D.N. Anites [Inactive]

Juliet chuckled understandingly and nodded. "It's okay," She reassure him. Then she reached up her arm and scratched the wolf boy lightly behind the ear. Suddenly, her diamonds began to buzz again, warning her of a new presence nearby. Juliet stepped back and glanced around Ashe to see another boy approaching. He face seemed dazed, and he was staring intently at the diamonds. Juliet chuckled and looked between the new boy and the wolf boy.

"Wow, how many of there are you around here?" Juliet asked curiously. She had never been around so many Gifted... or any Gifted for that matter. She couldn't contain her curiosity.
Ashe stepped backward defensively embarassed "D-don't touch the ears!" he whined remembering she asked a question "4, 5 if you count yourself 3 females 2 males counting myself" he sniffed the air again "I think only two are human, both female... it's hard to differentiate gifted and not" he then sneezed forcing a small bark out of him, "Is it just me or i-is it c-cold out here?" he was shirtless with just jeans and his bandages to cover him up so it made sense. He honestly hadn't been inside a building for years and looked confused at the house he was also tired and hungry from running from hunters all day not to mention he was shot he wasn't exactly in good condition from being feral for two years.
I snapped out of my dazed hypnosis at Ashe's bark, laughing slightly before gesturing to him and saying, "I think it'd be less cold if you had a shirt on.". I shook my head in amusement and turned around, starting to make my way back to the house as I called over my shoulder, "You lot are welcome to stay for supper, if you want.".
"Well maybe if I weren't transforming all the time I might have one its hard as a four legged animal to navigate out of clothes without ripping something..." he couldn't believe he was actually socializing, it had been so long since he'd talked to anyone not trying to catch him, shoot him, or shoo him away. He then smelled something amazing to a nose like his, was that... it was! he started wagging his tail again unwillingly as he ran through the yard on all fours and impressively jumping a 5 - foot fench and dug up a bone that Ranger had buried "Jackpot!" he stole the bone chewing on it and getting to the insides.
My eyes widened in surprise as Ashe bounded past me and furiously dug up a bone Ranger had buried yesterday. I blinked a few times, then turned around, took the few steps back to the girls, and said as calmly as I could, "Sweet Jesus on a bagel, he's literally a giant puppy.".
Juliet swayed slightly and watched with extreme amusement as Ashe dug up a bone. The delight on his face made Juliet giggle, and then she looked up at the other boy. The diamonds flurried around him and then came back to her, disappearing into her skin. The information they gathered was sent through her nervous system and into her memory banks. Juliet acted as if nothing had happened, but shivered slightly.

"Can we go inside?" She asked. This was all very informal, but she'd rather exchange personal information indoors, where it was warm and private. She hadn't been inside for days.
I blinked as some of the sparkly diamonds fluttered around me, then again as the girl that controlled them asked me a question. "Oh, yes, of course. Forgive me for keeping you waiting.", I apologised, turning and leading the way to the house. I flicked my hand and the door unlocked and opened.

Ranger began wagging his tail as soon as he caught sight of me, but began growling as he saw something behind me. I glanced behind me and saw nothing out of the - oh my. "Oh great...", I muttered, then called, "Ashe! Please don't kill my wolf!", as Ranger bounded towards him.
Juliet followed the boy to the door and her eyes widened when she saw the dog. She quickly stepped out of its way as it bound past her and towards the wolf boy. Juliet tilted her head to watch the scene.

"My name is Juliet by the way. But you can call me Spades" She said distantly as she watched the dog approaching Ashe.
"Alright Spades. As I said earlier, my name's Jason.", I said happily, then tilted my head to the side as I watched Ranger race towards the bone thief. "Five bucks on Ranger.", I said to her, sticking my hand out without looking away. He looked furious.
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I sighed as Ranger ran into Ashe's side, tackling him to the ground and clamping down on the bone in the boy's mouth. "He really is just like a puppy.", I sighed, crossing my arms and waiting for the inevitable point at which I'd have to intervene.
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