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Dai Yuzu Boys' Academy

"I ment tomorrow! He probably already went to bed." Mizu was again dragged across the room then right back out the door. A moment ago he would have just wanted to crawl into bed and fall asleep; Now he was asleep to suce he would have to lie near Lori. Yep...the handcuffs made the situation more awkward more than anything.

(I know it's realy early to as, but who shoukd realize that they've developed feelings for the other guy first? Also, Mizu was already gay.)
(( Lori >//v//<because he will get all flusterd and adorable. xD ))

Lori stopped in his track when Mizu said tomorrow he then turned back to Mizu "Are you serious!" he whined "You should have told me that bef-" Lori's sentence was cut off by a huge crack of thunder and the lights in the halls had turned off, Lori screamed and out of reflex flung himself on to Mizu and buried his face into his chest clenching the back of his shirt. Why did a stupid storm have to happen today, out of all the days.
(Alright!! ^w^ That'll surely be adorable!!! <3)

Mizu jumped as well when the light's flashed out. It was pitch black in the empty halls. Even though he couldn't see a thing, he felt Lori squeal and snuggle close to him for protection. The darkness helped hide the brigjt red blush that quicjly spread across his face. "I-It's fine. We're inside, so it can't hurt ya." He tried to step back, trying to find the door handle to their room. In his attempt to return to the comforts of the dorm, he accidently tripped over his own feet, falling bsck down to the floor and taking Lori down with him. "Sorry..." he grumbled afterwards.
Lori heard Mizu's words, the vibrated inside of Mizu's chest "I-I know that." Lori said shakily as he clenched tighter onto Mizu's back as more thunder sounded. Lori could feel Mizu moving, he was probably looking for the door to their room, Lori was about to let go to make it more easy for him to move but for some reason they had fell to to the ground. Lori felt fine, he felt like he didn't even hit the floor then the emergency back up lights had turned on and Lori's face automatically turned bright red. He was ontop of Mizu "Uh I-I-I..." Lori tried to speak the words just wouldn't come out.
(Ooooohh! :DDD This turned out better than I had planned!)

Mizu's red face matched Lori's when the lights flicked back on. It was awkward as he\\, but tried to wipe that feeling away. "Well, d-don't just sit there! Get up!" He grumbled. He brought himself to sit, brushing Lori back a ways, removing his arms from clutching his shirt. As he placed his hand down on the floor to lift himself up, because it was still handcuffed to Lori's hand as well it pulled him back down towards him. Their faces were close for a few seconds, an almost accidently kiss. Mizu quickly covered his mouth before this could happen with his other hand. He turned his head away.
"Y-You dont need to yell..." Lori said witha pout as he looked away from Mizu while he was trying to get up he yanked Lori back towards him he turned back to face Mizu "Hey be more gent-." Lori couldn't speak, him and Mizu's faces were very close together as if they were about to...Nooo! Lori quickly faced the other way as Mizu did his, face was even redder and all of a sudden everything was hot "L-Lets j-just go in!" Lori managed to say as he quickly got up and headed to the door trying to get away from Mizu. Lori quickly opened the door and went in, he almost slammed the door on Mizu's face "S-Sorry!" Lori said quickly he had forgotten that they were chained together. Lori's heart pounded so hard that it hurt to speak. Lori was silent and his face was still bright red, why was everything so hard now?
"D@mnit! You almost broke my nose!" Mizu complained when Lori slammed the door, almost crushing his hand in fhe door drame as well. "I'm sorry, alright?!" He paused to sigh deeply and flip his hair back, "I didn't ask for this. Let's just go to sleep and find that freaking counselor in the morning....."
"Sorry." Lori said again "I did not mean to..." Lori said his voice cracking a bit he could barely speak his heart was still pounding rapidly in his chest Lori pulled on the colar of his shirt and deepily sighed for some reason the room was hot he then looked back at Mizu when he mentioned going to bed he then looked down at the chains, they were going to have to sleep together?! The redness automatically came back to Loris cheeks "O-ok which b-bed.." Lori asked looking at his and Mizu's bed, he would rather aleep in his since it was storming and thats where he usually spent his stormy nights "Can we sleep in mine...?" he asked sheepishly.
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"Doesn't matter to me...I'm so tired that I'd be fine with sleeping on a pile of bricks." Mizu replied, trying to talk normally and avoid sounding awkward. Ohhhh, but there was already plenty of awkwardness between them. It was pretty embarrassing when they entered the bed, having to climb on together. "Seriously Mizu?! Just act natural!! I-It's only for one night...then you can go and force that @sshole to give you the keys to this thing!! Yeah.....sure....!" His thoughts were as if he were having a conversation with himself in his own mind.
When they lied down on the bed Lori grabbed one of his many pillows buried his face into it trying to sound out the noises of the storm which terrified him, it was bad enough that everything was already akward between them but now they had to sleep together and because they were cuffed together they had to close to eachother but Lori couldn't help but smile a bit, for some reason sleeping near Mizu wasn't bad, he was like a protective wall that kept him safe from the storm he was also warm and he was sort of soft when Lori had hugge- Lori buried his face deep into his pillow, why was he thinking about that! The sound of thunder and a flash of lighting made Lori's little body stiffen with fear, this is so embarrassing.
Mizu took the pillow that he was currently using from on his side of the bed and stacked it up ontop of Lori's pile of pillows, he basically had a mountain of them. "Here," He would have rolled over onto his side with his back facing Lori, but the chains blocked him from doing so -- so he had to remain lying on his back.

The thunder echoed throughout the building, the rumbling sound bouncing off the walls of the dark room. It was xlear that hia roommate absolutely hated this atmosphere. Though he wasn't sure how to help...and he would pribably just ens up doing something embarrassing again if he tried.
When Mizu put the pillow down Lori didn't say anything, he was to scared for words. Lori was actually really tired but the storm was actually keeping him from sleeping and the pillows weren't really doing anything to help him, they were just suffocating him. Lori started to toss the mountain of pillows to the bottom of the bed until he only had one. Lori's eyes started to flutter close, he was so tired but every time they would close thunder and lighting would just pop them back open.A couple of minutes later Lori turned his body around so that he was facing Mizu that was the only way he was actually comfortable, Lori was half asleep while he was doing so, he found being around Mizu comforting and it was helping him go to sleep. Lori's eyes closed and he slowly slid closer to Mizu he then laid his head on his chest along with one of his hands, he was snuggling Mizu but Lori was to tired to notice.
That night Mizu had fallen asleep a bit before Lori had so what he found in the morning wasn't what he had entirely expected. It was around 6:00 AM when he awoke. His eyes slowly blinked open as the early orange sun rays brigjtened up the room thtough the cuetains that shaded the inside, a yawn escaping as he came to his senses. A look of surprisement and almost blush flushed across his face as he looked down at Lori who was snuggled up close against him. It reminded him of those scenes where the happy married couple laid ever so close in their bed, so happy together. WHAT?! WHAT THE HELL DID THAT HAVE TO TDO WITH THIS?! He rubbed that thought away.

To add onto that, both of their cuffed hands had their fingers intertwined with eachother. When did that happen!? Mizu shockingly couldn't find himself to push Lori away, he was too cute! Like an adorable teddy bear!
Lori snuggled his head on Mizu's chest cute little Lori was still sleeping he dreamt of cake and pudding somthing that he loved all so very much in this dream Lori was hugging a large pillow, nice, warm and soft probably the best pillow in the world but in reality it was Mizu. Lori made a cute little noise before fluttering his blue eyes open "Nnng.." he looked up at Mizu's face "Goodmorning Mizu.." Lori said as he laid his head back down on Mizu's chest. Ever since Lori was little he always acted weirdly when he first wakes up.
"Um, Lori...what are you doing?" Mizu lightly poked the tip of Lori's small nose, this had no effect. He brushed away his bponde bangs to look upon his eyes and see if he closed them again. Yep. "Hey now........wouldn't you disappinted if you missed breakfast?"
Lori deeply sighed as Mizu spoke, whe he poked his nose Lori wrinkled it for a quick second. Lori felt Mizu's warm touch brush across his forehead wiping away his bangs, he listened as Mizu mentioned about missing breakfast "But i'm really comfortable right now." Lori said soflty as he listened to Mizu's heart beat "Im pretty sure we will eat in home-ec class.." Lori said with his eyes still closed he gently tightend his grip on their locked arms, he liked the way Mizu felt he was warm even though he was big and strong he still felt soft like a large plushy.
"You're acting strange, you know that? Just last night you were practically ripping your arm off just to get away from me and now you're being all snuggliy and stuff." Mizu hadn't intended to say these words aloud, they seemed to slip out without even a second of notice. Can't undo it once it's said.

He dragged himself along with extremely light-weighted Lori off of the bed, standing up. "Sorry to interupt your dreams but I need to find my cell phone." He began dragging Lori towards his own side of the room. His phone was probably buried inderneath the pile of crap hidden under the covers of his bed.
Lori frowned and stepped away from Mizu "If you wanted me to get off of you thats all you had to say." Lori said facing the opposite side of Mizu. As they got up to look for Mizu's phone Lori stayed silent and he didn't plan on helping Mizu either since he wanted to be such a meanie. As Lori stood up his eyes kept fluttering open and closed, he was really tired because yesterday was just exhausting.
Mizu brushed his junk inside, sweeping away as he dug through all the stuff for only one item. He had ro check his celk phone for something. Checking the date. He wasn't sure if yesterday was Thursday or Friday. If it was Friday, then it was Saturday today, the one day that they basically had a "freebie-day"! Awesome, right? Either way he still planned to meet up with that weird counselor and his pet bunny.

A sudden vibration in his pocket made him jump. A sheepish look spread avross his face when he pulled his phone out. It was in his pants pocket all along. Oops.
Lori stared at Mizu as his pocket vibrated he assumed that it was his phone that he was desperately searching for under all of this junk. When he pulled his phone out from his pocket Lori stared directly in his eyes which moved lower in a sort of glare "Really Mizu." he said emotionlessly, he had woken him up so he could find his phone when all of this time it was in his pocket, why wasn't that the first place he looked anyway? The first place people would look were their pockets "I hope you are satisfied..." Lori said with the same emotionless expression on his face as he looked at Mizu.
"Aw shut up. Everyone has their dumb moments...I just happen to experience a lot of them." Mizu muttered through his poor excuse. He knew he it was a stupid thing to do and he could have realized sooner, but it was a bit too late then. He pulled out a pair of his favorite sneakers that he unknowingly stashed underneath the bed and laced up terribly with just his one free hand. "The sooner we see that bunny-freak, the sooner we can get these handcuffs off and you can return to your nappy time. Alright?" He said as he stood back up straight, rolling his shoulders as he did so.
"Never really expected you to have dumb moments.." Lori said as he rubbed his sleepy eyes, he was tempted to just fall down on the floor and lay down but then again he was still handcuffed to Mizu so he would probably just hang from him like some type of ortiment. Lori listened, well half listened to Mizu as he explained that the sooner they saw the counselor the quicker they could get the cuffs off then Lori noticed that he was putting on his shoes. He means now? Lori grabbed his school shoes since they were the closets to him and slipped them on he then took his messy ponytail out and let his hair fall against his face "L-Lets go." Lori said wanting to go back to sleep.
It was a sort of shame that they weren't getting along. I mean, it had literally only been a couple days and they already weren't enjoying eachother as roommates. "Okay...that's all I wanted." He remembered to pick up his kry card hich had been lying on his little side table next to the bed. Yeah, he really needed to organize his stuff.

He didn't say anything else as they exited the dorm room. People still gave them strange looks about their chains and all, maybe it was also because, adorable Lori only looked completely worn out and depressed by now. Obviously not a morning person. "If I'm recalling correctly, the counselor's office is located next to the main office....?"

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