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Realistic or Modern d o l l h o u s e


clueless goddess








The Mastermind - Male - TAKEN

No, silly, not the mastermind of the maze... The mastermind of sneaking into the shop itself. He's sneaky and adventurous, and always up for a good time.


The Skeptical - Female - TAKEN

[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]The Skeptical isn't here to be all scared or hur-durh-durh. She wants to prove everything will be alright, and that it's a stupid prank.[/COLOR]


The Coward - Male/Female - OPEN

The Coward is very, very scared. They was scared of going into the shop. they were scared of going into the lift, and they're especially scared of the situation 


The Nerd - Female/Male - OPEN

Without a better description, I just called this guy a nerd. In reality, they're here to document the experience and use it for their class project.


The Prankster - Male/Female - OPEN

They're the ones that are trying to make everyone feel better, and also the one everyone thinks is behind the whole scheme. I mean, on normal days you can catch him playing pranks. 


The Innocent - Male/Female - OPEN

Peer pressure can be hard to deal with. And so, The Innocent went along with the group, thinking everything would be hunky fucking dory, but sadly, that's not the case.


The Spoiled - Male/Female - OPEN

The Spoiled can be a bit of a brat sometimes, or maybe all the time. When people teased them about being a spoiled little brat, they decided to tag along to prove that they're tougher than they look.

m a d a m e ' s  dollhouse !  

all credit to: A p h r o d i t e . < 33

"Welcome to Madame's Dollhouse! You'll find the finest of Victorian inspired, and extremely lifelike dolls here, all crafted with the finest of porcelain. Give it as a gift, or maybe as a decoration for your new home! We've recently gotten quite a few reports on our dolls being haunted or possessed. But that's just a bunch of nonsense! We've specially created these dolls to make your life much more comfortable and happy, so please do enjoy them!"

The Madame was never a scary woman. With a plump stature and rosy cheeks, she looks like an innocent grandmother from all of those stories your mother read to you as a child. She's a dollmaker, creating porcelain pieces of art that many find to be beautifully detailed and carefully crafted with passion by the little old lady. Oh, but the passing of the Madame was inevitable. She was getting old, and it wasn't much a shocker to anyone. And so, in her place came a new Madame, who's name was unknown to the public for now.

After this new owner came around, the shop has been getting a lot of complaints of people mysteriously dropping like flies soon after the dolls were brought, or that they've been hearing voices in the night. Sometimes the dolls even teleported from place to place. A second ago it was on the chair, and now it was in the bedroom. Because of this, sales have decreased drastically. It wasn't a surprise, and the shop was shut down, though it's remnants still lingered within it's wooden walls, with all the people wanting to rent the place for their own business suddenly dying or falling ill. It's just a coincidence, right?

Fast forward two years and we pan to a group of students, who for fun, decided to break into the run down shop. It was easy really, just a few rocks to the glass window pane and they had access to its' interior. Inside the shop, there were several model of dolls that were most likely a work in progress before the shop shut down, and tons of mannequins were strewn throughout the first floor. Wait, first floor?

The students had discovered a lift just behind a large painting the Madame must've put up. And so, they entered the creaky lift, and as it descended, the nightmare began. It descended at a frightening speed before crashing to the ground. As the lift doors opened, the students stumbled out, just to be greeted with a mirror.  "Hello my young children," A face in the mirror spoke, "I've been waiting for more company.. You see, ever since this place shut down, poor Madame and I have been all alone. So, let's play a little game, shall we? It's called 'Escaped the Dollhouse'. It's a maze! Very fun, very fun. But watch your held children, because it's dangerous out there." 

The face disappeared and so did the mirror in a flash of smoke before being replaced with a door. But what's beyond it?

coded by: syzygy
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