knowing where in this prison he is would be helpful. I'm down for some reconnaissance either way."

Slip looks over at Jenai with an appraising eye, "... I trust your little tussle won't be dogging us?"

Jenai smiles a little sheepishly and shrugs, "I doubt it. Between the fear and the bribe, I'd wager only the whispers will identify us. By the time the guard sifts the fact from the rumor, we'll be long gone -- possibly with a fugitive in tow."

He listens longingly to the sounds in the common room below. It was taking most of his focus to pay attention to the business at hand. After a day like today, a chance to unwind sounded superb, but the planning and sharing of information was a bit to important to just blow off.
Making a side trip over to see the fortress on your way to the inn is no problem. It was built in after the Great Contagion to help aid in the defense of the city from future attacks. Located on the same side of the river as Great Forks, it is at the far eastern end of the city on the river. The fort is made out of heavy stone pulled up from the ground by elementals and set on solid bedrock, making it very sturdy. It woud also be easy to learn that the captain of the guard is a Dragon Blooded sorcerer, probably Looksky trained, and has used his talents to summon a handfull of demons to supplement the security forces at the Stone.
finally spent that xp, going to activate keen (hearing & touch) technique

Does this jail have windows?

-1m shifting, -3m charm

Personal: 10/14

Peripheral: 36/36
Khem slinks into the room as nobody is watching with his familiar following him. There he sits on a bed and gives the little jackal a piece of meat.

"When do we start to search his house? I'm not very familiar with law enforcement around here but I kinda doubt they leave him in there for a long time. We are on the run anyway so we've got no time to waste", he talks with a calm voice with his eyes on the jackal.
The castle was not originally intended to be a prison, but it is still a strongpoint. There are small windows on the second level along with arrow slits, and larger windows on the third level of the main keep. Some of the towers are larger than that, and they have windows all the way up. Wherever they are keeping Hax will have windows, but they will be too small for the good doctor to fit through.
After following behind everyone into the room, and listening as to what they have found out he speaks up:

"Getting in will be easier for some of us" Taizo says as he looks to his fellow lunars in the party.

"I think the biggest issue will be getting him out un-noticed until we're away from the castle. Is there even anyone among us who would be able to deal with the demons?"
Slip inclined his head at the other lunar, "True that getting in will not be as hard perhaps, but I have no intention of trying to get him out. Maybe if he is innocent... either way it means trouble. I was thinking if we don't find what he need in his home we could visit him and have a little chat."
Mordant Xane

Xane idly scratches his chin as he thinks before contributing. "If Mr. Hax has killed a man, he should serve his time. I think Slip's idea is best; lets take a look at his home. If we can't find what we need there, then we should have a conversation with the good doctor. I'd rather not stage a jailbreak for a guilty man from a heavy prison in the middle of a city."

Xane picks up his coat, and stands up. "I'll go check with the local guildsman, and see if they know where Mr Hax kept his residence."
"The workers at the asylum may know as well... I have an idea for that if you guys want to check. You want any backup Mord, obvious or otherwise?"
Moving to Rowan's shoulders, Knafff changes back to his human shape, sitting on the Solar's shoulders as he changes. "I'll say, but while you guys are going there, we can go and speak to the good doctor in prison, and see if we can joggle his memory."
So we have two groups preparing to go out: one to the asylum, and one to the doctor's residence. Who is in which group, and when do you plan on going out? Do you wait for morning, or leave in the early evening?
Actually three groups, Knaff just plans to go to the prison to have a chat with the doctor, I have no idea if Rowan would be amenable to join him...
My bad. Three more threads coming up.

Feel free to continue posting in this one until it is locked.
While you talk, you hear the sound of someone walking up the hallway to your door, followed by a hesitant knock. Looking outside, you see one of the young ladies that you saw bussing tables down in the bar. In a timid voice, "Pardon me, sirs, but this was left for you down at the front desk." She hands over a envelope and gives a quick curtsey. "I'm sorry, but the man didn't leave his name, and he left once he dropped off the note."

Tearing open the envelope, you find a piece of fine parchment with fancy, flowing script in Old Realm. It reads, "You are running out of time. The Hunters are getting closer." Signed "A friend, D"
Knaff thanks the lady profusely, and kisses her hand before he let's her go with his thanks. He then turns to the others and says "Seems like we might have a secret admirer, so let's split up and get this done, I have no mind to tackle with the Dragon-Bloods just yet, though leaving some false trail for them would be nice... So Rowan, you coming with me? or this incarnation is too timid for this?" A mischevious grin splits his face, and before Rowan can answer, he heads out the door towards the prison.

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